[[MUST READ] Marshall McLuhan Predicted the Emerging Infowar 26Jan15-The Digital Arms Race: NSA Preps America for Future Battle

By Jacob Appelbaum, Aaron Gibson, Claudio Guarnieri, Andy Müller-Maguhn, Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach, Leif Ryge, Hilmar Schmundt and Michael Sontheimer * Normally, internship applicants need to have polished resumes, with volunteer work on social projects considered a plus. But at Politerain, the job posting calls for candidates with significantly different skill sets. We are, the ad says, “looking for interns who want to break things.”

Politerain is not a project associated with a conventional company. It is run by a US government intelligence organization, the National Security Agency (NSA). More precisely, it’s operated by the NSA’s digital snipers with Tailored Access Operations (TAO), the department responsible for breaking into computers. Potential interns are also told that research into third party computers might include plans to *** “remotely degrade or destroy opponent computers, routers, servers and network enabled devices by attacking the hardware.” Using a program called Passionatepolka, for example, they may be asked to “remotely brick network cards.” With programs like Berserkr they would implant “persistent backdoors” and “parasitic drivers”. Using another piece of software called Barnfire, they would “erase the BIOS on a brand of servers that act as a backbone to many rival governments.”

An intern’s tasks might also include remotely destroying the functionality of hard drives. Ultimately, the goal of the internship program was “developing an attacker’s mindset.”


The internship listing is eight years old, but the attacker’s mindset has since become a kind of doctrine for the NSA’s data spies. And the intelligence service isn’t just trying to achieve mass surveillance of Internet communication, either. The digital spies of the Five Eyes alliance — comprised of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — want more.

The Birth of D Weapons

According to top secret documents from the archive of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden seen exclusively by SPIEGEL, they are planning for wars of the future in which the Internet will play a critical role, with the aim of being able to use the net to paralyze computer networks and, by doing so, potentially all the infrastructure they control, including power and water supplies, factories, airports or the flow of money. During the 20th century, scientists developed so-called ABC weapons — atomic, biological and chemical. It took decades before their deployment could be regulated and, at least partly, outlawed. New digital weapons have now been developed for the war on the Internet. But there are almost no international conventions or supervisory authorities for these D weapons, and the only law that applies is the survival of the fittest.

Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan foresaw these developments decades ago. In 1970, he wrote, “World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” That’s precisely the reality that spies are preparing for today. The US Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force have already established their own cyber forces, but it is the NSA, also officially a military agency, that is taking the lead. It’s no coincidence that the director of the NSA also serves as the head of the US Cyber Command. The country’s leading data spy, Admiral Michael Rogers, is also its chief cyber warrior and his close to 40,000 employees are responsible for both digital spying and destructive network attacks. *Read the rest of this Der Spiegel article at

Thanks to Norm Friesen for this item.

[WEATHER WAR BEGINNING] Ananiel [ Angel of Storms and the fourteenth Watcher of the twenty leaders of the two-hundred fallen angels who are mentioned in an ancient work titled the Book of Enoch]

Ananiel [ Angel of Storms and the fourteenth Watcher of the twenty leaders of the two-hundred fallen angels who are mentioned in an ancient work titled the Book of Enoch] Ananiel, his name meaning the Storm of God, is the Angel of Storms and the fourteenth Watcher of the twenty leaders of the two-hundred fallen angels who are mentioned in an ancient work titled the Book of Enoch.

History Background:Ananiel was an ancient spirit or angel that was given dominion over the raging tempests of the Earth by God. When his name was uttered by Samyaza, the gales of the Earth fully manifested in honor of his name. Ananiel would be joined by his fellow Watchers, Baraqiel the Angel of Lightning, Ramiel the Angel of Thunder, and another angel who was not part of the Watchers known as Matariel the Angel of Rain. With Matariel he brought forth rain, followed by Baraqiel's lightning, Ramiel's thunder, and culminating in Ananiel's storm. Ananiel was said to be a territorial spirit that lorded over the weather space of the planet. He is also believed to be a replacement of Rahab the Angel of the Sea as Ananiel would spend the majority of his time overlooking the ocean and seeing the mortals sail across the coast to other lands. While not fully confirmed if he was intended to be Rahab's replacement, both he and Ananiel do share a connection with one another.

Angel of Storms: Ananiel was also an angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind. The Book of Enoch describes three gates for each direction. The first gate inclines to the south-east and brings a hot wind. The second is due south and brings pleasant fragrances, dew, rain, prosperity and life. The third is south-west and brings dew, rain, locusts and devastation. Ananiel is one of the guardians of these gates and can be interpreted as an Archangel to petition for these.

He would unleash his wrath upon any sailor who would dare traverse the dark waters through raging storms. He lulls the wayward sailors with dark songs, influencing their minds to turn back. His warnings through these songs come in three notes which are also signs: the first is rain, the second is lightning, the third is thunder, and the final ends in a storm. If they do not heed these warnings, he summons the waves to do what his words could not. He wrenched their boats from shore until the land was lost to the horizon. In life, first seafarers had been his acolytes, but in death, they were their own men. The men who perish at sea from Ananiel's song are then given to Rahab as they sink beneath the deep.


2 Enoch- [Angels in charge of governing the cosmos and people

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The Second Book of Enoch (abbreviated as 2 Enoch and also known as Slavonic Enoch, Slavic Enoch, or the Secrets of Enoch) is a pseudepigraphic text in the apocalyptic genre. It describes the ascent of the patriarch Enoch, ancestor of Noah, through ten heavens of an Earth-centered cosmos. The Lord asks the angel Vereviel to dictate to Enoch 360 books containing all that is knowable. Later, the Lord himself tells Enoch the secrets, unknown even to the angels, of the Creation until the Flood. Enoch is then sent back to Earth for thirty days.

Ten heavens: The Second Book of Enoch, also known as The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, is most noted for its description of multiple heavens and accounts of battles between angels and devils. This account is thought to have been known by and to have influenced the apostle Paul who described his experience of being taken up to the third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). Enoch describes the ten heavens this way: The first heaven is just above the firmament (Genesis 1:6-7) where the angels control atmospheric phenomena such as the storehouses of snow and rain and the waters above.

Ten heavens:The Second Book of Enoch, also known as The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, is most noted for its description of multiple heavens and accounts of battles between angels and devils. This account is thought to have been known by and to have influenced the apostle Paul who described his experience of being taken up to the third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). Enoch describes the ten heavens this way:The first heaven is just above the firmament (Genesis 1:6-7) where the angels control atmospheric phenomena such as the storehouses of snow and rain and the waters above.

In the sixth heaven, he sees the angels in charge of governing the cosmos and people. These are the archangels who are above angels, measure all life in heaven and on earth, and the angels who are (appointed) over seasons and years, the angels who are over rivers and sea, and who are over the fruits of the earth, and the angels who are over every grass, giving food to all, to every living thing, and the angels who write all the souls of men, and all their deeds, and their lives before the Lord's face.

The eighth heaven is just below the upper firmament in which are stuck the constellations; here resides Muzaloth, changer of the seasons and mover of the constellations. The ninth heaven is the upper firmament in which are fixed the constellations and the changer of the seasons.


MUST WATCH: Geo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life on Earth by InfoWars October 10th, 2024

[DEMONIC] AI ROBOTS Are Becoming TOO REAL! - Shocking AI & Robotics 2024 Updates

The world of AI and robotics saw incredible advancements in 2024, with new technologies emerging that blur the line between science fiction and reality. From shockingly human-like robots to AI systems rapidly developing advanced capabilities, the progress made this year has been nothing short of astounding. These breakthroughs raise important questions about the future of humanity and our relationship with increasingly sophisticated machines.

Comments: @MarisolMarquez01: An AI voice trying to convince us to give robots rights. Scary

@shushannahrodgers6040: Can you imagine having robotic police officers? A robotic military? I think that’s where we’re going with this! I don’t like it!

@rayhoover9357:On the question of consciousness, let's get one thing straight right out the gate. And that is if they can recognize us as a threat, that shows a interest in self-sustainability which would lead one to believe it is absolutely a sort of consciousness. I'm pretty sure so sustainability leads to the idea of consciousness. If you weren't conscious of your own existence you wouldn't care if that existence was preserved

@daviedood2503: 8:25 "May harm us if used incorrectly" The military has already put a "pew pew" in one of their hands. They tested it with a NERF weapon to see how accurate it is. Made adjustments etc. next they put some actual targets up and put a glock in its hand and stepped back... Results were very scary as to how accurate it was especially at a great distance. They're already putting Ai into fighter jets. It can take a 9G turn and STAY that way where a human can barely do a few seconds. Imagine putting Ai into a F22-Raptor 😬 for those who know anything about fighter jets, it's one if the best we have and super stealthy.

@slapyomomma7941: Scary thing is the movie I robot just add an a then you have ai robot and Ameca face looks just like the prototypes in the movie.

(MUST READ) “AETHER”: The Water Which Connects Everything [HIDDEN HISTORY] Posted on May 6, 2023 by The Old

MUST READ) “AETHER”: The Water Which Connects Everything Posted on May 6, 2023 by The Old Aether is the material supposed to fill the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. In mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals. The high civilization called Tartary was destroyed in the 20th century through floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations, and epidemics. All the architecture and technology was then stolen and passed into the hands of Parasites, who falsified our past and created the current ignorant civilization.

MUST SEE) “AETHER” Part II: Electricity is a Steady Flow of Ions Posted on May 13, 2023 by The Old Electricity is a steady flow of ions — a flow of electrically charged particles through a substance. Ions are collected from the ionosphere to create electricity. The ionosphere is the aether from 50km to about 550km above the Earth. The rotation of ions in the aether’s electromagnetic field can be converted into vibrations to generate energy. To make these ions vibrate to create high frequencies of electricity anywhere in space — endlessly and harmless — a resonator (reactor) is required.

-MUST READ) “AETHER” Part III: Power Generating Plants as Unparalleled Works of Art Posted on May 20, 2023 by The Old Our Previous Civilization was so advanced that they built its power generating plants as unparalleled works of art. All main buildings from our Ancient Civilization worked as energy resonator-generator, transforming the ions vibration into electricity, transmitting energy wireless for Earth through capacitors (batteries) like arcs, towers, rotundas, columns and obelisks. They worked with the piezoelectricity from crystal quartz, accumulating an electric charge, generating high voltages, producing electronic frequencies and ultrasonic sound waves.

-MUST READ) “AETHER” Part IV: Cyber Steam Civilization & Mudfloods Posted on October 15, 2023 by The Old To produce energy to feed the entire world, our Previous Civilization would use the most economical, abundant and clean element in the world. The water. The steam of water. We were the Cyber Steam Civilization. Our Ancestors would use steam from water as fuel to power all cities, industries, turbines, machines, engines and means of transportation. For this, they would build canals surrounding all cities and Star Fortresses with water. For the same reason, they built cities with underground cisterns, floating palaces and water towers in railway stations. To transport water, they would build aqueducts that False History would call “Roman”. This highly advanced civilization was annihilated in the 20th century through biological-chemical warfare, plasma weapons, floods, and scheduled mass exterminations. Suddenly the Earth was deserted by billions of people.

[HIDDEN HISTORY] Antiquitech Study I: Introduction Posted on January 31, 2023 by Old World Research Channel [AND OTHER STORIES]

Old World vs New World – Before & After Gallery Posted on May 11, 2023 by TARTARIA BRITANNICA


School Atlas 1823 Posted on December 3, 2023 by TARTARIA BRITANNICA [MAPS] School Atlas to Accompany Woodbridge’s Rudiments of Geography Atlas on a New Plan, Exhibiting the Prevailing Religions, Forms of Government, Degree of Civilization, and the Comparative size of Towns, Rivers and Mountains. By William C. Woodbridge, A. M. Late Instructor in the American Asylum [With more maps]


Old World vs New World – Before & After Gallery Posted on May 11, 2023 by TARTARIA BRITANNICA

The History of Bigfoot Posted on January 25, 2023 by Amanita [with videos] In 1889, Theodore Roosevelt wrote a book called “The Wilderness Hunter”. In his book, Roosevelt tells the story of a trapper by the name of Bauman who had a very close encounter with a Sasquatch. To this day there are rumors that it was based on true events. Some may wonder why the powers that be could possibly want to hide this from us, and the answer is simple. The fact that a hairy bipedal being walks the earth alongside homo sapiens would completely unravel the theory of evolution and all that is entangled within its vast web.


The Marvels of Radium Posted on January 2, 2024 by Old World Publishing


The Disappearance of the Giant Russian Girl Posted on January 21, 2024 by Rippinro


The Monster of Lake Fagua Posted on February 4, 2024 by Angie Dragoness


The Spirit Mirror Posted on March 16, 2023 by The Exaltation of Beauty


Old World Doors Posted on September 24, 2023 by TARTARIA BRITANNICA [Made for Giants] They say doors act as gateways or portals, transporting us from one environment to another. Like it or not, the simple door can tell the viewer a lot more than you would initially think, from the inlay of the door frame to the material coverings, the story of the building begins. This was something our forefathers understood and gave great reverence to. The doors of the old world are as much art as they are function. Even in our modern times we still unknowingly judge our expectations for the abode on the quality and presentation of its door. When looking at these doors, it begins to become clear that they could not have been designed for an average-sized person and, in the case of the doors above, even a person on horse back would have trouble reaching for the handle. Each of these doors is in a different location around our realm and each is completely oversized!


Old World vs New World – Before & After Gallery Posted on May 11, 2023 by TARTARIA BRITANNICA


The White House Debunked! Posted on December 28, 2023 by Old World Historical Society It’s Ancient Buried, Semi-Buried and Un-buried Original First Floor! First Floor Covered c. 2022. First Floor Semi-Buried c. 1830. First Floor Completely Visible c. 1792. The White House presents an interesting case for original buried first floors — not “basement windows”, as some Reddit “debunkers” love to call them.


German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once wrote: “ All truth passes through three stages: A) First it is ridiculed; B) second it is violently opposed; C) third, it is accepted as being SELF EVIDENT.”

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored,” Aldous Huxley

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation before investigation.” ~ Edmund Spencer.

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. ~ George Bernard Shaw

The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books - a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. --- Albert Einstein

There must be no barriers to freedom of inquiry. There is no place for dogma in science. The scientist is free, and must be free to ask any question, to doubt any assertion, to seek for any evidence, to correct any errors. -- J. Robert Oppenheimer

"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." (Psalm 14:1 RSV)

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion" (Proverbs 18:2 RSV)

Some of the greatest scientists in human history were not fools:

"Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), theoretical physicist, scientific genius

"There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history."
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English physicist, one of the greatest scientists of all time.

"All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more the truths contained in the Sacred Scriptures."
Sir William Herschel (1738-1822), English astronomer, he made numerous discoveries about the laws of the heavens.

"Nature is an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only will tune in."
George Washington Carver (1864-1903) U.S. chemist, educator

"The divine spark leaps from the finger of God to the finger of Adam, whether it takes ultimate shape in a law of physics or a law of the land, a poem or a policy, a sonata or a mechanical computer."
Alfred Whitney Griswold (1906-1963) U.S. educator, historian

"God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen."
Stephen Hawking (1942- ) British physicist

"If we find the answer [the unified theory], it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for we would know the mind of God."
Stephen Hawking (1942- ) British physicist

"Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God."
Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) U.S. astronomer, educator

Philip K. Dick: "Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups...increasingly, we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated electronic mechanisms...And this is an astounding power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing."


German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once wrote: “ All truth passes through three stages: A) First it is ridiculed; B) second it is violently opposed; C) third, it is accepted as being SELF EVIDENT.”

* Caveat! If you go to a video on this site and discover the video is no longer there I strongly suggest you go to and do a search for it. mostly likely you will find it. we would appreciate notification if you find a video no longer working. If you click on and it reads 'private' do not believe it. In my opinion, and in that of many others google, utube and other sites are disappearing videos that tell the truth, especially if it is health related.




Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew.

https:// - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State.

Directed Energy Directorate Overview-US Air Force Kirtland Air Force Base, unique facilities include the Starfire Optical Range (SOR) at Kirtland, a testing site at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range, and the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site (AMOS) in Hawaii.

[In case their web site disappears] *** Note The German Coat of Arms and old Nazi Symbols same as this U.S. Air Force unit.

The Directed Energy Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory is the United States Air Force's center of excellence for directed energy technology. With an annual operating budget exceeding $300M, the workforce of 800+ people develop and transition research technologies into military systems used by operational commands. The Directorate operates on 4,325 acres of land with over 860,000 square feet of laboratory and office space. In addition to the numerous state-of-the-art research laboratories and testing structures at Kirtland Air Force Base, unique facilities include the Starfire Optical Range (SOR) at Kirtland, a testing site at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range, and the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site (AMOS) in Hawaii.

Product Lines-Strategic planning for technology development, demonstration, and transition is focused in four capability areas. · Space Control: Monitor near and deep-space objects for seamless situational awareness of space activities to ensure freedom of action in space; · Long Range Strike: Extend the range of ground-based and airborne laser weapon and communications systems to provide real-time force support anywhere in the world; · Precision Engagement: Surgically engage tactical targets to deliver controlled effects, from disrupt to destroy, with minimal collateral damage that includes disrupting of infrastructure electronics and communication equipment; · Force Protection: Protect air and ground forces and assets with shields of directed energy to increase survivability and effectiveness; · High Power Microwaves counter electronics, protect assets, and deter aggressors with non-lethal technology. Sub competencies include: Pulsed Power, Low Frequency RF, High Frequency RF, and Plasma; · Lasers enable precision accuracy with long-range strike capabilities at the speed of light. Sub competencies include: Gas and Chemical Lasers, Bulk Solid State Lasers, Fiber Lasers and Semiconductor Lasers; · Beam Control propagates high-quality laser beams through air on target and enables high resolution imaging of objects in space. Sub competencies include: Atmospheric Propagation, Adaptive Optics, Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Space Situational Awareness;· Effects, Modeling and Simulation simulates and validates technology development to ensure feasibility of desired results. Sub competencies include: Systems, Mission, Directed Energy Effects, and Directed Energy Physics Modeling;

The Laser Division: Research includes semiconductor, gas, chemical, electric, hybrid, and solid-state laser devices with the potential to scale to weapon-class power levels and aircraft self-protect countermeasure systems. A scientific contribution includes the invention of the Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser (COIL) device. This technology transitioned to the Airborne Laser (ABL) program designed to destroy attacking ballistic missiles in boost phase and the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL). The Optics Division: Research includes improving optical and imaging systems, as well as the nation's ability to view objects in space. The Division operates the largest and most sophisticated telescope facilities in the Defense Department; conducting experiments at the Starfire Optical Range (SOR) on Kirtland Air Force Base, North Oscura Peak on White Sands Missile Range, and at Hawaii's Maui Space Surveillance Site.

The Technology Applications Division: Efforts concentrate on taking the technologies being developed by the other divisions and transitioning that research to front-line units. The Product Line Leads facilitate interactions with the acquisition and warfighter communities to define and set goals for research, development, and demonstration efforts of directed energy technology for the Air Force. The Division also supports concept development, system performance, utility assessment modeling and simulation, plus wargaming efforts to ensure our technology concepts meet warfighter needs. AFRL's award winning Satellite Assessment Center (SatAC) is managed by this Division. SatAC partners with the Kirtland and Maui sites to maintain an extensive database on satellite materials, configurations, and functionality.

* Note Old Nazi eagle symbols-

Coat of arms Germany-



Dispersed space based laser weapon Abstract

A plurality of orbiting solar generators stay in constant touch. They can be congregated rapidly in space at any desired secret location. Once congregated selected members of the group focus their energy to a death star. This death star could be a newly launched ICBM with a giant capacitor and a means to connect this capacitor to the selected members of the group of orbiting solar generators. A laser generator uses this giant capacitor energy to project a non-nuclear laser death ray to a target. The target could be a city, a ship or a satellite. In the event of an asteroid approaching earth, this system could destroy an asteroid. In peacetime, the orbiting solar generators may supply electric power to an earth based power grid or other space vehicles.


The present invention relates to providing a non-nuclear weapon of mass destruction, wherein a plurality of orbiting solar power generators coordinate their electric energy to a death star that focuses this coordinated electric energy to power a laser to a target.


Death star super weapons have been designed but not implemented. One key reason is the vulnerability of a giant orbiting weapon from ICBM's and/or killer satellites and/or space based nuclear explosions.


United States Patent 5,345,238; Eldridge , et al. September 6, 1994; Satellite signature suppression shield; BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION

This invention relates to a satellite signature suppression shield for camouflaging a satellite's location from ground based and airborne tracking and detection systems. The purpose of the invention is to suppress the laser, radar, visible and infrared signatures of satellites to make it difficult or impossible for hostile enemy forces to damage or destroy satellites in orbit.

Several systems are known which are used to cripple or destroy orbiting satellites or other space vehicles. These systems may be ground based or space based. Typical systems used for destroying satellites include kinetic energy weapons delivered by anti-satellites; directed energy weapons such as high energy lasers, neutral particle beams, high-powered microwave radiation, and other nuclear radiations; and broad-area electromagnetic pulses. Before the satellite can be destroyed, however, it must be detected in space, and the weapon must be aimed such that the destructive force will intercept the path of the satellite. This invention relates to a device which makes it difficult or impossible to locate and track the satellite. When the word "satellite" is used in this specification, other space based mechanisms and vehicles are considered to be within the realm of the invention.

To destroy a satellite, the weapon operator must aim his weapon either to lead the satellite such that the energy beam (or the like) and target arrive at the same location at the same time, or the weapon must be able to track the satellite's location. Should the aim of the gunner be off, in the case of an unguided projectile, the gunner will miss the target. In the case of a guided projectile, the target position, velocity and acceleration information must be accurate enough to enable the projectile to come near enough to its target to be effective. If the input data is inaccurate or too late, the operator will not be able to make the appropriate corrective actions, and the weapon will miss.


Want to become a professional gamer? Doesn’t matter. You entered the world of professional gaming around March this year. How long you survive is going to depend on how well you play the game. I give you COVIDEO-19 – the world’s best strategy game ever released. Without any clear controls and zero feedback to the player. Where you should only follow the game’s rules and instructions as long as it takes you to find a way around it.

COVIDEO-19 presents:

Captivating Worlds. A killer virus, famines, race wars, martial law, slavery and mandatory vaccines…COVIDEO-19 has a massive game world and storylines fit for any big-budget movie. Challenging Gameplay. This is without doubt the most challenging game you will ever play. No level-up here, pal. And no spare lives if you lose yours to any of the life-ending elements of disease, cure, poverty or violence. Solid Level Design. COVIDEO-19 was strategically designed by the world’s best Game Players, and tested thoroughly in a series of simulations, from "Clade X", to "Atlantic Storm", "Dark Winter" and finally "Event 201". Memorable Characters. The game has a cast of the smartest, most evil and dumbest characters ever seen, including: Bill the Benevolent Billionaire; Dr. Fauci, the Face of Farce; The Dark Overlord Who Shall Not Be Named; and of course, the sheeple whose lives are expendable in the race to total control.

Good Balance of Challenge and Reward. What COVIDEO-19 does really well is its well-thought out give and take strategy. Lucy and I are braving miserable weather in Mexico today, just to share the latest headlines around the world to put in your arsenal of game tactics: The FED is going to give it to you reaaally hard, by insisting on a 4 to 6-week total lockdown.Also the federal government and Yale, where they’re raising globalists in test tubes, is working together to develop a variety of extortion PR-messages to convince you to take the vaccine. (A must watch)

The Battle of Landlords/Tenants starts as the rent moratorium ends and 50 million people don’t have jobs or an income. And Australia is losing it, by declaring a "State of Disaster" and locking in millions of people in the epicentre of death, Melbourne. "The next wave is so baaaahd", says the Victoria government, after the TOTAL death toll in this state comes to 123 Covid fatalities. Wonder how many flu victims they had last year? Watch On: LBRY |Bitchute |Dtube You are going to have to make a choice. If you want to stay in the system, you are going to have to choose to get vaxxed and tagged and tracked and slaved. If you want to live a free life, you’ll have to figure out a service people will pay or trade you for, grow your own food, and unschool your own kids.


To read all

[Videos] What Exactly Are They Spraying In the Sky? Lionel and Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch

Look up! What are they spraying? First, don’t call them Chemtrails. If anything, refer to them as Geoengineering. But what are they? Just look up. In the sky. Look. What do you see? From jets. High above. Those hazy, gauzy streaks of something. Crosshatched and thatched, hashtagged crisscrossed streams and plumes and streaks. Of something. Contrails? Water vapor? Ice crystals? Not a chance. These plumes and trails spread over huge swaths of land. But what are they? Dane Wiginton of joins me for a third interview in what may very well be the most critical issue and problem that faces all of us. And all you have to do is look up. And don't call them chemtrails. The clowns from Wikipedia and other faux authorities have lumped that term into the vague vacuous void of conspiracy theory chic. No, patriots. Call it Geoengineering. And watch this. Retweet it. Learn.

This video part 1


What the Hell Are They Spraying? (Part Two) Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch


*** VIDEO-Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization


*** VIDEO-LIVE Updated Presentation - The Most Important Topic of Our Time - GeoEngineering

Also watch

Part 1 of this video interview

To Read More:

"It's Like An Atomic Bomb" - Australia Deploys Military As Monstrous Storm Creates It's Own Weather Crisis- OPERATION TORCH AUSTRALIA - More Proof of DEW Used In Australia-video

Australia’s government has announced that it would call up 3,000 military reservists to confront an unprecedented bushfire crisis that is producing nightmarish “firenados” - cyclonic fire-tornadoes - and conditions that some are comparing to the aftermath of nuclear warfare.Australia’s bushfires have also grown so monstrous that they are generating their own weather in the form of pyro-cumulonimbus clouds - dry thunderstorms that create more fires - according to Victoria’s Bureau of Meteorology. Fire-generated thunderstorms have appeared over the fires in two different locations. NASA describes them as the “fire-breathing dragon of clouds.”

On Monday, firefighter Samuel McPaul was killed in a “truly horrific” incident when extreme weather produced by the fire lifted his 12-ton fire truck into the air and dumped it on its roof. Two other firefighters on the scene are being treated for serious burns due to the “freakish” weather incident.

As of Saturday, over 23 lives have been claimed by the deadly fires, which have burned over 12 million acres of land, an area larger than Switzerland. On Saturday, Fire Commissioner of the Rural Fire Service in New South Wales (NSW), Shane Fitzsimmons, confirmed to reporters that over 148 active fires continue to burn in his state, 12 of which are at emergency levels. Meanwhile, in Victoria, authorities say that 50 active fires continue to burn.

Ecologists fear that nearly 500 million mammals, reptiles and birds—including 8,000 koalas—are estimated to have been killed, although the current death toll is impossible to calculate. The massive loss of life threatens to forever tip the balance for entire species of animals and plants on an island continent where 87 percent of wildlife is endemic to the country, meaning it can only be found on Australia.

Kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, wombats, potoroos, bandicoots, echidnas, possums, and other species all have populations that live in regions currently being devastated by the fires—and because the fires have extended to the wetlands, dry eucalyptus forests, and even rainforests, the animals have no place to find refuge.

Jim Radford, a research fellow at La Trobe University in Melbourne, told the Times:

“We’ve never seen fires like this, not to this extent, not all at once, and the reservoir of animals that could come and repopulate the areas, they may not be there.”

Many experts are using terms to describe the crisis that would have previously been unimaginable. New Zealand Herald reports that Andrew Constance, the transport minister in NSW, told ABC radio:

“I’ve got to be honest with you, this isn’t a bushfire, it’s an atomic bomb.

It’s indescribable the hell it’s caused and the devastation it’s caused.”

To read all:

* OPERATION TORCH AUSTRALIA: A Special Report on the Geoengineered Firestorms and DEW-triggered Arson Fires

* How Australia has been deliberately dried out, and sprayed for years with a pyrotechnic compound in the chemtrails, or what is called Sparkler Dust

A commenter:

davidmflatley says January 13, 2020 at 2:01 pm - I have started following Max Igun in Australia. He posts a lot at The Crowhouse, his You Tube site. He reminds me of Cliff High, but is more political and angrier. In this video, he first explains how Australia has been deliberately dried out, and sprayed for years with a pyrotechnic compound in the chemtrails, or what he calls Sparkler Dust. Fire fighters in Australia and in California say the fires are burning hotter, spreading faster, and are more explosive, than they have ever seen. ………… After analyzing the land and waters where chemtrails are falling, we have known the contents of the chemtrails for about 20 years. They are composed of: Sulfate, Aluminum Oxide, Barium Oxide, Strontium 90, Uranium 238. Also discovered are: viruses, bacteria, nanoparticles, fibers, microtoxins,, fungi, and red blood cells. What Max shares is that the common, hand-held, Fourth of July sparkler is composed of Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, and Sulpher. They are spraying the Earth with Sparkler Dust. See Max’s video from 7:30-13:00 And please confirm what sparkler are made from at ”Sparkler” at Wikipedia — …………..Max Igun has a lot of great videos about conditions in Australia–available at The Crowhouse.



* Australian Fire Series Part 4: The Perfect Firestorm - Created By Design-video

* Queensland fires emergency flares up on Sunshine Coast, residents urged to evacuate

[Is this 6th photo of an exotic weapon coming down from the sky? Sol-war

* More Proof of DEW Used In Australia-video

* Are Atmospheric Experiments Causing Droughts and Then Fires?

** CALIFORNIA FIRESTORMS: Who’s geoengineering the statewide conflagration and why?

Operation Gladio Strikes Again-Directed Energy Weapons, Chemical Geoengineering

and Nexrad Transmitters Employed to Create FIREGEDDON 2018[-2020]

Now that everyone knows that forest fires and brush fires start spontaneously during

the hot months, the geoengineers utilize fire-starting technologies that literally

act as “flamethrowers” that “rain down fire from the skies”. Of course,

depending on their specific targets, the environmental terrorists will also

employ arsonists strategically placed on the ground.”

— Intelligence Analyst & Former Military Officer

No UFOs! Desalination of Water by thermally geoengineered lower tropospheric Centrifuges (Waterspouts, Tornadoes) | Solar Mirrors- Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - VIDEOS


When is an event no more a "rare natural phenomenon", but an industrial machinery?

At which point, the orderly growth of over sized grass becomes a mono cultural cornfield, instead of apologizing it as a "rare kind of meadow"?

This article is not about denying the existence of natural storms, tornadoes and waterspouts, but to learn the difference and target of artificially created ones.

Most people are easily distracted by assuming that "an UFO would suck water out of the lake". :-)

Waterspouts are not build by UFO's, but Climate #Geoengineering vehicles. Most probably unmanned, copter like drones. They are used to build storms and waterspouts!

These vehicles are armed all weather microwave DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) for “peaceful” water management, but the same method can be applied militarily to destroy the infrastructure of the enemy. The advantage of this kind of Geophysical Warfare is that most people deem the resulting death and damage as a “natural catastrophe”.

The power source is a flying object above the cloud, but it could be also a beam from a satellite or a combination of land, sea, air and space based vehicles for bigger storms.

The creation of artificial waterspouts is the fastest method of water lifting and transport, also containing finest salt particles as aerosol building material.The creation of artificial waterspouts is the fastest method of water lifting and transport, also containing finest salt particles as aerosol building material.The ClimateControl propaganda always feeds the anger of a "runaway global warming" and claims that a network of mirrors in the upper stratosphere or higher would be used to deflect the sunlight for cooling the Earth. As the propaganda always lies, we have to assume that such mirrors will be used to concentrate the sunlight and use as directed energy for managing the global water cycle in a more efficient way.

No one should, out of own ignorance, claim that such weapons don't exist!

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - Global Market Outlook (2017-2023)

NEWS PROVIDED BY ReportBuyer Aug 24, 2017, 16:35 ET

"Some of the key players in Global Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) market include BAE Systems PLC, Boeing Company, L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Moog Inc, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Quinetiq Group PLC, Raytheon Company, Rheinmetall AG, Textron Inc, Azimuth Corporation, General Dynamics Corporation, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd and MBDA."

5. It is not a Secret!

Everything is well documented and patented!

Hurricane and tornado control device

US 20030085296 A1

"A method is disclosed for affecting the formation and/or direction of a low atmospheric weather system. Audio generators are positioned to project sound waves toward a peripheral area of a weather system. The sound waves are generated at a frequency to affect the formation of the weather system in a manner to disrupt, enhance or direct the formation. The sound waves can also be projected in a manner to cause the system to produce rain."

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1006"]

Spectacular waterspout over the Black Sea this weekend, as seen from a ship! Video: Alex Ermakov via @EUStormMap

8. Geophysical War or Water for commercial needs?

In the case of Algeria the intention is insecure. It could be geophysical attack or a "coordinated" water delivery with "collateral damage"!

To read all:


Most recently, a team for the Californian Institute of Technology said the existence of what they call Planet Nine will be proved by the end of this year.

But a leading voice in a growing movement of believers claims researchers who find evidence of the planet are bumped off in a cover up.

Mr Meade, author of Planet X – The 2017 Arrival, says scientists who break the code of silence are “disappeared”.

13 signs of alien life


He suggests Dr Robert Harrington, supervising astronomer US Naval Observatory – who claimed to have found proof of Planet X – and Australian astrophysicist Rodney Marks – who was working at a South Pole telescope – both died in mysterious circumstances.

Dr Harrington believed Planet X was an “intruder planet” that passed through our solar system – and said it was capable of supporting alien life.

The Christian researcher and amateur stargazer said: “Have there been strange instances? Yes.

“Dr Harrington was mysteriously done away with in the 1990s before he could say anything and he was head of the naval observatory.

“Then you have the mysterious death in 2000 of an individual at the South Police telescope, who supposedly died of alcohol poisoning.”

As head of the US Naval Observatory, Dr Harrington was one of the leading astronomers in the US.


IN 1990 Dr. ROBERT HARRINGTON, US NAVAL OBSERVATORY CHIEF ANNOUNCED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER... PLANET-X - LOCATION ORBITING A GIANT RED STAR AKA NIBIRU.Dr.Robert was a great scientist at NASA and he sacrificed his life for science and knowledge. In this interview with the legend Zacharia Sitchin, Dr. Robert Harrington revealed a secret that nobody knew and it is a very old video and it worth watching it for knowledge.

Enjoy life while you can because tomorrow you may say Goodbye.

*** John Moore, NIBIRU-Planet X System: Coming Flyby, Evidence, Cover Up, Pole Shift, Flood. Part 1

John Moore: Conference From Illusion To Reality in Prague, Lucerna Great Hall, 22 July 2017, Part 1, John Moore speaks about the Planetary System NIBIRU-Planet X, the Coming Flyby, Evidence, Cover Up, Pole Shift, Flood, Observations all over the World during the previous Flyby of NIBIRU some 3.600 years ago (Exodus), about Preparations by the US Military/Government for the NIBIRU Flyby, Subliminal Messages in US-movies since at least 1952 with post flood maps (how the maps of the USA will look like after the coming Pole Shift, caused by next NIBIRU-Flyby, that is going to occure soon).

Part 2-

Part 3 -Part 3 is here:

*** Navy Map and similar publications – John Moore suspended

*** Planet X Doomsday, What the Elite Know All About, California Will Sink into the Ocean, the PG&E Reality 'Bombshell' End Times [End of Days]

Marshall is one of many who are experiencing the power shut down by PG&E. Marshall talks about the very grim situation many are facing in California. Keep in mind if it’s happening there, it can happen Where YOU ARE. As the conversation continues, Marshall explains the fireballs and earthquakes and other major earth changes that are slowly happening NOW. Trump’s impeachment inquiry is also a topic of interest.

Marshall believes that we are living in a binary star system, our sun being one and Planet X being the other. He tells us about Nemesis, a small brown dwarf sun at the heart of the Planet X mini-constellation. He touches on the research of Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the US Naval Observatory, who died before he could publicize his findings on Planet X. Marshall says the Washington Post brutally humiliated the astronomers involved.

Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future.

(Listen to Podcast)

*** What Could Disappear-Maps show coastal and low-lying areas that would be permanently flooded -

Maps show coastal and low-lying areas that would be permanently flooded, without engineered protection, in three levels of higher seas. Percentages are the portion of dry, habitable land within the city limits of places listed that would be permanently submerged.

Notes: These maps are based on elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey and tidal level data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Maps show the extent of potential flooding relative to local high tide.

The 25-foot sea level rise is based on a 2012 study in the journal Science, which augmented findings from a 2009 Nature study. They found that 125,000 years ago — a period that may have been warmer than today but cooler than what scientists expect later this century without sharp pollution cuts — the seas were about 20 to 30 feet higher than today. If temperatures climb as expected in this century, scientists believe it would take centuries for seas to rise 20 to 30 feet as a result, because ice sheet decay responds slowly to warming. A March report in the journal Nature found that Antarctic ice sheets may disintegrate faster than previously believed — perhaps 3 feet or more by the end of this century.

*** What Does U.S. Look Like With 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise? [And Globally]

*** Sea Level Rise Is Creeping into Coastal Cities. Saving Them Won’t Be Cheap.

2017 State of the climate: Sea level

In the United States, roughly 40 percent of the population lives near the coast. Worldwide, more than 600 million people (roughly 10 percent of the global population) lived within 10 meters of sea level in 2000, according to one widely cited estimate. That concentration of people in low-elevation coastal zones makes millions of people’s lives and property vulnerable to potentially deadly storm surges as well as inconvenient and expensive sunny-day flooding from high tides. Rising sea level is bringing a host of problems to coastal cities—more severe flooding, erosion, infrastructure damage—as well as to culturally and economically important natural resources, including wetlands, marshes, and fresh water supplies




*** Black Sea beaches vulnerability to sea level rise-Abstract

We present the first comprehensive digital record of all Black Sea beaches and provide a rapid assessment of their erosion risk under different scenarios of sea level rise.

The resulting Black Sea beaches database contains 1228 beaches, with a total coastline length of 2042 km with an area of 224 km2. The majority of the Black Sea beaches have been found to have small widths (61% have maximum widths less than 50 m), whereas 47% of all beaches presented coastal defence schemes, suggesting an already serious beach erosion problem.

The erosion risk of the Black Sea beaches was assessed through the comparison of their maximum widths with estimations of the sea level rise-induced retreat by an ensemble of six 1-D analytical and numerical morphodynamic models. Following more than 17,000 experiments using different combinations of wave conditions, beach sediment textures and slopes and 11 scenarios of sea level rise (up to 2 m), the means (best fits) of the lowest and highest projections by the model ensemble were estimated; these were then compared to the maximum widths of the Black Sea beaches. The analysis showed that sea level rise will have highly significant impacts on the Black Sea beaches, as for a 0.5 m sea level rise 56% of all beaches are projected to retreat by 50% of their maximum width. For a 0.82 m sea level rise (the high IPCC estimate for the period 2081–2100) about 41% are projected to retreat by their entire maximum width, whereas for 1 m sea level rise about 51% of all Black Sea beaches are projected to retreat by (drowned or shifted landward by) their entire maximum width, if the high mean of the model ensemble projections is used.

To Read More:

RE: Asteroids coming toward earth-Governments view-Bible prophecy

Do you believe NASA has the capability to see millions or billions of miles into outer space, detect an asteroid or comet and estimate it's size, speed and how close it may come to earth?

If it is true then does it make sense not to tell the truth to the public about a good chance of an asteroid colliding into earth for fear a a global panic, looting, hoarding food, major rise in crime, economic collapse. people stop paying taxes, the necessity of proclaiming marshal law in the USA, militaries of the US and other counties also having to go into the streets to keep order, a worldwide marshall law.

Why are oligarchs worldwide buying land, building underground shelters, even banks moving into the underground.?

What is Really coming in 2019 - 2029 and beyond (Updated)


*** Gigantic, 500ft asteroid to fly past Earth on Monday 25th & come BACK in 7 years

*** NASA Issues Concern Over A Asteroid Predicted To Hit Earth Days Before Christmas, Major Destruction Predicted In Case Of Collision

**** SMASHING! Nasa prepares for huge asteroid Apophis that could hit Earth in our lifetimes – and will make ‘close approach’ in 2029 It comes after Nasa's top boss warned a catastrophic asteroid strike could hit soon

A "DOOMSDAY" asteroid named after the Egyptian god of chaos could obliterate our planet in our lifetimes – and it's forced a gathering of some of the world's brightest scientists.

The runaway space rock Apophis is the size of seven London buses and will come worryingly close to our planet several times over the next century.

Recently, Russian scientists warned that Apophis, full name Apophis 99942, could smash into Earth at speeds of 15,000 miles per hour.

However, Nasa remains unconvinced.

On Monday, Nasa boss Jim Bridenstine called for a global study to be urgently launched into the threat posed to humanity by a large asteroid collision.

And the Nasa administrator called for world powers to begin preparations for the impact of meteor events right away.

In other space news, Nasa's Parker Solar Probe is currently "plunging into the Sun" at 213,000mph as part of a bold investigation into our solar system's star.

*** Video- THE WORMWOOD PROPHECY: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-Up of End-Time Proportions-Dr. Thomas Horn

Is the Wormwood star from Revelation 8 already headed toward Earth? Are NASA and high-level government officials aware it is on a collision course with our planet and are hiding this information to avoid public panic? Is that why President Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to planetary defense? Do the prophecies from ancient cultures and religions across the globe all point to a catastrophic planetary event that has scientists and politicians taking extreme preventative measures under the public radar?


*** Will Mysterious “Yarkovsky Effect” Send WORMWOOD Crashing Into Earth In 2029?

[On the 2nd page- in the last video is is said the asteroid may or will strike the earth between the North sea (next to England) and the Black sea possible on April 13th 2029. Other predcitions have been of the California and Mexico coasts.]

*** NASA Employee Reveals Government's Disappointing Response To Earth-Ending Asteroid Impact

[ Robert Frost an instructor and flight controller for NASA] An employee from NASA revealed that almost nothing can be done to prevent a wide-scale impact event caused by a massive asteroid strike. According to the employee, the U.S. government would feel as helpless as the people of Earth when it comes to addressing the catastrophic event.

Robert Frost, an instructor and flight controller for NASA, made the revelation through a post on Quora after answering a question regarding Earth’s response to an upcoming asteroid impact.

He noted that in movies about asteroid strikes such as “Armageddon” and “Deep Impact,” the government oftentimes keep details of the catastrophic events a secret to the public to avoid mass panic. In reality, however, things would be different.

“Movies tell us they would keep it secret,” Frost wrote. “There’s a lot of sense to that. “Mass panic can be more dangerous than the actual event. But my experience working in government is that the government really isn’t good at keeping anything secret unless it begins within a secretive part of the culture, like the military.”

Frost noted that if an Earth-ending asteroid is approaching the planet, the government would not be able to keep it a secret since it would most likely be discovered by astronomers working in the private sector.

Unfortunately, if Earth really is on the brink of experiencing a major impact event, neither NASA nor the government will be able to come up with a concrete solution to prevent it.

“Feeling helpless, the government would likely just tell us to ‘hunker down’ and duct tape our window seams,” Frost said.

Similar to Frost’s answer, NASA admitted that preventing an impact event is a near-impossible feat. Although there have been reports regarding the space agency’s future plans of shooting down an asteroid before it enters Earth’s atmosphere, NASA noted that no weapon system that is capable of doing so currently exists.

“An asteroid on a trajectory to impact Earth could not be shot down in the last few minutes or even hours before impact,” NASA stated in the Frequently Asked Questions page of its Planetary Defense Coordination Office website.

“No known weapon system could stop the mass because of the velocity at which it travels – an average of 12 miles per second.”

*** The Sky Is Falling The odds that a potentially devastating space rock will hit Earth this century may be as high as one in 10. So why isn’t NASA trying harder to prevent catastrophe? [From the globalist

Right now, astronomers are nervously tracking 99942 Apophis, an asteroid with a slight chance of striking Earth in April 2036. Apophis is also small by asteroid standards, perhaps 300 meters across, but it could hit with about 60,000 times the force of the Hiroshima bomb—enough to destroy an area the size of France. In other words, small asteroids may be more dangerous than we used to think—and may do considerable damage even if they don’t reach Earth’s surface.

Current telescopes cannot track asteroids or comets accurately enough for researchers to be sure of their courses. When 99942 Apophis was spotted, for example, some calculations suggested it would strike Earth in April 2029, but further study indicates it won’t—instead, Apophis should pass between Earth and the moon, during which time it may be visible to the naked eye. The Pan-STARRS telescope complex will greatly improve astronomers’ ability to find and track space rocks, and it may be joined by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, which would similarly scan the entire sky. Earlier this year, the software billionaires Bill Gates and Charles Simonyi pledged $30 million for work on the LSST, which proponents hope to erect in the mountains of Chile

VIDEO- Save) Deep Impact - Trailer

What would you do if you knew that in a handful of days an enormous comet would collide with Earth and all humanity could be annihilated? The countdown to doomsday is underway in this "gut-wrenching, eye-opening blast of a movie experience" (Jeff Craig, Sixty Second

*** VIDEO Save) The Andromeda Strain (2008) Pt. 1

NASA expects an enormous asteroid to make a “close approach” to Earth on Monday, November 25. The hefty space rock measures up to 492 feet in diameter – and is officially designated as a “near-Earth object”. The asteroid is called 2019 VF1, named because it was first discovered this year. It measures up to 492 feet (150 metres) across, and will skirt Earth at 4.09am UK time – or 11.09pm on Sunday in New York. The asteroid will be travelling at a nippy 38,498mph (61,956km/h) – about 63 times faster than the top speed of a Boeing 747 jet…

*** People Are Beside Themselves Over This Week’s HAGMANN REPORT With Tom Horn And Steve Quayle. Doug Says It Was The Largest Live Audience In History. Why? WATCH/LISTEN NOW!

November 24, 2019 by SkyWatch Editor

Is the Wormwood star from Revelation 8 already headed toward Earth? Are NASA and high-level government officials aware it is on a collision course with our planet and are hiding this information to avoid public panic?

*** 3rd-- Revelation 8:10-12, 13, 14 and more

Revelation 8:10-12 New International Version (NIV)

10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.

Revelation 8:12-13

13 And I looked, and I heard an [b]angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!”

Revelation 14

The Lamb and the 144,000

The Three Angels

Harvesting the Earth and Trampling the Winepress 14&version=NIV

Also read:

For what is coming-

Luke 21: 8-36

Job 33:14-17 New Living Translation (NLT)

For God speaks again and again,

though people do not recognize it.

15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night,

when deep sleep falls on people

as they lie in their beds.

16 He whispers in their ears

and terrifies them with warnings.

17 He makes them turn from doing wrong;

he keeps them from pride.

**** What is Really coming in 2019 - 2029 and beyond (Updated)

To give some insight into this matter I am going to relate what SOL discovered some years back. Myself and a colleague received information in the mid 1990s from contacts in law enforcement and emergency medical personnel in a state in the northwest U.S. My colleague was formerly a U.S. Navy investigator and former deputy sheriff and SWAT team leader They, our contacts stated they were being trained for some type of future disaster in the handling of many hundreds of dead bodies. Well first, from being a former law officer I know that most of us were unaffected at the sight of dead bodies since we saw them enough and we were all conditioned to not let anything like this affect us. Our contacts also told us that the state was receiving thousands of body bags. Some of our additional contacts were in the military active and reserve from colonel rank officers.

Asteroid coming?

At the same approximate time we were shown a copy of a confidential draft of a bill in a state legislature for a 'Funding request for an unspecified emergency.' In that draft was written 'that there will be massive fires across the United States but not from a nuclear war.' Many readers have read about the D.U.M.B.S, Deep Underground military Bases. I have seen estimates of 129 to 1,000 of them in American and 500 in Europe.

So what are they for? We can guess part of the reason for our high officials wanting to hide underground may be when the global financial crash is engineered they know there will be major rioting across the country. But that does not address the issue of 'massive fires.' Further wording in the bill stated that many citizens who they referred to as 'refugees' will be 'shipped to live and work in other near by countries.' And the bill addressed the issue of who would pay for the refugees being repatriated. in other words who will pay for their transportation back to the USA. In fact they stated each state would pay for it's refugees U.S. citizens. As we perused this document we believed at that time it was not referring to 'near by countries' as Canada or Mexico. We believed it may have been possibly referring to eastern Russia which was not that far from the northwest USA. Readers in America and elsewhere may want to google the word 'refugee' to see what your rights would be and what hardships refugees face including if and when they may return home.

Readers may want to read this link from the UN Refugee Agency on 'climate refugees'. However, is climate change going to make refugees out of many people? Let's look at what scenarios we could be talking about. Obviously some in government know something is coming that's going to cause massive firer across the US. But is it just across the US or many other parts of the globe. After all this bill was addressing funds for this 'unspecified emergency' in the USA, not for funding for the whole world.

Could it be 1. solar storms we have heard so much about may cause these massive fires? Or 2. an asteroid or comet or other cosmic body that is expected to collide with the earth, or a cosmic body that will affect the gravitation of earth in causing numerous volcanoes to go active, earthquakes, etc. Whatever it is it seems apparent they do not know the exact year and month. But something IS COMING.

Now if we look at Thomas Horn's work recently in which he uncovered the fact that many cultures across the world from 5,000 years ago all predicted that December 21, 2012 is the celebration of the return of their serpent or dragon god.

It appears this may be the official coming of the antichrist or Satan (Lucifer) coming to show himself.

Fallen angels and demons have been around for thousands of years and therefore have witnesses catastrophic events to an extent that they can somewhat predict what maybe is going to occur within some times frame but not exact. And there seems to be some evidence that these fallen angels have been working with governments at the highest levels. So it is my guess they have informed governments of what they believe is coming.

Could it be that because God knows Satan';s plans and is going to cause some great catastrophic events to announce to the world to prepare for Jesus' return?

It also seems to me that God helps those who help themselves and He enlightens us to know how to prepare. It certainly makes sense to prepare by stocking up on survival water, food and medical supplies among other things.For those in a position to locate a retreat in some caves they can get to in a hurry it would be very beneficial.

Space storms will cause widespread power cuts and cripple phones, satellites and railway signals, report claims

Munich: Biggest Power Outage in 20 Years-Will more outages from extreme weather or solar flares sweep the globe?

According to CONUS sources of mine within the nuclear industry, massive solar flares have recently been tripping main turbine breakers in several reactor facilities in the US. It is not being disclosed to the public that solar flares are the apparent cause.

Space storms will cause widespread power cuts and cripple phones, satellites and railway signals, report claims


To Read More:

APOLLOgate: The Greatest Conspiratorial Fraud Ever Committed by the U.S. Federal Government (Photos) The Moon Landing Hoax(es)

APOLLOgate: The Greatest Conspiratorial Fraud Ever Committed by the U.S. Federal Government (Photos) – The Millennium Report

| July 20, 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing [HOAX] that took place on July 20, 1969.

Editor’s Note: This irrefutable exposé is supported with a number of high integrity videos and articles which contain hard scientific evidence that prove ALL the manned Moon landings were faked. The rocket scientists, engineers and other experts provide authoritative testimony and evidence that is as unimpeachable as their credentials are. Hence, after reading and viewing the motherlode of indisputable proof of multiple faked Moon landings there are two primary questions that remain: Who was behind this “greatest conspiratorial fraud” in U.S. history; and exactly why did they do it? The definitive answer to both of these crucial questions is presented below.

Let’s be very clear: it was technically and practically impossible for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to put a man on the Moon in 1969. The extremely advanced technology necessary to accomplish such a daunting feat was simply not available in America in 1969.

Bear in mind that it was only during the 1950s that black and white televisions were in use, and that it wasn’t until the mid-1960s that color broadcasting was introduced in the US.

The highly advanced science and technology required to put a man on the Moon with lunar rovers in tow was simply not developed enough at that time. CASE CLOSED!

What was highly developed was NASA’s intention to recklessly deceive the American people along with the world community of nations. The U.S. Federal Government was obsessively determined to be known for putting the first man on the Moon, even if it meant shamelessly faking the whole event, which they did.

For those who disbelieve the sheer depth and breadth of the scandalous fraud known as APOLLOgate, please view the 2 videos posted at the following link.

The Moon Landing Hoax Explained in Detail (Video)

The overwhelming amount and high quality of indisputable evidence of APOLLOgate fraud presented in these two video presentations portrays a space agency that was totally out of control.

That NASA would perpetrate this transparent fraud over the course of 11 long years, from 1961 to 1972 is as shocking as it is inconceivable.

It has always been the case that NASA enjoys the least credibility — WORLDWIDE — of all US agencies, so it’s no wonder the ongoing APOLLOgate deception convinced the American people they landed 12 men on the Moon.

Photo and Video Analysis Proved the Hoax

To read all:


| | |


MOON HOAX PROVED BY NASA: Even Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin says we never went to the moon (Video)




|What Happened On the Moon? – Analysis of the Lunar Photography



How Stanley Kubrick

Faked the Apollo Moon Landings:

Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Lies.

Alchemical Kubrick II

By Jay Weidner

Copyright July 20, 2009

Sacred Mysteries Productions

“There are great ideas, undiscovered breakthroughs available, to those who can remove one of truths protective layers”

— Neil Armstrong, ‘First Man on the Moon’. July 20 th 1994

It has now been forty years since the fabled moon landings by NASA and the Apollo gang. When it comes to the subject of the moon landings, people tend to fall into two belief groups. The first group, by far the bigger of the two groups, accepts the fact that NASA successfully landed on the moon six times and that 12 human beings have actually walked on the surface of the moon. The second group, though far smaller, is more vocal about their beliefs. This group says that we never went to the moon and that the entire thing was faked.

This essay presents a third position on this issue. This third point of view falls somewhere between these two assertions. This third position postulates that humans did go to the moon but what we saw on TV and in photographs was completely faked.

Furthermore this third position reveals that the great filmmaker Stanley Kubrick is the genius who directed the hoaxed landings.


But why fake the moon landings at all? What would be the motivation? Authors Joseph Farrell and Henry Stevens both have shown us undeniable proof that Nazi scientists had developed advanced flying saucer technology as early as 1943. These authors also show that the US Government brought these same Nazi scientists into this country in order to build these highly advanced flying machines.

Furthermore, they believe that the idea that aliens from outer space are invading the Earth is a clever cover story concocted by NASA to hide this technology.

Many sources inside the military industrial complex have related to me that after John Kennedy was shown the flying saucer technology early in his Presidency, he realized that the advances in technology promised by the flying saucers could solve many of the pressing problems of the world. He saw that releasing this exotic technology would point the way towards cheap and environmentally friendly energy among other things.

Soon after seeing the flying saucer technology, JFK made his famous speech asking NASA to land a man on the moon before the decade was out. Many insiders believed that this was a ploy by JFK to get NASA, and the secret government, to release their saucer technologies. Since it was obvious to everyone that standard rocket technology could not get man to the moon and back, JFK may have thought that NASA would be forced to release the knowledge of the technology behind the flying saucers in order to fulfill his vision and get to the moon by the end of the 1960’s. JFK’s ploy was therefore intended to free this advanced technology from the insidious hands of the shadow government.

After the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, NASA began a new plan that would solve the problem that JFK initiated. This new plan would allow NASA, and the shadow government, to keep the saucer technology secret and to still make it look like standard rocketry had taken man to the moon and back.

Someone high up in the shadow government decided to fake the entire moon landings in order to conceal the United States’ extremely new and advanced Nazi technology both from us, the citizens and our enemies.

In some ways NASA’s position on this was understandable. We were in the middle of the cold war with the Soviet Union. Did we really want to show the Russians what we had?


In early 1964 Stanley Kubrick had just finished his black satire Dr Strangelove and was looking to do a science fiction film.

While directing Dr. Strangelove Kubrick had asked the US Air Force for permission to film one of their B-52 bombers for the movie. The Pentagon turned him down.

The movie, Dr. Strangelove, was about a flight squadron that had been ordered to fly to Russia and drop nuclear bombs on that country. The Pentagon read Kubrick’s script and rejected his request to actually film the inside, and outside, of a B-52.

The reason for this rejection was that Kubrick’s film was clearly a satire on the military and US nuclear policy. The Pentagon did not want to assist Kubrick in this satirical undertaking.

Undaunted by the rejection, Kubrick used various special effects to create the B-52 in flight. When viewing Dr. Strangelove today, these special effects look quaint and old fashioned, but in 1963 they looked very good. It is possible that someone in NASA saw what Kubrick had done in Dr. Strangelove and, admiring his artfulness, designated Kubrick as the person best qualified to direct the Apollo Moon landing. If he could do that well on a limited budget – what could he do on an unlimited budget?

No one knows how the powers-that-be convinced Kubrick to direct the Apollo landings. Maybe they had compromised Kubrick in some way. The fact that his brother, Raul Kubrick, was the head of the American Communist Party may have been one of the avenues pursued by the government to get Stanley to cooperate.

Kubrick also had a reputation for being a notoriously nasty negotiator. It would have been very interesting to have been a fly on the wall during the negotiations between Kubrick and NASA.

In the end, it looks like Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings in return for two things. The first was a virtually unlimited budget to make his ultimate science fiction film: 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the second was that he would be able to make any film he wanted, with no oversight from anyone, for the rest of his life.

Except for his last film, Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick got what he wanted.


It is uncanny the way that the production of 2001: A Space Odyssey parallels the Apollo program. The film production started in 1964 and went on to the release of 2001: A Space Odyssey in1968. Meanwhile the Apollo program also began in 1964 and culminated with the first moon landings on July 20th 1969.

Also it is very interesting to note that scientist Frederick Ordway was working both for NASA and the Apollo program and was also Kubrick’s top science advisor for 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Once he negotiated the deal, Stanley, got to work. The most pressing problem for Kubrick in 1964 was to figure out a way to make the shots on the ground, on the surface of the moon, look realistic. He had to make the scenes look wide-open and expansive, like it was really done on the moon and not in a studio back lot.


No one knows how many things he tried but eventually Kubrick settled on doing the entire thing with a cinematic technique called Front Screen Projection.

It is in the use of this cinematic technique that the fingerprints of Kubrick can be seen all over the NASA Apollo photographic and video material.

What is Front Screen Projection?

Kubrick did not invent the process but there is no doubt that he perfected it. Front Screen Projection is a cinematic device that allows scenes to be projected behind the actors so that it appears, in the camera, as if the actors are moving around on the set provided by the Front Screen Projection.

The process came into fruition when the 3M company invented a material called Scotchlite. This was a screen material that was made up of hundreds of thousands of tiny glass beads each about .4mm wide. These beads were highly reflective. In the Front Screen Projection process the Scotchlite screen would be placed at the back of the soundstage. The plane of the camera lens and the Scotchlite screen had to be exactly 90 degrees apart. A projector would project the scene onto the Scotchlite screen through a mirror and the light would go through a beam splitter, which would pass the light into the camera. An actor would stand in front of the Scotchlite screen and he would appear to be ‘inside’ the projection.


In the film ‘Wag the Dog’ Dustin Hoffman plays a movie producer hired by the CIA to ‘fake an event’. His name in the movie is Stanley. In that movie ‘Stanley’ mysteriously dies after telling everyone that he wants to take credit for the ‘event’ that he helped fake.

Stanley Kubrick died soon after showing Eyes Wide Shut to the executives at Warner Brothers. It is rumored that they were very upset concerning that film. They wanted Kubrick to re-edit the film but he refused. I personally was in France when Stanley died and I saw, on French television, outtakes from the forthcoming Eyes Wide Shut. I saw outtakes from several scenes that were never in the finished film.

Warner Brothers has even come out and admitted that they re-edited the film. To this day they refuse to release a DVD of Stanley Kubrick’s cut. Not only is this a direct violation of the agreement that Kubrick had with Warner Brothers but also it means that we will probably never see the un-edited version of this film.

One has to wonder what was cut out?

To read all:

The Most Surprising LIE on Earth - Full Documentary (2018)

What science teaches when it comes to origins, and our world has very dark connections to the occult and is more of a religion masquerading as the truth. It’s time for scientism to be exposed in a way that has never been done before. A very surprising documentary! This film is "Scientism Exposed 2" the anticipated follow-up documentary uncovering the spiritual agenda and deception with the scientific worldview that many teach today as proven truth and fact.


WEATHER CONTROL’S TWO FORGOTTEN EVENTS: THE RAPID CITY FLOOD, ...- How to get rich off the weather- Market Futures: Introduction to Weather Derivatives

Weather is a tradable commodity. It is quantified, indexed and packaged for traders on weather derivative markets worth at least $8 billion. Exchange traded weather futures and options on futures were introduced on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1999.

*Market Futures: Introduction to Weather Derivatives

* How Do You Trade the Weather?

* Seasonal Short, Medium and Long-Term Weather Forecasts for Commodities Traders

* How to get rich off the weather

(Mental Floss) -- Did you know you can invest in the weather? It's true. You can actually make money speculating that the temperature in Sacramento, California, will be warmer than it normally is. If that's too dull for your portfolio, you can put money down on the inches of snowfall next winter in Boston, Massachusetts, or the strength of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.These kinds of investments, called weather futures, are trading through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange right now. Don't quite get how this works? We're here to help.

Who is a weather trader and what is he doing?

To Read More:

The Reality of the Stars- ReDux -video

[What NASA and the scientific establishment don't want you to know. Sol-war]

YouTube REMOVED this after it had over 250K views, so i revamped it up and changed a few things and added some things. SO enjoy!


Are “invisible terrestrial entities” all around us? Physicist says yes, and has photos to back it up.

BREAKING NEWS: New Telescope Observes Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities with Intelligent Movement

A new report published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Modern Physics has revealed a startling finding – a newly developed telescope with concave lenses has observed, for the first time, entities in our terrestrial environment that are invisible to our eyes and to conventional Galileo telescopes with convex lenses. Even more surprising is the fact that these entities have been observed to move ‘intelligently’ in the night sky in a manner suggesting unauthorized surveillance of the area.

Revolutionary New Santilli Telescope

The discovery was made by Dr Ruggero Santilli, a highly-regarded expert in mathematics, cosmology, and physics, who has been nominated for Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. Dr Santilli developed a new type of telescope that was designed to observe antimatter-light. This form of light has a negative index of refraction, thus requiring concave lenses to focus it, rather than the traditional convex lenses used in conventional Galileo telescopes.

New Telescope Detects ‘Invisible’ intelligent alien Entities on Earth

Santilli telescope detected invisible entities that are real, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News

Explaining the Santilli Telescope to View ITEs /Anomalies - Apr 16, 2016


Blood is a Very Special Fluid- Rudolf Steiner Archive


The title of today's lecture no doubt reminds you of a passage in Goethe's Faust, when Faust, representing striving man, enters into a pact with evil powers, represented by the emissary from hell, Mephistopheles. Faust is to sign the pact in blood. At first he regards this as a joke, but Goethe undoubtedly meant the words spoken by Mephistopheles at this point to be taken seriously: “Blood is a very special fluid.”

Goethe [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) was a German poet, novelist, and playwright. ] commentators usually provide curious interpretations of this passage. You will be aware that so much has been written about Goethe's Faust that it can fill libraries. I naturally cannot go into what every commentator has said about this particular passage, but it all amounts more or less to what is said by a recent commentator, Professor Jacob Minor. [ Jacob Minor (1855–1912) was professor of philology. ] Like others, he regards Mephistopheles' remark to be ironic, but Minor adds a curious sentence. I quote it in order to illustrate the amazing things said about Goethe's Faust. Minor states: “The devil is an enemy of blood.” He goes on to point out that as blood invigorates and sustains human life, the devil, being an enemy of the human race, must of necessity be also an enemy of blood. Minor is quite right when he further demonstrates that in sagas and legends blood always plays the kind of role it plays in Goethe's Faust. The oldest version of the Faust legend clearly describes how Faust makes a slight cut in his left hand with a penknife, dips a quill in the blood in order to sign the agreement, and as he does so, the blood, flowing from the wound, forms the words: “Oh man, escape!”

This is all quite correct, but what about the remark that the devil is an enemy of blood and for that reason demands the signature written in blood? Can you imagine anyone wishing to possess the very thing he abhors? The only reasonable interpretation of the passage is that Goethe, as well as earlier writers of Faust legends, wishes to show that the devil regards blood as especially valuable, and that to him it is important that the deed is signed in blood rather than in neutral ink. The supposition must be that the representative of the powers of evil believes, or rather is convinced, that he will gain a special power over Faust by possessing at least a drop of his blood. It is quite obvious that Faust must sign in blood, not because the devil is his enemy, but because he wants to have power over him. The reason behind this passage is a strange premonition that if someone gains power over an individual's blood, one gains power over the person. In short, the feeling is that blood is a very special fluid and it is the real issue in the fight for an individual's soul between good and evil.

A radical change must come about in our modern understanding and evaluation of the sagas and myths handed down since ancient times. We cannot go on regarding legends, fables and myths as childlike folklore or pretentiously declare them to be poetical expressions of a nation's soul. The poetic soul of a nation is nothing but a fantasy product of donnish officialdom. Anyone with true insight into the soul of a people knows with certainty that the contents of fables and myths, depicting powerful beings and wonderful happenings, is something very much more profound than mere invention. When with knowledge provided by spiritual research we delve into sagas and myths, allowing the mighty primordial pictures to act on us, we begin to recognize the profound ancient wisdom they reveal.

To begin with, one naturally wonders how it was possible for primitive man, with his unsophisticated views, to depict in the form of fables and myths, cosmic riddles that are unveiled and described in exact terms by means of modern spiritual research. This at first seems very surprising. However, as further research reveals how these ancient fables and myths came into existence, one ceases to be amazed, and all doubt vanishes. One discovers that myths and fables, far from containing naive views, are filled with primordial wisdom. A thorough study of myths and fables yields infinitely more insight than today's intellectual, experimental sciences. Admittedly the approach to such a study must be with spiritual scientific methods. Whatever legends have to say about blood is important, because in earlier times an individual's inherent wisdom made him aware of the true significance of blood, this special fluid that in human beings is a stream of flowing life.

Whence this wisdom came in ancient times is not our concern today; it will be the subject of a later lecture, though an indication will be given at the close of this one. Today we shall look at the significance of blood in human evolution and its role in cultural life. However, our discussion will not be from a physiological, or any other natural scientific point of view, but from that of spiritual science. It will be a help if before pursuing our subject we remind ourselves of a maxim that originated within the civilization of ancient Egypt, where the priestly wisdom of Hermes held sway. This maxim, which expresses a fundamental truth, is known as the Hermetic maxim and runs as follows: As above, so below.

We are related to ancestors through the blood. We are born within a specific configuration, within a certain race, a certain family and from a certain line of ancestors. Everything inherited comes to expression in our blood. Likewise, all the results from an individual's physical past accumulates in the blood, just as within it there is prepared a prototype of that person's future. Consequently, when the individual's normal consciousness is suppressed, for example under hypnosis or in cases of somnambulism or atavistic clairvoyance, a much deeper consciousness becomes submerged. Then, in a dreamlike fashion, the great cosmic laws are perceived. Yet this perception is nevertheless clearer than that of ordinary dreams even when lucid. In such conditions all brain activity is suppressed, and in deep somnambulism even that of the spinal cord. In this condition what the person experiences is conveyed by the sympathetic nervous system; the individual has a dull, hazy awareness of the whole cosmos. The blood no longer conveys mental pictures produced by the inner life through the brain; it only conveys what the outer world has built including everything inherited from ancestors. Just as the shape of a person's nose stems from his or her ancestors, so does the whole bodily form. In this state of consciousness a person senses his ancestors in the same manner that waking consciousness senses mental pictures of the outer world. A person's blood is haunted by his ancestors; he dimly participates in their existence

Everything in the world evolves, also human consciousness. If we go back to the time when our remote ancestors lived, we find that they possessed a different type of consciousness. Today, during waking life we perceive external objects through the senses, and transform them into mental pictures that act an our blood. Everything a person experiences through the senses is working in not only his blood but also in his memory. By contrast, a person remains unconscious of everything bestowed by ancestors. We know nothing about the shape of our inner organs. In the past all this was different; at that time the blood conveyed not only what it received from outside through the senses, but also what existed in the bodily form, and as this was inherited, we could sense our ancestors within our own being.

If you imagine such a consciousness enhanced, you will get an idea of the kind of memory that corresponded to it. When our experiences are confined to what can be perceived through the senses, then only such sense perceptible experiences are remembered. A person's consciousness comprises only his experiences since childhood.

In the past this was different, because the inner life contained all that was brought over through heredity. A human's mental life depicted ancestors' experiences as if they were his own. A person could remember not only his own childhood, but his ancestors' lives, because they were contained in the pictures absorbed by his blood. Incredible as it may seem to the modern materialistic outlook, there was a time when human consciousness was such that an individual regarded both his and his forefathers' physical experiences as his own. When someone said: “I have experienced... ,” he referred not only to personally known events but also to events experienced by his ancestors. It was a dim and hazy consciousness compared with modern human waking consciousness, more like a vivid dream. However, it was much more encompassing, as it included not only his own life but the lives of ancestors. A son would feel at one with his father and grandfather, as if they were sharing the same “I.” This was also the reason he did not give himself a personal name but one that included past generations, designating what they had in common with one and the same name. Each person felt strongly that he was simply a link in a long line of generations.

The question is how this form of consciousness came to be transformed into a different one. It happened through an event well-known to spiritual historical research. You will find that every nation the world over describes a significant moment in history when a new phase of its culture began — the moment when the old traditions begin to lose their influence, and the ancient wisdom that had flowed down the generations via the blood begins to wane, although the wisdom still finds expression in myths and sagas.

A tribe used to be an enclosed unit; its members married among themselves. You will find this to be the case in all races and peoples. It was a significant moment in the history of mankind when this custom ceased to be upheld — the moment when a mingling of blood took place through the fact that marriage between close relations was replaced by marriage between strangers. Marriage within a tribe ensured that the same blood flowed through its members down the generations; marriage between strangers allowed new blood to be introduced into a people.

In our time, a person's whole surrounding world in which he acted came to expression in the blood; consequently, this surrounding world formed the inner in accordance with the outer. In ancient times it was more a person's inner bodily life that came to expression in the blood. A person inherited, along with the memory of his ancestors' experiences, also their good or bad inclinations; these could be traced in his blood. This ancestral bond was severed when blood became mingled through outside marriages. The individual began to live his own personal life; he learned to govern his moral inclinations according to his own experiences. Thus, ancestral power holds sway in unmixed blood; that of personal experience in mixed blood.

Myths and legends told of these things: “That which has power over thy blood has power over thee.” Ancestral power over a folk came to an end when the blood, through being mingled with foreign blood, ceased to be receptive to its influence. This held good in all circumstances.

Whatever power wishes to subjugate a person will have to exert an influence that imprints itself in his blood. Thus, if an evil power wishes dominance over an individual, it must gain dominance over his or her blood. That is the profound meaning of the quotation from Faust, and the reason the representative of evil says: “Sign your name to the pact in blood; once I possess your name written in your blood, I shall have caught you by the one thing that will hold man. I shall then be able to pull you over to my side.” That which possesses a person's blood possesses that person, and possesses the human “I. ”

When two groups of human beings confront one another, as used to be the case in colonization, then only if there is true insight into evolutionary laws is there any possibility of foreseeing if the foreign culture can be assimilated. Take the case of a people that is very much at one with its environment, a people into whose blood the environment has as it were inserted itself. No attempt to graft upon it a foreign culture will succeed. It is simply impossible, and is also the reason why in certain regions the original inhabitants became extinct when colonized. One must approach such problems with insight and realize that anything and everything cannot be forced upon a people. It is useless to demand of blood more than it is able to endure.

Modern science has discovered recently that if blood from one animal is mixed with that of another not akin to it, the two types of blood prove fatal to one another. This is something that has been known to spiritual knowledge for a long time. Just as unrelated types of blood if mixed cause death, so is the old clairvoyance killed in primitive humanity when blood from different lines of descent are mingled. Our modern intellectual life is entirely the outcome of the mingling of blood. Once this approach is adopted it will be possible to study what effect the mingling of blood has had on the various people in the course of history.

Thus, when the blood of animals from different evolutionary stages is mixed the result is death, whereas that is not the case when the species are related. The human organism survives when, through marriage, blood is mingled with strange blood; here the result is the extinction of the original animal kind of clairvoyance, and the birth in evolution of a new consciousness. In other words, something happens in humans, but on a higher level, that is similar to what happens in the animal kingdom where strange blood kills strange blood. In the human kingdom strange blood kills the hazy clairvoyance that is based on kindred blood.

Therefore, it is a destructive process that gave rise to the modern human wakeful day-consciousness. The kind of spiritual life that resulted from intermarriage has been destroyed in the course of evolution; while the very thing that destroyed it, that is, marriage between strangers, gave birth to the intellect and today's lucid consciousness.

What is able to live in a person's blood lives in that person's “I.” Just as the physical principle comes to expression in the physical body, the ether body comes to expression in the system of living fluids, and the astral body in the system of nerves, so does the “I” come to expression in the blood. Physical principle, ether body and astral body are the “above” blood; the “I” forms the center; and physical body, living fluids and nervous system are the “below.” Therefore, whatever power wishes to dominate humans must take possession of their blood.

These are things that must be taken into account if progress is to be achieved in practical life. For example, just because the “I” comes to expression in the blood, a people's racial character can be destroyed through colonization, when more is demanded than the blood can endure.

Not till Beauty and Truth become part of a person's blood does he truly possess them. Mephistopheles wants power over Faust's “I”; that is why he seizes Faust's blood. So you see that the quotation, which is the Leitmotiv of this lecture, arose out of profound knowledge. Blood is indeed a very special fluid.

To read all:


Shining City on a Hill? I don't think so. More like the bewitching beckoning false light of a demon in disguise. It isn't manifest destiny, it's damnation. If those seem like strong words, then consider this article: Spray-on antennas could unlock potential of smart, connected technology.





Frankestein's daughters are already among us and represent the coveted first goal achieved by that new doctrine called Transhumanism: the religion of the Third Millennium of Silicon Valley billionaires who dream of the superman. Exactly as predicted two years ago by the same evangelical prophet who predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict XI, the human genetic modification became a reality last fall in China, causing bewilderment, enthusiasm, concern and even horror among the doctors of the world themselves. The first newborns who can well consider themselves heirs of the literary monster created by Mary Shelley in 1818 are called Lula and Nana: are the two twins born in October and become the absolute protagonists of the "Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing" held from 27 to 29 November at the University of Hong Kong

What determines what? That in the Middle East or in Indonesia some Islamic terrorist organizations such as the ISIS , even if with little funding, a small laboratory and a couple of doctors, could easily try to produce genetically modified super-men : or perhaps, mixing the human genetic heritage with the animal one as it is already being done in some laboratories of the USA on rats, to even realize the legendary werewolves, ultraforti and ferocious combat zoo-androids, hypothesized by the prophetic American pastor who first in 2016 publicly denounced in a US evangelical TV the chilling dangers of the Crispr Cas 9. In fact, this kit represents the main instrument of every genetic chemical manipulation: it is the totem of the technoinvased of the bioengineering religion of Silcon Valley as claimed by an Irish journalist in his accurate book; but it is also one of the main frontiers of study of Darpa, the Research Agency of Advanced Defense Projects of the American Pentagon , which invests tens of millions of dollars for years on Human Genome Editing in all probability in the attempt to design super soldiers: a circumstance that no one can know since the research of the DARPA represents the most secret thing that exists in the United States(already it has been written about the hypotheses about the killer insects, see in the menu of the site Best Web News ). In the meantime the Crispr Cas X method has already been discovered which could make the previous one obsolete; and two guinea-pig animals have been born with an atrocious genetic aberration that we will better describe in a future article. This is why the topic is looming so vast and constantly evolving as to require a serial dossier. Therefore in this introduction we outline only the specific themes that we will discuss. At the bottom of the page the instructions to follow the reports on Transhumanism, his experiments, his conquests and his apocalyptic dangers. And shocking questions that implies: what kind of soul can a genetically highly altered embryo have?

To read all:

RFID-chip and beyond: Implanted without consent.- videos- Robert Naeslund: The Human Brain Project

A must see video/radio interview by ICAACT leaders Lars Drudgaard and Jesse Beltran, HD-version. Do not hesitate to share, like and distribute this video to everyone. Implants do not only have tracking capabilities, but they also have the ability to affect, monitor and change the carrier's brain functions and biological functions, to a degree that it can only be compared to torture. The torture can lead to death or suicide.

ICAACT: International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies-

Lars Drudgaard and Jesse Beltran are Interviewed by Dutch - Flemish radio host Anton Glas in Brussels October 5. They talk about the work of ICAACT, which involves finding factual evidence of implants in the victims' bodies. An important part of this is to scan the victims for Radio Frequency emissions from their bodies. Another is to be of help to victims when they get in touch with doctors or authorities, who are prone to claim (without doing any investigation) that the victim suffers from a psychological disorder. ICAACT helps victims to prove these professionals wrong, but also to help them deal with this "new type" of problem in today's technologically advanced society. Traditional treatments and diagnosis might be obsolete in some cases.

Lars Drudgaard talks about the development of these chips and their use on prisoners, a little bit about old CIA experimentation documents.

Jesse Beltran talks about the very specific places on the human body where RF is emitted, suggesting that the implantation of many individuals isn't random.

Both Beltran and Drudgaard speak about how the implants work, using changing magnetic fields that power them up, and also a bit about the different types of implants that now exist and that are constantly becoming smaller and smaller, more difficult to find, Another subject is how these implants can be easily introduced in the human body and the fact that some people only emit a radio frequency from a specific spot on their bodies, where they either had an operation done or the flu vaccine.

* Robert Naeslund: The Human Brain Project - Video

The history of Cybernetics is the history of the human brain project. It was developed as a collaboration between the Military Research Agency and major hospitals in the world. Other terms are man-machine-interaction, man-system-interaction and bio-telemetry.


When the NYT used to tell the truth

Control C.I.A., Not Behavior-AUG. 5, 1977

Push-Button People?

APRIL 10, 1967


SEPT. 19, 1970

** Control Factor Full Movie

An average everyman discovers he's the unwitting target of an ultra secret domestic black-op centering on mind control.


** Mind Control Weapons In Use Today~Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen Kilde-Video

"This video is for educational purposes for all truth seekers" ~: } This lady was the real deal ! Let her truth inspire us to put a stop to this scourge that is now stalking all humanity and all lifeforms on Earth. We must restore our planets integrity. Dr Kilde was killed for her conscience and exposing truth, and she died after extreme microwave and emf targeted psy-ops attacks - She became just another NSA assassination target . She lives on forever in this video - watch it , save it for re-uploading later, and send a thank you prayer into the universe for Dr Rauni Kilde who died last year on the 8th of February in 2015.


Barrie Trower On 5G: There Is No Safe Place, No Where To Go-video


Barrie Trower-Microwave Frequency Warfare: The Real Cold War

Microwave Frequency Warfare: The Real Cold War

Barrie Trower Frequency Warfare the Real Cold War with Barrie Trower.pdf

Barrie Trower at the Open Mind Conference 2012, part 1

** To Read More:

CHINA PROBES WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE-By Jack Mullen | The Government Rag | 15Jan2019

By Jack Mullen | The Government Rag | 15Jan2019

" Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. There’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about? -- Morpheus, The Matrix Movie 1

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this:

If we’ve been bamboozled long enough,

we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.

We’re no longer interested in finding out the Truth.

The bamboozle has captured us.

It’s simply too painful to acknowledge,

even to ourselves,

that we’ve been taken.

Once you give a charlatan power over you,

you almost never get it back.” Carl Sagan

Space the Final Frontier, Boondoggle.

We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. It's as simple as that. Christof (Truman Show)

In the Truth As Fiction movie starring Jim Carey as Truman Burbank, a True Man who was adopted by a corporation as a baby and placed in an artificial dome-enclosed world called Seahaven, some say it is an anagram of heaven or heavens. In an early scene in the movie, a large 'satellite', actually a stage light, falls from the dome 'sky' above, landing near Truman with the words "Sirius 9-Canis" written on the light. It was the falling of Sirius, "the dog star" the brightest light in the night sky, which caused Truman to begin his journey of discovery and eventual liberation from the deceptions and lies of his very fake world.

China Moon Mission Lands on the Dark Side of the Moon

On January 3rd, China announced that it had landed it's latest space probe called the Chang’e 4 on the space-facing or 'dark side' of the moon. This landing follow's China's 2013 Chang'e 3 landings on the 'bright side' of the moon. Unfortunately, though, the Chinese space program is just a cheezier Chinese knock-off of the Fake US Space Program, NASA. The US space program, which allegedly landed men on the Moon even before any real test of the lunar landing module had ever been made, has been shown repeatedly to have been a hoax, filmed on Earth using the primitive movie technology of the 1960s. Neil Armstrong supposedly nearly died testing a version of the lunar landing module when it crashed into the ground and burst into flames, Armstrong having ejected moments before the crash lived on to 'walk on the moon.' Now the Chinese using space probes, which resemble the US lunar landing module, are landing these unmanned vehicles on the moon as their manned space program continues to advance, claiming to have 9 completed missions into nearby low orbit space.

The trouble is though, it's been 50 years since NASA, likely with the help of Stanley Kubrick, faked the US Moon Landings and yet the quality of the pictures and lack of high definition video would suggest that technology has not improved over past half a century. The video below claims the Chinese moon landing video is "Stunning Video Footage,", maybe, if by stunning it looks even worse than the NASA's footage from the 1960s. Even though the Apollo 11 astronauts (astro-nots) took high definition color video camera's to the moon, with some footage taken from inside the command module, no high-def film was taken on the moon (in 1969), only grainy black and white film was presented in the supposed live footage shown to Americans. In the case of the Chinese mission, we once again see only low resolution apparently black and white film again.

VIDEO- Stunning footage: Chang'e-4 probe landing on moon's far side

Pictures taken after the Chang'e 4 landed on the dark side of the moon look just like NASA faked pictures. In the picture below, we see the rover making tracks (how can the wheel tracks cause the lunar 'dirt' to clump as though it contained moisture?) on what looks like the surface of Mars or maybe an Arizona desert. The red colored lunar surface was so noticeable and unexpected articles were written to explain away this apparent anomaly. According to 'scientists', the photos were not properly corrected and therefore gave the wrong impression that the surface of the moon on the unseen side is red.

Cameras on spacecraft often don’t see colours in the same way as the human eye. For example, the red, green and blue components are usually recorded separately. This was the case with the latest images, and no colour correction has been applied to take account of the different sensitivities of each set of the camera’s colour detectors. -

What you know and the reliability for what you know determines everything that happens to you. Therefore, it is only in your best interest to seek and know Truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. No real progress can be made by man as an individual or Man as a race unless it be built on the solid foundation of Truth and Justice. Steven Jacobson, 'Mind Control in the USA'

Presented reality is now propaganda in service of political agendas; a burgeoning political reality which is presented and supported by media maintained with thought control. Political culture is being created and broadcast as scenes from a "reality-like" movie presented to audiences around the clock as reality. Emotion, political viewpoints, political pseudo-science, and pre-mixed toxic morality are served up in a political soup designed to fashion a political action robot. Thinking is being replaced with authority quoting and morality is no longer about service to yourself, family, heritage, and then community, but rather service to authority and the political agenda they serve.

Deception is Big Business

According to the Satellite Industry Association (SIA, 2015), the global space economy turnover grew by one percent from 2013 to 2014, reaching a new record of 322.7$ billions. - The metamorphosis of the world space economy:

It would seem that turning real life into a Truman Show is very big business. In this imaginary world powered by lies with the media and education systems validation, it's possible to create an enormous industry servicing the demand for artificial reality. Whether it be the space market which seems to be keeping up with worldwide cell phone revenues ($330 billion in 2013 ) or the fabricated benefits of childhood vaccinations and the medical quackery which serves the propaganda claiming vaccine safety while it generates more than $32 billion a year in revenue - the market for deception is greatly expanding.

Now, we see that President Trump is keen on creating a 'Space Force', which, according to Vice President Pence, will be used to 'Fight Wars in Space!' According to an article in the Guardian

Officials plan to create a Space Operations Force – an “elite group of war fighters specializing in the domain of space” drawn from various branches of the military, in the style of existing special operations forces, Pence said. They’ll also create a United States Space Command and a Space Development Agency, and appoint an assistant secretary of defense for space.

For those of us who understand why the United States faked the moon landing of 1969 and why the Chinese and the Japanese and other nations fake moon and space missions today, it is very disconcerting to see an explosion in the bubble of fabricated reality as grandiose and egregiously brain damaging as the wealth gobbling fakery of a possible United States Space Force. As it is today, NASA, a fictional space agency which guards the secrets of space while creating imaginary adventures of men and women in space sucks-down over $50 Million Dollars Per Day. This is an outrageous sum of money for an agency whose name is Hebrew for deception. NASA, living up to its forked tongue emblem, is responsible for deception crimes which have no precedent in history.

NASA's fake ISS space station is just a modern-day version of the I Dream of Jeanie show without the pleasantry of seeing Barbara Eden. If NASA were to publicly announced its business plan was to created entertainment-based like-reality shows featuring space themes, it would then be called a TV/Movie production company and the people could decide at what price they would authorize Congress to fund their pretentions. It may even happen the people would choose not to let NASA create space fantasies at all and leave the job to Hollywood, which already provides far better quality movies and TV shows. NASA is just a predatory shell corporation for purposes of stealing public funds and distributing these funds to private industry.

The fabrications don't end with space-fakery

Each year, the Western world is exposed to manufactured (created for political agenda) terror which supports the growth of the anti-terrorism industry, in turn supporting the growth of the State police-prison-court industrial complexes which also benefits from the continuation of a created (fabricated) for profit prohibition of so-called illegal drugs.

Deception as a Business Model.

The US Federal government and its ties to the corporate arms industry has a "grip-of-death" relationship with those manufacturing terror and engineering conflict. The US military, DOD, Pentagon, DHS, and numerous other war, terror-related industry, represent a substantial portion of the manpower and budget of the Federal Leviathan. These industries exist on deception and they now employ ever-growing numbers of people and, via, outsourcing large segments of the private sector. The public, on the other hand, is still required to pay federal taxes, even though the largest amounts of money spent each year come from dark-pool financing and money printing (another financial system deception.) These hapless 'believers' are taxed to partially fund these deceptions while their minds are encouraged to believe what is not possible to be true.

Mental (mind) health is dependent on brain health, and being forced through intimidation, fear of ostracization, embarrassment, loss of status or job to try to believe or accept something that cannot be true is a form of torture causing delusion or trauma-based mind control dissociation. The mental health of Western civilization is being attacked and damaged by the promotion of egregious and larger than life lies which are then presented as real and validated as truth by the propaganda media, the public education system, and all points of projected authority.

‘Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.’ Orwell 1984

Industry or Agenda Depending on Deception and/or False Flag campaigns to maintain growth or industry monopoly or to cause unnatural or unconstitutional changes in Law

Space Industry

Space Force

Private Space Industry with Government Subsidy (SpaceX)

Drug Prohibition and the War on Drug delusion (believed even in the face of conflicting information)

Pharmaceuticals Industry

911 Official Story which is an egregious lies and deception

JFK Assassination/Coup

School Shooting Political Agenda (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School, and many others)

Religious Mass Murders for political agendas

Wars Against the Enemies of Israel in the Middle East, Africa in service of the Oded Yinon Plan

Prohibition of plant products including health benefiting Hemp products based on THC

Causes of Cancer and broad population obesity

Causes of Autism

Medical licensing, Medical Education Certifications

Weather/Geo-Engineering, Weather is manufactured

and so many more

*Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

And if there is no room upon the hill

And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. - Pink Floyd


* Orwell, 1984

For fun the Conspiracy Music Guru

VIDEO- Do you still believe we went to the moon? - Flat Earth Man

Apollo -11, 9-11, flight 11, twin towers (look like 11) sure that's random.

You can tell it's real because it looks so fake - Elon Musk

To read all:

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) [The fires in California, Canada, Portugal, Tennessee Greece and other places were nothing like normal wildfires.

Charts of temperatures at which different materials burn

(This introduction was written early 2018, prior to many of the fires that occurred since, but it still applies to all of the fires.)

This page includes, but is not limited to, Lockheed Martin bragging about and demonstrating their directed energy weapons, a History Channel documentary on directed energy weapons, people's footage of lasers in California the night the fires started and of the strange and unnatural aftermath of the fires. The videos people took of the laser matched the demonstrations given by Lockheed Martin and other official sources.

The news tried to give the impression that the over 100 fires (in 2017) that occurred all at once were from a forest fire spreading into neighborhoods. Yet, most of the trees didn't burn and there is no burnt path between houses that are next to or across from each other. Notice in the picture on the left how that there was no burnt path between the two buildings and how that though both buildings were surrounded by trees, none of the trees got burnt or even singed. It is plain to see from this picture that a fire didn't go from one building to the other, but that they were both attacked from above or inside. Also, the wind could not have been strong enough to blow an ember the distance of the two buildings as there aren't even any ashes, leaves or broken branches on the ground. More pictures below.

The fires in California, Canada, Portugal, Tennessee and other places were nothing like normal wildfires. About 100 of them (in California in 2017) started at one time in the evening when it was cooler outside (yet the officials still blame it on climate change). Also, in many places, the fires burnt in straight lines and squares. Other anomalies are that the fires jumped from one house to another without touching the lawns in between the houses, burnt cement and metal, but not plastic or wood in some cases and burnt hardly any trees (even pine trees), but burnt structures and cars that were next to those trees. Also, despite the news reports of strong winds, the roads and sidewalks looked pristine as if someone swept them. As can be seen in videos below, the fires came from the sky as there were no burnt paths between the burnt structures. I am not saying that no trees burnt, but not the ones around the houses and buildings that were burnt. Is it possible that not all of the DEW attacks were at the same frequency.

If you take your time to go through all the videos, articles and documents on this page and consider that there have been no media reports of another country attacking us, (especially when they've been itching to drag Russia into a war with us); you will be hard-pressed to deny that it was the U.S. government who was behind it or at least complicit with it. You'll also see how that the United Nations already planned an Agenda 30 megaregion development zone in Santa Rosa before it was set to fire and that the areas being burnt match where the Agenda 30 megaregions map shows plans to build smart cities and no-people zones in the future. What better way to build a megaregion smart city than to first burn down all of what is already there? You can learn much about Agenda 30 on the Agenda 30 page of this site.

The evidence that the fires were a result of directed energy weapons (DEW) in the form of lasers and microwaves, at least in part, is undeniably strong. There are also theories of smart meters or transformers blowing up being a cause. They might have contributed, but that wouldn't explain cars also being "toasted" with no burnt path between the houses and the cars. It is not at all unfathomable that more than one weapon could have been used to ensure the desired effect. On September 11th, 2001; rescue workers being interviewed said they heard bombs go off when they were inside the twin towers and also Dr. Judy Wood, a former professor of engineering mechanics, gave a presentation filled with strong evidence that directed energy weapons were used on 9/11 as the building and all it's contents dustified in mid-air and cars nearby looked toasted (video of her presentation included on this page). Why could bombs not have also been used in the foundation of the twin towers to work in conjunction with directed energy weapon from above? The very little debris that was left from the twin towers could have been the part that was not dustified by the DEW, but was left from an explosion.

I've heard the argument that trees don't burn as easily because they are green (meaning have moisture in them) so therefore, don't burn as easily as dry wood and you can prove this by trying to burn fresh wood in a stove or a campfire. Well, try putting a chunk of cement block or part of a bathtub or a metal washing machine in a campfire to see how easily they burn as all these items were totally melted down or dustified in these house fires and I suggest that fresh wood would at least be singed. Also, this argument of trees being green hardly applies to pine tree needles and furthermore, because of the prolonged induced drought, (which is being blamed on climate change); most of the trees were dry. But, if we were to blame the quick spreading of the fires on everything being dry (as the news tries to imply), the grass and trees in between all the burnt structures would not have still been green, it would have at least been singed. Dry grass was not even a factor in these fires spreading despite the news repeatedly saying "hot and dry conditions". Something that may have caused the fires to burn more hot and spread so quickly is all the incendiary aluminum oxide that has been and continues to be sprayed over us by jets. Aluminum Oxide we know is always sprayed on us, but being that thermite is also a metal oxide in a powdered form, that too could have been sprayed right before and/or during the fires. This could explain the intensity and unnaturally fast spreading of these fires. People in the fire zones have reported that the spraying was heavier right before the fires. We now need for someone to look for and test for thermite near to the burnt areas.

The news and other "official" sources keep touting that the fires are due to high heat and dryness due to climate change and high winds. The implication is that the earth got so hot that trees and grass caught on fire or that it is so dry that the fires spread across the grass and brush from one house to another even though the grass and brush between the burnt houses were still green and not even singed. As far as the earth being too warm, it would have to be at least 172 degrees C. (341.6 F.) as that is the temperature at which hay (which is dryer than grass) burns and between 190 - 260 degrees Celsius (374 to 500 degrees F) for wood depending on the type and condition of it. Furthermore, warmer weather should bring more rain as more water gets drawn from the ocean creating rain clouds. As for the dryness, you can find many videos from neverlosetruth, Dutchsinse, Weatherwars on Youtube showing how aerosols and frequencies were used in conjunction to keep rain off the coast of California. Also, in this document Contracts for Weather Control, you'll see on the bottom of page 13 how that HAARP disperses storms and can create winds up to 70 mph. You can also find photographic examples of cloud drying/moisture absorbent aerosols on this new, but yet unfinished page: Stopping Rain.

The news keeps pushing the narrative that the fires are due to climate change because there is an agenda behind it. The agenda is to convince people that global warming is real. Most, if not all, of the climate change is due to the climate changers and that is the using of metallic aerosols, elf (extra low frequency) HAARP and microwaves to induce drought. What the propagandists (i.e., the news reporters) won't tell us is that there have been warmer periods in the past and that climate has always changed. But now in this backwards world, good is bad, ignorance is strength, and climate change which is normal is now called abnormal. Here is a paper from Stanford University telling of how everything thrived during a warmer period--a period that was warmer than it is now:

Burning neighborhoods down is not the only method of getting people off their land. There is also hurricane directing and intensifying, releasing of dams, inducing earthquakes with HAARP, creation of hard to meet zoning laws, making the cost of living unaffordable, eminent domain, moving jobs out of rural areas and other tactics.

After a disaster is created and homes have been destroyed, FEMA buys some of the land for pennies on the dollar and then decides to turn that land into "green zones" which is a euphemism for no people zones. This makes it extremely apparent that FEMA is either working with the United Nations along with COG (Council of Governments) which are influenced by the United Nations or taking advantage of a crisis by using their money to buy land on the cheap instead of putting it toward helping the victims. COGs are unelected boards that work locally throughout the country to implement Agenda 21/30 plans and standards in the form of codes. You can find out more about Agenda 30 on the Agenda 21/30 page of this site and about FEMA on the FEMA page of this site. California is not the only place to be attacked as you'll see in videos below. The mega regions map for the U.S. is also on this page.

I've also heard the theory that the Chinese now own California and want the people out of there. This is possible in regards to California, but this doesn't explain the other countries and states having massive fires. Also the no-people zones on the Agenda 21 Biodiversity map match the path of the fire danger zones (shown further down on this page). Possible solutions on the bottom left of this page.

VIDEO- Watch Lockheed Martin's laser beam system burn drones out of the sky




VIDEO- How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created


VIDEO- Santa Rosa Fires: Observations & Military Lockdown of Abnormal Fire Zones

The parts of Santa Rosa that burned normal are NOT on military lock down... the evidence that this was NOT a normal fire IS under military fence lock and guard... they say it is to prevent looters... but there's nothing couldn't loot a splinter from these places.

thanks to Rosie Okelly




VIDEO- Dr. Judy Wood 'How Directed Free-Energy Destroyed Twin Towers on 9/11'

In 2012, former professor of engineering mechanics Dr Judy Wood came to the UK to present a lecture tour. The conclusions of her research prove that even those who support supposed 9/11 truth groups, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have got their facts wrong. The towers did not slam to the ground, but turned into dust in mid air. Dr Wood clearly demonstrates this in her two part lecture. None of the conventional explanations about 9/11 remotely fit the evidence. An undisclosed form of weapon was used to turn two of the worlds strongest buildings into dust.


VIDEO-Greek Wildfires: Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons


VIDEO- Directed Energy Weapons Are Real, & HAVE

Caused Unimaginable Destruction & SufferingVIDEO-


VIDEO-santa rosa fires 2017

1987 sci fi 2017 real life.


This picture is from The Desert Sun of the aftermath of the Camp Fire telling of how a family was reunited with its cat a month after the fire. It's too sad and heartbreaking to think of all the cats, dogs, other pets that their families didn't have time to chase down and get into a crate. Because there are no cars in view, it appears that everyone got out, but it turns out that tow trucks removed cars, so it cannot be seen from this picture, how many got out. According to a couple of survivors, (Paradise Lost playlist at bottom of this page); the fire started at 6:30 in the morning and there was no warning in the form of an alarm given. Given that most aren't already out of bed and dressed at 6:30 in the morning and that no alerts were given, a good many probably didn't make it out alive. A couple of people who did make it out said they learned of the fire coming from Facebook and not from an alarm or siren. Also, many were found burnt in their cars. A four-lane highway was turned into a two-lane highway shortly before the fires.

Notice how every home on this block burnt totally flat. Not a single item left--no refrigerators or bath tubs, toilets, ect. Not only did the trees again not burn but just about everything (aside from clothes, mattresses, furniture cloth and paper) that were in the homes did burn and just about everything in those homes that burnt require a higher burning temperature than wood (refer to temperature charts linked above).

Not only were the trees leading to the houses not burnt, the streets between the homes look clean showing no ashes, debris or even charring. This shows that the fires didn't arrive to the houses from the outside, but looks as if the fires came from inside. The fact that ashes cannot even be seen on the streets and the forest didn't burn shows not only that it was not windy, but that the phrase "wild fires" used by the media is not only a misnomer, but an outright lie.

Looks as if some kind of directed energy attack went to each house or to the electrical wiring or meter of each house. Could the pulse have been sent by the power company to the electrical power supply of each house, by a microwave weapon or by a laser, or maybe all three, depending on which fires you're talking about. Some people reported seeing a laser in the Santa Rosa Fire. The result of most of the fires point to microwaves due to the material specificness of what burned and what didn't (for example the metal hinges on the roadside rails, but not the wooden beams held together by those metal hinges) and then they get quickly replaced as if to hide the evidence. One thing that is for certain is that these were not normal fires and this was an attack.

For perspective and to serve as a reminder of what the results of a house fire usually looks like, below are pictures of houses that burnt down. Normally, the entire house and all it's contents are not vaporized or turned to dust and entire blocks don't go down with it. Usually, not even the house next door gets affected. One might argue they were put out by firemen, but then why hasn't that been done in Paradise before the fire reached the 2nd and 3rd and 4th house, and so on? One reason given is that the fires were too hot. Hotter than that of a normal house fire. There were also reports by some firemen that they were told to stand down.

SMOKING GUN: Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade, Genocide and Mass Destruction of Paradise Carefully Planned; and New Californians First in US to Officially Join Yellow Vest Movement (survivors of Paradise who claim the fires were state-sponsored arson).

To read all: many more multiple videos, maps, text

The April Odyssey and the November Boat The 1970 event from the Russian perspective by Andrei Bulatov and Alexander Boyko

In September 1970, twenty-one weeks after the launch of Apollo 13, the Soviets officially handed back an Apollo capsule to the Commander of the United States Coast Guard Cutter, Southwind. Appropriately enough for this Cold War event, the ice-breaker was visiting Murmansk on ‘a goodwill visit’. Many commentaries on the lost Apollo command module (CM) have been written from the US or European perspective while the Russian viewpoint has rarely been heard until recently.

Joint Venture?

As we know, on September 20, 1963 President Kennedy (speaking at the 18th General Assembly of the United Nations) invited Premier Khrushchev to participate in a joint mission to the Moon. Strange, when just two years previously Kennedy was confident that the US could "win the battle that is now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny”. So what had happened? Did the ‘Evil Empire’ (as Reagan would later call the Soviet Union) turn into an Empire of Goodness in just two years?2

Or did something else happen?

Our hypothesis is that the Soviet Zond program scared the living daylights out of the Americans and thus forced them into faking the December 1968 Apollo 8 flyby. During the Zond program, the true masterpiece of space manoeuvring, the skip re-entry, was also accomplished, but it was not achieved without great difficulties. In fact both sides had too many problems to overcome when it came to safe human spaceflight. Not least that of effective shielding from radiation, still not resolved to this day.3 And note that skip re-entry, now esteemed an essential requirement for returning manned lunar spacecraft, has never yet been performed by any US spacecraft large enough to carry astronauts.

As a result, we consider that the Soviet manned Moon program was never intended to actually send men to the Moon but was instead planned to push the US and NASA into faking their own Moon missions. The US actions could then be used to the political and economic advantage of the USSR – if proof of such fakery was obtainable. By the time that Apollo 8, 10, 11 and 12 were programmed, half of this plan had already been achieved. The second half, obtaining leverage by producing outright evidence of the fakery, might be a longer game, monitoring Apollo launches and splashdowns while waiting for the inevitable – the moment when something went really, really wrong.

To read all:

Do Solar Storms Send Energy Beams Down to Blow Up Transformers? Or U.S. Military 'Rod of God' Weapons- [4 videos]

There is much talk about the “transformer explosions” in New York and Louisiana. Witness video shows us beams of light in the sky and shining straight down where the explosions and electrical anomalies occurred. It was like a war zone, and it didn’t look accidental.Richie from Boston shows us the footage and the technology from his perspective. He also shows us the government (deep state) document telling us to prepare for a 6-month power outage. It was released in December 2018.

This month. The psychopaths warn us about things and then they do it. It’s their code of ethics. They have to tell us what they’re planning, in advance. How often have they used the Simpsons cartoons? They think it’s funny. Do you?

VIDEO- Blue Beams Caught On Film: Take out Power Lines in NYC


Some believe it was a “solar storm” that caused these violent “anomalies” and Internet and 911 outages.

The Nazi SSp (secret space program) people have back-engineered alien technology and are the ones who have not wanted disclosure. They tried to negotiate 50 years before full disclosure of the extraterrestrials and their breakaway civilization would be revealed to the public—just long enough for the culprits to no longer be culpable. That ain’t gonna happen. We will have our full disclosure much sooner than that and they will pay for their selfish, inhuman actions.

Was it a solar storm that hit those transformers, fried the lines and ignited buildings from the inside? Was it a solar storm that blew up houses and burned them from the inside out and melted cars and metals in California; that burned half a house and left the rest without a scratch?

Since few in any official capacity will come forward to validate what we’re seeing and tell us the truth, we will be left to our own wits to look at all the evidence for an informed opinion.

The people who took the video in New York and Kenner, LA know what they saw, and told us and showed as clearly as they could what they experienced. It would be great if we could believe the statements from the NYPD and the power company but we’ve learned we simply cannot. They have agendas. We’re really sick of the lies.

VIDEO- Electrical explosion, sparks light up Kenner sky for minutes Thursday morning

The video footage we have seen of the “transformer” situations didn’t resemble the Aurora Borealis. It didn’t resemble previous transformer explosion footage. Could it be related to the positive waves of energy washing over the planet for our benefit? Could it be related to Earth changes? The more video you see, the more questions might arise—and I am no video analyst with the technical skills to debunk what is presented.

As for the CenturyLink outage, I suppose it could have been an issue with their satellite(s) in a solar storm, but since there is an investigation, it suggests it might have been more. They were not interested in finding a resolution to our ongoing telephone problems so we cancelled our phone service with them.

The problems began a few years ago when the former CEO, I believe, refused to allow the cabal to access users’ accounts and compromise their data and privacy. Soon thereafter he was not only removed, but tossed in jail, I heard, for refusing to cooperate. Officially it was some other reason, of course. That’s how they roll. Intimidation and prosecution in their corrupt Law-of-the-Sea courts while they install someone more “agreeable”. (corrupt)

So to say I have my doubts about the innocence of CenturyLink in the recent outage would be accurate, but Verizon was also affected, so once again we don’t have a definitive answer on anything. All we have is our intuition.

I don’t give credence to the guy who claims it was a solar storm as he had his subscribers attack Dutchsinse several years ago and had YouTube shut down the channel for no good reason. It was a blatant attack. Therefore I will not share his video. Some research revealed who the attacker’s father is and it didn’t paint a positive picture. He’s also promoting massive catastrophic events on our planet because it’s a “cycle”. That cycle is over, but maybe it’s good for views. We are on a positive timeline now, and Earth isn’t going away.

There are definitely shills out there determined to convince us we are all doomed from various catastrophic events including the seas rising, tsunamis, volcanoes obscuring the skies with black soot that would prevent the sun from shining on Earth, killing nearly all life, or massive asteroids that will strike the planet and fragment it into oblivion. The UFO threat might be the most sensible in light of all that nonsense. Perhaps it was the same satellite weaponry used to incinerate Paradise, California.

Tyler at Secureteam weighed in on this in his own video.

VIDEO- Something Is Not Adding Up Here...


When the transformer footage first presented I posed the question as to whether it could be a foiled fake alien invasion. Or, is it the prelude to a planned invasion? Are they setting the stage? They’ve always wanted to do it and it’s probably the last card they have to play. Ask Carol Rosin.

Richie from Boston just uploaded this video today. Our best defense against a fake alien invasion scenario is to alert as many as possible that it is a potential plot and not to fall for it. It would be just one more deep state false flag attack.

VIDEO-ALIEN INVASION: Prepping the Public.

Ok for the last year the jump or total flip flop of the MSM to pushing UFOs are real has been crazy, NOW In California, In NYC In Kenner people are seeing explosions, hearing supernatural sounds and blue beams from the sky. Be Prepared.


Two videos were not included as promotes the good aliens possibility and the other is new age disinformation.

There are no good aliens.

To read all:


* 8 facts about Rods of God. [Apple Tree] Space weapon, Future weapon, Rods from God (HD)

* BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation... Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing

* Nationwide CenturyLink outage affecting Colorado


The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes-video

[Brain warfare by CIA Sorcerers so called doctors-Sol-war]


[Creating havoc] Meet the Midwestern Pilots Who Risk Their Lives [and citizens lives] to Change the Weather

In the 1990s this Weather Modification company was being promoted by the media as stopping hail damage to crops. Their aircraft pictures were also published in the news. On a nice sunny almost cloudless day I witnessed a small aircraft flying in the sky above me in the rural area of North Dakota. The plane was disbursing something which created dark rain type clouds, Before long I barely had time to get under cover before hail starting coming down heavily. Not just hail, but TRIANGLE size hail about 1 /12 to 2 inches in size! I feel sorry for any animals, livestock let alone humans that were under it. Anyone would have been cut up badly. I collected samples of this hail. They were perfect triangles almost razor sharp. So this was suppose to be stopping hail? This company was advertised as some farmer-pilots but somehow I believe they worked for the government.

On another occasion in the 1990s during a heavy rainstorm while out on a highway coming into a city I was on top of a hill as I watched a huge black rectangular cloud appear and float above the highway traffic no more that about 20 yards above traffic.I don't remember now how long it floated but somehow it just disappeared. At other times in the late 1980s or early 1990s around Sheyenne North Dakota we had the longest lasting loudest thunderstorms I had ever seen and heard. The storms were continuous for at least 12 hours straight. Other times in the 1990s after snow fell I could see blue inside the snow down deep. I collected samples and kept them frozen for analysis. I gave this information out on radio to a retired FBI agent who had his own radio show. The Dallas Morning Times he said was challenged me on this accusation. I told him to tell them I would be happy to have the samples analyzed by three independent labs of my choice at their expense. however, they did not respond. During that same winter I was in Idaho to meet and visit with a veterinarian. The first thing I asked him is if he observed anything unusual about the snow. His reply was: "Oh you mean the blue snow." It appeared tome that the government has been using us a experimental humans in the weather modification. And that they are often incompetent at it.

[Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired - Former Research Assistant NDSU Agricultural Experiment Station]


*Meet the Midwestern Pilots Who Risk Their Lives [and citizens lives] to Change the Weather

Royal’s employer is Weather Modification Inc., or WMI, the world’s largest company of its kind, and one of the oldest, started by a group of Bowman, North Dakota, wheat farmers in 1961. But WMI Vice President of Meteorology Bruce Boe, speaking from global headquarters, a lackluster office building near the runways at Hector International Airport, in Fargo, North Dakota, is quick to critique the phrase that defines the industry.

“To call what we do ‘weather modification’ is misleading,” says Boe, a sturdy man with a crew cut and a master’s degree in atmospheric science. “We are not modifying weather so much as modifying clouds.”

The history of weather modification was, until fairly recently, littered with failures.

To read all:

* North Dakota farmers, ranchers question cloud seeding

Wagging the Moondoggie Parts 1-14 - BEST MOON LANDINGS HOAX-videos and text



Wagging the Moondoggie Parts 3-4 - BEST MOON LANDINGS HOAX-video

Wagging the Moondoggie Parts 5-8 - BEST MOON LANDINGS HOAX

Wagging the Moondoggie Parts 9-11 - BEST MOON LANDINGS HOAX-Video

Wagging the Moondoggie Parts 12-14 - END OF SERIES-Video

"But what if your own eyes and your innate (though suppressed) ability to think critically and independently tell you that what all the institutions of the State insist is true is actually a lie? What do you do then? Do you trust in your own cognitive abilities, or do you blindly follow authority and pretend as though everything can be explained away? If your worldview will not allow you to believe what you can see with your own eyes, then the problem, it would appear, is with your worldview. So do you change that worldview, or do you live in denial?" - Dave McGowan

Document:Wagging the Moondoggie-A comprehensive rebuttal of the claim that man has ever set foot on the Moon Disclaimer (#3)Document.png article by David McGowan dated 2009

250 miles max distance travelled from Earth in nearly 50 years

To briefly recap then, in the twenty-first century, utilizing the most cutting-edge modern technology, the best manned spaceship the U.S. can build will only reach an altitude of 200 miles. But in the 1960s, we built a half-dozen of them that flew almost 1,200 times further into space. And then flew back. And they were able to do that despite the fact that the Saturn V rockets that powered the Apollo flights weighed in at a paltry 3,000 tons, about .004% of the size that the principal designer of those very same Saturn rockets had previously said would be required to actually get to the Moon and back (primarily due to the unfathomably large load of fuel that would be required).

To put that into more Earthly terms, U.S. astronauts today travel no further into space than the distance between the San Fernando Valley and Fresno. The Apollo astronauts, on the other hand, traveled a distance equivalent to circumnavigating the planet around the equator nine-and-a-half times! And they did it with roughly the same amount of fuel that it now takes to make that 200 mile journey, which is why I want NASA to build my next car for me. I figure I’ll only have to fill up the tank once and it should last me for the rest of my life.

“But wait,” you say, “NASA has solid evidence of the validity of the Moon landings. They have, for example, all of that film footage shot on the moon and beamed live directly into our television sets.”

Since we’re on the subject, I have to mention that transmitting live footage back from the Moon was another rather innovative use of 1960s technology. More than two decades later, we would have trouble broadcasting live footage from the deserts of the Middle East, but in 1969, we could beam that shit back from the Moon with nary a technical glitch!

'Lost' NASA tapes and spacecraft blueprints

As it turns out, however, NASA doesn’t actually have all of that Moonwalking footage any more. Truth be told, they don’t have any of it. According to the agency, all the tapes were lost back in the late 1970s. All 700 cartons of them. As Reuters reported on August 15, 2006:

“The U.S. government has misplaced the original recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ … Armstrong’s famous moonwalk, seen by millions of viewers on July 20, 1969, is among transmissions that NASA has failed to turn up in a year of searching, spokesman Grey Hautaluoma said. ‘We haven’t seen them for quite a while. We’ve been looking for over a year, and they haven’t turned up,’ Hautaluoma said … In all, some 700 boxes of transmissions from the Apollo lunar missions are missing.”

Given that these tapes allegedly documented an unprecedented and unduplicated historical event, one that is said to be the greatest technological achievement of the twentieth century, how in the world would it be possible to, uhmm, ‘lose’ 700 cartons of them? Would not an irreplaceable national treasure such as that be very carefully inventoried and locked away in a secure film vault? And would not copies have been made, and would not those copies also be securely tucked away somewhere? Come to think of it, would not multiple copies have been made for study by the scientific and academic communities?

Had NASA claimed that a few tapes, or even a few cartons of tapes, had been misplaced, then maybe we could give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps some careless NASA employee, for example, absent-mindedly taped a Super Bowl game over one of them. Or maybe some home porn. But does it really seem at all credible to claim that the entire collection of tapes has gone missing – all 700 cartons of them, the entire film record of the alleged Moon landings? In what alternative reality would that happen ‘accidentally’?

Some of you are probably thinking that everyone has already seen the footage anyway, when it was allegedly broadcast live back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, or on NASA’s website, or on YouTube, or on numerous television documentaries. But you would be mistaken. The truth is that the original footage has never been aired, anytime or anywhere – and now, since the tapes seem to have conveniently gone missing, it quite obviously never will be.

How the Moon-walking video was made

The fact that the tapes are missing (and according to NASA, have been for over three decades), amazingly enough, was not even the most compelling information that the Reuters article had to offer. Also to be found was an explanation of how the alleged Moonwalk tapes that we all know and love were created: “Because NASA’s equipment was not compatible with TV technology of the day, the original transmissions had to be displayed on a monitor and re-shot by a TV camera for broadcast.”

So what we saw then, and what we have seen in all the footage ever released by NASA since then, were not in fact live transmissions. To the contrary, it was footage shot off a television monitor, and a tiny black-and-white monitor at that. That monitor may have been running live footage, I suppose, but it seems far more likely that it was running taped footage. NASA of course has never explained why, even if it were true that the original broadcasts had to be ‘re-shot,’ they never subsequently released any of the actual ‘live’ footage. But I guess that’s a moot point now, what with the tapes having gone missing.

With NASA’s admission of how the original broadcasts were created, it is certainly not hard to imagine how fake Moon landing footage could have been produced. As I have already noted, the 1960s were a decidedly low-tech era, and NASA appears to have taken a very low-tech approach. As Moon landing skeptics have duly noted, if the broadcast tapes are played back at roughly twice their normal running speed, the astronauts appear to move about in ways entirely consistent with the way ordinary humans move about right here on planet Earth. Here then is the formula for creating Moonwalk footage: take original footage of guys in ridiculous costumes moving around awkwardly right here on our home planet, broadcast it over a tiny, low-resolution television monitor at about half speed, and then re-film it with a camera focused on that screen. The end result will be broadcast-ready tapes that, in addition to having that all-important grainy, ghosty, rather surreal ‘broadcast from the Moon’ look, also appear to show the astronauts moving about in entirely unnatural ways.

But not, it should be noted, too unnatural. And doesn’t that seem a little odd as well? If we’re being honest here (and for my testosterone-producing readers, this one is directed at you), the average male specimen, whether astronaut or plumber, never really grows up and stops being a little boy. And what guy, given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend some time in a reduced gravity environment, isn’t going to want to see how high he can jump? Or how far he can jump? Hitting a golf ball? Who the hell wants to see that? How about tossing a football for a 200-yard touchdown pass? Or how about the boys dazzling the viewing audience with some otherworldly acrobatics?

And yes, Neil and the guys did exhibit some playfulness at times while allegedly walking on the Moon, but doesn’t it seem a bit odd that they failed to do anything that couldn’t be faked simply by changing the tape speed? When I attended college, I knew a guy on the volleyball team who had a 32” vertical leap right here on Earth. So when I see guys jumping maybe 12”, if that, in a 1/6 gravity environment with no air resistance, I’m not really all that impressed.

Am I the only one, by the way, who finds it odd that people would move in slow motion on the Moon? Why would a reduced gravitational pull cause everything to move much more slowly? Given the fact that they were much lighter on their feet and not subject to air and wind resistance, shouldn’t the astronauts have been able to move quicker on the Moon than here on Earth? Was slow motion the only thing NASA could come up with to give the video footage an otherworldly feel?

Needless to say, if what has been proposed here is indeed how the ‘Moon landing’ footage in the public domain was created, then the highly incriminating original footage – which would have looked like any other footage shot here on Earth, except for the silly costumes and props – would have had to have been destroyed. Perhaps it’s not surprising then that NASA now takes the position that the original footage has been missing since “sometime in the late 1970s.”

'Lost' Bio-medical, telemetry and voice data

Unfortunately, it isn’t just the video footage that is missing. Also allegedly beamed back from the Moon was voice data, biomedical monitoring data, and telemetry data to monitor the location and mechanical functioning of the spaceship. All of that data, the entire alleged record of the Moon landings, was on the 13,000+ reels that are said to be ‘missing.’ Also missing, according to NASA and its various subcontractors, are the original plans/blueprints for the lunar modules. And for the lunar rovers. And for the entire multi-sectioned Saturn V rockets.

There is, therefore, no way for the modern scientific community to determine whether all of that fancy 1960s technology was even close to being functional or whether it was all for show. Nor is there any way to review the physical record, so to speak, of the alleged flights. We cannot, for example, check the fuel consumption throughout the flights to determine what kind of magic trick NASA used to get the boys there and back with less than 1% of the required fuel. And we will never, it would appear, see the original, first-generation video footage.

You would think that someone at NASA would have thought to preserve such things. No wonder we haven’t given them the money to go back to the Moon; they’d probably just lose it.

* General Draper and Die Frau im Mond (Pt 12)

General Draper and Die Frau im Mond

The man NASA turned to first, long before awarding any of the other Apollo contracts, was one Charles Draper, who ran MIT’s instrumentation lab, which would later carry Draper’s name. Draper was generally described as an eccentric, charismatic, colorful gent whose background was in physics and, curiously, psychology. He is widely considered to be the father of the inertial guidance system.

Perhaps significantly, Bill Kaysing, the first Apollo skeptic to gain prominence, has claimed that it was MIT (in conjunction with DARPA) that provided NASA with the blueprint for how to plausibly simulate manned trips to the Moon. If true, then it of course makes perfect sense that NASA would have turned directly and immediately to MIT, and would have done so without taking any outside bids. Until MIT completed their work and provided the space agency with an outline of the project, it would seem, NASA wouldn’t have known what other contracts to award.

The fact that the project landed on the desk of Charles Draper is perhaps significant, given that the name ‘Draper’ is a rather notorious one in twentieth century American history – and one that is closely tied to the name ‘Bush.’ It is a name that appears more than once on the membership list of everyone’s favorite secret society, Skull & Bones (Herbert Draper Gallaudet [1898], Arthur Draper [1937], William Draper III [1950]). It is a name that was prominently featured in the American eugenics movement, with General William Draper, Jr. serving as founder and chairman of the Population Crisis Committee and vice-chairman of the Birth Control League (as Planned Parenthood was originally known). General Draper, a close friend of the Bush family, also helped finance the 1932 International Eugenics Conference. Many years later, during the Apollo era, Draper advised LBJ on population reduction strategies.

The Draper family was also, not too shockingly, involved in the financing and maintenance of the Nazi regime. General Draper joined Dillon Read in 1927 and for many years was tasked with personally handling the account of Nazi industrialist/financier Fritz Thyssen. At the close of WWII, Draper was appointed Chief of the Economic Division of the Joint Allied Control Council for Germany – he was, in other words, the man who was supposed to oversee the economic de-Nazification of Germany. Just months later, in October 1945, Draper reported that the German economy had magically been de-Nazified. Needless to say, nothing could have been further from the truth.

One final note about General Draper (whose son, Bonesman William Draper III, served as the chief of fundraising for George Bush’s 1980 presidential campaign): he was a member of the Society of American Magicians. In other words, William Draper, Jr. considered himself to be something of an expert in the art of illusion. Perhaps the same could be said of Charles Draper of MIT.

According to Moon Machines, Draper and his team got to work on the Apollo guidance system in the spring of 1962. Given that Moon Machines also contends that the contract was awarded to MIT in early summer of 1961, the question that is naturally begged is: why, with the clock ticking and with an absurdly short timeframe to pull the Apollo project together, would the MIT team have waited almost a year to get started? Or did they, in fact, spend that first year working on their real assignment – mapping out the key elements of the simulation?

If so, then they apparently spent a fair amount of time viewing an obscure German silent film by the name of Die Frau im Mond (The Woman in the Moon), as noted in the painfully long documentary, What Happened on the Moon? The German feature film, released by filmmaker Fritz Lang in 1929, provided the blueprint for the heavily ritualized launch procedures that were adopted for the Apollo program. As can be seen in the screen caps below, all of the elements were there: the unnecessary vertical construction of the spaceship in a specially built hangar; the grand opening of the massive hangar doors; the excruciatingly slow roll-out of the upright rocketship from the hangar to the launch pad; the raucous crowds watching the spectacle live; the now ubiquitous countdown; even the shedding of two stages of the ship. In other words, the only elements of the performance that the public ever actually witnessed were all lifted directly from a forty-year-old silent film.

Die Frau im Mond

Von Braun pictured with Himmler and other NAZI SS officers

Fritz Lang’s technical adviser on the film was Herman Oberth, considered to be one of the three founding fathers of rocketry. Assisting Oberth on the film project, according to the previously quoted Time-Life book To the Moon, was one of his brightest students, nineteen-year-old Wernher von Braun. A decade-and-a-half later, both Oberth and von Braun would be scooped up through the Paperclip project and brought to America to work on, among other things, the Apollo program, whose choreography just happened to very closely match that of the fake Moon launch Oberth and von Braun had crafted forty years earlier.

Die Frau im Mond, by the way, was not the only Fritz Lang film that proved to be rather prophetic. He followed it up in 1931 with M, the tale of a sadistic, pedophilic serial killer guided by voices in his head. I wonder how he came up with that plotline?

Before moving on, I should probably point out here yet another brazen lie the ‘debunkers’ like to tell – the one that holds that von Braun was only a Nazi because he had little choice in the matter, what with living and working in Germany during the days of the Third Reich and all. That’s a nice little fable, to be sure, but it is contradicted in a big way by at least one known photograph in which von Braun can be seen adorned in the elite Nazi regalia of the Black Order of the SS. As anyone who has studied the Nazi hierarchy is well aware, Himmler’s elite order had a ‘no weekend Nazis need apply’ policy.

Anyway, returning to MIT, the starting point for engineers was to develop a gyroscope-based guidance system. The problem though was that gyros could not be produced to MIT’s exacting standards, resulting in gyro after gyro being rejected. Another problem was that translating data from the gyros into flight instructions would require, as Moon Machines noted, a “modern digital computer,” and putting such a beast in a spaceship “was an entirely new challenge.”

“Computers in the early 1960s,” you see, “were huge. The idea of squeezing such a monster into a spacecraft seemed preposterous.” But that wasn’t really going to be a problem since, as we have already seen, clearing seemingly insurmountable obstacles was something that the aerospace community was uniquely skilled at in the 1960s. The engineers working on the onboard computer utilized an entirely new technology known as the silicon chip. The technology was so new though that no one knew what it could actually do. And as with the gyros, it proved to be nearly impossible to produce chips of acceptable quality.

At the time, ‘software’ was a virtually unknown concept. As Moon Machines duly reported, “With nobody clear on exactly what the computer should do, the software engineers were free to write almost anything they liked.” One of those flight software developers, Alex Kosmala, made the following remarkable admission: “There were no specs. We made it up. Uhmm … and it’s always [been] amazing to me – why was I allowed to program something that hadn’t even been specified [but] that would be critical in assuring the success of the whole Apollo Program? I couldn’t believe it, but that’s the way it was. We made it up as we went along!”

I’m going to take a wild guess here and say that NASA probably wasn’t unduly concerned since the functioning of the software would only have mattered if the agency was planning to actually send guys to the Moon.

The most complicated aspect of the Apollo missions was the landing of the lunar modules, which made the software program controlling that part of the mission the most difficult to design. Amazingly though, that aspect of the software design was not assigned until after most of the other programs were 2/3 complete – and it was assigned to a twenty-two-year-old gent named Don Isles who had just recently started his very first job. According to Moon Machines, “the program without which it would be impossible to land on the Moon … had been written almost as an afterthought by a junior engineer.”

It is rumored that MIT first tried to pawn the job off on a kid who flipped burgers at the local McDonalds, but he apparently had prior commitments.

By mid-1966, Draper’s dream of controlling the entire mission via an onboard computer had been dropped in favor of an Earth-based control system with the Draper system along as back-up. MIT allegedly produced a computer the size of a small fridge, which both the command module and the lunar module were outfitted with. Despite the overwhelming obstacles faced by the MIT team, and the seemingly lackadaisical approach taken with the project, the Apollo guidance system, as would be expected, performed nearly flawlessly on every outing.

One final note here on Die Frau im Mond before wrapping up this installment: the gatekeepers over at the BAUT forum appear to be in on the joke. Why else would the site's logo contain not an image of NASA's lunar module sitting on the surface of the Moon, but rather a rocketship that looks suspiciously like the spaceship from Lang's film?

NASA releases new photos dating back to the early 70s of astronauts training in Hawaii for moon mission

By Kirk Maltais PUBLISHED: 09:57 EST, 31 May 2014 | UPDATED: 11:04 EST, 31 May 2014

*Never-before seen photos show crews of Apollo 14, 15, and 17 lunar missions training in conditions similar to the moon

Training took place on Hawaii's Big Island, a volcanic area in the archipelago

Area now used for testing robots and new technology for upcoming space missions

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon-video


THE MOON LANDING HOAX- Apollo Hoax Videos-The Masonic Moon Landing Hoax- [The number of astronauts known to be Masons is astonishing: ]


Apollo Hoax Videos- Apollo Hoax Photos

What's keeping us from Mars? Space rays, say experts

"(Reuters) - Cosmic rays are so dangerous and so poorly understood that people are unlikely to get to Mars or even back to the moon until better ways are found to protect astronauts, experts said on Monday."

'The report, commissioned by NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, said the radiation poses cancer and other health risks for years after astronauts return to Earth.

"The committee finds that lack of knowledge about the biological effects of and responses to space radiation is the single most important factor limiting prediction of radiation risk associated with human space exploration," the report reads.'

[NASA is admitting that they don't have the technology today to protect astronauts from cosmic rays. What about back in the 1960's? Did they have the technology then? Astronauts today do not venture into the Van Allen radiation belt, which encircles Earth, lest they be fried. How could they survive it back in the '60s?]

'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

NASA and NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) Mission Patches with Illuminati symbolism

To read all:

* The number of astronauts known to be Masons is astonishing:


John Glenn, two-time US senator and one of the first men in space was a known Mason. The number of astronauts known to be Masons is astonishing: Buzz Aldrin Jr. (Apollo 11), Gordon Cooper Jr., (Mercury 9, Gemini 5), Donn Eisele (Apollo 7), John Glenn Jr., (Mercury 6), Virgil Grissom (Apollo 1 & 15, Mercury 5, Gemini 3), James Irwin (Apollo 15), Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), Walter Schirra Jr. (Apollo 7, Sigma 7, Gemini 6, Mercury 8), Thomas Stafford (Apollo 10 & 18, Gemini 7 & 9), and Paul Weitz (Skylab 2, Challenger). This list is by no means comprehensive and there are likely scores upon scores of Masons within the ranks of NASA. Werner Von Braun, the first director of NASA was one of many top Nazi rocket-scientists the OSS/CIA brought to America during Operation Paperclip. So to begin with, NASA is full of Masons and Nazis - not the most historically honest folks.

Two years before Apollo 11, NASA director Werner Von Braun and a small team took a mysterious trip to Antarctica. They claimed to be scoping out remote locations for top-secret training facilities, but skeptics say they went to collect “Moon” rocks. Bill Kaysing (author of “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle”) hired his private investigator friend Paul Jacobs to check with the head of the US Department of Geology in Washington and ask, “did you examine the Moon rocks, and did they come from the Moon?” The geologist simply laughed and insinuated that people high in the US government knew all about the cover-up.

The second man on the Moon, 33rd degree Mason Buzz Aldrin was asked at a banquet what it felt like to step onto the lunar surface. He got up without saying a word and left the room crying uncontrollably. Another time (you can watch on YouTube) "Buzz Aldri..."] This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by AFTH, LLC.] he was approached and called out by someone on the Moon hoax and reacted by punching him in the face. He acts less like someone who has walked on the Moon and more like someone trying to live a big lie. He also must fear for his life because he has taken a Masonic blood-oath not to expose the hoax (Also see Neil Armstrong, Ed Mitchell, and other Astro-nots Gone Wild). Before the first manned Apollo mission, 11 would-be Apollo astronauts died from supposed accidents in the line of duty. Three of them “accidentally” had their test capsule pumped full of high pressure oxygen until it exploded. Seven more died in plane crashes and one in a car crash. 11 astronauts coincidentally dying under such circumstances is highly unlikely and points towards the Masons trying to find the right people to sell their hoax.

All NASA mission patches are full of occult/Masonic symbolism and perhaps none more so than the Apollo missions. The names of the missions and crafts are almost always names of ancient gods or astrological signs; they always use Roman numerals, and complex Sacred Geometry, the secrets of which are held by the Masons. Why was it “the Eagle” that landed on the Moon? Eagles have long been used to symbolize the crown chakra. Many mission patches feature the caduceus, serpents, eagles, and other spiritual symbology. The STS-58 patch shows a snake coiling up a pole with a V under it on one side and a caduceus on the other.

Hitler said, “great liars are also great magicians,” and “the great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” Hitler actually described “The Big Lie” in his book “Mein Kampf” as a propaganda technique. He said the lie must be “so colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” 16 years later, Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels wrote in a Jan. 12th, 1941 article called “Churchill’s Lie Factory,” that, “The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.” He is also quoted saying, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, the people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

To read all:

* Wagging the Moondoggie [moon rock fake- Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits ]

'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

29 Aug 2009: Curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the "lunar rock", valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood...

which I and many others found quite amusing, and which also reminded me that I had a lot of other bits and pieces of information concerning the Apollo project that I had collected over the nine years that have passed since I first wrote about the alleged Moon landings. After taking that first look, back in 2000, I was pretty well convinced that the landings were, in fact, faked, but it was perfectly obvious that the rather short, mostly tongue-in-cheek post that I put up back in July of 2000 was not going to convince anyone else of that.

Ooopsie- Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits

Jul 20, 2009: The original recordings of the first humans landing on the moon 40 years ago were erased and re-used...NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the July 20, 1969 landing...

* If Man Had Landed On The Moon There Would Be A McDonalds Drive Thru Up There By Now.... 69 Reasons why You Should Moon NASA for The Mindf-ck


There are questions you've got to ask yourself... just regarding the "evidence" alone...

All voice data, biomedical monitoring data, telemetry data, video, lost, 13,000 reels of this, 700 cartons of that.... Sure someone could have stolen it all, it must be worth something, but really?

Apparently these things have been missing for 30 years.

Original blueprints of lunar modules, lunar rover and saturn V rockets, all gone.

Never even sent a few blokes back to even orbit the moon since Brady Bunch days.

Neither the most powerful telescopes on earth, nor the Hubble have ever been turned on the moon to show the litter we left, the flag, the remote controlled camera which filmed the last lift off...

Not to mention Stanford graduate student Robert Bassano getting NASA SOPHIA telescope Deputy Team Project Manager to admit he has never seen Hubble in real time in 25 years working at NASA. (WTH????)

Oh, the moon meteorites that Werner Von Braun and his summer camping team must have tripped over during their 1967 Antarctic Expedition. ?

That was opportune

Or the "moon rocks" that are petrified wood from Arizona that the Dutch Government recently returned to the US Government as fakes?

In 1927 Werner Von Braun at 19 years old worked as an assistant on a German film named Die Frau im Mond. (The Woman in the Moon ). This film featured all the scenes Werner would play out on the whole world with NASA four decades later... a huge upright standing rocket being wheeled out of a hangar, the suspenseful countdown, the crowds, all the foreshadow to the Apollo program.

Sibrels second film, *Astronots Gone Wild* seems him getting punch in the head from Aldrin when he (later admits) got too rude and too in his face calling him a faker in public..

All the astronots go off at him. Theyre furious. Poor things. Im quite sure none of them knew what they were getting themselves into.

If you want to see how they notice us and told us what they did in plain sight, enjoy Capricorn One

* See Video

NASAs highest ranking official James Webb resigned right before the first mission. What happened to him that he would quit his part in one of mankinds greatest achievements:

All three Apollo astronauts also resigned right after their "return to earth".

* Richplanet - New evidence on Stanley Kubrick faking the Apollo Moon landing

* Ukrainian Physicist tackles Apollo Moon Landing

front screen projection anyone.

its in every single moon shot ive ever seen once it was pointed out.

p>Award winning filmmaker Bart Sibrel ( presents his highly acclaimed (and much hated) controversial documentary showcasing newly discovered behind-the-scenes out-takes from the first mission to the moon, proving conclusively that the crew never left earth orbit.

Never before in all of recorded aviation has a flying machine worked on its very first attempt, much less the most complicated one ever created, landing on another planet on its maiden voyage, and returning roundtrip with a crew that lived to tell, all with 1960's technology, even though the feat cannot be repeated today, by any nation on earth, with fifty years more technological advancements in rockets and computers, thus failing the simplest of scientific protocols, that of independent verification and duplication.

Emotional ecstasy and pride, clouds most people's perception of the deplorability reality, that of a government deception to boast domestic morale during a time of unprecedented civil unrest from the unpopular Vietnam War.

According to William Kaysing, a six year NASA contractor for the "Apollo" missions, a classified interdepartmental memo rated the odds of a survivable manned lunar mission on its first attempt with 1960's technology, at only one in ten thousand. The only way to assure success, and not risk killing the crew on live international television, was an artful bluff by the shrewd Nixon administration, along with their well acquainted counterparts in the CIA. This is why the returning crew looked so dejected, rather than triumphant, at their press conference, as they were blackmailed into lying about the alleged greatest accomplishment of mankind, to the detriment of their own souls.

Sibrel has been interviewed, and his documentary about the moon landings have been featured on, The Tonight Show, The Daily Show, Geraldo at Large, The Abrams Report, Coast to Coast, NBC, CNN, FOX, Time Magazine, The New York Times, The L.A. Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today.


Have They Lied To Us About Absolutely EVERYTHING?? -- Bart Sibrel-video

SGTreport Published on Feb 18, 2018

Bart Sibrel, the producer and director of 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon' joins me to discuss the NASA Apollo moon missions and SpaceX. Bart firmly believes that NASA faked the moon landings and the evidence cited in this interview leads me to draw many of the the same conclusions. We know that the elite who run the world have lied to us about everything else, so what would make you believe they told us the truth about the Apollo missions when by NASA's own admission, they have "lost" the technology to go back?


After THIS You WILL Question EVERYTHING! Hidden Messages In CINEMA! (2018)


This video covers some of the LIVE telecast for Apollo 11 and touches on many other aspects of the Apollo missions. It touches on various interviews and press conferences as well as on board communication and even covers a bit of Aaron Ranens documentary, "Did We Go?"

This video covers some of the LIVE telecast for Apollo 11 and touches on many other aspects of the Apollo missions. It touches on various interviews and press conferences as well as on board communication and even covers a bit of Aaron Ranens documentary, "Did We Go?"


One Giant Lie For Mankind - AstroNots Gone Nowhere-video

This video covers some of the LIVE telecast for Apollo 11 and touches on many other aspects of the Apollo missions. It touches on various interviews and press conferences as well as on board communication and even covers a bit of Aaron Ranens documentary, "Did We Go?"

To Read More:

Cocktail Geoengineering: How 9-11 Changed the Sky Forever-video

History of geoengineering since 1940s!

NASA scientists discover that contrail cirrus clouds are trapping heat after 9/11/2001 airline groundings: airline industry freaks out and geoengineers invent cirrus cloud thinning!

Ionospheric Heaters - Space Weather Control and Geophysical Warfare

The facts about HAARP and experiments on the ionosphere, magnetosphere, and YOU!

Thunderstruck! Chaff, Lasers, Rockets, and Lightning Control

This truly shocking article explores efforts to harness, mitigate, and even control lightning. Check the reference link below for an electrifying education!

Artificial Gravity Waves, Barium Clouds, & Chemtrails From Space!

Sounding Rockets and Satellites dump chemicals and Ionospheric Heaters (Incohernent Scatter Radars) microwave them!

Operation Umbrella 1965 – L’Opération para-pluie

(Quebec Rainmaking Experiments)

In 1965, there was 60,718 signatures collected to ban artificial rain-making experiments in Quebec.

Chemtrails vs Contrails, Slavespeak, and How Meteorologists Know Jack about Aviation Pollution

"I believe that the majority of responsible meteorologists share my concern that, in several countries, politicians and entrepreneurs, ignorant or impatient of the scientific facts and problems, are initiating and conducting major weather modification projects without the benefit or proper scientific direction, advice, and criticism, and that this may have serious repercussions on the reputation of meteorology as a science and as a profession."

Dr. Basil J. Mason (former Director General of the UK Meteorological Office)

New Scientist Magazine 1973

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Exposed: Fallen Angel Technology Erecting the Demonically Electrified Graphene-Carbon Temple Enterprise

Occultist's and the New Age movement have a strange perception about the breath of life conferred to us by God Himself. The Geo-Engineering of the planet that we see has many prophetic reasons such as returning the sky to the days of Noah, albeit, synthetic. It is preparing the earth habitation of reanimated spirits, demons, creatures, giants, and the fallen angels. Also, demonic forces are altering our atmosphere because they believe you are polluting the earth by breathing, and they are going to change that by making a poisonous atmosphere.

Weapon System to War Against God

The purpose of CERN has always been to explore fissle materials as in weaponry. Satan is building a physical weapons system to kill God's angels and then God, Himself. This weapons system elemental canon, the accelerator is scalable to any size so that it can be deployed on the battlefield.

Doorway to the Abyss

CERN's 2015 Symmetry is a depiction of the opening of the abyss and destruction of machine. CERN intends through an explosion of strangelets to burn the elements to open a abyssal doorway. the Abyss.

Satan intends to force God's timeline for the new Heaven and Earth. CERN is updating their collider's with some of the elements listed in the biblical passage below. God's Word says:

Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Because all of you have become dross, behold, I will gather you into Jerusalem. Just as one gathers silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin into the furnace to melt with a fiery blast, so I will gather you in My anger and wrath, leave you there, and melt you. Yes, I will gather you together and blow on you with the fire of My wrath, and you will be melted within the city.… Ezekiel 22:20 Berean Version

There are secular predictions also including one to flee Geneva because of an explosion

Erecting Electrified Carbon Temples

Witchcraft exploits seven types of creative electric power and hybridizes it with seven types of matter. The stated goal is a building project where the heart of electric masonry is to erect "temples not made with hands." This is a counterfeit of God's Temple.

But it was Solomon who built the house for Him. However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: ‘Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me, says the Lord, or where will My place of repose be?…Acts 7:48

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands. Acts 17:24

The present discoveries anent carbon Anent looks like a rather old-fashioned word. It is, in fact, very old (an earlier sense of the word can be found in Beowulf, from approximately 800 A.D.), and at one point it was almost obsolete. Dead words do occasionally rise from the grave, and "anent" is one of them.

The dark anent carbon from the fallen angels and their offspring is being integrated into nanotechnology. The exterior of this will be a symbolic veneer fusing science and art. If you are following AI you have probably noticed AI invading the arts such as artwork, literary, and…. There is a nefarious loophole in our governmental oversight and that is if someone claims their product is artwork they are excluded from regulation that others must follow. You can do almost anything under the label artwork. This is why you see so many artists joining up with the technical sector at these tech conferences such as the recent Exponential Medicine Conference and the launch of the beast system infrastructure at DevCon4 in Prague.

Alchemists and other purveyors of darkness are manipulating tapping into the electrical essence of carbon at the molecular level that lies dormant within humans. Satan is guiding humanity to work consciously to transform the earth, and later, the entire solar system, into a living temple. It will be a temple of transfigured (rearranged) carbon with humanity as the diamond-souled kingdom living and expressing itself through it.

The key to this Masonic enterprise is the breaking of God's barriers through technologies such as CERN, AI and the beast system:

"the seventh ray in connection with the phenomena of electricity, through which the solar system is coordinated and vitalized…When the great work is consummated we shall see the Temple of God, the solar system, organized objectively and subjectively; its courts and holy places will then be accessible to the sons of men, who will work then without limitation, and will have free access to all parts of the building. Through the magic of the Word which will then have been recovered, all doors will fly open, and the consciousness of man will respond to every divine manifestation."

The edifices being erected will use an electrical carbon foundational bridge couched mystical vision:

"There is nothing but electricity in manifestation, the 'mystery of electricity' to which H.P.B. referred to in The Secret Doctrine. Everything in Nature is electrical in nature; life itself is electricity, but all that we have contacted and used today is that which is only physical and related to and inherent in the physical and etheric matter of all forms…Future scientific discoveries, therefore, hold the secret."

God's world is electrically charged for His purposes and in the frontal attack against God and His anointed and people the powers of darkness want to use that weaponize the energetic tools of the Almighty God.

Bottom Line

Those at CERN may try to push the envelope before the collider's close down until 2026.

In Revelation 1:18 Jesus says, “I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

This passage indicates that there are multiple keys. One key is lent to the angel or messenger to open the bottomless pit. The builders of CERN believe their facility is located over the abyss.

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Dolphins. Pod Power, Pink, LSD and the CIA.- By Shirobanryu on July 12, 2018-Video


Our History, Art, Sciences and Our World Legends as well… all acknowledge the Dolphin as an outstanding Species… that stands… well,.. lives in Water actually. Our Deep Blue… bits. Interactions with us and them… oft go well. Though wet in the wild. Sticky situations… there have been a few. Pod Power, Dolphin Whisperers, Cia Suicide Bombers and their links to a mind-changing Chemical. Diving Deep… and a lil’ Slide-show in and on The Pink. Dolphin.

Soldiers of dolphinry.?.

NO.!. Cattery also.

Grand Plans for the Dolphins… had the CIA arranged.

Mainly as… Weapons of War.

As vehicles creatures to drive… Suicide Bombing Dives or Intel Gathering.

Like Spies… in some Bond Movie. Spies…

Playing Mind Games and with Society’s Peace and Goodwill… at stake.

With Devices attached to film… or blow-up. Methods such Minds at the CIA…

seem to believe… gather Intelligence.

Such too with others of Nature’s creeds.


Spy Cats.

A mobile listening Operative was the Plan.

To be let loose.

In areas frequented by other… Spies.

Microphones embedded…

in Cat’s Ears as an example of clarity of Mind.

CIA Style that is… indeed…

in deed and in fact also. Results were typically…

catastrophic it seems.

History repeats… oft in those halls…

thus seeking Intelligence so mannered.

Upon being let free in the area.

The Cat did.

What Cats do.

Ran across the Road. Taxi cruising through.

That oncoming Taxi… too,..

had no idea…

SpyKitty was on a deep State Mission of National Security.

Nine lives… thus and soon…

All nine… came due.

Lilly’s… Ways and Means.

JOHN C. LILLY… DOLPHIN RESEARCHER AND WHISPERER. Our World Legends of the Deep and Blue indeed. photocredit/thanks:scribol

* VIDEO - For the Love of Dolphins- VIDEO

Please enjoy For the Love of Dolphins, featuring Dr. John C. Lilly and Ed Ellsworth​. I worked as the research consultant for this project with Patricia Sims, the producer of the show. This program originally aired on the Discovery Channel. In the film, I was interviewed regarding my work as a dolphin researcher with Dr. John C. Lilly and the Human/Dolphin Foundation. I took our team to the various locations and researchers included in the program. - Ed Ellsworth


Mind Control Technology. Ultra Science Ins and Outs.

Whilst Mind Control may sound like Science Fiction… a recent FOI request beams a different approach. Documents reveal a deep and lasting series of Research Experiments designed to transmit… their thoughts… into your Mind. Controlled… or not… these of Our World Legends of a strange Science… are herein. The docs… the vids… Intel and more. gifcredit/thanks:thefreethoughtproject/giphy

Accidental FOIA Reveals Mind Control Documents;

Here’s Further Evidence This Technology Exists:

TOPICS:Aaron KeselCIAMilitarymind control

By Aaron Kesel

Journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to obtain information about Antifa and white supremacist groups; instead of getting information on how the agency targets the groups, he got way more than the information he was looking for – Curtis was accidentally sent a mysterious file with the label “EM effects on human”

The file included methods of “remote mind control,” MuckRockreported.

According to MuckRock, the mind control documents came from the Department of Homeland Security-linked agency in the form of a file called “EM effects on human”

The file reportedly contained various diagrams detailing the horrors of “psycho-electronic weapon effects.”

One document lists the various forms of torment made possible by using “remote mind control” methods, from “forced memory blanking” and “sudden violent itching inside eyelids” to “wild flailing” followed by “rigor mortis” and a remotely induced “forced orgasm.”

It was not immediately clear how the documents wound up in the agency’s response to a standard FOIA request, but there was reportedly no indication the “remote mind control” files stemmed from any government program.

According to Popular Mechanics, the documents are not official documents but are rather documents captured by the Fusion Center.

The federal government has absolutely experimented with mind control in a variety of methods, but the documents here do not appear to be official.

Waltman had no idea why these documents were included in his request and isn’t sure why the government is holding them. The WSFC did not respond to requests for more information.

The documents themselves are quite bizarre and, honestly, despite reports dismissing them, it is worth remembering that this is exactly what the CIA was working on for years during MKULTRA.

That program was supposed to have been shut down after the Church Hearings and other congressional hearings exposed all of the CIA’s clandestine activities at the time many that violated human rights including experimentation on patients and the American population without their knowledge.

Last year, it was revealed that mainstream science had caught up with the black project world (CIA) and had successfully weakened or strengthened particular memories from the brain or outright deleted inherited memories from mice, Activist Postreported.

There was a series of CIA mind control programs including BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, MKSEARCH and MKNAOMI during the ’50s to ’90s. The CIA sought to blank-slate test subjects wiping memories through drugs, electric shock, high-pitched sound and other torture techniques.

The Project Bluebird/Artichoke document below was kept hidden and under wraps and distracted from other subprojects in MKULTRA through Operation Dormouse for a reason; just read the documents it’s literally the CIA suggesting to create mind-controlled slaves that can covertly commit murder in the 1950s-’60s.

* VIDEO- Church Committee Hearings CIA William Colby 1975- VIDEO


Last year, it was revealed that mainstream science had caught up with the black project world (CIA) and had successfully weakened or strengthened particular memories from the brain or outright deleted inherited memories from mice, Activist Postreported.

There was a series of CIA mind control programs including BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, MKSEARCH and MKNAOMI during the ’50s to ’90s. The CIA sought to blank-slate test subjects wiping memories through drugs, electric shock, high-pitched sound and other torture techniques.

The Project Bluebird/Artichoke document below was kept hidden and under wraps and distracted from other subprojects in MKULTRA through Operation Dormouse for a reason; just read the documents it’s literally the CIA suggesting to create mind-controlled slaves that can covertly commit murder in the 1950s-’60s.

Although, many suspect that this project involved the South American plant derivative, scopolamine, a dangerous substance known as the “zombie drug.” Documents released only a few weeks ago in the JFK files suggest that the CIA was using electromagnetic weaponry to accomplish this goal.


Well, it started out with using electrodes on a subject’s brain, and I suspect it evolved into tapping into the brain’s own natural frequency over time as the Army documents details on Voice To Skull technology decades later.

The clandestine station programming consisted of patriotic and religious music and intentionally vague, confusing and contradictory military orders and information to the Iraqi soldiers in the Kuwaiti Theater of Command (KTO). The size and power of enemy forces was always intentionally exaggerated. Surrender was encouraged. According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as Ultra-High-Frequency ‘Silent Sounds’ or ‘Silent Subliminals’. (Newsweek, July 30, 1990, Page 61) Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by psyops psychologists were clearly perceived by the subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds.

Then there is the suggestion of using Voice To Skull technology in Afghanistan under the moniker “Voice Of Allah” a few years back under the George Bush administration. That plan also included the broadcasting of a hologram image of what Allah was depicted to have looked like. Further, there was a plan years prior to do the same thing to other Arab nations.

The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for application to PSYOPS. The “Holographic Projector” is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to “project information power from space … for special operations deception missions. (Source: Washington Post)

Steven Corman, writing at the COMOPS journal, described his own encounter with this technology:

At a government workshop some time ago I head someone describe a new tool that was described as the “voice of Allah.” This was said to be a device that would operate at a distance and would deliver a message that only a single person could hear. The story was that it was tested in a conflict situation in Iraq and pointed at one insurgent in a group, who whipped around looking in all directions, and began a heated conversation with his compatriots, who did not hear the message. At the time I greeted this story with some skepticism.

Holosonic Research Labs and American Technology Corporation both have versions of directed sound, which can allow a single person to hear a message that others around don’t hear. Holosonic sells a technology called “Audio Spot Light” while ATC sells the Long Range Acoustic Device. DARPA also has its own sonic projector. Intriguingly, Strategy Pagereported that troops used LRAD as a modified Voice of God weapon:

It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using “spoken” (as opposed to “screeching”) LRAD to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. LRAD can put the “word of God” into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do?

CNET once reported on the technology, noting that users don’t hear sound through their ears but instead the sound resonates and reverberates inside the person’s head – except in that case it was used for advertising.

The folks who heard the ad for A & E’s TV show “Paranormal State” emitted from a billboard in New York City’s Greenwich Village must have thought it was pretty weird. As they walked into the targeted area they were exposed to highly focused sound, picked up not by their ears, but by their skulls. The otherwise inaudible sound waves are experienced via bone conduction–the sound resonates inside the passerby’s head.

The use of mind control technologies was predicted as well in the military publication of Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, published in 1994.

voice to skull devices


Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.



In January 2007, Washington Postwrote on the same subject:

In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head… Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory’s directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab’s policy not to comment on its microwave work. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent — records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear — the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials.

Previous research in electromagnetic weapons has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit commands directly into someone’s thought process making them think it’s their own thoughts. In fact there is even a patent which suggests doing just that.

In the 1940s George Estabrooks, a Harvard University graduate, Rhodes Scholar and chairman of psychology at Colgate University, Canada, acknowledged conducting extensive hypnosis work on behalf of the CIA, FBI and military intelligence creating Manchurian candidates.

He boasted to Science Digest in 1971: “I can hypnotize a man — without his knowledge or consent — into committing treason against the United States.” Estabrook (Bowhart. Operation Mind Control.)

Eight years later, it was reported that a “Man Hallucinates, Says Microwaves Are Murdering Him,” in the March 21, 1979, edition of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and later New Scientist. That man was electronics engineer Leonard Kille, who founded the Scientific Engineering Institute (SEI) on behalf of the CIA.

In July 1968 at South Vietnam’s Bien Hoa Hospital, SEI teams had implanted electrodes in the skulls of Vietcong prisoners of war in experimental attempts to direct the behavior of brain-wired subjects by remote control.

Killed himself was a test subject of the electrodes implanted in his brain. In 1971, a hospital attendant found Kille holding a metal wastebasket over his head in an attempt to “stop the microwaves.” A sympathetic doctor at Boston’s VA hospital, where Kille was transferred, ordered him “a large sheet of aluminum foil so he may fashion a protective helmet for himself.”

Not informed that Kille had electrodes implanted his head, the VA doctors diagnosed him as a delusional paranoid individual.

In 1965 The New York Timesreported obscure EMR experiments secretly funded by the government under the front-page headline: “Mind Control Coming, Scientist Warns.” University of California psychology professor Dr. David Krech is quoted warning, “EMR research may carry with it even more serious implications than the achievements of the atomic physicists.”

Earlier, a 1963 CIA-issued manual on the study of Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control (RHIC) explained:

When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, etc., an emotion is produced—anger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. The same emotions of anger can be created by artificial radio signals sent to your brain by a controller. You could instantly feel the same white-hot anger without any apparent reason.

Richard Helms oversaw military-oriented EMR research into the transmission of strategic subliminal messages into the aggregate minds of enemy populations. In a 1964 memo to the Warren Commission regarding the possibility that Lee Harvey Oswald had been a mind-controlled assassin, Helms outlined the existence of “biological radio communication.” “Cybernetics science of communication and control theory that is concerned with the study of automatic control systems, such as the brain and mechanical-electrical communications,”

Helms admitted, “can be used in molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns … all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.”

A subsequent CIA directive, summarized in a brochure on “cybernetic technique” distributed by Mankind Research Unlimited, an EMR study facility in Washington, D.C., detailed the deep state’s development of a “means by which information of modest rate can be fed to humans utilizing other senses than sight or hearing.”

According to the brochure, the CIA’s cybernetic technique, “based on Eastern European research,” involved beaming information via radio frequencies to individual human nerve cells. The purpose, the directive stated, was for “the enhancement of a subject’s mental and physical performance.”

“Recently researchers from the University of Washington showed that they could send one person’s thoughts through a computer to control the hand motion of a person sitting half a mile away. The team first demonstrated this brain-to-brain connection was possible back in August 2013.

But now the researchers have put the technology through more rigorous testing and are close to making it usable in real-world scenarios,” Live Science reported.

Neuroscientists in France implanted false memories into the brains of sleeping mice in 2015. Using electrodes to directly stimulate and record the activity of nerve cells, they created artificial associative memories that persisted while the animals snoozed and then influenced their behavior when they finally woke up. MIT scientist also achieved the same result using mice in a similar experiment prior in 2013.

Meanwhile, Japanese researchers have developed a trick to implant false visions into people’s brains, altering the way they experience the world and potentially even the way they think.

In 2016, Dailymail reported that scientists had discovered a disturbing trick to plant false experiences into people’s brains.

As Huffington Postreported in 2014, “Mind control is becoming a reality,” in the clear science world, while black project scientists are far ahead of these advances as this article illustrates.

Knowing all this information and seeing all the cited times in history that a shooter has heard voices in their head, one has to question if all the shootings were legitimate or if some of them were deep state CIA operations. (See my article: “I HEAR VOICES: MKUltra? A Worrying Trend Of Mass Shooting Suspects Throughout History Before Committing Horrific Murders.“)

With the inadvertent release of suspicious files talking about mind control it seemed like no better time to put this article out. Will the disclosure of this technology allow for the acceptance that it exists rather than constant ridicule with tinfoil hats?

This entire article is cited to its teeth — your move CIA.

Electromagnetic Weapons are Being Used to Torture and Subjugate Countless American Citizens…: * This web site may be very difficult to access now****(Sol-war)

Addendum Re:

Caveat Re: Dr. Collin Ross & Mark Phillips CIA Veteran (Sol-war)

Dr. Collin Ross


[Dr. Ross is in my opinion a CIA asset. The cover of his book is full of subliminal messages including of freemasonry. In the first few blank pages there is one page with numbers and letters scrolled across the otherwise blank page. I sent a copy of the numbers to a former 30 year CIA operative and military intelligence colonel I knew. He said numbers numbers and letters were partial FBI codes for assassination and drug smuggling. However he did not know all of what it meant. I wrote Dr. Ross asking him what these numbers and letters meant. He wrote back that "I was the only one who ever asked and it was for the reader to figure it out." I was in the US army in a secret program starting in Waco Texas (Fort Hood) area to Italy which gave me some insight into Dr. Ross and his clinic. I believe his book is for calling home mind control subjects (Manchurian Candidates) who have gone off the reservation. Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired, US army Top Secret clearance.]

Collin Ross is a practicing psychiatrist that focusses much of his research on the very real - yet suppressed - abuses carried out by psychiatrists, and the CIA

Bluebird : Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists Paperback – December 6, 2000

by Colin A. Ross-


Colin A. Ross, M.D. received his degree from the University of Alberta in 1981 and completed his psychiatry training at the University of Manitoba in 1985. Dr. Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of traumatic stress and trauma related disorders. He is the founder and President of The Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.

starsContainment gone wrong

January 18, 2011


Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

Oops. This bit of containment effort seems to have gone awry. Ross goes to great legths documenting mind control projects but stops short of calling out the CIA for their obviously criminal behavior. Odd. Why containment gone wrong, you ask? I think this was a limited hangout in which Ross revealed some critical information but not enough to fuel effective counter measures. Only problem is the "limited hangout" hung out a little too far and Ross reveals perhaps too much inside proof on the subject of mind control. Use this as a reference of mind control documents and don't forget this is but one piece of a much bigger puzzle.

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Ginger Finley

1.0 out of 5 starsWho in their right mind would pay that kind of ...

Who in their right mind would pay that kind of money for a book when i can print all that out.

Published 3 months ago

Amazon Customer

4.0 out of 5 starsThis book was republished as "The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists"

First I want to say that this book has been republished as "The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists" as this is not made clear elsewhere and...Read more

Published 1 year ago

Aaron A. Golub

2.0 out of 5 starsFull of cowardly omissions

This was a difficult book to review. While Bluebird contains a great deal of well documented information it completely fails to address the deep connections with ongoing ritual...Read more

Published on February 25, 2014

Jonathon Barbera

5.0 out of 5 starsMK-Ultra Now

After reading this book, it occurs to me that MK-Ultra is the official state religion of the New World Order.Read more

Published on September 18, 2006

T. Brown

4.0 out of 5 starsLimited Hangout

That is the term for providing a portion of the truth to prevent the whole truth from coming out and that seems to be what this is.Read more

Published on June 1, 2005

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 starsFrightening and Informative!

From Project Paperclip and The Tuskegee Syphillis Study, to real life Manchurian Candidates, this book is a wealth of information.Read more

Published on September 5, 2004


5.0 out of 5 starsA Clockwork Orange ...

Government efforts to control alleged "terrorists" with the use of psychological "techniques" constitute a threat to the civil liberties of all and a common form of torture --...Read more

Published on April 25, 2004

Jed Shlackman

4.0 out of 5 starsDocumentation of Govt.-Sponsored Psychiatric Mind Control

Colin Ross, M.D., a well-established psychiatrist and researcher in the field of dissociative disorders, has put together a collection of evidence showing how psychiatry has been...Read more

Published on September 14, 2003

4.0 out of 5 starsDocumentation of Govt.-Sponsored Psychiatric Mind Control

ByJed ShlackmanTOP 1000 REVIEWERVINE VOICEon September 14, 2003

Ross specifically states that this book is not about any conspiracy theory or critique of government agencies and their motives, while he does express his intent to expose psychiatric professionals involved in mind control for their breach of professional oaths and ethics. This aspect of the text is somewhat disappointing, as Ross defends the CIA and other government operations for their exploration of mind control to serve national "security" and "defense" interests.

Mark Phillips

CIA Veteran

[I was introduced to Mark Phillips by Ted Gunderson retired FBI S/A back in the 1990s. I had communicated with him for about two years. At one point he asked me to buy him a pistol and send it to him across several states.

I believe he wanted to set me up with this gun with my prints on it and the fact the I would have originally bought it. (Big red flag) I said no. Also I had been recording my phone calls out going and incoming when I called Philipps and some other person answered using some type of code. Although I don't have that recording with me right now to review it was something like 'redrock 17 base" or something code like. When I asked the man for Mark Philips he hung up. Later when I reached Phillips and told him what happened he laughed and just said its the phone company malfunction mixing up his number with the local military base. Numerous people I knew, and others I didn't know later all said he was still CIA based on evidence and witnesses. . We all believed he was an active containment agent. Ted Gunderson said from the beginning Phillips was CIA. As it turned out many of us found out Ted Gunderson was still a secret COINTELPRO FBI agent pretending to be a patriot truth teller but gathering names. I had other evidence that while Gunderson was in charge of the LA, Calif FBI office his agents covered up a big case of mine of international drugs and gun smuggling as well as other major case of mine involving organized crime, CIA and some in LAPD helping to protect them. Gunderson and John DeCamp attorney and for Nebraska state senator were good friends and worked together a lot. I met DeCamp. We are not friends. Enough said.

Edward Schooling, LAPD, retired.

Mark Phillips is a veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, and he has witnessed firsthand the mind & behavioral control programs that are being used to torture; exploit; and subjugate innocent U.S. citizens.

Top read all:

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Video: The Pentagon’s Insect Army-By Manlio Dinucci Global Research, October 10, 2018

Swarms of insects, transporting genetically modified infectious viruses, attack the agricultural crops of a country and destroy its food production – this is not a science-fiction scenario, but a plan that is actually being prepared by DARPA, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Five scientists from one French and two German universities have revealed this information in Science, one of the world’s most prestigious scientific revues. In their editorial, published on 5 October, they cast serious doubt on the idea that DARPA’s research, entitled “insect allies” was intended only for the use declared by the Agency – the protection of US agriculture against pathogens by using insects as the vectors of genetically modified infectious viruses. These viruses are transmitted to plants and modify their chromosomes. This capacity – as declared by the five scientists – appears to be “very limited”.

However, within the scientific milieu, the programme is “widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery”, in other words “a new form of biological weapon”. This violates the Biological Weapons Convention, which came into effect in 1975, but which has remained inactive mainly due to the refusal of the USA to accept inspections of their own laboratories.

The five scientists specify that “easy simplifications could be used to generate a new class of biological weapons, weapons that would be extremely transmissible to susceptible crop species due to insect dispersion as the means of delivery”.

DARPA’s “Insect Allied” Project. Deployment of Insects under a US Military Program Could be Seen as Bioweapon

This scenario of an attack on agricultural cultures in Russia, China and other countries, led by the Pentagon with swarms of insects transporting the virus, is not a science-fiction fable. DARPA’s programme is not the only one to use insects as a weapon of war. The US Office of Naval Research has asked for research from Washington University in St Louis in order to transform locusts into biological drones.

VIDEO- The Art of War - The Pentagon Insect Army


Source: PandoraTV

Using an electrode implanted in its brain and a tiny transmitter on the insect’s back, the on-the-ground operator can decipher what the locust’s antennae are picking up. These insects have an olfactive capacity capable of instantaneously perceiving various types of chemical substances in the air – which enables the identification of stores of explosives and other sites which can be hit by air or missile attacks.

Even more frightening scenarios were mentioned in the editorial by the five scientists in Science magazine. DARPA’s programme – they emphasise – is the first programme concerning the development of genetically modified viruses which can be spread throughout the environment, and which could infect other organisms “not only in agriculture”. In other words, human beings could be listed among the organisms potentially affected by the insect-borne infectious viruses.

We know that during the Cold War, in the laboratories of the US and other nations, research on bacteria and viruses was carried out – when these agents are spread by insects (lice, flies, ticks), they can trigger epidemics in the enemy nation. Among them are the Yersinia Pestis bacteria, the cause of the bubonic plague (the terrifying « Black Death » of the Middle Ages) and the Ebola virus, which is both contagious and lethal.

With the techniques available today, it is possible to produce new types of pathogens, spread by insects, for which the targeted population would have no defence.

The “plagues” which in the Biblical narrative were sent by God to strike Egypt with enormous swarms of mosquitoes, flies and locusts, can today really be sent by human beings to strike the whole world. This time, we are not being warned by prophets, but by scientists who have retained their humanity.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Translated by Pete Kimberley

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Manlio Dinucci, Global Research, 2018

A Hollow Earth - detailed information you have never seen

Modern Science will tell you that it is impossible for the earth to be "Hollow". This same Modern Science will tell you man came from a monkey and there are no such things as UFO’s. The "official" position of the Church (Holy Roman version) was that the earth was flat. The emerging sciences began to realize that this was wrong. Today in the minds of too many people, the Bible has lost its validity because men were wrong! It is funny that the Bible declared the earth was round long before there was a "Modern Science" or The Church!(Holy Roman type).

The End Time Search for this Realm

The Bible suggests there will be a time when an individual and a group of fugitive people will attempt to enter into this subterranean realm. The Prophet Amos in his book proclaims a very interesting prophecy;

Amos 9:2 "Though they dig into hell, Thence shall mine hand take them; Though they climb up into heaven, Thence will I bring them down..."

In context these are a people as fugitives, fleeing God’s judgment. There is every reason to understand this as a literal prophecy and not some allegorical statement. "Why would anyone desire to dig into hell?", you might ask. If you believed some of the ideas of Koresh, Bulwer-Lytton and Blavatski you would desire to dig into this area in search of allies. In the mindset of the Nazi’s Theosophical ideas, they believed themselves to be the diluted genetic strain of a subterranean super race, which held the power of Vril. Their goal was to form an alliance with their underground "brothers" obtain the knowledge of the Vril to form new super weapons and lead the World into a New Age for the Aryan. At the same time by the elimination of the other races they would regain their Psychic powers. They did act seriously upon these crazy sounding beliefs by securing a portion of the Antarctic, and perhaps attempted to "dig" into the earth in search of allies.

Soon after Hitler came into power the expedition and partitioning of an area of the Antarctic was claimed by the Nazi’s and renamed Neu-Schwabenland. Their enemies or their fellow countrymen never understood these actions and motivations. Throughout the war submarines continued bringing equipment, supplies and men to this area. Submarines that were captured in southern areas possibly in route to the Antarctic were reported to have as many as 50 people in them compared with what was normally an 8-10 person crew It has been speculated that an underground complex was built. From operation Redoubt, (The tunneling and placement of a huge underground complex in the Swiss Alps.) We do know the technology was there. From gleaning technology from captured Nazi equipment the United States developed our own Iron mountain complex. Hardly an overt desired action, to dig into hell, but by accident the end result may well have accomplished just that.

Part of Nazi ideology of Horbiger’s eternal ice theory claimed that the true Aryan peoples belonged in a much colder climate and would thrive there. Hitler ‘s goal was to section off a portion of land for an Aryan Empire. This empire was to be an example for the rest of the world to follow and desire. In keeping with these ideas, the Antarctic may well of been chosen for this purpose. They believed also that Thule the true Aryan capital was located from an entrance point somewhere in the North Pole. Believing that a reversal of polarity took place in our past, the Antarctic would now be the logical location and entrance to this mythical inner world.

Their leader was also someone who understood "dark sentences" as the Prophet Daniel writes in Dan 8:23 and would live, die and ascend out of the "bottomless pit" being the dead leader of a short lived seventh empire. Rev17:8-12. This pit I believe has already been opened and the results of abductions and "Aliens" are upon us. Rev9:1.

Subterranean Life! Allies? So just who is down there?

Life Underground?

This story gets just keeps getting stranger as we go along, yet the scriptures confirm such strangeness! Now let’s look at a commandment God told Israel to abide by.

Exodus20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that IS IN THE WATER UNDER THE EARTH." Also: Rev 12:12..." Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea!...

Nazi Relatives? Cain’s Decedents!

If Nod is east of Eden and Eden is inside the earth...that means Nod is inside the earth too?

All of these scriptures present a serious implication of who the King’s of the East (mentioned in Rev 9:12) really are and their real identity and location. Gen4:11-16,

Let’s take a look at the dialog between God and Cain right after he killed Able.

"And now art thou cursed FROM the earth, which hath opened up her mouth to receive thy brothers blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be IN THE EARTH.

And Cain said unto the Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me this day FROM THE FACE (surface) OF THE EARTH; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond IN THE EARTH; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold, and the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, EAST OF EDEN."

It is interesting to note that in the many translations of the Bible, only the older English versions the King James and the American Standard use the translation "in the earth". All of the more recent translations simply say "on the earth". A big liberty of translation placed upon God’s word because of the assumption that the earth is sold and therefore could not contain life inside. The only other translation I am aware of that agrees with the older versions is the Torah. This is the Old Testament translated into the English by the Jews themselves! Regardless of this compromise of interpretation, from prior scriptures the Bible clearly establishes that Eden or Paradise and Hell are two separate chambers inside the earth. With that firmly established, (at least according to the Bible itself) the only word that could be used in context is "IN"

Cain was removed from the surface of the earth into a subterranean realm. He was given a " mark" that he would not be killed by others. This Hebrew word owth means an identifying mark in the sense of an agreement. When translated into the Greek, the word used is semion, in the sense of a supernatural sign of some type. This mark may be their size, for fear of being killed they might have been given height. The "Giants" of Gen 6 are stated that they were there when this hybridization of the earth took place and also after that. In the sentence structure of this context, the "Giants" may not be the name of the offspring; they are just there with the fallen angels as a part of what is going on before the flood. When Cain killed Abel it was in the "process of time" this actually means in the last days. This would be referring to a time just prior to the great flood. The soil not yielding her strength may not mean an agricultural problem, but rather a genetic defect of some type. Soil, seed land and fruit have always, in the scriptures been used to refer to the literal geographical elements, spiritual conditions or physical bloodline. Cain’s bloodline may be the seed of the serpent mentioned in Gen 3. Cain was a bad guy. The Bible says so. I Jn 3:12 "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one," In context here this statement about Cain can mean more than the fact he was of the wicked one because he committed murder. It might also imply he was actually from the wicked one. It was in his blood. (In Two seeds I will cover more on that thought.)

The "Giant" lineage is traceable after the flood by the same Hebrew word used for Giant as the "sons of Anak. Certain tribes had this intermixing. These were the only ones of the Old Testament where God said to destroy completely. Only the Philistine lineage remained to contain this "seed" This was the same lineage Goliath came from, he was a big white guy! The word Giant has another meaning as a tyrant or bully and can mean much more than physical stature. The Physical stature although is clearly defined in the OT. Num 13:33, Deu2:11, 20, 3:11,13 Jsh 12:4, 13:12,15:8,17:15 and18:16.

As strange as this all sounds the Bible stands true upon itself. The worldwide legends of "white" tribes and ascended "masters" may not be myth at all but the continual encounters with a race from within. The search by Hitler and the Nazi’s for blood relations from an inner earth may have a thread of truth. If Hitler came to his own to proclaim Satan’s seed, in the same but opposite pattern, it could mean that the modern day Philistines may be the Germanic lineage. Now not to condemn anyone by their race or national bloodline, I must say I am a Caucasian of Germanic descent and I love the Lord! God has made a provision for salvation that is no longer based on anything but faith. In Isaiah 14 there is a end time prophecy that indicates a genetic tampering involving the Philistines and a tribe used to punish them continually, this would be the tribe of Dan. This genetic tampering started with Nazi Germany and is continued in America. In the Two seeds booklet I address this whole issue extensively. In that booklet you will see a truly Amazing Grace.

The implication from Cain’s sentence is that there are human beings living in a subterranean realm! They are still a part of the rebel alliance. Cain’s decedents are mentioned only to six generations. If an inner earth has the same environment that the surface once had before the flood, human life spans would average 900 years. This being the case, we would be heading into the last generation period of Cain’s descendants!

Chuck Missler, in his book, "Alien Encounters" points out a very interesting hidden message encrypted within the scriptures. All names in the Bible have a second meaning. The Names within the linage of Seth from Adam to Noah spells out the entire plan of redemption! From these ten names a message reads out

" Man appointed mortal sorrow, The blessed God shall come down teaching. His death shall bring the despairing rest or comfort!"

What are the mathematical chances that this was coincidental? In the same way we can line up the names of the six-generation lineage of Cain. It reads out:

" Strike out to possess, disciplined fugitive, smitten of God, Who is of God, Powerful."

This is the description of Cain striking out at his brother to take what he felt was his, He was disciplined by being sentenced to be a fugitive in the earth, also "smitten or stricken with a defect but yet given power. Power ordained from God himself. It is recorded that Cain’s decedents were the first to raise animals for food, create the arts of music, the first to build cities and the first to work in metals making implements of war. Could the mythical power of the Vril be apart of this power? Could there be an element of truth to this weird myth? We will see in the next chapter that whatever their power is, it is part of God’s overall plan to fulfill His will. In the Abduction section we will also discuss this whole satanic resurrected alliance in process. For our purpose here just realize that the Bible does tell us of a Hollow Earth with Human Inhabitants.

Other inhabitants of an inner earth: Grey’s, (Fallen Angels) Demons and Human spirits of the Damned

Fallen Angels have been cast down to the earth:

There are as many worldwide myths of "the wee people", Fairy’s, and Elves all throughout history. Their images are recorded in cave drawings, on ancient pottery, even on a middle age stained glass window. These images show the same bulbous gray head with huge dark slanted eyes and a thin frame. Another booklet is devoted to these guys. For now it is only necessary to realize they have made their home in the inner earth also. Jesus, just before he was ready to go to the cross, told his disciples in John 12:31

"Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out".

Before the cross, Satan and his fallen Angels had access to the very throne of God in the eternal realm. (Job 1:6) There was a war going on in heaven at the same time Jesus hung on a cross. Jesus won they lost! A result of this loss is recorded in Revelation 12:7-10

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."

This text is pretty well defined by itself needing little commentary.

One order of Angelic being is called Seraphim. The root word from this angelic order is Saraph. In the Hindu Sanskrit language Saraph means a reptile. As part of the Angelic host this could be one of their physical forms. Jesus told his disciples after experiencing the victory of exorcising demons out of people,

"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19

As I have already shown the serpent may mean much more than a snake and has a lot more to do with describing the "Gray’s". The word for Scorpion has an unknown origin and that one is left wide open for discussion. In context we are talking about rebels, figuratively humans acting like these animals or simple terms for angelic creatures.

Two of the most common human-like entities reported seen by abductees are the reptilian Gray’s and the larger insect like leaders. More than just a coincidence, there is a literal connection between these two distinct types of "fallen angels" and the mention of serpents and scorpions. It is a matter of perception as this cannot conclusively be proven or disproved to be the case. The main point being is that these "fallen angels" have been cast into the earth. In the Greek it means literally on dry land amongst man.

Disembodied spirits:

There is another group, the "Angels that sinned" and their offspring, the mighty men of renown being part mortal and part immortal, they were placed into a ghostlike state with the ability to rise out of the pit in a "chain" of going up and then cast back down. (2Pe2:4, Jude1:6) These are the invisible spirits, that pretend to be ghosts, that speak to psychics and move an Ouija board to spell out messages.(1Th 4:1, 2Th 2:9, 2Co 11:14) They are all lying spirits of the New Age who create their own brand of salvation telling man he is his own god. In the Abduction booklet I explain this crossing over into the physical plane. God is allowing this resurrection to their destruction. There will be an invasion of these entities upon the surface. Right now they are getting ready. Part of this preparation is in the abduction of our own people for some more genetic tampering. In Revelation9:1 The pit is opened. If this "pit" has been opened, some people are being taken there without realizing it!

Departed Human spirits:

From the description given in the text in Luke 16, Jesus spoke of the two-chambered earth; the rich man died in unbelief of God and went into the earth in Hades. By this and many other scriptures mentioning the same thing we know the departed human souls who died in unbelief of the gospel went into an area of Hell, literally in the earth as well.

Modern Abductions are Subterranean not Extraterrestrial!

I believe most abduction cases are true. The problem is hypnotic regression. In the process it is hard to distinguish fact from imagination, or possible demonic input. As the subconscious is brought out to the forefront, the imagination is a part of this. But how can you tell one from the other? You can’t. From a Christian point of view, it is important to be in control of your own mind under hypnotic regression. Passive forms of "letting go" gives possible control of your mind to other entities...this process is forbidden in the Bible for our own safety. Hypnosis places you in a mental place of no control!

In the Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference held at MIT in 1992, the top Scientists, Doctors and Researchers in the field, scrutinized 300 abduction cases. Included was Nobel Peace prizewinner Dr. John E. Mack. These cases were selected because they had the most cognitive memories, witnesses and documentation. Out of the 300 cases 31 included the observation of a destination. The most familiar destination is into a mother ship. The abductees leave the small ship to find themselves in a "hanger" of a larger one. Some see an otherworldly environment. (But not the transition of leaving earth into space, or entering the alien world from space) Ten cases involve the actual transition but all of them go into a subterranean world. In some cases the ship dives under the sea, enters a cavern or a dark tunnel hewn out of rock. In all the cases they eventually see the otherworldly landscape. Two distinct types are seen; one the landscape is sparse with sickly vegetation, usually more like a desert, with signs of devastation. Typically it is dark or dim with a small reddish sun if any at all. A futuristic city may thrive in the midst. The second landscape is one of a bright but uniformly lit or diffused light, no sun, no horizon visible, with a lush, moist, heavily vegetated landscape also holding a futuristic city, but obviously subterranean.

Both scenes are explained by the captors, that their planet suffered some kind of disaster and have a problem with reproduction. This is why they take eggs and sperm from us. These same beings warn us that the same catastrophes are ahead for earth. Some experience a religious or mystical ceremony underscoring the preciousness of life.

Transportation time between earth and the other world is negligible. In spite of this evidence, these researchers insist on believing that these journeys are extraterrestrial. Evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the fact that if true, they are never seen leaving or entering another world from space, they are always in a dark or subterranean other-world, yet the travel time is a matter of a couple of hours. It never crosses the minds of these educated people that maybe the craft aren’t leaving the earth at all but rather going down into the earth. Of course this is not even considered, because science proclaims that the earth isn’t hollow! So they go to another world that is hollow. If these stories hold any truth, as I believe they do, they are going to Hell in Sheol or Nod, not another planet! This then would mean that the pit has been opened and Rev 9 is already upon us. I believe the integrity of this conference was very well done. Their own results support an inner earth destination and origin and not the E.T. agenda most want to believe.

No other Name!

In their objectivity they have also included the fact that abductions have been stopped in progress when the person has used the name of JESUS! Also the use of singing Christian hymns or reciting scripture has been effective in stopping an abduction. As real as I believe abductions are this is a clear indication that this is a spiritual problem as well as a physical one.

This factual experience would also concur with what the Bible says, in Phil 2:9-11

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."


by Williamm Michael Mott


The legends, myths and literature of mankind have always been filled with fanciful or terrifying accounts of underground lands and races, hidden from surface sight. Rumours of a largely unseen reality, of cavern worlds, hidden tunnel systems which criss-cross the globe, and the occasional accidental discovery of a large geode structure within the Earth, have migrated from the realms of folklore and early scientific speculation into literature - and perhaps back into folklore again,

When reading and studying the available fiction which touches upon the topic of a subterranean world, many similarities come to light. This is interesting insofar as the various writers were not necessarily familiar with one another's works. it is obvious that many of them drew upon folktales and mythology as well as the latest scientific findings and theories of the day; indeed, they had a huge matrix of archetypes and forms with which to work.

Religious traditions have also been a major influence on the development of fiction about subterranean worlds and inhabitants, and some brave souls have shared accounts of what they believed to be their own encounters with the denizens that dwell within the Earth's curst.

In this work, all of these aspects of underworld studies, and more, will come under careful examination, but this is not so much an examination of the underworlds as it is of their inhabitants.


1. The East

One of the earliest examples of subterranean stories is to be found in the Gilgamesh cycle of stories, which some would say is not so much fictitious as it is a distorted account of ancient events.

Gilgamesh was an actual king who ruled Uruk (also called Unug) about 2600 BC, and he was supposedly of half-divine origin. Like other heroes of ancient mythic cycles who were demigods, or semi-divine, Gilgamesh longed for immortality which he saw as his birthright, much the same as Heracles of the Greeks. In one tale from his cycle, he befriends a physically powerful, hairy, subhuman character named Enkidu and teaches him the customs of humanity. In a later tale, Enkidu, on behalf of his friend and king, agrees to venture into the underworld of ancient Mesopotamia to search for someone who has the secret of immortality.

Other Sumerian accounts leave little doubt that the Kur or Ki-Gal ("the Great Below") was a place of immense size and great terror. This realm was ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal and consort Nergal, a warlike god who had entered her queendom with plans of conquest-only to be seduced by the enemy, who became his wife. The Ki-Gal was said to be filled with a wide range of beings, including spirits and the undead, reanimated bodies of human beings as well as savage guardians called "scorpion men".

Other residents were described as sexless and robotic "artificial" beings called Galatur or Gala, who were used by the rulers of the underworld for missions of kidnapping human beings form the surface world or for other errands. Also present in the underworld were the Utukku, "eagle-headed" reptilian humanoids who are probably the original Djinn and Ifrits of the ancient Middle East. The latter beings were usually depicted with wings, representing their ability to fly when dispatched on the errands of the rulers of the underworld. Another strange race was the Pazuzu, a canine-faced humanoid monstrosity with reptilian scales and tail.

All of these are motifs which in one form or another have been found to permeate nearly every ancient underworld tradition and also have found their way into folklore and literature.

The Asian region, particularly the Indian subcontinent, Tibet, Nepal, China and Japan, are very similar traditions about subterranean inhabitants.

In India, there is still a strong belief in the reality of the Nagas - a race of "serpent people" or "lizard men" who have make their homes in two major underground cities (or civilisations), Bhogavati and Patala.

Bhogavati is believed to be underneath the Himalayas, and it is said that from there the Nagas wage war on other human subterraneans from the subsurface kingdoms of Agharta and Shambala.

Patala is believed by millions of Hindus to this day to have an entrance in the Well of Sheshna in Benares. According to herpetologist and author Sherman A. Minton in his book, Venomous Reptiles, this entrance is very real, having 40 steps which descend into a circular depression and then terminate at a closed stone door covered in bas-relief cobras. In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine, also called Patala, which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond.

The Nagas are believed to have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are said to be hidden often at eh bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers. They are described as a very advanced race or species with a highly developed technology. Among their many devices are "death rays" and vimana-flying, disc-shaped aerial craft which are described at length in many ancient Vedic texts including the Bhagavad-gita and the Ramayana. The Nagas are also believed to harbour a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with and even eat. The interbreeding has supposedly led to wide variety of forms, ranging from completely reptilian to nearly human in appearance. The Naga race is related to another underworld race: the Hindu demons, or Rakshasas.

The Nagas are also said to possess, as individuals, a "magical stone" or "third eye" in the middle of their brow. This is known to students of eastern mysticism as the focal point of one of the higher chakras (energy channel points) of the human (oid) nervous system, and is the chakra associated with inner visions, intuition and other esoteric concepts.

In China, the Lung Wang (Dragon Kings) closely resemble the Nagas in many respects. The Lung were said to dwell either in the "celestial realm", i.e., the stars and planets, or beneath the surface of the Earth. They, too, were said to possess a "magical pearl" in their forehead - a "mystical" or divine eye or source of power. Like the Nagas, some of the entrances to heir palaces or kingdoms could be found beneath lakes and rivers or behind waterfalls. Almost always, such entrances were well hidden from the intrusive eyes or feet or mortal men and women. One such entrance to the Chinese underworld was said to be in the "Eastern Mountain" or Taishan, near Qufu province. This entrance to the Chinese Hell was guarded by savage demons called Men Shen, often depicted as warriors wearing fierce, animalistic masks or faces.

There was also interaction between the Lords of Hell, as tehy were known, and the Dragon Kings. The four hell Kings, called Yan Luo or Yen Wang (possibly derived from the Hindu death god Yama), ruled over a vast region consisting of 18 levels or locales. In one tale, a Dragon King is robbed by an extremely clever and human-like Monkey, who is similar in many respects to the Hindu Hanuman (who in turn came into conflict with the Rakshasas of the underworld in the Ramayana). Enkidu also comes to mind in the tale. The Dragon King calls on the help of the Yan Luo, who are in turn bested by Monkey as well. The 18 regions of hte Chinese netherworld are bureaucratic, tedious systems or civilisations and an apparent mixture of Taoist and Buddhist ideas, with a strong influence form the latter.

The Japanese Hell is even more of an amalgam of different traditions, as it incorporates Chinese, Hindu and Buddhist characteristics into an earlier, animistic Shinto system. Emma-Hoo (perhaps from Yama-Raja) is the king of Jigoku, an eight-leveled region of fire and ice. Jigoku is filled with Oni, or demons, which have the heads of oxen or horses but humanoid bodies.

Japan also has other cavern-dwellers who come out upon occasion. The bird-headed reptilian goblins, the Tengu, dwell in mountainous regions and mostly come out by night. They are experts in the use of the weapons which are in modern times associated with ninjitsu. According to legend, the Tengu trained Minamoto Yoshitsune, a famed Samurai swordsman of the late 12th century, when he was an exiled boy on the run from his enemies. The Tengu are almost identical in description to the Utukku of Sumerian myth.

Other beings are the Kappa, a semi-aquatic and totally reptilian-looking humanoid dwarf, the "ugly girls of hell" and sundry other shape-shifting entities who dwell underground or under houses. The "fox people" are among the latter, often taking human form and delighting in abduction and seduction of mortals.

The underworld of ancient Egypt has many things in common with its Mesopotamian counterpart. Called the Tuat or Duat, it was ruled by the god of the dead, Osiris, the counterpart of Sumer's Nergal. It is the servants of Osiris, however, who are of concern here. There was the jackal-headed god Khentimentiu and also Anubis, both gods of arcane knowledge, embalming and other sciences. The god of knowledge, Thoth, was also a regular in the Tuat; he had a humanoid form with the head of a baboon (but very canine in appearance). All three of these deities bear a strong resemblance to the Sumerian Pazuzu.

There is also a parallel in the Ushabtiu, originally conceived as artificial, animated and robotic servants who were very similar to the Gala, or Galatur, of the Sumerian underworld. Like the Gala, the Ushabtiu could be dispatched to punish or abduct an ordinary mortal or even the Pharaoh himself. These beings were represented in Egyptian burials by small statures of the same name, mimicking the supernatural servants of Osiris and hopefully providing a retinue of retainers and slaves for the deceased.

Another being with familiar characteristics was Ammut, a blend of crocodile, lion and dog. But possibly the most feared being to haunt the underworld was the god of chaos and strife, Set or Seth, who attempted to mount a coup d'état against his brother, Osiris. Set is often considered to be the Egyptian counterpart of the Judaeo-Christian personality known as Satan, his appearance both canine and reptilian with a human form but animalistic head, long-snouted and/or muzzled. the hugest dragon of the Tuat, however, was the gigantic serpent Apophis, very similar to Nidhoggr or Jormungand from the Norse underworlds - a monstrous serpent which brought fear even to the gods.

2. The West

Moving into Europe and Scandinavia, the mythical subterraneans became less distant and more immediate, interacting with the common folk on a much more regular basis.

Scandinavians had their trolls and giants or Jotuns, also called Etins, who were great granitic beings of immense physical power and sometimes hairy of form. More mysterious were the dwarves, a race (or races) of stunted, powerful craftsmen and weapons-smiths. One race of dwarves was from Svrtalfheim, the Land of the Dark Elves, a cavern world in its own right. Some of the Svartalf dwarf-kind lived in Nifleheim, the Land of the Dead. Along with the savage and man-eating trolls, the dwarves would turn to stone, into toads or otherwise die if struck by the direct rays of the Sun. More often than not, the entrances to their homes were hidden in inaccessible mountainsides and other remote locations.

The Scandinavian and Germanic peoples also believed in the Huldre, the "hidden folk", or Elves. The Huldre domain was a luminous cavern realm called Alfheim. From Alfheim they would venture forth to cajole, abduct or seduce human beings. Other beings were Kobolds, or mine dwarves, perhaps a variant of the Norse Svartalf. Another type was the Tusse, a variant of elf who lived close to humans, usually beneath or close to a farmstead.

The primary interest of the Huldre elf-folk, which could be said to apply to all Germanic types, seems to have been procreation with human beings for the purpose of maintaining genetic diversity. Like the trolls and dwarves, the elves seemed to dislike bright sunlight, but may have had more tolerance than their troll and dwarf cousins as they were sometimes seen at dawn, twilight or dusk, or by day in deeply shadowed valleys or mountain chasms. Huldre elves in particular are said to have dwelt beneath mounds and hills which were in closer proximity to human habitations, as trolls did more rarely. The elves took a regular interest in human affairs - weddings, births and deaths (bloodlines?), the success of crops and livestock and so forth - but only for their own selfish interests. They seemed to be overly concerned with genetic and biological diversity, and they pilfered livestock, crops and human genes via theft or cross-species liaisons whenever they saw fit to do so. The elves are generally depicted as extremely fair-haired and fair-skinned.

Dragons were also said to live deep in the Earth, as recounted in the Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) saga of Beowulf. The monster Grendel was a hairy, scaled fiend, a Naga troll which later British traditions would call a "goblin" and modern crypto-zoologists would term a "hairy humanoid". The term Pazuzu would probably have been just as appropriate for Grendel. Dragons were the special guardians of "buried treasure"; that is, buried knowledge or technology, much of it often made by the powers of the subterranean dwarves. The European dragon had a nastier disposition than his oriental counterpart, or perhaps he came into conflict with a group of people who entertained different philosophical ideals when it came to living in fear of man-eating entities; but whatever the case, like his Eastern cousins he had a relationship with both underground caverns and deep bodies of water.

England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland have rich traditions of under-earth dwellers, with many similarities or even common origins between them. Like the Norse/Germanic variants, the "fairies" - goblins, trows, knockers, brownies, leprechauns, Sidhe (shee), Tylwyth teg (terlooeth teig), and numerous other categories of humanoid beings - were fair or foul, malevolent of kind (actually, indifferent), making their homes almost without exception beneath the ground. Mounds, hills, ruins, ancient raths and hill-forts, mountains, cliffs and even cities of great age were said to serve as the rooftops of their palaces.

Like the Nagas and dragons, some had the entrances to their subterranean homes at the bottom of lakes. To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidden-folk and Indian Nagas alike, they shunned the sunlight and often seemed interested in cross-breeding their won bloodlines with those of human beings, or even in crossbreeding their "livestock" or fairy cattle, horses, hounds and so forth with the surface species which were most compatible. The goblin-dwarf Rumpelstiltskin, in his lust to have the human baby and its genetic bounty, is another example of this in German folklore.

Of particular interest are the Tuatha de Danaan of Ireland, the People of the Goddess Danu, also called the Sidhe. Originally an aristocratic warrior race of heroic proportion, they dwindled in size after retreating underground to become the Daoine Sidhe (Theena Shee) or diminutive faeries of Irish folklore. Most of the "gentry" or aristocratic trooping faeries are said to be of this type. Like the Scandinavian elves, they are depicted as particularly fair of complexion and hair. According to Lady Wilde in Ancient Legends of Ireland (Ward & Downey, London, 1887), "they are categorized as 'cave fairies'". In addition to their now familiar practice of abduction of and hybridisation with surface humans, their name Tuatha ("tribe" or "people") de Danaan holds a strong resemblance to the Egyptian name for the underworld: the Tuat. It is generally thought that the term "fairy" or "faerie" has its origin in the earlier French term fay or the Latin fatae, but the possibility of an older origin, as hinted at by the Tuat/Tuatha connection, may in fact bear further examination - for did not the "Pharaohs" believe that they would journey through the Tuat on the way to their places in eternity?

The hills and glens of Ireland are also said to hide the remnants of at least three vanquished races: the Firbolgs, the Formorians and the Nemedians. All are ancient enemies of the Tuatha de Danaan and were driven underground by the latter in the distant past, where they then dwindled in size (lack of genetic diversity?) at an even earlier time than did their conquerors. The Fomors and the Firbolgs are probably the origin-race of many of the bogeys and pookas (bucas), goblins and hobgoblins, Scottish trows and other malevolent, sometimes shape-shifting beings which seem to bear strong resemblance to the Scandinavian trolls, being perhaps a smaller variant. The etymological connection between "trows" and "trolls" is obvious, and reflects the sequence of both legendary and historical migrations to the British Isles as well as the wars between each newcomer group and the then-ensconced one.

Each group of faeries and goblins can be viewed as the dethroned exiled gods of an earlier defeated human culture. The question is, what or who were these "gods" which still exist in the popular imagination today? Were they symbolic pantheons or archetypes, or living beings who pre-dated man on this planet?

3. The New World

Native American cultures have similar beliefs in an extensive, layered realm of cavers which is hidden beneath their feet. This murky world is believed to be inhabited by both human and humanoid beings and by a variety of monsters and demons.

Most tribes or nations have their own traditions of subterranean "little people", as well as other motifs including reptilian or serpent-like humanoid beings. In addition to this, many tribes believe that they themselves emerged from a mythical underworld ages before.

The Mescalero Apache have many of these beliefs. One of their oldest sacred traditions states that they came from the Old Red Fire Land before the Great Flood. The is land is said to have been in the distant eastern (Atlantic) sea but was destroyed by a combination of deluge and volcanic cataclysms. Escaping through "great caverns" and tunnel systems, the ancestors of the Apache came to high mountain lands far to the south, where they built new cities. A series of misfortunes there, however, eventually drove them northward.

The legend is nearly identical to the origin story as related in the Chilam Bilaam of the Maya, and brings to mind both Mayan and Aztec origin myths. The Aztecs a=say that they originated in a land called Aztlan, obviously synonymous with Atlan or Atlantis, the destruction of which they also escaped. After this, they ended up in cavern world called Chicomozotoc, or the Seven Cavern Cities of Gold, Where they lived for some time before emerging again into the surface world.

In addition to believing in a vast, nine-layered underworld filled with strange beings, the chief god of the Maya, called Itzamna (meaning "iguana house"), was depicted as an anthropomorphic lizard, snake, cayman or dragon. The underworld dwellers were a mixture of human, reptilian and other animal characteristics, and the rain-god Chac was a long-nosed, fanged, humanoid creature very similar to the Egyptian god Set.

The underworld, called Xibalba, is the location of most of the action in the Popol Vuh, a priestly epic of the Maya. In the Popol Vuh, two semi-divine brothers, Hunapuh and Xbalanque, have to journey into a realm of horrors beneath the earth in order to defeat those who are the enemies of their father and family and who threaten their own ascendancy to power. In Xibalba, they come into conflict with Zipacna (a crocodile-headed monster), Seven Macaw (a bird-headed creature), the maker of earthquakes, and other familiar forms. An interesting event occurs when the vengeance-seeking brothers devise a way to pick out the 12 lords of Xibalba from identical "mannikins" or robotic Ushati-like figures, so as to destroy the lords of the underworld. The twins eventually defeat their rivals and take over the rulership themselves, bringing an end to human sacrifice as part of the deal. These events preceded and made possible the "modern" epoch of time.

The Hopi of the southwest desert, descendants of the mysterious Anasazi people, have an equally strange tradition. They believe that as a people they migrated from a series of previously extant "worlds" - usually interpreted as "ages" or "epochs", but they also see these as subsequent cavern worlds, each one lower than the next and each one eventually abandoned and destroyed in turn. While still in the murky "third world", the Hopi ancestors came into contact with the mysterious "ant people", an ectomorphic race or species which greatly resembles the Gala of Sumerian myth, and at some point they also came into conflict with the "serpent people". Like other tribes, their underworld mythos is filled with cataclysms and floods. At least one of their previous worlds was said t have been "in the east". Combined with the flood element, this legend is very similar to Apache and Aztec traditions.

The Choctaw (Cha'ta) people of Mississippi also have a myth of underground origins. They believe that their ancestors emerged from the Nanih Waiya cave mound, a 50-foot-tall natural geological formation which is hidden in a swampy forest area, approximately one-and-a-half miles east of a better-known artificial mound and tourist site. The hill has several natural openings, some of which have been "sealed up" (the Park Service seems to have no good explanation for this), and it is said by the Choctaw to be the entrance to a vast underground realm.

One legend has it that in ancient times the Choctaw were invaded by a race of red-and blond-haired, white-skinned giants who bore "sharp clubs" (swords?) and axes and wore an extra, thick skin (chain or leather mail?) which made them impervious to arrow, spear and war-club. Add the touch that some of these Nahullo, or giants, had "horns", and these white invaders sound suspiciously like wandering Norsemen. Whatever their origin or identity might have been, these invaders drove the Choctaw into hiding.

The world beneath the cave mound where the Choctaw hid was a large series of caverns through which a river or rivers ran (the Nanih Waiya cave mound sits squarely at the headwaters of the Pearl River). Some traditions indicate that it went on to connect to other "worlds" or underground places. Staying underground for many generations, the Choctaw emerged to wage a form of guerrilla warfare on their enemies, eventually winning by using darts coated with a poison made from mushrooms found in the caverns. Victorious, they emerged again into the sunlit world.

One tradition holds that this emergence of a generation of people born underground is the basis for the mound origin myth, and that the Choctaw had in fact arrived centuries earlier after leaving a "sunken land" which had foundered in a distant western ocean. After many wanderings and travails, they arrived in the southeast where they found the natural cavern mound which would later serve as a place of refuge. But other Choctaw beliefs dispute this, claiming that not just the Choctaw but the Muskogee, Cherokee and Chickasaw peoples emerged from the mound as well, having all been one people in the underworld.

Today the Choctaw still believe that a variety of strange supernatural beings either inhabit the cave mound or dwell in the wooded hills that surround it. One of these is the Shampe, a hair-covered, manlike giant who has a terrible odour and stays underground during he day. The Shampe is a sort of Sasquaich, but he underworld connection is there. Also present are the Kawana-kasha ) Kowi Anukasha), also called Bohpoli ("stone-thrower"), a type of supernatural and mercurial dwarf living within not just he woods of Mississippi but within the cave mound itself. Like the Norse dwarves, they are hoarders of vast knowledge.

The mound is also the home of "giant serpents" and perhaps a host of other beings. Among the latter is the Nalusa Falaya, or "long black being", who is humanoid yet slides on his stomach "like a snake". His pointed ears only accentuate his reptilian appearance.

Another variant is the Nalusa Chito, or "big black being", who emerges from underground dens to capture women and children presumably for supper. This abduction scenario is by now a familiar one and is very similar to the abduction and changeling accounts of Celtic and Scandinavian traditions which often describe abductions fort the purposes of maintaining genetic diversity. The goblin Ho'koklonote'she is a shape-shifting creature believed to haunt the region, and is very similar to the Pooka or Buca of the British Isles. So are the Nalusa twins for that matter.

As has been demonstrated, many similarities or perhaps identical descriptions exist for the underworld inhabitants of myth and folklore.

This underlying cohesion may have resulted from an "archetypal stew" which long simmered in the imaginations of men and women; and as will be demonstrated in the next section, this has resulted in some very interesting and imaginative worlds of fiction.

Giants In The Earth

Legends of many races included stories of giant men who once roamed the earth, and an intensive search of scientific records shows that there is physical evidence that supports those legends.

Near Brayton, on the headwaters of the Tennessee River, were found some remarkable footprints, impressed in what is now solid rock. The tracks included those of a human heel ball thirteen inches wide.

The marks showed clearly that the fellow whose stride turned to stone in that distant day also had six toes, and that he was a contemporary of a giant horse-like animal whose hoof-prints measured eight by ten inches. The petrified prints, scores of them, indicate that giant men and prehistoric horses existed contemporaneously.

The antiquity of man is further attested by the rock carving in the Supai Canyon in the famed Grand Canyon area, where the Doheny Expedition in 1924 confirmed the existence of a remarkable petro-glyph which depicts a dinosaur of the type called tyrannosaurus rex, standing erect on his massive tail as he waits for chance to use his powerful jaws and fangs on a prospective victim.

In late 1958 a human skeleton was found in a layer of coal in an Italian mine...a layer that was approximately eleven million years old...but he was a comparative newcomer; for in the number three Eagle Coal Mine at Bear Creek, Montana, in November of 1926, miners discovered two huge human molars... so large that only a giant could have grown them, and these teeth were in strata at least thirty million years old - old enough that dinosaurs were still roaming the Wyoming swamps when the giant who owned those teeth was alive.

In 1833, soldiers digging a pit for a powder magazine at Lompock Rancho, California, hacked their way through a layer of cemented gravel and came up with the skeleton of a giant man about twelve feet tall. The skeleton was surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes, and blocks of porphyry covered with un-intelligible symbols. the giant was also noteworthy in still another respect: He had a double row of teeth, both upper and lower.

When the natives began to attach some religious significance to the find, authorities ordered the skeleton and all the artifacts secretly reburied - and, of course, lost to the scientific study they deserved.

This particular giant, incidentally, bore marked similarity to another, that of a giant man with double rows of teeth whose skeletal remains were dug up on Santa Rosa Island, off the California coast. Subsequent research has shown that he, or his descendants, feasted on the small elephants which once lived on that island and which have vanished like the giants who ate them, countless ages ago.

Near Crittenden, Arizona, in 1891, workmen excavating for a commercial building came upon a huge stone sarcophagus eight feet below the surface. The contractor called in expert help, and the sarcophagus was opened to reveal a granite mummy case which had once held the body of a human being more than twelve feet tall - a human with six toes, according to the carving of the case. But the body had been buried so many thousands of years that it had long since turned to dust. Just another silent witness to the truth of Genesis, which tells us that there were giants in the earth in those days.

Wyoming's Mystery Mummy

One of the world's tiniest mummies, and one of archeology's biggest mysteries is the mummy of a man only fourteen inches tall - so ancient that no counterpart has ever been found.

Scientists from far and near have examined this tiny fellow and have gone away amazed. He is unlike anything they ever saw before. Sitting there on the shelf in Casper, Wyoming, visible, disturbing evidence that science may have overlooked him and his kind much too long.

In October of 1932 a couple of gold prospectors were working a gulch at the base of the Pedro mountains about sixty miles west of Casper They had found some "color" in the solid stone wall of the gulch; they set an extra heavy charge to rip deeper into the stone.

The powerful blast exposed a small natural cave int eh solid granite, a cave not more than four feet wide, four feet high and possibly fifteen feet deep.

When the smoke and dust had settled, the miners got down and peered into the opening, and got the shock of their lives; for there, peering right back at them, was a tiny mummy of a man-like creature.

He was on a tiny ledge, legs crossed, sitting on his feet, arms folded in his lap. He was dark brown, deeply wrinkled, with a face that was almost monkey-like in some respects. One eye had a definite droop as though this strange little fellow might be winking at hose who found him.

The prospectors carefully picked him up, wrapped him in a blanket and headed back for Casper, where the news of their discovery attracted considerable attention. Scientists were skeptical, but interested; for according to conventional archeology it would be impossible for a living being to be entombed in solid granite. But there it was, in defiance of orthodoxy.

Perhaps it wasn't a living creature...a hoax perhaps...the X-ray would tell, of course. And an X-ray did tell. It showed unmistakably that here was a creature that had been a man, or man-like. Its tiny skull, the vertebrae of its spine, the rib cage, the bones of the arms and legs were readily discernible.

The little fellow had been about twelve ounces. His features have developed an overall bronze-like hue. The forehead is very low, the nose flat with widespread nostrils, the mouth very wide with thin twisted lips set in a sardonic half grin.

The X-rays show a full set of teeth. Biologists who have examined it declare that the creature was about sixty-five years old at time of death. And when did that occur? Nobody knows, and no scientist thus far has ventured an opinion.

The Anthropological Department of Harvard says there is no doubt of the genuineness of the mummy. Dr. Henry Shapiro, head of the Anthropology Department of the American Museum of Natural History, said that the X-rays revealed a very small skeletal structure covered by dried skin, obviously of extremely great age, historically speaking, and of unknown type and origin. The mystery mummy, said Dr. Shapiro, is much smaller that any human types now known to man.

Is it he body of a mummified infant? Anthropologists who have examined it are of the opinion that, whatever it is, it was full grown at the time of death. The curator of the Boston Museum Egyptian Department examined the creature and declared that it had the appearance of Egyptian mummies which had not been wrapped to prevent exposure to the air. Still another expert, Dr. Henry Fairfield, ventured the supposition that the mystery mummy of the Pedro Mountains might be a form of anthropoid which roamed the North American continent about the middle of the Pliocene Age.

It was natural that the cave itself should be subjected to careful investigation. Scientists found no traces of any human residence there, no artifacts, no carvings, or writings -nothing but the tiny stone ledge on which this mummy had been sitting for countless ages. Possibly he was a remarkable curiosity even in his own time and among his own kind, whatever that may have been.

Nature occasionally turns out some very small specimens and this creature may have been one - an early human in unbelievable miniature, possibly held in awe by his fellows for that reason. This might account for his unusual interment by a race that ordinarily treated its dead with less attention.

The only other mummified midget discovered in this country was a red-haired mummy found on a ledge in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, in the 1920's, a runt about three feet tall who showed signs of being only a few hundred years dead, at most.

The mystery mummy of the Pedro Mountains has never been explained, and may never be; for he presents the experts with some possibilities at variance with their accepted theories.

They are quite content to leave him on display in Casper, Wyoming, an unexplained relic of the dawn of man.

To read all:

Apollo 8 and Apollo 16 Photos of Earth, validates Hollow Earth Theories.

These Images Now Show a Circular Opening at the North Pole!. Something that all Hollow Earth Theorists

have been waiting for! How long these photos will remain on the web is anyone's guess. Apparently for some

mysterious reasons they have been getting deleted from other people's sites. I recommend that you right click

images and save them in a file...just in case the worst scenerio happens. Apollo 8 photos have been out since

1967 but up until now we haven't had any colored photos for the public to view.

From looking at these colored photos some questions can finally be answered. Off the black and whites you

can not see it, but the blackness was merely an effect. The inside of the hole seems white. More important is

this: BOTH photos show the ICE CAP clearly. The ICE CAP can been seen to be SMOOTH & SOLID. In EACH

CASE, the hole lies on the EDGE of the ICE CAP. This strongly hints at NORTH MAGNETIC POLE!!!

In spite of the totally different angles, each image seems to contain EXACTLY the same features inside the

polar entrance. That's fascinating for me. I'd sort of expected the hole to be round - but it seems to deviate a

little from that - not that I see it as a problem. I'm just curious as to WHY. The first thing is the "V" shape on the

northern edge of the hole, where it meets with the Arctic ice pack. It's as if there's a huge accumulation of ice

covering the northern rim and jutting inwards.

The next thing is the somewhat irregular shape on the "eastern side" of the rim. The South and Western edges

seem PERFECTLY CIRCULAR. Then there's the issue of the strange "whiteness" lying on the inside in the

South-Western corner. Is it cloud? This whiteness, seems to be the only thing that varies between the two

pictures - again, seeming to suggest cloud.

Looking at these pictures it seems as if the centre of the hole actually contains atmosphere? Or are we seeing

light reflecting off of clouds inside the hole/tunnel? - perhaps that's more of a possibility.

It seems as though the hole is pretty well hidden by way of this whiteness inside it.


Apollo 8 and Apollo 16 Photos of Earth, validates Hollow Earth Theories.

Back to Burlington Ufo and Paranormal Research and Educational Center

These Images Now Show a Circular Opening at the North Pole!. Something that all Hollow Earth Theorists

have been waiting for! How long these photos will remain on the web is anyone's guess. Apparently for some

mysterious reasons they have been getting deleted from other people's sites. I recommend that you right click

images and save them in a file...just in case the worst scenerio happens. Apollo 8 photos have been out since

1967 but up until now we haven't had any colored photos for the public to view.

From looking at these colored photos some questions can finally be answered. Off the black and whites you

can not see it, but the blackness was merely an effect. The inside of the hole seems white. More important is

this: BOTH photos show the ICE CAP clearly. The ICE CAP can been seen to be SMOOTH & SOLID. In EACH

CASE, the hole lies on the EDGE of the ICE CAP. This strongly hints at NORTH MAGNETIC POLE!!!

In spite of the totally different angles, each image seems to contain EXACTLY the same features inside the

polar entrance. That's fascinating for me. I'd sort of expected the hole to be round - but it seems to deviate a

little from that - not that I see it as a problem. I'm just curious as to WHY. The first thing is the "V" shape on the

northern edge of the hole, where it meets with the Arctic ice pack. It's as if there's a huge accumulation of ice

covering the northern rim and jutting inwards.

The next thing is the somewhat irregular shape on the "eastern side" of the rim. The South and Western edges

seem PERFECTLY CIRCULAR. Then there's the issue of the strange "whiteness" lying on the inside in the

South-Western corner. Is it cloud? This whiteness, seems to be the only thing that varies between the two

pictures - again, seeming to suggest cloud.

Looking at these pictures it seems as if the centre of the hole actually contains atmosphere? Or are we seeing

light reflecting off of clouds inside the hole/tunnel? - perhaps that's more of a possibility.

It seems as though the hole is pretty well hidden by way of this whiteness inside it.

Images organized by Jan Lamprecht from South Africa 2002

North Pole

3-D of N. Pole

Earth N. Pole

Apollo 10 photo of earth North

Pole--Counter-clockwise arrangement of

clouds indicate a northern hemisphere.

Question: Why is this?

A Complete Aurora

North Pole

Pole Aura

If you look close,

there is a little white

circle dead center

in photo. This is

the cloud formation

offset to left of

North Pole. This

also suggests an


Earthlim North Pole

Could this bright spot

shown on the picture to

the left be the source

for Auroras? What

urban area at North

Pole would shine that


Pictures from www.planet earth

Are these clouds being

sucked inwards?

The Disappearance of a Viking Greenland Colony.

(World Top Secret...Our Earth is Hollow .source material)

The Petroglyphs in the Desert North of Mt. Shasta

To read all:

13 Pieces of Evidence Supporting the Hollow Earth Hypothesis

The Hollow Earth

The Earth is just like most other planets and moons, hollow on the inside. The crust of the Earth is about 700 miles thick. Gravity, which is caused by the radiation of the sun, is inside that crust. Around the equator, Gaia turns her axes with a speed of over 1,000 mph. The round globe and the expansion of the Earth are explained by the centrifugal forces.

There are passageways that lead to the inside of the earth. There is photographic evidence from satellites (which is not revealed to the public) that both poles have huge holes. The hollow formation is often the cause of mysterious sounds during earth-quakes, like that of the blowing of horns or the echo of bells.

The illuminati watch carefully that no secrets of a hollow Earth are revealed to the public. No-fly zones are in place both at the North and South Pole. Even satellites are not directed over these no-fly zones. Strangely enough, they are less careful with photos of other planets. Like this picture of the opening in the South Pole of Jupiter which can easily be found on NASA's site

MAD SCIENTISTS Are Creating MONSTERS In Laboratories Worldwide-video

[They are decades ahead of what they tell the public including having been cloning people for decades according to my sources research. Fallen angels are providing the information to these humans as to how to replicate their work thousands of years ago. Sol-war]

DNA editing, Gene therapy, Genetic Modification, and other similar practices are re-emerging on earth today after thousands of years. This practice was expressly forbidden by God after The Watchers [fallen angels] used genetic modification to corrupt the world in the pre-flood age. What we are seeing today is the re-birth of the Age of Noah.


The 2018 CERN Documentary | AI, Dark Truth, Dark Matter & Dark Secrets of the Worldwide Web




Operation Witch doctor, Operation Skywater, Operation Ranch hand, Project Storm Fury, Project Popeye, Haarp and more]

FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature. An impeccably timed eye opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent? A shocking informative film on climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, the film's narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not...


California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe [with Video & comments]

Yet another round of extreme firestorm catastrophes are hitting California. Like the recent Santa Rosa fire disaster, the current wildfires are verifiably connected to conditions created by the ongoing global climate engineering assault. The geoengineering cabal is becoming more desperate by the day as the biosphere and climate unraveling accelerates exponentially. The 6 minute video below reveals aspects of the climate engineering assault and its connection to the California firestorms.

Though many have been falsely led to believe that last winter's rain in California erased and eliminated the drought, this could not be further from the truth. Last summer was the hottest and driest on record in countless locations of the US West. The following quote is from the Los Angeles fire department chief:

“Brush burning index is 296. This is the highest number I've ever seen in my career. The threshold for this rating is 165. Monday I said that to the Mayor, this is the highest rating I'd ever seen.”

* VIDEO California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe ( Dane Wigington Geoengineering Watch ) VIDEO



As Dane has indicated many times the highly incendiary particle laden atmosphere is fueling this rampage of fire across the state of California. It's beyond criminal!

DGR says:

December 7, 2017 at 3:20 pm

There may be more to this "particulate matter" spraying than just Global Dimming of the sun. I have considered that the New World Order proponents may be orchestrating something much more sinister, especially since this "phenomenon" is being applied world-wide. Could it be eugenics? Or even the set-up for outright world depopulation. Here's what I have discovered.

During the Earth Summit of 1992 in Rio, Brazil, it was agreed upon by the 200 world leaders that the world's total population must be reduced from 7 billion to less than 1.5 billion through implementation of U.N. Agenda 21 (now transformed into Agenda 2030). Why? Because 'they' have determined that the earth cannot support more people than that. As the world population has grown to what it is, world resources have been diminishing to levels too low to support life much longer (whatever that may be). And of course, this has been debated openly by many of the "intellegencia" for some time.

Example: Here is a quote by HRH Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh from 1981: "If population is not controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war". This leads me to the point that caused me to look into this 'spraying' outrage further.

Of the three Neurotoxin Chemicals that have been identified as being sprayed in our skies (Aluminum, Barium and Strontium), it is Strontium that has an adverse affect on the bodies immune system. Get it? Not only is the minds ability to function properly being reduced by the Aluminum, but people's immune systems are being weakened worldwide; perhaps being made non-resistant to something specific, but as of yet not 'out there'.

Now, just suppose that at some future date, when everything is in place, a disease or plague is released upon the people world-wide, produced specifically to target the created immunity weakness? Bingo! It's game over as intended for billions! Of course, those in power who have implemented this genocide, would have been given the "secret" antidote prior to the release of the pestilence. No one else would even know that such an antidote even exists until it is 'discovered' at a later date, after all the damage has been done.

Don't assume that these monsters are not capable of doing this. Just thinking outloud………

Dennie says:

December 7, 2017 at 7:31 pm

Wittingly or unwittingly, the geoengineering is a major contributing factor to the fires. It is not in and of itself THE cause, but it in fact makes the fires burn hotter and faster. How could it not? The crap you're being sprayed with dries everything out, so the burn index is higher, and the aluminum dust is an incendiary. Go look up that word, "incendiary." We have loads of unintended consequences going on here. "They" are really not that smart!!!

Dennie says:

December 9, 2017 at 1:12 am

Joseph L: I found the link to the heartbreaking article about Ventura County fires and the poor people who've been burned out that I posted above when a person on the OFA (whatever that is) team of Marin County sent it to me. They want to stop climate change. Here is what I wrote back to the team:

The OTHER thing that is not being talked about is the role of the S.A.I., S.A.G., S.R.M. and military ops programs that must ionize the atmosphere so that it operates like one big electrical circuit now in order to run their microwave-based weapons and weaponized weather programs. I refer you to the 1996 U.S.A.F. and F.A.S.'s report titled Air Force 2025, with a chapter titled "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" and it's plan for "wide-spread weather modification." It's not fantasy, it's reality: And, no, these are NOT "contrails," here's why: These are NOT normal clouds and this constitutes the widespread weather modification that is contributing to climate change: The sprays contain a lot of alumina nanoparticulates that are settling all over everything and act as an incendiary, producing hotter, faster fires. Let's connect ALL of the dots here.


It will be interesting to see if I get any kind of a reply back.

V. Susan Ferguson says:

December 7, 2017 at 12:12 pm

VSF: This is again evidence of heinous criminality. Where are our taxpayer dollars going? Is the money being funneled to covert secret operations like geoengineering? Are corporations such as American Elements, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Boeing being funded to spread toxic-to-life metals all around the planet to ‘metallize’ and weaponize Earth’s atmosphere — and turn our skies into weapons? The once pristine Olympic Peninsula is shrouded in a sickening milky haze. The rotten and decaying empire is made up of greedy thugs who care nothing for the people. We are collateral damage.

Missing $21 Trillion Means Federal Government Is Lawless – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter USA Watchdog / December 3, 2017

Michigan State University economics professor Mark Skidmore made an astounding discovery about the finances and budgets of the U.S. federal government earlier this year. He and a team of graduate students discovered $21 trillion missing in the federal budget going back to 1998. Dr. Skidmore, who specializes in public finance, explains, “We know from official government sources that indicate $21 trillion is, in some way, unaccounted for. Furthermore, if we come back to the Constitution, all spending needs to be authorized by Congress. It looks to me, and I think I can conclude with a high degree of certainty, there is money flowing in, as well as out, that is unaccounted for. . . . That’s the one thing we know from these documents, that there is $21 trillion in unaccounted funds.”


To Read More:

Bill-E-Bob says:

December 7, 2017 at 9:54 am

This is a world-wide effort to poison and de-populate the earth. You'll never see it stop, not anywhere- ever.

*Dane Wigington says:

December 7, 2017 at 10:24 am

Hello, Bill-E-Bob, yes, de-population is inarguably an agenda of the power structure. This being said, it is important to remember and consider that the climate engineering equation is much more complicated, and is a part of many agendas. One primary objective is to continue the publics confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate. The geoengineers are attempting to mask the true extent of climate disintagration from the public while actually further fueling the climate implosion at the same time.

Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature - video


A Presentation by Jim Lee of ClimateViewer News given at the Freedom Force International’s 3rd Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. December 3, 2016. G. Edward Griffin’s “Global Warming: an Inconvenient Lie” BUY DVD:

Jim Lee To Present Geoengineering Research At Ed Griffin’s Global Warming; An Inconvenient Lie (Nov 2016) News (blog) ClimateViewer 3D (map) Weather Modification History (timeline)




NASA Insider "We Lied About EVERYTHING !" - The International Space Program EXPOSED !!! - Video


RUSSIA'S OPERATIONAL STAR WARS DEFENSE SYSTEM [Cosmosphere weapon] by Robert E. McElwaine B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC from TheWatcherFiles Website

World GOV Bases and Colonies in MARS Since 1962! Video



In February 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin proposed to the United States and the United Nations a global defense shield (with "Star Wars"-type weapons) BASED ON RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY. Some people might wonder what the "backward" Russians could possibly have that would be of value for the S.D.I. research and development program. The little-known TRUTH is that the Russians started deploying an OPERATIONAL "Star Wars" defense system in September 1977, and it has greatly grown and improved since that time. It is a SPACE TRIAD built around CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAM and NEUTRON PARTICLE BEAM WEAPONS. In this article I will describe the Russian system as it developed from 1977 to 1983, and give several examples of how it was used during that period. But first I will try to convince readers of the credibility of my main source of information about it.

My main source is articles published in a weekly legislative newspaper, WISCONSIN REPORT (WR), of Brookfield, Wisconsin, (P.O. Box 45, zip 53005), written by the late Dr. Peter David Beter, a well-respected Washington, DC attorney, Doctor of Jurisprudence, and expert and consultant in international law, finance, and intelligence, who received much of his information from associates in the CIA and other intelligence groups of other countries who disapproved of many of the things happening or being planned behind the scenes.

They believed that at least limited public exposure might delay and ultimately prevent the worst of those things, such as NUCLEAR WAR and NATIONAL DICTATORSHIP, from taking place.

Dr. Beter started appearing on local radio and TV talk shows, but soon found himself being BANNED from them, as a result of government THREATS to cancel broadcast licenses.

So he started producing monthly one-hour cassette tapes and sending them to a growing list of subscribers. From June 21, 1975 until November 3, 1982 he recorded eighty "Dr. Beter Audio Letters" plus eight "Audio Books" and three special topic tapes. On September 1, 1977 Wisconsin Report started publishing transcripts of those tapes.

Based on information from his sources, Dr. Beter PREDICTED the bombing of the Marines in Beirut A FULL YEAR BEFORE IT HAPPENED, WARNING that the U.S. Pentagon and the Israeli Mossad were CONSPIRING TO DELIBERATELY ARRANGE IT in order to try to get Americans angry at the Arabs and generate public support for PLANNED military action against them. He reported the impending assassination of Anwar Saddat of Egypt SIX DAYS BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

And Dr. Beter predicted what he called the "retirement" of Leonid Brezhnev one week before Brezhnev officially "died" (note that the word "retirement" was used for the TERMINATION OF REPLICANTS in the 1982 movie "Blade Runner"), and his quick replacement with Andropov which occurred only three days after the "death" of Brezhnev, to the surprise of all government and media analysts.

Subscription application and renewal forms for Dr. Beter's tapes would usually say, "Subscribe to the Dr. Beter Audio Letter and watch the news start making sense."


In September 1977 the Russians started launching MANNED killer satellites, called "COSMOS INTERCEPTORS", armed with CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAM weapons, into earth orbit, (12-15-77 WR).

By April 1978 there were about THREE DOZEN of them, and they had FINISHED DESTROYING all American spy and early warning satellites, (5-18-78 WR).

On September 27, 1977, in what Dr. Beter called "THE BATTLE OF THE HARVEST MOON", a Cosmos Interceptor in Earth orbit used a NEUTRON-PARTICLE BEAM to wipe out a secret American laser-beam base nearing operational status in Copernicus Crater on the Moon, (11-3-77 WR).

The Russians quickly deployed their own military bases on the Moon, the second leg of their space triad, starting on October 4, 1977, with seven EXTREMELY POWERFUL charged-particle beam weapons BASES on the near side of the Moon and three support bases on the far side, (2-9-78 WR).

The first test of the Moon base weapons occurred on November 19, 1977, ironically at about the same time as the release of the first "Star Wars" movie with its "death star" weapon.

The Russians were aiming at the eye of a cyclone near India.

But they miscalculated the deflection of the beam by the Earth's magnetic field, and the beam struck the ocean too close to the shore causing a TIDAL WAVE that killed many people, (2-9-78 WR). A blast of charged-particle beams from two or more of the Russian Moon bases fired in quick succession would create the DESTRUCTIVE EFFECT OF A HYDROGEN BOMB on its target.

The third leg of Russia's triad of space weapons is the "COSMOSPHERES".

The first-generation Cosmospheres were weapons platforms that were ELECTRO-GRAVITIC (could hover against gravity), ATOMIC POWERED, horizontally positioned by rocket thrusters, somehow invisible to radar beyond about 40 miles (perhaps from a radar-absorbing coating), armed with CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAM weapons (at least a hundred times less powerful than those in the Moon bases), equipped with "PSYCHO-ENERGETIC RANGE FINDING" (PRF) which tunes in to the actual ATOMIC SIGNATURE of a target or object and can NOT be jammed, and some of them were also armed with microwave BRAIN-SCRAMBLING equipment.

In late 1977 and early 1978, there was a strange rash of giant AIR BOOMS along the east coast of the United States and elsewhere.

These air booms were NEVER satisfactorily explained, by either the government, the scientific establishment, or the news media. They could NOT be positively identified with any particular Super Sonic Transport plane (SST) or other aircraft, and indeed they were MUCH LOUDER than aircraft sonic booms.

The giant airbooms were actually caused by Russian Cosmospheres firing CHARGED- PARTICLE BEAMS down into the atmosphere in a DEFOCUSED MODE (spread out) for the purpose of announcing their presence to the WAR-MONGERS in the United States Pentagon, (2-9-78 WR).

The main purpose of any "Star Wars" defense system is to protect a country against nuclear attack. During the weekend of January 20, 1980, Russian Cosmospheres accomplished such a mission.

A NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE against Russia by the then BOLSHEVIK-CONTROLLED United States was being started with a total of 82 special secret aircraft that can sneak up to a country's shoreline under water, surface, change configuration, take off, and fly at treetop level to their targets.

Dr. Beter describes part of the action in his Audio Letter #53, recorded on January 21, 1980:

"At that point the real action got under way, in the Caspian Sea and off northern Norway. The Subcraft, with Israeli pilots, were on their way. They were traveling under water on the first legs of their attack missions....

"Late Saturday night, Washington time, a coded signal was flashed to the Subcraft to continue as planned. By that time, the northern contingent of Subcraft were in the White Sea. The southern contingent had reached the north end of the Caspian Sea. It was already daylight, Sunday morning, the 20th, for the Subcraft contingents.

Their orders were to wait out the day under water, out of sight; then, after nightfall, they were to continue their steady approach to get close to their targets. The Subcraft were maintaining strict radio silence.

They were also deep enough under water to be invisible from the air to either the eye or radar, yet they were also hugging the shoreline in water too shallow for Russian sonar to pick them up.

And their infrared signatures were negligible as the result of extensive development. In short, by the standards of Western technology, they were undetectable. But in AUDIO LETTER No. 42 I revealed Russia's master secret weapon.

It is called "Psycho-energetic Range Finding" or PRF. It is unlike sonar and similar techniques. PRF tunes in to the actual atomic signature of a target, and there is no method known by which PRF can be jammed.

"By deploying their Navy to the Arabian Sea, the Russians are pretending to be fooled by the Bolshevik distraction with the aircraft carriers. In this way they encouraged the Bolsheviks to launch the Subcraft toward their targets. They waited until the Subcraft were far away from their bases and out of sight of the Bolsheviks, who are directing the American first-strike operation.

But the whole time they were being tracked by Cosmospheres overhead using PRF, and shortly after 1:00 A.M. yesterday morning Eastern Standard Time the Cosmospheres began firing their Charged Particle Beam Weapons.

There were 10 Subcraft in the White Sea. Each disappeared in a blinding blue white water spout of steam, smoke, and fire. In the north end of the Caspian there were 19 Subcraft - they, too, met the same fate."

(2-7-80 WR).

The 3rd-generation Russian JUMBO COSMOSPHERES were first deployed in April 1981, in parallel with the first U.S. Space Shuttle mission.

They significantly interfered with that MILITARY mission, in ways which were successfully covered up by NASA using techniques similar to those shown in the movie "Capricorn I", (5-7-81, 5-14-81, and 5-21-81 WR).

Jumbo Cosmospheres are much larger than the 1st- generation models, and use ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPULSION instead of rocket thrusters to move around.

For about two years after Dr. Beter stopped recording his Audio Letters. In November 1982 (because of heart trouble), his distributor, Audio Books, Inc., published some newsletters titled "NewsALERT", using information passed on to them by Dr. Beter or received directly from his sources.

A special supplementary issue, dated March 26, 1984, describes how Russian Jumbo Cosmospheres captured two communication satellites right after launch from U.S. Space Shuttle Mission #10, found anti-satellite (ASAT) missiles mounted on one of them, and dumped both satellites into useless orbits.

NASA had fun TRYING to explain two-in-a-row failures of a highly reliable PAM-D satellite booster.

Russia's offer to share their "Star Wars" defense system with the rest of the world might also extend to SCIENTIFIC SPACE EXPLORATION. For example, the United States is planning to send two unmanned flyby and sample-return space missions to a comet. These missions would cost BILLIONS of dollars, take fifteen years from now to complete, and could FAIL in DOZENS of ways.

A Russian Jumbo Cosmosphere could complete a MANNED version of such a mission in a matter of MONTHS, if they have not already done so, since these Cosmospheres can accelerate continuously.

Note that the United States has announced a deal to purchase at least one SPACE REACTOR from Russia. Now you know what the Russians originally developed and used them for.



The Fake Second Coming

By Christi Verismo.

Part 4 of 16

Secret Colonization Of The Moon And Mars

NAZI on Moon base and top secret space program VIDEO



What kind of chemtrail casts a shadow in the sky but not down to the ground? Black trails are the new phenom with reports increasing worldwide..- .& 911 counterevidence exhibits.


Pentagon’s biological bomb to target Russia, Iran and China By GPD on August 20, 2017 [Ukraine turned into a laboratory]


Pentagon’s biological bomb to target Russia, Iran and China

A former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons in Iraq and Libya, Igor Nikulin, told Russia’s Pravda newspaper that Moscow “should look into” the growing number of American military biological laboratories springing up across the Eurasian continent.

The Pentagon has reportedly dished out over one billion US dollars on more than 400 labs worldwide. The vast majority are located in former Soviet republics, including Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Ukraine.

Increasingly, the labs are being situated near the borders of Washington’s main geopolitical competitors – Russia, China and Iran.

The official explanation for the existence of these facilities is that they are used to store “collections of especially dangerous pathogens”.

Of course, the real reason is hardly so benign.

“The Pentagon is not a charitable organization,” Nikulin told Pravda in June. “Of course, they offer assurances that they are acting out of good intentions for charitable purposes, but this is not true.”

Yemen’s cholera outbreak

According to the Library of Congress, Science Reference Services, the weaponization of biological agents involves the use pathogens or organisms that cause disease. Pathogens include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins.

Since World War II, the US military has successfully weaponized countless bacteria, including Vibrio cholera, which proved to be most effective when spread through water supplies.

Earlier this week, the World Health Organization [WHO] reported that the number of suspected cholera cases in Yemen hit the half-million mark.

The epidemic, described by the UN as “the largest ever recorded in any country in a single year since records began,” has killed at least 2000 people since the end of April.

Although American support for the Saudi-led military campaign against Yemen has been widely documented, the actual extent of the Pentagon’s role is still impossible to ascertain.

And herein lies the true value of a biological weapon. It is invisible and it is extremely difficult to determine the source of the outbreak.

Ukraine turned into a laboratory

Following Ukraine’s so-called revolution in 2014, the country has become a prime location for American military biological laboratories.

In just over three years, the Pentagon has constructed no less than 15 labs on Ukrainian soil. The facilities, financed entirely by the US War Department, employ strictly American personnel who also have diplomatic immunity.

In other words, the Ukrainian state has no jurisdiction over these labs, while state organs, including health and sanitary agencies, are not permitted any access.

Instead, the facilities are overseen by an American corporation, Black & Veatch Special Projects, which secured millions of dollars worth of defense contracts last year alone.

The number of employees at the labs ranges from 50 to 250. All are recruited from the ranks of the intelligence agencies and the military, and often specialize in biological warfare and biological terrorism.

The facilities are all located near big cities or seaports, guaranteeing a speedy evacuation.

Meanwhile, the government in Kiev has imposed a strict veil of secrecy on anything concerning the military labs, so much so that the local press is prohibited from reporting on the issue.

Igor Nikulin believes that if these facilities “were only storing the pathogens, we would not see so many outbreaks of dangerous diseases lately.”

The local population in Ukraine links the appearance of epidemics in their country with the unveiling of the first US military biological lab in Odessa. Interestingly, with every new epidemic, Kiev was forced to buy vaccines from American pharmaceutical companies. Following the swine flu [H1N1] outbreak alone, the Ukrainian government spent USD 40 million.

In 2017, Kiev was gripped by a sudden outbreak of botulism – a rare and potentially fatal illness that can causes muscle cramps and respiratory failure.

Ukraine’s health authorities were ill-prepared and lacked the antitoxin required for treatment, leading to thousands of deaths. There are no official figures, but social media users estimate that 13,000 people had perished.

In September 2016, an unknown intestinal infection spread through the city of Izmail. Children were especially prone to the disease. Within 24-hours, more than 400 kids were hospitalized. The source of the outbreak was never identified.

But it is not just people that are getting sick in Ukraine. In 2014, pigs across the country began dying from the previously rare African swine fever [ASF]. By 2015, more than 100,000 pigs had to be put down to contain the virus, which can survive in the soil for up to eight months. Ukraine’s sanitary and veterinary agencies never identified the source.

Such outbreaks have the potential to devastate a country’s agro-economy, and maps displaying the geographic movement of ASF show that the virus is gradually heading toward the Russian border.

Russian military experts assert that the distribution of American bio labs across the Eurasian continent allows the Pentagon to gather intelligence on the region’s microorganisms, which is vital for the creation of highly effective biological weapons to be used against Russia, Iran and China.

A more clandestine form of biological warfare is already underway. These operations are designed to undermine the economies of the targeted states through the infection of livestock and other vital sources of food.

Meanwhile, people’s immune systems are being ravaged, along with their ability to function and work.

The Pentagon conducted similar actions in Cuba, where the affects and movements of biological agents were monitored and studied.

In addition, the US military labs are increasing global dependency on western pharmaceutical giants, which as a rule have the cure for any new illness.

The question now is whether the countries under attack are capable of mounting the necessary defenses and creating their own cures against Pentagon’s biological bomb.

To Read More:

We Knew It! NASA Admits Hidden Portals Opening Above Earth! 7/18/16 Video

Published on Jul 18, 2016

Nasa Source Link:


Ancient Technology 2 Mars-video


Ancient Technology 3 The Moon-video


TSR 086: Timothy Alberino and CERN’s Occult Conspiracies with Ancient Technology - video


The best of NASA and ISS, National Agency of Space Artists -video [Hoaxes]

National Agency of Space Actors, NASA

To Read More:

Primary Water: A Solution to Drought, Famine and Social Unrest? - / & Scientists Confirm Biblical Account of the ‘Fountains of The Deep’- Videos

It may be shocking to learn that multinational corporations view water shortages as a business opportunity. Some investment firms have even gone so far as to claim “water is the new oil.” Then there are people like current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé Peter Brabeck-Letmathe who believe that “access to water is not a public right.” Nor is it a human right. He feels the answer to the global water crisis is privatization. And Ismail Serageldin, the World Bank’s leading environmental expert, bluntly observed: “The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water


11th February 2016

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

While some regions are breathing a sigh of relief with the arrival of El Niño this year, other areas are still faced with ongoing historic drought without an end in sight. Dry conditions have eased in places like the western United States and the United Kingdom. However, much of the world remains parched and in desperate need of fresh water. Asia, the Indian sub-continent, parts of southern and Northern Africa, Poland, South America — especially Brazil — and New Zealand are some of the hardest hit. Cuba alone is experiencing its worst drought in 115 years, affecting over one million people and severely reducing the rice harvest. Likewise, the North Korean drought is the worst of its kind seen in a century.

For a country like North Korea that is essentially isolated from the rest of the world and exclusively grows its own food, and where famine is a reality in the best of times, unceasing drought is a frightening prospect. But food production isn’t the only area impacted when available fresh water plummets. Reduce water supplies and water-borne diseases increase as well, which has lead to a spike in deaths. Moreover, when access to fresh water becomes endangered, social unrest soon follows. Most would agree that widespread drought is a serious issue with severe consequences.

So it may be shocking to learn that multinational corporations view water shortages as a business opportunity. Some investment firms have even gone so far as to claim “water is the new oil.” Then there are people like current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé Peter Brabeck-Letmathe who believe that “access to water is not a public right.” Nor is it a human right. He feels the answer to the global water crisis is privatization. And Ismail Serageldin, the World Bank’s leading environmental expert, bluntly observed: “The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water.”

Nestlé CEO (Bilderberger) Peter Brabeck: “Access to Water is Not a Public Right.”VIDEO


But what if our accepted views about water scarcity aren’t accurate? What if water is actually created deep within the earth in unlimited quantities, not simply recycled as a finite resource? The answer to these questions and more can be found with primary water.

A Vast Untapped Source of Fresh Water

“Since antiquity, the source of water generated deep within the Earth, clearly defying the conventional scientific hydrologic cycle explanation, has been a mystery. How does one explain sources of water throughout the world that produce impressive quantities of fresh water, often in dry areas with little rainfall or at high altitudes? Besides numerous oases in Sahara, Arabic Peninsula, Middle East and the driest deserts elsewhere, and countless springs at mountain tops worldwide, there are clear examples of this phenomenon which stand out, like the Ain Figeh spring near Damascus, the Montezuma Well in the Sonora Desert in Arizona or the Zamzam well in Mecca.” ~ Mladen Milidragovic, author of “Ancient Water Supply Systems”

When the thirsty region of Napa Valley, California experienced a major earthquake in 2014, an unexpected aftereffect took hold: a massive new flow of water into local creeks. Officials confirmed one example rushes with at least 200,000 gallons of water a day, with many other areas claiming the same. Water quality tests by the local public utilities commission confirmed the newfound water is pure enough to drink and was subsequently added to the municipal drinking water supplies. While it was speculated that it is from shallow groundwater and was released from fractures created by the quake, others believe it’s from another source entirely.

Pal Pauer, a respected American hydrologist, says the post-earthquake release is a perfect example of what he calls ‘primary water’. Believed to be the source of all new water on earth, primary water doesn’t come from rain-fed aquifers but instead is created by chemical reactions deep within the earth, independent of the ailing hydrological cycle. Read more about the theories on how primary water is produced here.

Moreover, a study in Scientific American states there is “… a very, very large mass of water, approaching the sort of mass of water that’s present in all the world’s ocean” — but the water is fresh, not saline. Scientists speculate that this vast store of water is in the mantle transition zone, which is found between 254 and 410 miles deep.

Primary Water - A Solution to Drought, Famine and Social Unrest

You may be thinking at this point that water so deep would be nearly impossible to access. However, Pauer says it can be tapped, mainly because primary water is automatically pushed up through fracture points in the earth’s crust. The high pressure in the earth’s mantle creates the perfect circumstance for the upward thrust of primary water to be possible. Sometimes, the water is found close to the surface of the earth, as is the case with natural springs. Often, it can be tapped by drilling less than 200 feet. Other times, it will require wells of 800 feet, or a thousand. The key is to have someone trained in locating primary water in a fracture, known as a faulted structure.

‘Water Wizards’

Pal Pauer has over forty years of finding and accessing primary water around the globe. His mentor, Stephan Riess, a Bavarian-born mining engineer and geologist, was an early pioneer in the search for primary water, and was drilling wells across California and in the Middle East as early as the 1930s. In 1958, Stephan was asked by Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to locate a primary water source to supply a new port city on the Red Sea. By 1959, the wells were producing enough water to supply a city of more than 100,000 people.

Pauer himself has an impressive record for finding primary water. Having traveled to Africa numerous times, he’s drilled over 80 boreholes of primary water in Tanzania, which, when paired with hand pumps, allow villagers to have straightforward access to clean water that is safe from disease causing bacteria, parasites and surface contaminants.

“It’s hard to get the point across to many people in the U.S. that the earth makes water. We can access it and solve our problems. We don’t need massive storage facilities or aqueducts. Clean, virtually infinite sources of water might be right under our feet,” said Pauer.

Just the same, the drilling of primary water is not as widespread as it should be, especially when we acknowledge the looming water crisis facing the world. This may be intentional when we take into account that scarcity in and of itself can be a powerful tool in controlling populations, creating social discord and amassing wealth for a chosen few.

Primary Water Explained: Why We DO NOT Have a Water Shortage VIDEO


Article sources:

Further reading from Carolanne Wright:

To Read all:


Also see:

*The Water Cycle

* Scientists Confirm Biblical Account of the ‘Fountains of The Deep’

In yet another confirmation of the Bible’s accuracy, scientists have now confirmed what Scripture refers to as “the fountains of the deep.” In the days of Noah and the Ark, these large pools of water beneath the Earth’s crust burst forth onto the surface providing the massive amounts of water needed for the global flood judgment. What has once been a source of skepticism and mockery for those who doubt the Bible, has now been confirmed by secular scientists, again showing that although written over 3,000 years ago, the Bible’s description of the Earth and its natural properties are indeed accurate.

To read all:

* Researchers discover massive freshwater reserves beneath the oceans { God's Fountains of the Great Deep

Read more:

Are today's scientists so ignorant, or are they trying to fool you into believing they have discovered our new life saving water reserve? Meanwhile it was God who put this extra water under the seas when He created the earth. Read at least the first two websites below regarding the: The Fountains of the Great Deep

and you should understand it all better. Sol-War)

To Read More:


Mobile phones are a means of observation of many activists. You need to assess the risks associated with your activity, given what technologies are used in your country what level of work you are doing, and what the other experienced members of your community.

Phone companies have the ability to monitor and collect information on how you use your mobile phone, including to determine your location and transmit this information to the government, if done such a request. It is also possible to install monitoring software on the mobile phone that works this way, the user did not notice her. Such a risk exists if your phone for some time was not physically with you.

When your phone is on, it is constantly the following information NEAREST derrick:

IMEI - a unique number that identifies your phone.

IMSI - the unique number that identifies your SIM-card - something that tied your phone number.

TMSI - Temporary number that is assigned periodically, depending on your location or changes in the coating and can be determined with the help of listening systems available on the market.

The cellular network in which the phone at the moment. The cellular network may cover any area from a few meters to several kilometers, small networks can cover the city limits, a smaller network - installed home antenna that amplifies the signal indoors.

Location subscriber within a network defined by triangulation of signals from close to the towers. Again, the location accuracy is dependent on the size of the network - the more towers located in the district, the more determined location.

So when your phone is switched on and catches SIGNAL NETWORK towers may be used as a viewing device for those who have access to the information provided by telecom companies, INCLUDING:

Your incoming and outgoing calls

Incoming and outgoing SMS messages, as well as information about the sender and the recipient

Any information services that you use (eg., Impolzovanie web browser without HTTPS, unsecured instant messaging), as well as the volume of data transferred).

Your approximate location of (ranging from a few meters to several kilometers, depending on the density of the location of the towers).

Good to know: If you think that after you are monitoring may not always be sufficient to simply turn off the SIM-card, because after you can follow on the identification number (IMEI) of your mobile device / headset. Your phone contains a lot of information that can be used against you if your phone is confiscated or taken away. All mobile phones have a place to store data - in the SIM-card and the internal memory of the phone (some phones have a memory card SD (or microSD) for storing multimedia files). In general, it is best to store the information on the SIM-card and SD-card (if any) than inside the phone, because information on the maps easier to remove or destroy.

Data that is stored on your SIM-card, built-in phone memory, SD-cards contain:

Your phone book - the list of names and phone numbers

Call history - who you called, who called you, what time the call was made

Receiving and sending SMS messages

Information on the application that you use, such as calendar and to-do list

Photos and videos that you shot with the camera in your phone (if it exists). Most phones record the time when the picture was taken, and may indicate the location information.

If your phone can surf the Internet, you need to consider how much information is stored in the browser history on your phone. If possible, do not save browser history. In the case of the attack and gain access to your SIM-card or the phone's memory, at risk as your emails. Just like the hard drive in your computer, SIM-card memory of your phone stores all the information ever written to it, to as long as it will not be complete, and the new information will start to overwrite the old one. This means that even deleted text messages, call log and contacts can be restored with the SIM-card. (Here is a free application to recover by using the device for reading smart cards). The same applies to telephones with additional memory or embedded in the telephone, or in the form of flash memory. Generally, the more the phone storage space, the more long deleted items can be recovered.

And what does it mean for you?

Mobile phones can be very useful for activists, but they can also cause a lot of trouble, if the government or the state security structures are actively collaborating with telecom companies to follow you. If you live in a country that makes extensive use of mobile devices to monitor, especially if you think that you, as a particularly active figure, watched, it is recommended not to use mobile phones to communicate. Spend tete-a-tete.

In the end, you decide what to take risks if you do not consider yourself a potential target of surveillance and want to communicate with their colleagues-activists on the phone, take photos and video, or transfer information, you can use the following methods:

Create and use a system of code words to communicate with colleagues.

Use beeps as a way to communicate with colleagues (call once or twice and hang up the phone to tell anyone that you have arrived at the place, you are safe, and so on. D.).

Do not use the real names of his comrades in the phone book; give them a call number or non-existent names. In this case your mobile phone or SIM-card will be the law enforcement agencies, they will not get a complete list of your friends.

In protest to bring your replacement card SIM-if you know that they can confiscate, and you need to be in possession of the mobile phone during the event. If you need to get rid of the SIM-card, try to physically destroy it.

If your phone can be locked with a password, use this. This can be a PIN-code of your SIM-card: initially each SIM-card has a PIN-code for your; If possible, change the initial PIN-code, and set a new lock code for your SIM-card. In this case, every time you need to use the phone, it will ask for a password (your PIN-code).

If you suspect that the protest will meet strong resistance from the authorities, during the meeting, you can switch the phone to "flight"; you can not make or receive calls, but you will have the ability to shoot video and photos and later upload them to the Internet. Also, this method can be useful if you think that the object of repression by the armed forces are participants with mobile phones. In the future, the authorities can check information on calls / SMS or other data everyone who was at a certain time in a certain place, to conduct mass arrests.

Disable locate and geotagging in all applications, except when you use them in a specific project, to secure the geographical parameters of audiovisual data during any scheduled event. If you use your mobile phone to a live shooting, turn off the GPS / geotagging (instruction for Bambuser).

If your phone is running the operating system Android, you can use a number of tools to encrypt web traffic, instant messaging, SMS, voice calls using the tools developed by Guardian Project and Whispersys. During browsing, if possible, use HTTPS.

Users BlackBerry:

Manufacturer BlackBerry maker Research in Motion (RIM) offers two types of accounts to the appropriate level of encryption. For ordinary private consumers has never existed a complete E2EE encryption communication - RIM or your mobile network provider can at any time to intercept phone calls, emails, SMS, track work in the browser, and so on. D. Conversely, corporate users that use the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), are fully E2EE encryption in your mail, messenger and web browser. However, even if you are a corporate user, remember that the person in charge of the company's server (usually - your system administrator) has the means to decrypt your communications; there are also many legitimate (and not so legal) procedures, which the government can use to access your encrypted correspondence.

Recently, the UAE government has demanded from the company Research in Motion to provide the means to decrypt all messages BlackBerry, but RIM refused to do so. BlackBerry users should be aware of all the news about how the negotiations are going on between the government of their country, and by RIM with regard to these issues. They should also be aware of other attempts to intercept encrypted communications BlackBerry. In 2009, the UAE Etisalat BlackBerry users sent an unofficial "update", which allows telecommunication systems receive copies of all user. Soon RIM sent users an update that eliminated the rogue programs, but BlackBerry users have to be careful with any suspicious software updates that are not from RIM.

It is a fragment management Access Now, A PRACTICAL the GUIDE TO PROTECTING YOUR the IDENTITY AND SECURITY ONLINE AND WHEN USING MOBILE PHONES . This manual is written for the citizens & can also be used by those who want protect your personal information, and improve their own online security.

To Read More:

Official science: the grand illusion for all robots by Jon Rappoport November 2, 2015

“Government science exists because it is a fine weapon to use, in order to force an agenda of control over the population. We aren’t talking about knowledge here. Knowledge is irrelevant. What counts is: ‘How can we fabricate something that looks like the truth?’ I keep pointing this out: we’re dealing with reality builders. In this case, they make their roads and fences out of data, and they massage and invent the data out of thin air to suit their purposes. After all, they also invent money out of thin air.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)Introduction: Since 1987, one of my goals as a reporter has been to educate the public about false science.Between then and now, I have found that, with remarkably few exceptions, mainstream reporters are studiously indifferent to false science.They shy away from it. They pretend “it couldn’t be.” They refuse to consider facts. They and their editors parrot “the experts.”Official science has a stranglehold on major media. It has the force of a State religion. When you stop and think about it, official science is, in a significant sense, a holy church. Therefore, it is no surprise that the church’s spokespeople would wield power over major information outlets.These prelates invent, guard, and dispense “what is known.” That was precisely the role of the Roman Church in times past. And those professionals within the modern Church of Science are severely punished when they leave the fold and accuse their former masters of lies and crimes. They are blackballed, discredited, and stripped of their licenses. At the very least.Totalitarian science lets you know you’re living in a totalitarian society.The government, the press, the mega-corporations, the prestigious foundations, the academic institutions, the “humanitarian” organizations say:“This is the disease. This is its name. This is what causes it. This is the drug that treats it. This is the vaccine that prevents it.”“This is how accurate diagnosis is done. These are the tests. These are the possible results and what they mean.”“Here are the genes. This is what they do. This is how they can be changed and substituted and manipulated. These are the outcomes.”“These are the data and the statistics. They are correct. There can be no argument about them.”“This is life. These are the components of life. All change and improvement result from our management of the components.”“This is the path. It is governed by truth which our science reveals. Walk the path. We will inform you when you stray. We will report new improvements.”“This is the end. You can go no farther. You must give up the ghost. We will remember you.”We are now witnessing the acceleration of Official Science. Of course, that term is an internal contradiction. But the State shrugs and moves forward.The notion that the State can put its seal on favored science, enforce it, and punish its competitors, is anathema to a free society.To read more:

L.A.'s Secret Meltdown; Nuclear Cowboys - video

Published on Sep 8, 2015

Documentary film covering the top secret 1959 Sodium Reactor meltdown in Los Angeles, California. The incident, kept secret for decades, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 300 to 1,800 people and is the suspected source of elevated cancer rates in adjacent suburban communities. The amount of contaminants released have been estimated at over 400 times that of the highly publicized Three Mile Island incident. This film features accounts from former Atomics International employees detailing the incident that sent highly radioactive gases over parts of Los Angeles for two weeks. Employees also recall illegal acts of mass pollution such as open burn pits that sent radioactive waste into the open air for decades. These experiments took place at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, in the hills between Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley and Simi Valley.


CERN - End of Days: Major Update- [CERN Is Bringing In Demons Proof In Pictures-The Occultist’s Plan to Kill God and His Angels] - June 16, 2015

Major Update: Anthony Patch's message on his FaceBook Page:
A group of Portuguese students of the Santa Cecilia Music Academy took images of odd panels within the CERN building with ancient writings, most of them in Sanskrit language, but also in Hebrew, Mandarin, some Arab writing, and very strange characters on parchments and animals skin preserved between plates of glass. A blue beam also surrounds these panels. According to Mr. Patch, these writing talk about bringing back the former gods and spirits, the Age of Illumination, and the Year of Light. It’s a carry over of other writings, by such people as Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons & JPL, and NASA. The people really behind CERN appear to be more interested in the occult and its core is from the occult practices and symbolism.Jacob’s Ladder
“Due to attacks to my computers, my friends at End Times Matrix News having their YouTube Channel pulled, my website having been corrupted, and a personal visit by two gentlemen from an agency during my last Saturday's public presentation for Clyde Lewis' Ground Zero event, and their same-day attacks as cited longer will I be providing CERN-related information here, or elsewhere. Including personal appearances, web interviews, etc.
Nor, will my last novel: "Coalesence" be published. This is not a fear-based decision. Simply prudent. The information has been put out. It is still available through other sources. I will be here to correspond, however not specific to CERN-related topics. Thank you my friends for the sharing and mutual education. Prayers and Blessings to You and Yours, Anthony Patch” --
I listened to over twelve hours of podcasts of interviews of Mr. Patch and did some other relevant research, so I hope that you enjoy the information contained in this very long article. Anthony Patch has stated that he takes all his information from scientific journals and formulates his conclusions and his theories from physics. He has no ill will against and of the scientists and physicists working at CERN. It is the financial backers who are running this show, who are occultists.
Mr. Patch has a very interesting theory as to what he believes CERN is possibly planning, which is reestablishing an ancient connection that occurred during the Golden Age. He states it is a stretch, but nevertheless an interesting theory, which he could be right.
Anthony Patch's website: Anthony Patch's Website
On 20 December 2013, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies.
Anthony Patch begins by explaining that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and the most expensive machine ever created by man in recorded history. CERN came into existence from the cold war. The U.S. had the Manhattan Project, which resulted in the A- bomb. Then we had the SALT Treaty, which was a strategic arms limitations treaty. The military industrial complex needed a way to simulate nuclear explosions without having to detonate them above or below ground, so this is how CERN was born. CERN broke ground in 1954 and is located 300 feet underground and expands across the two borders of France and Switzerland.
Ancient Writing at CERN
A group of Portuguese students of the Santa Cecilia Music Academy took images of odd panels within the CERN building with ancient writings, most of them in Sanskrit language, but also in Hebrew, Mandarin, some Arab writing, and very strange characters on parchments and animals skin preserved between plates of glass. A blue beam also surrounds these panels. According to Mr. Patch, these writing talk about bringing back the former gods and spirits, the Age of Illumination, and the Year of Light. It’s a carry over of other writings, by such people as Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons & JPL, and NASA. The people really behind CERN appear to be more interested in the occult and its core is from the occult practices and symbolism.Jacob’s Ladder
According to Mr. Patch, CERN wants to reestablish Jacob’s ladder, which is what they tried to write about in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. It’s the coming and goings of angels, but not just angels, fallen angels.
According to what occultists believe in ancient writings, there are demonic entities trapped in a cube in the center of the planet Saturn. In the book of Enoch, God casts the fallen angels into black holes, regarded as prisons. They believe that the seven fallen angels are imprisoned inside Saturn. They want to release these fallen angels and have all of them enter our dimension through an interdimensional wormhole.
They will do this through a stable portal in the Higgs Field via the production or projection of a plasma conduit through that portal. And freeing those trapped in the abyss here on Earth using the large hadron as a key. They want to reunite them for Satan’s army to kill God and his angels. They also believe that they need to release those entities (whom they are communicating with now) in the bottomless pit to achieve this new state of nirvana and become gods themselves.
The Norway Spiral was a test run by CERN and many people witnessed the spiral, which went viral all over social media.
We shall see the evidence beginning this summer due to the gravimetric waves being produced, which there will be increased changes in our magnetosphere and magnetopause. You will see an increase in earthquake activity, volcanoes erupting and changes in our weather patterns, the Aura Borealis. The Aura Borealis will be seen worldwide, possibly 100 or 1000 fold, once this portal opens. However, since CERN has restarted in March, there has been an increase in the Aura Borealis, seen as far down as the Carolinas. There's also been an increase in earthquake activity, as well as volcanic. There’s also been an increase in waking up dormant volcanoes. YouTuber, Dutchsince does excellent work on this as well as keeping track with all of the earthquake and volcanic activity.
The Planned Connection
First, they want to connect to the Moon electrically, and then use it as a hub to redirect and connect the southern pole of Saturn using that energy. Ultimately, they want to reconnect all the planets as existed during the Golden Age. Although they can’t change the orbits of the planets, they plan to enhance the current electrical connection between them as it were during the Golden Age. CERN is the modern of the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel known as "the gate of God." CERN is opening up gateways!
FreedomFighter2127 is a YouTuber, and his website is listed below. He caught what appeared to be possibly demon faces, which he claims they are to be as the particles were hitting the collimators back in April of this year.
This Is Huge CERN Is Bringing In Demons Proof In Pictures
VIDEO - This Is Huge CERN Is Bringing In Demons Proof In Pictures
This is a major update in the latest events, CERN is such a demonic force and here is proof a demon face is staring us right in the face as they get ready to breach our world.


The Bay Area plays a crucial role in opening up the portal and is the occult center for everything scientific in the world. It has an astrological connection. The constellation Ursa Major lines up with the Golden Gate Bridge at a particular time of the year, if you were to draw a line straight through. It contains the Polaris Star (the north star) and the Big Dipper.
Bohemian Grove is about 60 miles north of San Francisco, Silicon Valley about 35 miles to the south, which includes Lockheed, Google, Aims Laboratories, and NASA are all located there. You have the Transamerica Pyramid on the San Francisco waterfront; you have the Masonic Auditorium at 1111 California Street, an Egyptian obelisk down the hill from the Advanced Light Source Building, which is a particle accelerator. It’s also the manufacturing site for the Black Cube.
If you drew a straight line from that particle accelerator to the tip of that obelisk and continued that line, it goes straight through the center of the arches of the Golden Gate Bridge, stated Anthony Patch.
If you take a look at Pop Culture, Star Trek's Federation’s headquarters located in San Francisco. The recent San Andreas movie and the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge as well as the new Terminator movie, “Genisys”, destroying the bridge as well.
U.C. Berkeley is the hub and has the ESnet Internet system, which directly connects to CERN. ESnet has 13,000 miles of fiber optic cable, which primarily connects the U.S. to Europe and all the labs. ESnet includes the 160 principle laboratories, the sub laboratories and all the synchrotrons connected to the ESnet 5.0. It runs at 100 gigabits per second for its throughput around the world. The collisions that the LHC create are terabytes of data, which needs analyzation, and their findings returned to CERN. These other laboratories do the proof of concept work, take their findings, and send them back to Switzerland.
At a physics standpoint, the control of the distribution system (the hub) is at U.C. Berkeley. It’s in physical proximity to Google and the company that makes the adiabatic quantum computer, model 2048.
The Advanced Light Source Building
How will this be done? The Advanced Light Source Building at U.C. Berkeley has a synchrotron particle accelerator, which is a smaller version of the LHC at CERN. The synchrotron at Berkeley and in Jordan (Sesame accelerator) looks like the north pole of Saturn. The accelerator at Berkeley used for the Human Genome Project located in Walnut Creek.
It produces extremely luminous amounts of x-rays, the brightest light in the universe. It goes down at the quantum level. It sees the original building blocks; the Higgs Boson, gluons, quarks-gluons, and all these particles at the sub-atomic level and create alternative DNA to their liking by modeling known as protein folding. They create 3D models in the computers as well as print out 3D models of the human protein-DNA information part and partial to the Human Genome Project. Human DNA was mapped, and then the X-rays were used to look at them at the quantum level, an outgrowth of the Human Genome Project.
The Particle accelerators are being used for DNA research, DNA manipulation and the creation of hybrids and the ascension of man to a higher level of existence. It’s not just looking for the God particle; it’s playing God.
The purpose is to understand the building blocks of DNA and to create an artificial 3rd strand of DNA and then use it to grow a new body, a hybrid with 3rd strand DNA. This 3rd strand of DNA comprised of silicon and other artificial material coated in a Nano thin coating of gold. The gold allows for the imparting of digital information because this digital information is it will allow for internal modification into the human body, including our minds. This 3rd strand will be injected or imparted, but will also allow that person to be manipulated and controlled utilizing microwaves or other frequencies along the electromagnetic spectrum from an external source. The 3rd strand of DNA will remain dormant until activated. Once activated it will begin a process of replication and will become dominant taking over the human body and the mind, which would fulfill the desires of the Elite and their Serf class system.
There are a couple of delivery systems that will be used to deliver the 3rd strand DNA to the human population Chemtrails and Vaccines. Chemtrails or aerosol spraying contains Nanoparticles and heavy elements, which we have all inhaled and ingested. There are several purposes behind the use of Chemtrails. One is its ability to increase the effectiveness of electromagnetic waves. The metal particulates are used to generate plasma by hitting those particulates by a "space-based laser. And according to Anthony Patch, they do want to create a plasma conduit to bring in those entities from Saturn. The Chemtrails will be used to activate the 3rd strand via satellites, GWEN towers, or some other type of external means.
Vaccines are as many of you are aware of, contain Mercury and squalene, where vaccines cause several problems, including autism. The crimes committed by the CDC, such as the Tuskegee Experiments. What they would like to do is create a worldwide pandemic, which will scare people demanding vaccines, and criminalizing people who are anti-vaccine. Ebola was a test run. However, the people may not even have to demand it.
According to Dr. Rima of Natural Solutions, the World Health Organization is a privately funded NWO globalist Organization funded by the pharmaceutical industry. In 2007, the World Health Organization had 184 countries sign an agreement in an annual meeting. This agreement states that if the WHO declares a level 6 or a level 3 Emergency unilaterally that they are empowered to take over the governments of a country a region a planet. All world governments would revert to the World Health Organization. This power gave without any oversight. Signed on June 4, 2007.
There are thousands of hybrids being grown from the 3rd strand of artificial DNA. These hybrids are in a state of hibernation, residing in these laboratories, such as the infamous Dulce Base in New Mexico. They are waiting for the movement of these spiritual entities via the plasma conduit that they want to establish between Earth and Saturn and then these entities will enter these hybrids.
Our DNA is changing, and one two-year-old boy born in England was born with a 3rd strand of DNA. Brave Alfie Clamp was born blind and with severe disabilities. There are some that say that we could have as many as twelve separate strands of DNA, which could mean more psychic abilities, where the movie “Looper” comes to mind.One possible attribute that may have been incorporated into these hybrids are NanoDiamonds. Nanodiamonds are grown from the quantum level, manipulating the carbon to grow into larger diamond crystals. Nanodiamonds are used one for the storage of digital information. A laser is used that is pulsating digital information using the laser as a carrier wave into the core of the diamond, causing the c60 carbon molecules and atoms to rearrange into patterns that represent 0s and 1s (digital information). Once that etching takes place, that information is permanent for the life of the diamond. It can be used as an artificial brain in artificial intelligence and for storing all information that mankind has. It can also be used as an artificial skin, which would create an impervious skin for super soldiers. Also a lubricant, a Nano thin barrier that can be placed on
One possible attribute that may have been incorporated into these hybrids is NanoDiamonds. Nanodiamonds are grown from the quantum level, manipulating the carbon to grow into larger diamond crystals. Nanodiamonds are used one for the storage of digital information. A laser is used that is pulsating digital information as a carrier wave into the core of the diamond. This causes the c60 carbon molecules and atoms to rearrange into patterns that represent 0s and 1s (digital information). Once that etching takes place, that information is permanent for the life of the diamond. It can be used as an artificial brain in artificial intelligence and for storing all information that mankind has. It can also be used as an artificial skin, which would create an impervious skin for super soldiers. It is also used as a lubricant, where a Nano thin barrier can be placed on the metal. 3D printers are being incorporated to print using Nano Diamond technology and 3rd strand DNA to print hybrids today.
Transhumanism plays an enormous role in all of this. Ray Kurswell is the director of engineering for Project X, dealing with Transhumanism. According to Anthony Patch, the merger of man and machine is an intermediate step. Carbon Nanotubes will make this merger possible with Buckyballs and fullerenes arranged in a hexagonal pattern. These Nanotubes replace the synapses within the brain; neural pathways connecting the synapses. Therefore, be able to create the connection between the brain and the machine using Carbon Nanotubes, Technology making the merger of mechanical and biomechanical possible.
The real agenda is to move growing using artificial DNA to ascension spiritually. Their plan is to take our spirits, thoughts, memories, and they believe their soul and transcend the physical existence right out of our DNA and into the spiritual realm. The most recent movies of 2015,“Transcendence” and “Chappie”, where characters in the film their consciousness into a machine, the Internet in “Transcendence” and a robot in “Chappie.”
When they talk about transcendence, immortality, cures to different diseases, genome mapping and genetic manipulation, it’s for public consumption. Any promise is a lie to the general public. All promises in advances in science are withheld and only reserved for the elite while the rest of humanity is left in the gutter.
The elite want to ascend to a higher plane. They think they will evolve either spiritually or physically, genetically akin to those they are communicating with in another dimension spiritually. According to Mr. Patch, they got promised to ascend to another dimension as spiritual gods leaving this planet. Their bodies won’t be their bodies, and they don’t care what happens to this planet. The elite don’t think they need a planet healthy since they will evolve like them. The elite believe in the New Age mantra, which is to ascend to a higher plane of existence, change the planet and bodies to mimic possibly the other side.
It’s possible that another reason for the Chemtrails is to terraform the planet to meet the suitable conditions as to what will be arriving. It’s possible that they need heavy elements in the atmosphere and increase in radiation; hence Fukushima, like there was during the Golden Age.
According to Anthony Patch, one of the agenda items at CERN is to create the image of the beast from artificial DNA. In the Bible, it speaks of creating the image of the beast. The artificial being which will look, talk, and behave exactly like a human being. But will be controlled by the artificial intelligence of the 2048 model of the adiabatic quantum computer, but his brain will essentially be outside of his body. It will be quantum entangled through supersymmetry with this machine and other dimensional entities to control this hybrid. This adiabatic quantum computer will merge with a being and become demonic. The movie, “Age of Ultron”, portrays a villain that is essentially an artificial intelligent machine, which has the culmination of human knowledge.
Schumann Resonance
There may be a plan to return to the original 432 Hz frequencies, which is the model of the universe. The Rockefellers paid a lot of money to change the music industry standard to 440Hz back and in 1917 it was adopted by the American Federation of Musicians in 1917 and become the US standard in 1920. The alignment of the planets electrically will retune us to 432 Hz, which relates geometrically, spiritually, arithmetically, frequency, musically, physics wise, and from the micro to the macro.
Depopulation Agenda
The elite have begun their depopulation agenda. The Mercantile Era, which started in the 14th century, has ended, and the elite will move into the neo-aristocratic era. The plan is to remove 90% of the human population, so this is only for the elite and what’s left of humanity as mindless drones unless we put a stop to it, God willing. Dr. Rima of Natural Solutions gives you the low down, since a past patient of her, who was a royal head of state told her about the Great Culling that is about to begin.
@1 hr 50 minutes
Veterans Truth Radio (4-23-15) Stew Webb, Jim Fetzer, General Stubblebine, Dr. Laibow
Anthony Patch’s & EndTimesMatrixNewz for September
According to both Anthony Patch & EndTimesMatrixNewz, which have theorized on a possible alignment dealing with the Large Hadron Collider. They have theorized that there will be an alignment of the LHC at CERN, the pyramids of Egypt, and U.C. Berkeley, especially the Bay Area starting from September 13th, 2015 through September 24th/25th. If you were to look down from above at the main ring of the LHC, you would see its four detectors. The Alice detector may be in possible alignment with the North Star Polaris, located in the Big Dipper and written about in Mr. Patch’s book, Covert Catastrophe.
The Alice detector, which produces Strangelets when collisions occur, would be coinciding and triangulating, and pointing to the North Star in Ursa Major. Imagine, if you drew out a triangle from the North Star to the Giza Pyramid. On from there the baseline to U.C. Berkeley, (Synchrotron particle accelerator). Finally, through the Golden Gate Bridge in alignment with Ursa Major, possibly on September 13th.
The LHC will reach its peak TeVs during those dates September 13 through the 24th/25th, reaching 14 plus TeV, by using ions of lead, which are much heavier and denser than protons.
Anthony Patch calls it the coalescing of events in the month of September; spiritually, physics, cosmology, and religious wise. The date September 23, 2015, keeps reappearing in the movies while other movies talk about the abyss. On September 27, LEGOs is releasing their game Dimensions. You will notice the portal machine in the game resembles the LHC in so many ways, whereas it’s a portal with its game characters emerging out from within it. Please watch the following trailer for the game Dimensions.
NASA’s mission, New Horizons will pass Pluto at it’s closest approach on Tue, 14 Jul 2015 11:49:57 UTC. Could New Horizons be the cover for New Horus? Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris and Egyptian God, most notably being a god of the sun, war and protection. On JPL’s New Horizon website, it states this is “The Year of Pluto.”
Pluto is the God of the Underworld and the Judge of the Dead, in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, known as Hades, which has a more positive spin to him. Pluto has five known moons, starting with Charon, Hydra, Nix, Styx, and Kerberos. All these moons have something to do with the UnderWorld. CERN is supposed to be the key to the abyss. The question is, was this all coordinated with New Horizons arriving at Pluto this year and CERN firing up this September to collide ions of lead, to possibly open up a portal? Could Anthony Patch be correct?
Charon is Pluto’s largest moon. In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon, is the deity who is the ferryman of Hades. It is he carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead. A coin to pay Charon for passage, usually an obolus or danake, was sometimes placed in or on the mouth of a dead person. Some authors say that those who could not pay the fee, or those whose bodies were left unburied, had to wander the shores for one hundred years. — Wikipedia
Hydra had nine indestructible serpent heads and deadly poisonous blood and breath. Hydra was another nasty spawning from Typhon and Echidna. When one of its heads was cut off, two new heads appeared.
Nix, was the Greek goddess of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and was the mother of other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death). She had such exceptional power and beauty that Zeus even feared her.
Styx is the Greek goddess of the Underworld River and unbreakable oaths. The river Styx was the boundary between Earth and the Underworld.
Kerberos in Greek and Roman mythology is a multi-headed dog, or "hellhound" with a serpent's tail, a mane of snakes, and a lion's claws. He guards the entrance to the Greek underworld to prevent the dead from escaping and the living from entering.
According website, “Uranus square Pluto on 16 March 2015 is the final of the seven squares.” And “Uranus square Pluto is the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. We are living through a major global upheaval due to, and resulting in rapid evolutionary change.
Uranus represents change, invention, revolution, and higher awareness, and its effect is shocking, unpredictable, and erratic. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation, and renewal, and its effect is grinding, ruthless, and extreme.”
September Events of 2015:
Fall Equinox: Wednesday September 23, 2015
Pope Francis – Philadelphia – September 26th – 27th
A Climatic Abyss:
Laurent Fabius, Foreign Minister of France: “Our focus on the planet is connected to our very survival. We are on the edge of a climatic abyss. In fact, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos,” which brings us to September 24, 2015.
Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement – September 22 – 23
Shemittah – 7 Year Cycle – Economic Collapse – 9/11 – 2008 crash –It always comes in September or October in 7-year cycles. If you want further insight into this study, please check out this website and this site.
Last Blood Moon of the Tetra – September 28, 2015
United Nations Summit to adopt the post-2015 development agenda
September 25th – 27th - NYC
Partial Solar Eclipse – September 13, 2015 (Feast of the Trumpets)
Jade Helm 15 – September 15th – Ends
JADE HELM 15 – CERN Connection
Jade Helm 15 officially concludes on September 15, 2015. The official story is 1,200 Special Forces from all four branches are to conduct realistic military training. They will blend in with the locals in strategic positions to handle different threat scenarios all in preparation for the next fight that they could encounter, but not training for Afghanistan or Iraq.
Anyone that has taken a serious look into it knows this is not true, where the U.S. military has been hauling enormous amounts of military equipment and conducting drills and exercises throughout the country. DAHBOO77 and Dahboo777 are two main channels he uses in keeping up with Jade Helm and doing a fantastic job....
The timing of the conclusion of the training is in sync with when CERN will finally start colliding ions of lead hitting 14 TeV plus.
We have covered the dangers magnetic fields and the Strangelets being produced at the LHC. Could this be the false flag that the powers that be need? It’s possible that with these collisions, we could see major fault lines being set off with destructive earthquakes along the New Madrid and the San Andreas faults. The volcano of La Palma in the Canary Islands erupts, creating a mega tsunami wiping the East Coast. And then there is Yellow Stone.
Anthony Patch is correct, an army of demonic beings here in the month of September up through just short of Christmas.
Stay tuned…
The Occultist’s Plan to Kill God and His Angels.
The International Linear Collider has plans to be built in Japan. The plan is to collide anti-matter, which is the positrons and electrons being the matter, to look beyond the God particle, even smaller. They want to determine where the dimensions are, what their scope is, and discover how many dimensions there are. According to Anthony Patch's theory, the Illuminati want to create a weapon and use it to kill God and his angels. They will do this with their army of demons that they plan to unite in September when the Large Hadron Collider opens the portal.
Future Synchrotron Collider
There are plans to build a 3rd evolution of synchrotron particle accelerators where they will be using ten composite superconducting magnets being able to hit between 10 TeV and 100 TeV. However, Anthony Patch isn’t sure as to why they need one that is bigger and better if they open the portal in September. The Large Hadron Collider produces enough Strangelets already, imagine how much faster they will be able to destroy our planet, which could be the reason behind it.
Hypothetically Speaking – Particle Accelerators as Weapons
Rebekah Roth, who is the author of Methodical Illusions, just Anthony Patch on Freaky Friday; WOW! CERN & Sounds Of The Apocalypse, Earth Changes, Charlie Kali & The Saturn Link.
They did discuss for a short time, the German Wings flight that went down in the Alps earlier this year. The airplane appeared as if some outside force hit it and a witness heard two 8 second long explosions. They also discussed the particle accelerator at BrookeHaven National Laboratory, located in New York and discussed how most of the towers had disintegrated on the day of 9/11.
What May We Possible Do About this?
The following information could be used to help put a stop to CERN’s nefarious intentions if they hold true as theorized by Anthony Patch. It can also be used to wake up the masses, or possibly the arrests or God’s will to do away with the Powers That Be. One way to do this is to coordinate with radio stations around the world. Possibly once a week, or whatever with their audience, choosing a different task to focus on each time or for a specified period.
Psi Power
Dr. Preston James explains what Psi Power is on the Rense Show:
“Psi Power is the most closely guarded secret in the military, even more closely guarded than alien E.T.s and UFO’s actually. They do not want people to know about Psi Power. Now, if you wanted to end the corruption in the world, if everybody let’s say almost every good person in the world, which is millions and millions, got all in the habit of visualizing, (Rense: Hundreds of millions) yeah, got into the habit daily, hourly, having a certain time where they would group think and pray. If you want to call it praying to God, praying to Jesus Christ, praying to Allah, but a group praying to God Almighty to crush evil and to expose evil and actually visualize these people being brought to justice. Some people visualize them being on the end of a rope; other people visualize them being convicted in court. Whatever it is, if most of the free world, conceived this and imagined this all at once, the Psy power is overwhelming, and we know from experiments that this cripples these people. It knocks the wind out of them. They cannot function when there is a certain tidal wave of human sentiment raised against them.”
@25:20 minute mark
Dr. Preston James - Remote Mind Control Weapons
Preston James - Remote Mind Control Weapons VIDEO***
The human heart is the most powerful organ and puts out like 400 units of Tesla. The greatest amount of Tesla units recorded was about 40,000 from a Soviet hydrogen bomb. So just imagine if we humans banded together and used that energy that our brains produced.
Evidence of Psi Power - Art Bell makes it rain:
In the summer of 1998, the North East of Florida was parched. Art Bell came up with an experiment to make it rain. So on July 7th, Art Bell and his 8 to 15 million listeners visualized rain over that particular parched area of Florida. Within three days of the event, it began to rain in the targeted area, and it didn’t stop until it reached their intended goal of 10 inches of rainfall.
Please see the following article for more details:
Meditation Reduced Terrorism Worldwide by 72%
A new book by U.S. Army Col. Brian Rees entitled, “Terrorism, Retaliation, and Victory: Awaken the Soul of America to Defeat Terrorism Without Casualties”. It discusses a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. Where 7,000 volunteers meditated, showing a 72% reduction in international terrorism using Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Invincible Defense Technology.
Interviews of Anthony Patrick that I had listened to:
Anthony Patch | CERN: The Portal To Saturn, Electric Universe Theory, & Other Occult Science VIDEO***
BEYOND ConCERN! Quantum Computers, Triple Helix Hybrids & The Saturn Connection VIDEO***
FULL DISCLOSURE! CERN Strangelets, Stargates, Saturn & The Occult Connections VIDEO***
The CERN Conspiracy - Anthony Patch with Canary Cry Radio (May 07, 2015) VIDEO***
WOW! CERN & Sounds Of The Apocalypse, Earth Changes, Charlie Kali & The Saturn Link VIDEO ***
Strange Lights in the Skies, MYSTERY OBJECT AT CERN, Time Travel & More!! VIDEO***
***the relevant portion for CERN begins around the 39min mark
URGENT! CERN-Quakes ALERT! Strange Sounds & The Saturn Connection VIDEO***
‪CERN 3,6 & 9: The Physics & Philosophy of Connecting the LHC to The Electric Universe VIDEO***
Last modified on Friday, 26 June 2015 09:32

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Ancient tunnels under the ocean

Click here to read

The Water Cycle

Earth's water is always moving and the Water Cycle (also known as the Hydrologic Cycle)
describes this movement of water on, above, and below the surface of Earth. Since the water cycle is
truly a "cycle," there is no beginning or end. Water changes states among liquid, vapor, and ice at
different places in the cycle, and these changes are happening all over the world at the same time.
It’s interesting to realize that water you may drink today has been on Earth for many millions of years
and may have actually been used in the past to water a tree on the other side of the world, or maybe
100 years ago an elephant in Africa or a kangaroo in Australia drank the same water as you did today,
or perhaps 300 years ago a King or Queen drank the same water, or a million years ago a dinosaur
drank the same water as you. Who knows?
Here’s another interesting fact - regardless of where water is in the Water Cycle or where on Earth it
might be, the total amount of water on Earth remains constant over time. In other words, there has
been the same amount of water on Earth for millions and millions of years.
The Water Cycle
The sun drives the Water Cycle with its heat energy. It heats water on the surface of Earth in the
oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, and everywhere else (even ice and snow!!).
Basically, everywhere you see water it is being heated by the sun during the day and as it’s heated,
some of it evaporates as vapor into the air. Evaporation is the process that causes water to become
vapor from water and soil on the surface of Earth, as well as from you and all animals. Transpiration
is the process that causes water to evaporate from plants. Either way, it’s evaporation and
transpiration that allows water to rise as an invisible vapor into the air and up through the atmosphere
to form clouds.
Clouds are formed in the air when water vapor rises to a height where cooler temperatures in the
atmosphere cause water vapor to condense back into liquid water droplets. As you can imagine,
liquid water weighs a lot sitting inside something as light as a cloud, so as it forms, the cloud just can’t
hold it for long. Condensation can form rain, and snow, and hail, to travel back to Earth. Under the
right conditions, water can also fall back to Earth in the form of fog or dew.
It’s not only in clouds that you can see water condense, of course. Just put cold water inside a glass
on a warm day and you’ll notice water forming on the outside of the glass. That’s water vapor that
was in the air and has cooled on the side of the glass to form liquid water. Cool air just cannot hold as
much water vapor as warm air can.
When rain, snow and hail fall back to Earth, they again flow into oceans, rivers, streams, lakes,
puddles and everywhere else, or forms snow and ice during the winter and melts during the Spring.
In addition, some rain water goes underground through the soil to form large underground “lakes”
called aquifers.
These processes where water rises (through evaporation and transpiration) into the air to form clouds
and then falls back to Earth in the form of rain, snow, hail, fog and dew is what we call the Water
The Water Cycle Drawing
Looking at the Water Cycle Drawing, you’ll notice some of the water drops have an arrow pointing up
with an “E” inside and others have a “T.” The “E” drops represent water going up into the air during
evaporation and can be found near all the bodies of water and the soil. The “T” drops represent water
going up into the air during transpiration and can be found near all the plants and trees; in addition,
since transpiration includes water vapor going into the air from all living things, it also includes water
evaporating from your skin, as well as the skin of all animals.
You’ll also notice the rain drops have an “R” inside and an arrow pointing down. The snowflakes were
too small to even draw arrows but you know that snow falls on the ground
Water that travels through the ground also has arrows pointing downward and will settle into
underground storage areas sometimes called aquifers. This ground water can be accessed by
digging (or drilling) a well down through the ground until you reach water.
Defined Words
Liquid – Liquid is the fluid phase of water and is made up of particles so loose that they deform
(or flow) so they take up the form of any container that surrounds them. Liquid water
usually exists between freezing temperatures (32 degrees Fahrenheit / 0 degrees
Celsius), and boiling temperatures (212 degrees Fahrenheit / 100 degrees Celsius).
Vapor – Vapor is the gas phase of water produced from the evaporation and transpiration of
liquid water. In the atmosphere, water vapor is continuously formed by
evaporation/transpiration and removed by condensation (to form rain/snow/hail/fog/dew).
Ice - Ice is the solid form of water. Ice usually exists at and below freezing temperatures
(32 degrees Fahrenheit / 0 degrees Celsius).
Ocean – An ocean is a major body of liquid water on Earth containing a high concentration of
salt. Though described with different names, the oceans of Earth are a single
interconnected body of salt water. Approximately ¾ (74% to be exact) of the Earth's surface is
covered by ocean, and the oceans contain about 97% of all water on Earth.
Freshwater – If the oceans contain about 97% of all water on Earth, then the remaining 3% of
water on Earth is called freshwater because it only contains small amounts of salt. 77%
of this surface freshwater is stored as ice and 22% as groundwater and soil moisture
(that adds up to 99% of all freshwater). The remaining freshwater, making up about 1%
of the world total, is contained in rivers, streams, lakes, and everywhere you see water that is
not salty (and therefore not in the ocean).
Rivers – Rivers are relatively large bodies of liquid freshwater (not saltwater) that flow often to
the ocean or other large body of water. Often, smaller bodies of flowing water, called
streams or brooks or creeks flow together to create rivers, but there is no general rule
that defines what can be called a river. Rivers are important homes for fish and provide
water for wildlife.
Streams – Streams are relatively narrow bodies of liquid freshwater (not saltwater) that flow.
Other names for streams are brooks or creeks. Streams are also important homes for
fish and provide water for wildlife.
Lakes – Lakes are relatively large bodies of liquid freshwater that generally do not flow. Small
lakes are typically called ponds and smaller amounts of water are often called pools. Lakes,
ponds and pools are also important homes for fish and provide water for wildlife. The smallest
amount of liquid water is called a puddle. Puddles are small amounts of liquid water often
formed by rainstorms and generally considered to be small enough to step over or shallow
enough to walk through.
Snow, Snowflakes – Snow is made of tiny ice particles, called snowflakes, that fall from clouds.
Evaporation, Evaporates – Evaporation is the reaction by which liquid water becomes an
invisible gas or vapor. On Earth, liquid water evaporates when it is heated by the sun’s
energy and becomes vapor in the air. This vapor can eventually form clouds.
Transpiration – Transpiration is the evaporation of liquid water from plants, especially leaves but
also stems, flowers and roots.
Atmosphere – The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surround Earth. One of the gases that
is in Earth's atmosphere is called oxygen, which we use to breathe and carbon dioxide
used by plants to create food through a process called photosynthesis. The
atmosphere also protects living things on Earth from damage by blocking out excessive
ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Clouds – Clouds are visible masses of tiny liquid water droplets floating above the surface of the
earth. The water droplets in clouds were formed by water vapor condensing into a liquid
and joining together with other water droplets to form the cloud.
Condensation, Condense – Condensation is the reaction by which water vapor (as an invisible
gas) becomes liquid water. Condensation commonly occurs when water vapor is
cooled. This happens naturally in the atmosphere and is how clouds are formed.
Rain – Rain is made up of tiny droplets of liquid water formed by condensation of water vapor in
the air into particles heavy enough to fall out of clouds. Rain is the primary source of
freshwater for most areas on Earth and therefore essential for life on our planet.
Hail – Hail forms in clouds when the atmosphere is cold enough that liquid water becomes
ice. In other words, hail is frozen droplets of water that would have fallen as rain if the
droplets did not freeze inside the cloud.
Fog – Fog is a cloud in contact with the ground. Therefore, like all clouds, fog is a visible mass
of tiny liquid water droplets formed by water vapor condensing into a liquid and joining
together with other water droplets.
Dew – Dew is tiny droplets of liquid water that often appears on outside objects in the morning or
evening hours. Dew is formed when an exposed surface cools and moisture in the air
condenses on the surface faster than the water can evaporate, resulting in the formation of
water droplets. If temperatures are low enough, dew will form into ice and it is then called
Groundwater Infiltration and Storage – When it rains, water saturates the ground and migrates down
through soil. This migration is called groundwater infiltration or percolation. Once water stops
migrating down and sits underground, it is called groundwater storage. Another name for
groundwater storage is aquifer. This underground water can be accessed by digging or
drilling wells into the water layer and pumping the water up to the surface. Most groundwater
or aquifers are below the ground, but when they come out the side of a hill, they are called

To Read More:

Illuminati Human Cloning Immortality - Fritz Springmeier - Video

[Satan & his illuminati underlings using earth scientists to help create cloned soul less army of obedient soldiers, high officials, Hollywood actors and others from fallen angel technology.Sol-war]
Published on Jun 18, 2014
Mind Control and Occult Knowledge - Who are the Illuminati? Are they Satanic? Will they have everlasting life with human cloning? John 3:16
The history of human cloning
Watch the entire Free Your Mind Conference


Cloning - Darpa - Creating "synthetic organisms" that can live forever.] [ Immortal HeLa Cells And The Continuing Contamination Of Cancer And Vaccine Research] & [The good, the bad, and the HeLa Perspectives on the world’s oldest cell line]

Immortal HeLa Cells
And The Continuing Contamination Of
Cancer And Vaccine Research
By Alan Cantwell MD
c. 2010 - All Rights Reserved
Henrietta Lacks and the creation of a new species
Due to their ability to replicate indefinitely (provided they are fed properly) and the development of a non-human number of chromosomes, immortal HeLa cells are now considered by some geneticists to be a contemporary creation of a new species. The proposed name is Helacyton gartleri, in honor of geneticist Stanley Gartler, who along with Nelson-Rees, called attention to the worldwide contamination of cell tissue cultures with HeLa.
Transformed by the cervical cancer-causing human papilloma virus 18 and more than 50 years of continuing culture, the various strains of Henrietta's cells produce and spread on their own. Growing like weeds in many labs, they now appear more like amoeba-type cells than as cells derived from a human. Amoebas are one-celled protozoa. There are several varieties found in humans that are not considered to be disease producers.
Twenty years ago, in The Cancer Microbe, I wrote about Wilhelm Reich, MD, the unfairly maligned and persecuted cancer researcher who was sentenced to Federal prison where he died in 1957. He firmly believed cancer was intimately associated with bacteria, which he called "T-bacilli." In cancer tumors artificially produced in animals, Reich observed the animal's cancer cells transform into monster cells that greatly resembled tiny protozoa and amoebae. Reich, in his time, was widely perceived as a menace and a crackpot. However, I am sure he would not be surprised to learn that Henrietta's cancer cells have taken on a life of their own, much like the amoebas that he studied extensively.
The lab creation of new forms of life has not escaped the attention of the military, always on the lookout for potential agents useful for biological warfare development. DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense. On Feb 5, 2010, Katie Drummond of reported that the Pentagon's mad science arm may have come up with its most radical project yet. DARPA is looking to re-write the laws of evolution to the military's advantage, creating "synthetic organisms" that can live forever. The plan would assemble the latest bio-tech knowledge to come up with living, breathing creatures that are genetically engineered to "produce the intended biological effect." DARPA wants the organisms to be fortified with molecules that bolster cell resistance to death, so that the lab-monsters can "ultimately be programmed to live indefinitely."
Henrietta Lacks: "The Godmother of Virology"
Also on February 5, 2010, a review was posted of a new book entitled The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot. The author spent ten years researching the billion dollar industry surrounding HeLa cells, and has extensively interviewed surviving family members. Henrietta's family did not learn of her "immortality" until more than twenty years after her death, when scientists investigating HeLa began using her husband and children in research without informed consent. And though the cells had launched a multimillion-dollar industry that sells human biological materials, her family never saw any of the profits.
A reviewer for the Washington Post noted: "Nearly 60 years later, Lacks's tissue has yielded an estimated 50 million metric tons of HeLa cells. Scientific and medical researchers add about 300 HeLa-related studies a month to the library of 60,000 studies. Lacks's surviving family members have learned what was going on -- and have become subjects of interest for researchers, too."
In a The New York Times review (2/5/10), Lisa Margonelli writes:
"After Henrietta Lacks's death, HeLa went viral, so to speak, becoming the godmother of virology and then biotech, benefiting practically anyone who's ever taken a pill stronger than aspirin. HeLa has helped build thousands of careers, not to mention more than 60,000 scientific studies, with nearly 10 more being published every day, revealing the secrets of everything from aging and cancer to mosquito mating and the cellular effects of working in sewers." Deborah, Henrietta's daughter, "becomes the book's driving force, as Skloot joins her in her 'lifelong struggle to make peace with the existence of those cells, and the science that made them possible.'
To find the mother she never got to know, she read hundreds of articles about HeLa research, which led her to believe that her mother was 'eternally suffering' from all the experiments performed on her cells."
Horizontal gene transfer : Gene swapping among life forms
While HeLa cells were spreading around the world and contaminating cell cultures, there was little appreciation of how life forms related to one another. Scientists now have a better knowledge of how viruses can "recombine" with other viruses. Viruses can also infect bacteria as well as human cells. Over the past two decades, molecular scientists have become more and more aware of the back and forth gene swapping between and among various species of life, from the smallest forms of life up to the largest forms. The process is known as "horizontal gene transfer." We are familiar with "vertical gene transfer," whereby the offspring of an organism inherits genes from its parent.
Horizontal gene transfer in cancer and vaccine research is a serious hazard because genetic engineering experiments allow the spread of dangerous transgenic DNA from species to species. This has tremendous implications for theories of evolution, as well as for cancer virus research when viruses are moved between various species of animals and sometimes adapted to human cells. This was basically what scientists were doing in the War on Cancer throughout the 70s, the period right before the AIDS epidemic erupted in 1981 (see my book AIDS & the Doctors of Death). For more information, simply Google key words: dangerous lateral gene transfer.
HeLa cell research: Science or scientific madness?
Having graduated from medical school a half-century ago, I am disillusioned with my chosen profession. I spent 40 years researching the bacterial cause of cancer and showing bacteria in cancer tissue, where, according to the cancer experts, there aren't
supposed to be any. This research sparked little, if any, interest among my colleagues. I spent a quarter-century trying to alert people to the evidence that AIDS is a man-made disease, with no response from the AIDS experts, who educate people about HIV coming out of the African jungle to cause AIDS.
What do I really think about HeLa cells? HeLa cells are cancerous cells (infected with a known cancer-causing papilloma virus) to which was added the blood from a human placenta, ground-up beef embryo, and chicken plasma extracted from the blood of a live chicken heart. This is a concoction that I would expect from someone practicing witchcraft, but not good science. To use HeLa cells as a foundation, a cornerstone, a template, upon which to base viral studies strikes me as viral voodoo.
How can an infected cell culture like HeLa possibly help in cancer and vaccine research? Except to spread the known and unknown viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, and God-only-knows what other potentially infectious agents are contained within Henrietta's cells and the new species Helacyton gartleri.
In all my research for this article, the one bit of reading that made more sense to me than any other was provided by an anonymous blogger who posted his comments (2/1/10) on the Baltimore Sun website (2/1/10), regarding Skloot's new book:
"A complete and total injustice was done to her family to obtain these cells. And now some crazy cancer cells that KILLED her are IN US ALL. That's right, if you have ever gotten a vaccine you got a little HeLa in you
The cancer killed her, and anyway, these are not normal cells, they are CANCER CELLS, and if you ask a science dude HOW OR WHY her cells are STILL ALIVE they don't know, but they kept it a secret because at the time whites would have objected to having cancer cells that killed a black woman INJECTED INTO THEIR CHILDRENS' BODIES. I am an African-American. To me her story is fascinating and tragic like many stories of people who have been ripped off.
Look at it this way, if her family had to be paid every time her cells were used, there would be some record of who got them. The rates for cancer have gone through the roof in the last 40 years, her cells have been found in places where it was impossible for them to have been - and still the scientists do not know why her cells are 'Immortal.'
If her family had been informed possibly more care would have been taken with these cells that KILLED THEIR MOTHER, and for all we know, could be killing people now because we don't know how they work."
[Alan Cantwell is a retired dermatologist and cancer and AIDS researcher. His books on the microbe of cancer and the man-made origin of AIDS are available on, or through Book Clearing House at 1-800-431-1579. Website:,]
Alan Cantwell M.D.
author of, AIDS & The Doctors of Death and Queer Blood
The good, the bad, and the HeLa Perspectives on the world’s oldest cell line]

To Read More:

Human cloning - part one - who is doing human cloning. Future of human cloning and why few clones have been made for medical research. Reasons / arguments for and against human cloning. Cloning animals and biotechnology.-Video

*{ Cow cells and blood used in cloning is part of fallen angel technology. It is why so called aliens have been alleged to come down in saucers and mutilate cows, taking various parts of the bodies and all of the blood. These were not aliens, but were and are fallen angels.They have human scientists helping them create clones and satan's hybrid army. .
This video and below information is to share with you that they are creating clones and how easy it is, as well as how some humans want to be cloned and have their dead relatives cloned and brought back to life. In that case they would be without souls just like the nephilim offspring of fallen angels and earth women thousands of years ago. Nephilim and clones can not ever go to heaven. Sol-war]


World's best kept secret in cloning research
Cow / Human Clone Hybrid - Cow And Human Mixed Together
The world's first human clone of an adult has now been made, by an American biotechnology company in Massachusetts, Advanced Cell Technology. They took a cell from Dr Jose Cibelli, a research scientist and combined it with a cows egg from which the genes had already been removed. (News November 1998)
The genes activated and the egg began to divide in the normal way up to the 32 cell stage at which it was destroyed. If the clone had been allowed to continue beyond implantation it would have developed as Dr Cibelli's identical twin. Technically 1% of the human clone genes would have belonged to the cow - the mitochondria genes. Mitochondria are power generators in the cytoplasm of the cell. They grow and divide inside cells and are passed on from one generation to another. They are present in sperm and eggs. Judging by the successful growth of the combined human-cow clone creation it appears that cow mitochondria may well be compatible with human embryonic development.
However the biggest piece of news is not what they did in human cloning - sensational enough - but the fact that they kept cloning secret for three years after doing it, and presumably they were trying to do it at least a couple of years before that.
Let's wind back the clock: these scientists had already carried out successful human nuclear transfer into an unfertilised egg before Dolly the sheep clone had been made. In other words, the huge media rush about Dolly came only because the Dolly scientists in Edinburgh came clean sooner. But even they omitted to tell us anything until Dolly was seven months old, well over a year after the cloning technique was successfully carried out and a good two to three years perhaps after they began their secretive work.
The lesson is this: today's headlines on human cloning tell us history. The big question is what's going on now? What experiments were completed in 1996, 1997 and 1998 that we won't know about until 1999 to 2001 - if then?
Elsewhere on this site I describe my own conversations with a British scientist in the 1980s who was attempting then to clone human embryos - with some success. His purpose he said was to freeze clones to be used later for spare parts. Defrost a twin, implant it into a surrogate of a humanised ape and cull it for spares. Over a decade later he is still lying very low about his work.
There could be one benefit of the human to cows egg transfers. Some people are very uneasy about creating a human embryo and then dismembering it, however early the stage, to obtain embryonic stem cells from which useful tissues might be grown. they might feel more comfortable with a hybrid solution, if it were shown that the embryonic cow-human stem cells were viable as tissue producers but not capable of becoming a baby.
However there are many other ethical issues. For a start it raises the biggest question of all: how many human genes does a cow or monkey have to gain before we give it human rights? In these human-cow clones one imagines every court in the world would agree that the child born would be capable of being prosecuted for murder, even though it would technically be 1% cow.
But what about other proportions? Humonkeys are within our capability and have been for several years. Scientists have already made geep (combined sheep and goat), and camas (combined camels and lamas) simply by rolling two balls of cells together after fertilisation. Monkeys and humans have 97% of genes in common so if the right 1.6% were transferred from a human to a monkey we could land up with a monkey more human than animal.
These questions will need facing sooner than you may think. And for the theologians another question: how many human genes does an animal have to have to need salvation? Christians, Muslims and Jews believe that humans are made in the image of God. Human life is a mystery. What does that mean in the light of these extraordinary developments?
* Click on this url to to to the below links:
Cloning Dead People? Cloning Of Mouse: Frozen For 16 Years
Sky News - Embryonic Stem Cells
Developments In Stem Cell Research
Human Cloning: First Embryo Made In Korea Or Britain? Archive 1998
Is It Ethical To Allow Couples To Decide The Sex Of Their Child?
Cloning Eve - French Article On Human Cloning
Yet More E-Mails On Human Cloning / Genetics And Replies
Human Cloning: What Would Hitler Have Done? - Video
Human Cloning: Cloning People With Emotional Needs - Video
Human Cloning: Could We Ever Clone The Dead? - Video
Could Cloning Provide Couples With Designer Babies? - Video
Human Cloning : Will He Ever Be Able To Make Himself A New Body? - Video
PLEASE, PLEASE Clone ME!! + Many Video Replies
Human Cloning: On Dr Richard Seed - Video
Two Mums And One Dad Make One Baby
Human Embryo Cells To Create New Tissue - Archive 1999
Human Cloning Moves To Japan - Archive 1998
Human Cloning Approved By HFEA - Cloning & Politics - Archive 1998
Human Cloning: What Is Cloning? How To Clone. Is Cloning Ethical? - VIDEOS
Human Cloning: Big Ethical And Safety Issues - VIDEO
Reasons Against Cloning - VIDEOS & ARTICLES
Designer Babies
Human Cloning: Made In America, Born Elsewhere
New Genes - New Hope Or Future Disaster? - Archive 2000
Supermodels Sell Human Eggs On-Line To Infertile Couples
Human Cloning: Should Infertile Couples Be Cloned? - VIDEO
Ethics Of Human Cloning - Is Cloning Ethical?
How To Clone: Human Cloning - Is Cloning Ethical?
Truth About Clonaid Claims: First Human Clone - Eve - Plus Four More?
Clonaid - "First Human Clone" - The Truth Behind The Headlines Of Human Cloning
Older news items:
Human cloning: Latest News
What is Human Cloning - How to Clone - Is Cloning Ethical?

To Read More:

ILLUMINATI STARTED TO CLONE HUMANS AROUND 1930 ( see links under video ) & George Green Talks Cloning Presidents- VIDEO

DYSLEXIC !!!! ... like it was in the beginning, it shall be in the end...VIDEOS ---- former government insider George Green talks about cloning of presidents...that they started to clone humans around 1930 - ........ Obama Sees Self In Egyptian -Pyramid - ...... this is where i found the cloning stuff of obama - ...The Government Are Cloning Humans and Themselves!- They're All ZOMBIES - made by a woman that was ten years in the illuminati industry- ....Michael Jackson - Remember The Time music video -- ......Ancient Egyptian Michael Jackson statue-- ... paul is dead documentary part 1 of 7 -. .... ONE OF THE MOST CRAZIEST ANCIENT TABLETS IN THE WORLD!! ----

To Read More:


George Green Talks Cloning Presidents- VIDEO
[Engineering 'synthetics']


Weather Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Aluminum and Alzheimer’s: The Four Horsemen of the Weather Apocalypse

By Catherine J. Frompovich
J. Marvin Herndon (born 1944) is an American interdisciplinary scientist, who earned his BA degree in physics in 1970 from the University of California, San Diego and his Ph.D. degree in nuclear chemistry in 1974 from Texas A&M University. For three years, J. Marvin Herndon was a post-doctoral assistant to Hans Suess and Harold C. Urey in geochemistry and cosmochemistry at the University of California, San Diego. He is the President of Transdyne Corporation in San Diego, California. A listing of more than a dozen of his peer-reviewed papers can be found on Dr. Henrdon’s Wikipedia page. January 20, 2015, Dr. Herndon published his concerns about weather geoengineering on’s website. [1]
After reading Dr. Herndon’s June 2015 article, “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India,
” [Current Science, Vol. 108, No. 12, 25 June 2015, 2173-2176] I just had to interview him, since what he discussed needs to be mainstreamed globally—something the controlled media and vested interests are discouraging, and even preventing. So, following is my extensive interview with Dr. Herndon.
What is the most important significance of your recently published scientific paper?
1) It provides scientific identification, evidence that can be taken into courts of law; 2) it shows the horrific public health consequences of coal fly ash aerosol dispersion; 3) it shows the scientific community that ignored the whole matter to be institutionally corrupt; 4) it debilitates those who would say there’s nothing to the particulate trails because, if there were, the scientists would have investigated it and not a single scientific paper on the subject has been published (before mine, that is).
What prompted you to investigate or get involved with aluminum issues as being tied in to weather geoengineering?
In the Spring of 2014, I began to see particulate trails across the sky that were increasing in frequency and in intensity. By November 2014 the spraying was taking place on a near daily basis sometimes obscuring the otherwise blue sky with dark artificial clouds. I got involved to use my training as a scientist to discover what material was being placed in the air that I, my family, and the citizens of San Diego are being forced to breathe. I did that, and the first scientific paper on the subject was just published. Subsequently, I have collected my own rainwater samples, had them analyzed and discovered some really important measurements that someone made in 2011. In addition to aluminum, there are a whole host of toxic chemicals that come out of coal fly ash. I’ve written this as a new paper and submitted it for publication. Basically, the new paper confirms, with great certainty, the results of the just-published paper and addresses major public health issues related to the ongoing spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere. I first submitted that paper to a journal called Environmental Health Perspectives, which is published by one of the US National Institutes of Health. The paper was rejected immediately without review and, despite my appeals, was rejected with finality. What does this say? It says that the US National Institutes of Health, whose mandate is to protect and improve public health, acts contrary to that mandate and hides the identity of the toxic material as coal fly ash, and hides the associated health risks from members of the scientific community and from ordinary citizens. US National Institutes of Health is, in my view, complicit in an activity that I allege constitutes crimes against humanity.
Climate change apparently began with the UN’s 1988 report. Why do you think the UN went out on a limb like that?
There are three reasons: money, power and control. Many in the UN thought that countries that produce large amounts of carbon dioxide could be forced to pay poorer countries through some mechanism such as carbon credits. Initially, this was all about transferring money from richer nations to poorer nations. I suspect that the UN would like to run all of the geoengineering activities. What a frightening thought! What the IPCC does is to evaluate various people’s climate models. Models are not science. Models are computer programs subject to the well-known dictum “garbage in, garbage out.” So, you have a committee deciding on which models are more likely to be correct and assigning a probability. That’s nonsense. The real problem is that the scientific community, the so-called establishment, has sold-out. They no longer act as scientists. In all of the years that people have observed particulate trails, how many university scientists have investigated those? None! Or at least no one has published a scientific article on the subject until I did recently. That is shameful behavior for the scientific community, but it’s all about money, power and control. I suspect there are sympathetic scientists out there, but they are too afraid to stand up and act like scientists on the matter. If they did, they would be “excommunicated,” lose their grants, lose opportunities for promotion and, perhaps, lose their jobs. Practically everyone involved in geoengineering, and climate control and related activities, does so for the same three reasons: money, power and control.
In 2008, you wrote the paper “Variables unaccounted for in global warming and climate change models,” which was published in the Sept. 2008 issue of Current Science, wherein you claim political, financial, and self-aggrandizement interests were the “spawning” mechanism for the idea of anthropogenic global warming/climate change, which took hold, especially with media mainstreaming. Why do you think that concept or paradigm had to be invented? Do you think any political “payback” came into play, since Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore lost to Republican George W Bush? Or, are both on the same geoengineering wavelength?
I would say that both parties are on the climate change/geoengineering gravy train.
In that paper you claim there is another explanation other than human activity. Will you please tell us what you think it is, and how you came to that conclusion?
This is actually a long story that the reader might like to investigate on my website The story begins in 1979 when I realized that the inner core of the Earth might have a different composition than had been thought for 40 years. My paper on the subject was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society London in 1979. While I was awaiting publication, I thought that there would be debate and discussion (as there should be), and that people who had well-funded laboratories would take the idea and run with it, leaving me in the dust. That did not happen. Instead, it was as if the paper had never been published. It was completely ignored, my renewal grants encountered problems, I was “excommunicated” and out of the academic business. But, I was onto something important and kept pursuing the matter on my own and making one discovery after another. Eventually, I came to understand that when the Earth formed initially, it formed as a gas giant planet, like Jupiter, with the rocky part crushed by about 300 Earth-masses of gas and ice. When the sun ignited, the super intense solar wind stripped the gases from our planet leaving a compressed rocky planet without ocean basins. Over time, pressures built and the earth began to decompress. This potentially variable decompression is responsible for the surface geology, for emplacing heat at the base of the crust, and is the driving force for earthquakes. There is geological evidence to support variable heat output from the Earth. There is also evidence that the Sun’s output is not constant. Yet these two powerful energy sources are assumed constant in climate models.
If, as you state in your June 2015 paper, “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India,” [Current Science, Vol. 108, No. 12, 25 June 2015, 2173-2176] the idea for geoengineering apparently came from observations of major volcanic eruptions and that their ash remains in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) for close to a year, what do you think, then, was the real incentive for weather geoengineering and why?
Initially, weather geoengineering was meant to benefit agriculture, but later it became weaponized for military purposes. Then along came global warming with all the political and financial benefits.
If weather geoengineering has been going on for a while, why do you think it’s been ratcheted up dramatically since 2013? Coincidentally, USA weather patterns since 2013 have been dramatic, especially East coast winters! Any comment about that?
“Why” is the big question! Unlike the geoengineering academics talk about, i.e., spraying particles into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere), the ongoing covert geoengineering sprays coal fly ash into the troposphere, the lower atmosphere, which mixes with the air people breathe. The particles do not remain suspended in the lower atmosphere for long periods of time as they do in the upper atmosphere, so spraying has to be done on a daily basis. If the spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere is being done to counteract global warming, it is a questionable practice. The artificial clouds may block sunlight during the day, but at night those same clouds keep heat from leaving the Earth. Moreover, dispersed particulates pose the impediment to rainfall which operates counter to cooling the Earth. Coal fly ash does that plus something even worse: it absorbs water, so it changes the natural rainfall patterns. So one must wonder, is the intention to combat global warming or to cause global warming so as to melt the Arctic ice to get at the oil beneath. In either case, the consequence on humans and Earth’s biota [ecology] is horrific.
Weather geoengineering can be seen in the skies in the form of airplane exhausts that widen to form what I call “blanket clouds,” which can cause a cloud cover over a perfectly cloudless blue sky within an hour or so. We know that they are not jet engine exhausts, since it’s almost impossible for modern jet engines to create what are called contrails. Some real contrails can occur when atmospheric conditions are correct at higher altitudes. They dissipate within a minute or so, and do not spread out to create an artificial cloud cover. However, the sky trails, referred to colloquially as “chemtrails,” are created at lower atmospheric levels by deliberately spraying “stuff” into the air. Can you please tell us what that “stuff” is?
The “stuff,” as I discovered scientifically, is coal combustion fly ash. When utilities burn coal to produce electricity, two kinds of ash are formed: heavy ash that settles out and fly ash that would go up the smoke-stack unless it is trapped with electrostatic precipitators, as now required by Western governments because coal fly ash contains impurities that were in the coal, but in concentrated form in the fly ash. These toxic impurities are readily leached, that is, extracted into water. That is one reason why this substance is such an environmental hazard.
Can you explain why coal fly ash is used as the principal ingredient? If it’s an industrial byproduct from the coal burning power producing plants globally, is weather geoengineering a disposal means for a hazardous waste, similar to fluoridation of water supplies for aluminum wastes and the fertilizer industry?
1) the particle size is ideal; 2) it’s an industrial waste product that’s available worldwide on a huge scale; 3) it’s cheap because utilities would have to pay the costs of securing the product from the environment; 4) the utilities already have in place the production facilities and transportation network, out of public view. But using coal fly ash has serious, deleterious consequences for human health, Earth’s biota [ecology], and natural weather processes. Moreover, its utility is limited unless its purpose is to cause drought. [I find it rather interesting that you should say that!]
In your paper you state that coal fly ash from different European power plants was analyzed and also exposed to water for 24 hours, and then the water was analyzed. Some pretty dangerous elements were found in the water that had been extracted from the coal fly ash, e.g., radioactive uranium and thorium, aluminum, barium and strontium! Coincidentally, those very elements have been identified in rain water samples collected. Please expound upon what that means for human health, the Earth’s biota, and possible species extinction(s).
In a word: Horrific. My just-submitted paper deals with the subject, so, to prevent compromising its publication, let’s wait until after it is published.
Absolutely! However, I’d really love to interview you about it as soon as possible after publication. I guess my next question apparently is moot at this point: What are the negative aspects and effects of coal fly ash and the elements found in it? I guess I’ll just have to wait for the answer in the published paper.
Are there any health risks to what’s being sprayed? Who are the most vulnerable?
In the just-published paper, I discussed the health risks of aluminum in a chemically mobile state as relates to neurological disorders. The most vulnerable are the children [fetuses] pregnant women are carrying, children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune and respiratory systems. There is much more information in my just-submitted paper.
Do you think chemtrail particulates contribute to the dramatic rise in asthma and lung disease, plus Alzheimer’s and other dementias? Are there any other health problems that can be attributed to or associated with “chemtrails” or coal fly ash?
Yes, and if correct, there will be a big spike in their occurrence in the USA after January 20, 2013.
Can you explain what’s being found in rain water assays in Europe? Have similar rain water assays been done in the USA, especially in California? Do you know of any areas assayed in the USA?
Most of the post-spraying rainwater analyses are done for aluminum and barium; occasionally strontium analyses are requested. The problem is that, comparatively speaking, there have been relatively few chemical analyses worldwide. The reason is because there is no well-funded research program on the subject, so individuals typically collect the samples and pay for the analyses from commercial labs out of their own pockets. Generally speaking, rainwater analyses for the above three elements are similar throughout the world where such measurements have been made. Regrettably, as can be seen from my recently published paper, there are comparatively few data points.
Apparently then, rain water assays performed in both the USA and Europe produced similar results, as those done elsewhere in the world. I find that not only interesting, but rather incriminating.
As an aside, what do you think the “geopolitical” reason is for creating a deliberate drought in California, which is the premiere fresh food producing state in the USA?
That’s a good question, but an unanswerable question. It’s hard to believe that those who ordered the spraying are unaware of the drought potential. It would make a lot more sense, if it were the case that ISIS ordered the spraying. Do our officials hate America enough to destroy the potential for food production in its most important agricultural state? The problem with covert operations is not knowing the intent. There may be several agendas in play here.
I’d venture to say that there may be vested interests at work to create “water wars” that would lead to water use taxes, similar to the much-ballyhooed “carbon taxes.”
In your paper you mention that in one area of Northern California, after an electrical storm, rainwater was collected, which contained 3,450 μg/l of aluminum when compared with a sampling of 10 days earlier that yielded 850 μg/l of aluminum. Those are dramatic figures, especially after the electrical storm. What do you think contributed to such a huge difference?
I do not know what might have contributed to such a huge difference. As the three elements “fingerprint” were not measured, nothing can be said as to what the source of aluminum was in that instance.
Can you please talk about why the federal or states governments aren’t doing anything about analyzing rainwater and publishing results? Can the answer be similar as to why radiation measuring devices in California were turned off after Fukushima?
The quick answer is that they are all “in the tank.” The EPA was supposed to certify coal fly ash as a hazardous material, but surprisingly did not. Moreover, the allowable limit for aluminum in drinking water was raised significantly. And, as I described above, the US National Institutes of Health rejected the opportunity to advise the scientific community and others of the identity and public health risks of aerosolized coal fly ash.
Do you think coal fly ash has been sprayed for close to 15 years in the USA, and what does that mean for agricultural and drinking water quality; agricultural soils and food crops uptake of aluminum, which should not be an element in food crops; and ambient outdoor air quality?
I have one analysis of rainwater from 2002 showing the three element fingerprint of coal fly ash. Chemically mobile aluminum has deleterious effects on plant growth. Aluminum corrupts the soil and damages plants. But of all of the consequences, I suspect the worst is on humans, who have breathed coal fly ash for years.
As an aside, I’m a retired natural nutritionist and I never remember learning, or reading, about aluminum as a “nutrient” in food crops. Caution about aluminum cookware has been known for years, since acid/alkaline balance transfers come into play during cooking with aluminum cookware.
You state that weather geoengineering is “clandestine.” How can that be, when its effects are in plain sight above our heads daily? Who is doing the spraying? I understand there are airlines devoted to doing just that on a global basis, plus U.S. military planes, and those planes do not file flight plans and at times have almost caused accidents with commercial airliners.
Even when visible overhead, the operation is clandestine or covert when specific information is withheld, especially the chemical composition, the purpose, the public health consequences, etc. and there exists in its place, an organized pattern of disinformation.
One of the most disturbing facts you point out in your article is that weather geoengineering—especially the aluminum associated with it—is associated with neurological diseases including autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ADHD, and others. Additionally, that humans have not evolved with a natural immunity to aluminum. Of course we haven’t, because most of the aluminum was found embedded in the earth’s crust and not available to humans in “free form” in the air we breathe, the water we drink or the food we eat.
In your paper, you mention that in the Ganga Alluvial Plain of India, seasonal rainfall delivers toxic quantities of aluminum to the Gomati River Basin. Also, you question where it’s coming from and also how to determine the source. Can you please expound upon your theory and what it would prove?
As you state above, aluminum is securely locked up in silicate compounds. Thus, neither the plants nor creatures of Earth developed any defense mechanism for chemically mobile aluminum. The Gomati River is a tributary to the Ganga River, or Ganges as we call it. The Ganga River is extremely important to the people in India. With all of the sources of its pollution, the ritual bathing that takes place is in relative safety. Apparently, there are organisms that cleanse the river. If mobile aluminum were to destroy those organisms, it would cause a massive problem.
I proposed that Indians conduct experiments to determine whether other countries’ coal fly ash geoengineering is causing the high levels of mobile aluminum, or is it a consequence of India’s coal burning power plants that do not sequester coal fly ash.
India has an Alzheimer’s disease problem, as do many countries of the world. According to this, “Alzheimer’s in India is quickly becoming more and more common…”
According to a paper published in 2012, southern India has a much higher rate of Alzheimer’s than rural northern India.
What prompted your interest in India’s Alzheimer’s problem and not the USA’s?
My interest in aluminum-implicated neurological disorders caused by coal fly ash is the same throughout the world. I suspect that the aerosolized coal fly ash may be a leading cause.
“Worldwide, Alzheimer’s is found in at least one among 10 persons who are more than 80-year-old and one out of four persons who are above 90 years. In India, there are nearly 50 lakh [in 100,000] dementia patients of which, roughly 70 to 80 percent have Alzheimer’s. The Indian numbers are expected to double by 2030, and the costs involved are expected to increase three times.” (Source)
In India, more than 4 million people have some form of dementia. Worldwide, at least 44 million people are living with dementia, making the disease a global health crisis that must be addressed (Source)
Here is a map representing the death rates per 100,000 globally from Alzheimer’s/Dementia.
Isn’t weather geoengineering a blatant disregard and breach of the Nuremberg Code, especially since there is no citizen informed consent about what apparently is a global “scientific experiment” going on for years for some ultimate purpose? Would you like to guestimate as to what that purpose may be?
As I understand it, there are UN prohibitions against using weather modification against other countries, but it is permissible within one’s own country. In reality, weather is a global phenomenon.
[Realistically, couldn’t weather modification be considered an act of aggression against another country—interfering with a country’s ability to raise food or experience severe floods or drought?]
In the USA, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death! In 2015, Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the nation $226 BILLION. By 2050, those costs could rise as high as $1.1TRILLION. In the USA, every 67 seconds someone develops Alzheimer’s. [2]
I note that you state in your paper that “After the US President Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in for a second term in office on 20 January, 2014, geoengineering activities escalated sharply, becoming a near-daily occurrence in many parts of America.”
Could you please elaborate further on why you think that has happened?
That it happened, I observed firsthand, as did many people who look at the sky with concern. Why? Perhaps an unholy alliance between scientists without moral values, who are arrogant enough to think they can control nature, but who are ignorant of why they cannot, and those with vested interests, who have the same absence of moral (humanitarian) values.
However, in a January 2014 Press Release didn’t President Obama say, “Hundreds of countries are carrying out weather modification programs, and we’re doing it better than any of them. However, this has been secret for too long. The American People need to know about what we do to make sure our children have something to eat each and every year. It’s true we need more oversight for geoengineering projects, so I’ve signed an executive order establishing an international third party oversight group to not only investigate for abuse but also to keep the public informed about new and existing geoengineering programs.”
“Geoengineering is necessary for our country’s agricultural industries and keeps millions of Americans employed every year. Our efforts in high altitude microwave technology at HAARP combined with the innovations in cloud seeding technology introduced by the jet fuel industry gives the American People a level of control over the elements unprecedented in the history of mankind. American Scientists are quickly approaching capabilities which will not only curb global climate change, but also to put an end to disastrous hurricanes and typhoons. For decades these programs have been kept secret out of concern for national security, but I have decided there is no need to keep this program a secret. Sensational reports that the United States will exist in a ‘bubble’ as the rest of the world heats up uncontrollably have no basis in scientific fact.” [3]
Geoscientists seem to have little understanding of that which is not known, especially, the multitude of diverse and complex interactions that keep nature in a state of equilibrium. More realistically than the above optimistic-nonsense, due to geoscience tinkering with nature, our planet and its life-forms will suffer severe consequences unleashed by the foolish and inhumane.
Here is a NOAA National Climatic Data Center map showing land and ocean temperature percentiles from January to December 2013. Personally, I wonder how factually realistic it is, especially what’s shown for the eastern Pacific Ocean, where the legend indicates a “new average.”
Furthermore, I’d like to point out that scientifically-speaking, what’s seen in the skies sprayed above us is referred to as “weather geoengineering” or weather modification or even atmospheric engineering, and not chemtrails, the colloquial term most readers are familiar with. However, chemtrails also are known as the Jet Fuel Cloud Seeding Program (JFCSP) working in conjunction with the classified High Altitude Auroral Research Project (HAARP) which, apparently, are being managed by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and DARPA.
Thank you, Dr. Herndon, for sharing your scientific expertise. We look forward to another interview with you in the near future about the effects of aluminum on humans and all life forms.
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)
To read more with all links & 10 Comments:

Illuminati's Black Gold Project-Programmable Matter -Video

Please watch start to finish..Promise it will be worth your time!
This video will finally connect some dots you may be looking for in your search for the Truth! Doesn't matter if you are a spiritual person or hate religion..YOU need to watch! You will see somethings in this video that will probably shock you! Warning, This is one of the deepest videos I've put together ! What I show,I didn't want to believe ..but the evidence is to overwhelming! Includes breakdown of Lady Ga Ga Commercial,Christina Aguilera's Not Myself Tonight,LUCY Movie,scientific Communities all telling you the same thing.
- See full interviews found in video and bonus material at:

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Please watch to the end, more information than just the Disney movie.
Better find out what TINKER Bell is all about and what Disney knew in 1959 about weather modification and chemtrails.
Demonic Disney:
CERN truth:

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The Elite's Pill that will Kill Freewill - Video


Satan:"The Shape I'm In" Setting Himself Up to Be God - Video

Find out what and where Satan wants to set himself up in to declare himself to be God...hold on..because only a few will understand in this place and time in history! Please see my website for all videos pertaining and help understanding to this video on the matter of Cloning,Transhumanism,Programmable DNA Matter and the Mark of the Beast etc..
Extra Bonus material ,Music not find on youtube Link:

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BEE ConCERNed..Hive Mind Mix- [Satanic CERN] - Video

Did Illuminati Clone Jennifer Lawrence..Better Wake Up! - Video

Been telling you for years what Satan and the Elites are after..
Its not money..they got it
Its not land..they got it
Its not food..they got it
Its not water..they got it
Its not some stupid building in Israel
Its the true Temple of God is where Satan wants to Sit..
More info at the NEW RACE:
Actress name is :

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StillSpeakingOut..Special Thanks!


The Real Reason for Chemtrails-NWO's Project Blue Beam-Extended Version - Video


The Elite don't want you to Understand.."IT IS FINISHED" - Video


Killuminati - The Movie- video

New 2014 DARPA Building Real Life Terminators Military Robots Documentary & Discovery HD [Demonic robotic terminators]-- America's mad science division wants to build a flying drone base - Google acquires human-like AI company for $500 million, Skynet is now a real possibility



* America's mad science division wants to build a flying drone base
*Google acquires human-like AI company for $500 million, Skynet is now a real possibility
Continuing its rather intimidating streak of acquisitions, Google has acquired the British artificial intelligence company DeepMind for around $500 million. There is no doubt that this acquisition is linked to Google’s hiring of futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil, and the string of eight robotics acquisitions that ended last year with the purchase of Boston Dynamics, one of the world’s biggest names in robotics. We would not be surprised if there was also a connection to Google’s acquisition of Nest, Google Glass, and its Calico life-extension project. All the pieces are now in place for a Google-created Skynet and the robotic Judgment Day apocalypse that would surely follow.
*What is Boston Dynamics and why does Google want robots?
What else has Google got?
Boston Dynamics is not the only robotics company Google has bought in recent years. Put under the leadership of Andy Rubin, previously Google's head of Android, the search company has quietly acquired seven different technology companies to foster a self-described “moonshot” robotics vision.
The acquired companies included Schaft, a small Japanese humanoid robotics company; Meka and Redwood Robotics, San Francisco-based creators of humanoid robots and robot arms; Bot & Dolly who created the robotic camera systems recently used in the movie Gravity; Autofuss an advertising and design company; Holomni, high-tech wheel designer, and Industrial Perception, a startup developing computer vision systems for manufacturing and delivery processes.
Sources told the New York Times that Google’s initial plans are not consumer-focused, instead aimed at manufacturing and industry automation, although products are expected within the next three to five years
What else has Google got?
Boston Dynamics is not the only robotics company Google has bought in recent years. Put under the leadership of Andy Rubin, previously Google's head of Android, the search company has quietly acquired seven different technology companies to foster a self-described “moonshot” robotics vision.
The acquired companies included Schaft, a small Japanese humanoid robotics company; Meka and Redwood Robotics, San Francisco-based creators of humanoid robots and robot arms; Bot & Dolly who created the robotic camera systems recently used in the movie Gravity; Autofuss an advertising and design company; Holomni, high-tech wheel designer, and Industrial Perception, a startup developing computer vision systems for manufacturing and delivery processes.
Sources told the New York Times that Google’s initial plans are not consumer-focused, instead aimed at manufacturing and industry automation, although products are expected within the next three to five years
* Google sparks fears of a 'robot army' with Boston Dynamics buy
* Five questions for the woman running the Pentagon's mad science research agency
DARPA. It's an acronym that comes loaded with certain expectations -- a governmental research organization from which emerges some of the most advanced military technology the world has ever seen. While there's truth to that description, it fails to encapsulate all the work DARPA does. Yes, the research agency is developing robots, tactical drones and futuristic weaponry, but it also has its hands in biotechnology, big data analysis and telecommunications research, among other projects, too. And managing all of that fast-paced, groundbreaking work is Dr. Arati Prabhakar, DARPA's director.
DARPA shows off 1.8-gigapixel surveillance drone, can spot a terrorist from 20,000 feet
DARPA and the US Army have taken the wraps off ARGUS-IS, a 1.8-gigapixel video surveillance platform that can resolve details as small as six inches from an altitude of 20,000 feet (6km). ARGUS is by far the highest-resolution surveillance platform in the world, and probably the highest-resolution camera in the world, period.
For the lore nerds out there: Argos was a 100-eyed giant from Greek mythology. His role was to act as Io’s guardian — a good, if typecast role, for someone with 100 eyes.

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Tour the International Space Station - Inside ISS - HD - video

[At 2.00 mins you see outside the STILL EARTH.]


"Thoughtcrime: The Conspiracy to Stop The Principle" Video

Published on Nov 17, 2015

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Dr. Robert Sungenis presentation on Geocentrism in Dallas, Texas - video-photos

[Brilliant presentation including video documentary clips and slide show photos providing a preponderance of evidence from famous physicists from around the world that the earth is still,not moving at all and the universe is moving carrying our sun, all stars and planets in motion around the earth which is the center of the universe. Sol-war]


[ FRAUD!- Rebuttal -FRAUDULENT Amazing time-lapse of Earth rotation & more stunning space videos- THE EARTH IS NOT ROTATING OR SPINNING

NASA=Fraudulent Science & Technology-There is Something They do NOT Want you to Know!
Rebuttal to:
Reuters / NOAA / Handout, European Southern Observatory, crew members of ISS expeditions Video courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center
Editing: Guillaume JUIN
REBUTTAL to-Disinformation from RT.COM and National Science Foundation RE: 1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says- (WRONG)
Does the Earth Really Rotate Around the Sun?
The Fixed Earth-video
The earth is not rotating - spinning.-video
Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory [Fixed earth pictures]
** You can clearly see in their own video from ISS looking out of the cupola widows of the earth that it is not moving at all.


Earth From Space Clearly the Earth does not move-with music-video
How do we know the Earth doesn't move?-video
Best-Geocentric Terrafirma Paradigm Shift-video
Additional VERIFICATION the EARTH IS STATIONARY from Views From the International Space Station shows sun moves
More Evidence of a Stationary Earth!- Some Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning To Earth-video
Read more:
Fixed earth facts - Earth is Motionless Copernicus Is Wrong part 1-Is Atheism logical
Earth is Motionless Copernicus Is Wrong part 1
Evidence that Earth is motionless center of the universe.
Geocentrists Fixed Earth
There is Something about Space that 'THEY' don't want you to Know:
Read more:
Historic Papers on Geocentricity
Adobe Acrobat PDF format
The Official Geocentricity Web Site (Gerardus Bouw)
About Scientific (and theological) aspects of geocentricity
Recanting Galileo - Solange Strong Hertz
The Scientific Illusion - Solange Strong Hertz
The Labour of the Sun - Walter van der Kamp
The Motionless Earth at the Centre of the Universe - Yves Nourissat
The Theological Status of Heliocentrism - J. S. Daly
What's Up - Solange Strong Hertz
Against the Doctrine of the Earths Movement - Rev. William W. Roberts
Athanasius Kircher - John W. DeTar
Evolution and Cosmogony - Walter van der Kamp
Evolutionism & a-centrism - Paul Ellwanger
Comments on some allegations that the Church's 1616 Decree against Heliocentrism is not Binding - Paul Ellwanger
Geocentricity and the Catholic
Galileo's Empiricism - and Beyond - Paula Haigh
Galileo's Heresy - Paula Haigh
What It / Is It Infallible - Paula Haigh
Special thanks to Stephen Jackson (Swjackson1961@WMCONNECT.COM)
Lambert Dolphin's Library
Read more:
NASA's AGENDA: Promoting Copernicanism & Evolutionism
Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis
NASA has a spiritual agenda. Yes, spiritual. It projects the image of cutting edge science opening exciting space frontiers for the good of mankind, but the facts say otherwise. Judge for yourself:
On the Space Administration's Web Page we read: "NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAMwill search for clues to help us find our cosmic roots."
"Cosmic roots...?? Origins Program...???
There are two major beliefs about the origin of mankind and all other life forms. One says God created man and everything else not very long ago. The Bible states this view over 100 times and allows for no other explanation. God created everything fully formed as part of an eternal plan, the Bible teaches. Period. The other belief says everything came to be as it is accidentally and randomly as the result of natural forces acting upon themselves and "evolving" over billions of years. Clearly, the evolutionary belief is anti-Bible, but--more to the point about NASA's goals beingspiritual--it is a belief that attributes miraculous powers of creation of all that exists to a "force" or a god known as "matter" (and "gases"). Matter did it all. All hail "matter"! No God who demands recognition and accountability is needed! With "matter" as creator we can do what we want ('cause nothing matters...).
As might be expected, a compromise belief has arisen out of these two opposites. It is called "theistic evolutionism". This view acknowledges that there has to be a God to explain the mind-blowing design that exists any which way we turn. But, says the Theistic Evolutionist, this God did not create everything fully formed but used an evolutionary process over billions of years to do the job. This evolution-dependent compromise allows a Creator God of sorts, but does not allow the Omniscient and Omnipotent Creator God Who authored the Bible. (Of note too is the fact that the Moslem Koran makes no compromise with evolution either....).
Therefore, NASA's stated goal of searching space for clues to man's origins reveals the premise behind their taxpayer supported Origins Program. That premise is that evolution is true and the Bible (along with the Koran) is false. This premise is not secular; it is spiritual. It claims to be scientific and therefore independent of religion. It is not scientific, as we shall see. It is religious, as we shall also see. The evolutionary premise violates all known science and logic. It does not have the first piece of verifiable evidence to support the squirrely evolution myth it calls "scientific". Evolutionism embodies a single spiritual agenda, viz., disqualify and replace the Bible as the source of Truth.
In support of its Origins Program, NASA says it will answer such questions as:
"Are there any planets outside our solar system that are capable of supporting life?"
"How did life originate on earth?"
"Is there life (however primitive or evolved) outside our solar system?"
Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis. Note this connection and the dependency upon the unproven Big Bang hypothesis that NASA is using to achieve its goal of establishing evolutionism as a "fact". From part of its Web Page we read: from th
"NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAM follows the 15-billion year long chain of eventsfrom birth of the Universe at the Big Bang, through the formation of the chemical elements, galaxies, stars, and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self-replicating organisms and the profusion of life."
Seen in this statement is the unmistakable dependency of NASA's evolutionary agenda upon the Big Bang Myth. That Myth grants them and others the billions of years that the Evolution Myth requires. "Time" is indeed the hero of this plot!
NASA goes on to say that "The long-term goals of ORIGINS address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe:
How did galaxies form in the early universe and what role do galaxies play in the appearance of planetary systems and life?
How do stars and planetary systems form and are there life-sustaining planets around other stars?
How did life originate on Earth and does it exist elsewhere in the universe?"
Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis. Note this connection and the dependency upon the unproven Big Bang hypothesis that NASA is using to achieve its goal of establishing evolutionism as a "fact". From part of its Web Page we read: from th
"NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAM follows the 15-billion year long chain of eventsfrom birth of the Universe at the Big Bang, through the formation of the chemical elements, galaxies, stars, and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self-replicating organisms and the profusion of life."
Seen in this statement is the unmistakable dependency of NASA's evolutionary agenda upon the Big Bang Myth. That Myth grants them and others the billions of years that the Evolution Myth requires. "Time" is indeed the hero of this plot!
NASA goes on to say that "The long-term goals of ORIGINS address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe:
How did galaxies form in the early universe and what role do galaxies play in the appearance of planetary systems and life?
How do stars and planetary systems form and are there life-sustaining planets around other stars?
How did life originate on Earth and does it exist elsewhere in the universe?"
Now notice very carefully HOW all this is to be accomplished:
"ORIGINS will use revolutionary new technologies to investigate these questions..."
Underscore revolutionary new technologies! They are revolutionary all right! Under the next heading we will see the utter deception that NASA is building into these "revolutionary new technologies". Further along, we will see that these technologies are designed to achieve their Bible-bashing goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism thru the use of highly sophisticated VIRTUAL REALITY SIMULATIONS.... (More on high tech fraud in space: HERE - HERE -HERE -HERE.)
For the moment though, let's just add a thing or two to further establish that: 1) NASA's goal in its Origins Program is to settle the argument over Origins in favor of evolutionism, & 2) That this goal is Spiritual rather than scientific....
We can read many places that the late Dr. Carl Sagan (d.Dec.'96) was closely associated with NASA's planetary exploration involving The Mariner, Viking, Voyager, and Galileo missions. What we don't read about in many places is that Sagan was a avid pot-head. His biographer, Kay Davidson, AP writer Scott Andrews, Harvard Psychiatry Prof. Grinspoon, his widow, Ann Druyan, etc., all confirm that his essays and scientific insights were products of marijuana assisted inspirations. That Sagan was totally sold on the evolutionary explanation for all that exists is reflected in all his writings (the evolution of the human brain, little telescoping critters on the moon, his famous Cosmos TV series, etc.). He carried that zeal for replacing Biblical creationism with evolutionism over into his highly praised work at NASA. Indeed one Web bio summed up those years by noting that: "He played a leading role in the American space program since its inception." In a posthumous award to Dr. Sagan, "the National Science Foundation declared that his research transformed planetary science...."
Sagan capsulated his belief about man's significance thusly: "Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people."
This evolution-grounded nihilistic mindset has been prevalent in and out of academia for several generations. It's not surprising that Sagan embraced it, nor that few if any dissenters toward that mindset would be found in NASAdom. By the time Sagan (and lots of us) went to the University, eight or ten generations of increasingly sophisticated indoctrination had seemingly closed and locked the door against any challenge to the Copernican Model which made the Earth go around the Sun instead of the Sun going around the Earth, as the Bible taught. The ever-increasing spread of Darwinism after the 1850's demanded millions and then billions of years for evolution to take place. Clearly, the Sun, Moon, and Stars had to be billions of years old too for they could not be younger than the Earth. Indeed, a universe billions of years old was the only way Evolutionism could lay hold on the billions of years it needs to lend even superficial credibility to its fantastic claims.
So, let it be set in factual concrete: Copernicanism and Darwinism (i.e., Heliocentricity and Evolutionism) are Siamese Twins. Appearing first, Copernicanism paved the way for Darwinism's success by using invented mathematical models in the physical science "disciplines" of Astronomy and Physics, and by contradicting the Bible's teaching about an immovable Earth at the center of Creation with the Sun going around daily. Darwinism then reinforced Copernicanism by requiring billions of years for everything to evolve. Now the Biological Sciences had joined with the Physical Sciences in contradicting the Biblical Creation with its young Earth and Man as the special Creation of God, made in His Own Image and with an option for eternal life on a heavenly New Earth. All that was needed by the time of Sagan's University days was a way to get rid of the stubborn, lingering belief in God's Creation of Mankind in six literal ("evening and morning") days. This belief had to be put on a level with the almost totally defeated and forgotten belief in a very special unmovable Earth at the center of God's plans. Nobody argued for that anymore, but hundreds of millions of people were still clinging to a conviction that evolution theory was total nonsense and that Mankind is the special creation of an Almighty God with a great purpose and plan for His Creation. How could this resistance to evolution be ended once and for all??
That was the challenge that faced hallucinating "exobiologist" Sagan and Co. when he got in the driver's seat at NASA. In that position, taxpayer's billions of dollars could provide the ways and means to eliminate all challenges to the Big Bang model as the "scientific" explanation for the origin of the universe, Earth included. Then thru the development of cutting-edge computerized telescope and camera technology a way was opening up to settle the creation/evolution controversy forever in favor of evolution.
Of course, Sagan's total commitment to evolutionism (in tandem with Biologist J. Gould at Harvard) was spread far and wide thru his TV Cosmos series and his books at the time computer technology was developing. He taught that widespread extraterrestrial evolution was a certainty and would soon be proven. He was at the center of NASA's drive for perfecting computerized telescopes and cameras with Virtual Reality technology for a dozen years before he died. But he didn't live to see the job completed. Just a couple of years before his death, he admitted in his article "The Search for Extraterrestrial Life" in the Scientific American ('94) that of all of his NASA supported missions: "None of these [spacecraft] encounters has yielded compelling, or even strongly suggestive, indications of extraterrestrial life."
That's a pretty strong confession when you think about it. Indeed, "Exobiology" is a "science" with no data...the ultimate oxymoron.
In 1992, four years before Sagan's death, Daniel Saul Goldin became NASA's Administrator. His policies earned him many accolades, including the title of "brilliant visionary" and being named "one of the 100 most influential men and women in government". No one questions his ability to vigorously and innovatively fulfill NASA's stated goals. His vision has nowhere "been more evident than in his comprehensive strategy for space exploration". We want to take a very close look at the main components of that "comprehensive strategy" momentarily, but let the overriding goal of that strategy be understood and underscored yet again.
Mr. Goldin did not alter the goal of finding extraterrestrial life forms and establishing evolutionism as a "scientific fact" which will no longer can be contested by anyone. Indeed, his administration streamlined NASA's whole operation by putting thoserevolutionary new technologies mentioned earlier on afterburners, as it were. Mr. Goldin meant to see NASA's goal accomplished, and he meant to do it speedily.
His Web bio reveals that: "He initiated the ORIGINS PROGRAM to understand how the Universe has evolved, to learn how life began on Earth and to see if life exists elsewhere." (Goldin update:HERE)
Let's see how he proposed to achieve these goals. Go to: NASA's Hanky Panky Virtual Reality Technology.

To Read More:

Angels Seen By Soviet Astronauts

One of the rumors on the Internet regarding Angels, is Soviet Cosmonauts witnessed, “real” Angels in Space. As a result of many countries, removing the veil of secrecy, regarding UFO and other unexplained phenomenon, the following story has been making its rounds throughout the Internet. It is very difficult to validate any of these stories because we must have faith in the integrity of the media. We also must keep in mind, these are the same media executives who green-lighted a story on Britney Spears, because she stepped out of a limo with no “drawers” (for those of you who do not know, this is slang for panties) on!
So if we are to trust countries like Belgium, Brazil, and New Zealand, who have released all of their classified UFO documents to the public. Why not give the Soviets the benefit of the doubt? This story broke earlier this year, but I would be remiss if I did not add this to our Angel section! Basically the story has been told like this.
Salyut 7
The Cosmonauts were orbiting the Earth, in a Soviet Space Station, christened the “Salyut 7″. This space station was situated in low earth orbit and lasted from April 1982 to February 1991. The year of the “Angel” sightings was 1985. The crew for the particular mission was directed to carry out several medical experiments.

On the 155 day of their mission, a mysterious orange mist appeared around the Space Station, and the following statements were made by Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solevev and Leonid Kizim:
“What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels.”
They said the Angels followed them for about 10 minutes. They had peaceful expressions on their faces and even smiled at them! They were described as being gigantic (80 feet tall) and having the wing span of a 747. The Angels simply disappeared, but this was not the end of this encounter. Almost 2 weeks had (12 days) past when other Cosmonauts arrived for the next phase of medical experiments.
They were Svetlana Savitskaya, Igo Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibevok, and they too allegedly witnessed the Angel experience. This is what they allegedly reported on the experience. It sounds fascinating and mysterious to say the least.

“They were glowing and we were truly overwhelmed. There was a great orange light,and through it, we could see the figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared a glorious secret,but within a few minutes,they were gone, and we never saw them again.”
I must say this statement adds a flair for the dramatic, because I have no point of reference, for how someone looks while sharing a glorious secret. I have seen how a person looks in Poker, holding a Royal Flush, but never an Angel. This is the basis of the story traipsing around the Internet. There is an intriguing element to this story, if you look at the numbers of God. I do not want to turn this into a Louis Farrakhan math lesson, but take a look at this:
The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this senseis the Almighty’s Number.
“777″ also symbolizes God and Perfection and when God is telling us through His number, His plan is complete.
The first “7″ I encountered, while writing this article, was “Salyut 7″ has a “7″.
Next if you count the number of characters in “Salyut 7″ you get “7″
The total number of angels appearing to the crew was “7″
What is the probability, of a “story” about Angels, to also be marked with God’s number, “777″.
I do not know, but if you are math wizard please get back to me on this! This does make the story a bit more intriguing, no?
Now when you bring in Scripture from the Book of Revelation this story gets more attractive.
Revelation 8:2
 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
As you can see seven angels are replete throughout the Book of Revelation. And the Cosmonauts happened to see 7 Angels while working in Space. Was this to let the Truth out in the “Last Days”? What would be an excellent follow-up story is to find out how this affected the Spiritual lives of the Cosmonauts! I am sure my life would be forever changed if I encountered 80 foot tall Angels, but I digress!
Here is another quote from the Bible concerning 7 angels:
Revelation 8:6
The Trumpets
 6 Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.
To me this is the best one because it proves seven Angels roll around in a posse following the orders of The Most High:
Revelation 16:1
The Seven Bowls of God&rsqung at all.


Earth From Space Clearly the Earth does not move-with music-video
How do we know the Earth doesn't move?-video
Best-Geocentric Terrafirma Paradigm Shift-video
Additional VERIFICATION the EARTH IS STATIONARY from Views From the International Space Station shows sun moves
More Evidence of a Stationary Earth!- Some Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning To Earth-video
Read more:
Fixed earth facts - Earth is Motionless Copernicus Is Wrong part 1-Is Atheism logical
Earth is Motionless Copernicus Is Wrong part 1
Evidence that Earth is motionless center of the universe.
Geocentrists Fixed Earth
There is Something about Space that 'THEY' don't want you to Know:
Read more:
Historic Papers on Geocentricity
Adobe Acrobat PDF format
The Official Geocentricity Web Site (Gerardus Bouw)
About Scientific (and theological) aspects of geocentricity
Recanting Galileo - Solange Strong Hertz
The Scientific Illusion - Solange Strong Hertz
The Labour of the Sun - Walter van der Kamp
The Motionless Earth at the Centre of the Universe - Yves Nourissat
The Theological Status of Heliocentrism - J. S. Daly
What's Up - Solange Strong Hertz
Against the Doctrine of the Earths Movement - Rev. William W. Roberts
Athanasius Kircher - John W. DeTar
Evolution and Cosmogony - Walter van der Kamp
Evolutionism & a-centrism - Paul Ellwanger
Comments on some allegations that the Church's 1616 Decree against Heliocentrism is not Binding - Paul Ellwanger
Geocentricity and the Catholic
Galileo's Empiricism - and Beyond - Paula Haigh
Galileo's Heresy - Paula Haigh
What It / Is It Infallible - Paula Haigh
Special thanks to Stephen Jackson (Swjackson1961@WMCONNECT.COM)
Lambert Dolphin's Library
Read more:
NASA's AGENDA: Promoting Copernicanism & Evolutionism
Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis
NASA has a spiritual agenda. Yes, spiritual. It projects the image of cutting edge science opening exciting space frontiers for the good of mankind, but the facts say otherwise. Judge for yourself:
On the Space Administration's Web Page we read: "NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAMwill search for clues to help us find our cosmic roots."
"Cosmic roots...?? Origins Program...???
There are two major beliefs about the origin of mankind and all other life forms. One says God created man and everything else not very long ago. The Bible states this view over 100 times and allows for no other explanation. God created everything fully formed as part of an eternal plan, the Bible teaches. Period. The other belief says everything came to be as it is accidentally and randomly as the result of natural forces acting upon themselves and "evolving" over billions of years. Clearly, the evolutionary belief is anti-Bible, but--more to the point about NASA's goals beingspiritual--it is a belief that attributes miraculous powers of creation of all that exists to a "force" or a god known as "matter" (and "gases"). Matter did it all. All hail "matter"! No God who demands recognition and accountability is needed! With "matter" as creator we can do what we want ('cause nothing matters...).
As might be expected, a compromise belief has arisen out of these two opposites. It is called "theistic evolutionism". This view acknowledges that there has to be a God to explain the mind-blowing design that exists any which way we turn. But, says the Theistic Evolutionist, this God did not create everything fully formed but used an evolutionary process over billions of years to do the job. This evolution-dependent compromise allows a Creator God of sorts, but does not allow the Omniscient and Omnipotent Creator God Who authored the Bible. (Of note too is the fact that the Moslem Koran makes no compromise with evolution either....).
Therefore, NASA's stated goal of searching space for clues to man's origins reveals the premise behind their taxpayer supported Origins Program. That premise is that evolution is true and the Bible (along with the Koran) is false. This premise is not secular; it is spiritual. It claims to be scientific and therefore independent of religion. It is not scientific, as we shall see. It is religious, as we shall also see. The evolutionary premise violates all known science and logic. It does not have the first piece of verifiable evidence to support the squirrely evolution myth it calls "scientific". Evolutionism embodies a single spiritual agenda, viz., disqualify and replace the Bible as the source of Truth.
In support of its Origins Program, NASA says it will answer such questions as:
"Are there any planets outside our solar system that are capable of supporting life?"
"How did life originate on earth?"
"Is there life (however primitive or evolved) outside our solar system?"
Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis. Note this connection and the dependency upon the unproven Big Bang hypothesis that NASA is using to achieve its goal of establishing evolutionism as a "fact". From part of its Web Page we read: from th
"NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAM follows the 15-billion year long chain of eventsfrom birth of the Universe at the Big Bang, through the formation of the chemical elements, galaxies, stars, and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self-replicating organisms and the profusion of life."
Seen in this statement is the unmistakable dependency of NASA's evolutionary agenda upon the Big Bang Myth. That Myth grants them and others the billions of years that the Evolution Myth requires. "Time" is indeed the hero of this plot!
NASA goes on to say that "The long-term goals of ORIGINS address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe:
How did galaxies form in the early universe and what role do galaxies play in the appearance of planetary systems and life?
How do stars and planetary systems form and are there life-sustaining planets around other stars?
How did life originate on Earth and does it exist elsewhere in the universe?"
Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis. Note this connection and the dependency upon the unproven Big Bang hypothesis that NASA is using to achieve its goal of establishing evolutionism as a "fact". From part of its Web Page we read: from th
"NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAM follows the 15-billion year long chain of eventsfrom birth of the Universe at the Big Bang, through the formation of the chemical elements, galaxies, stars, and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self-replicating organisms and the profusion of life."
Seen in this statement is the unmistakable dependency of NASA's evolutionary agenda upon the Big Bang Myth. That Myth grants them and others the billions of years that the Evolution Myth requires. "Time" is indeed the hero of this plot!
NASA goes on to say that "The long-term goals of ORIGINS address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe:
How did galaxies form in the early universe and what role do galaxies play in the appearance of planetary systems and life?
How do stars and planetary systems form and are there life-sustaining planets around other stars?
How did life originate on Earth and does it exist elsewhere in the universe?"
Now notice very carefully HOW all this is to be accomplished:
"ORIGINS will use revolutionary new technologies to investigate these questions..."
Underscore revolutionary new technologies! They are revolutionary all right! Under the next heading we will see the utter deception that NASA is building into these "revolutionary new technologies". Further along, we will see that these technologies are designed to achieve their Bible-bashing goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism thru the use of highly sophisticated VIRTUAL REALITY SIMULATIONS.... (More on high tech fraud in space: HERE - HERE -HERE -HERE.)
For the moment though, let's just add a thing or two to further establish that: 1) NASA's goal in its Origins Program is to settle the argument over Origins in favor of evolutionism, & 2) That this goal is Spiritual rather than scientific....
We can read many places that the late Dr. Carl Sagan (d.Dec.'96) was closely associated with NASA's planetary exploration involving The Mariner, Viking, Voyager, and Galileo missions. What we don't read about in many places is that Sagan was a avid pot-head. His biographer, Kay Davidson, AP writer Scott Andrews, Harvard Psychiatry Prof. Grinspoon, his widow, Ann Druyan, etc., all confirm that his essays and scientific insights were products of marijuana assisted inspirations. That Sagan was totally sold on the evolutionary explanation for all that exists is reflected in all his writings (the evolution of the human brain, little telescoping critters on the moon, his famous Cosmos TV series, etc.). He carried that zeal for replacing Biblical creationism with evolutionism over into his highly praised work at NASA. Indeed one Web bio summed up those years by noting that: "He played a leading role in the American space program since its inception." In a posthumous award to Dr. Sagan, "the National Science Foundation declared that his research transformed planetary science...."
Sagan capsulated his belief about man's significance thusly: "Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people."
This evolution-grounded nihilistic mindset has been prevalent in and out of academia for several generations. It's not surprising that Sagan embraced it, nor that few if any dissenters toward that mindset would be found in NASAdom. By the time Sagan (and lots of us) went to the University, eight or ten generations of increasingly sophisticated indoctrination had seemingly closed and locked the door against any challenge to the Copernican Model which made the Earth go around the Sun instead of the Sun going around the Earth, as the Bible taught. The ever-increasing spread of Darwinism after the 1850's demanded millions and then billions of years for evolution to take place. Clearly, the Sun, Moon, and Stars had to be billions of years old too for they could not be younger than the Earth. Indeed, a universe billions of years old was the only way Evolutionism could lay hold on the billions of years it needs to lend even superficial credibility to its fantastic claims.
So, let it be set in factual concrete: Copernicanism and Darwinism (i.e., Heliocentricity and Evolutionism) are Siamese Twins. Appearing first, Copernicanism paved the way for Darwinism's success by using invented mathematical models in the physical science "disciplines" of Astronomy and Physics, and by contradicting the Bible's teaching about an immovable Earth at the center of Creation with the Sun going around daily. Darwinism then reinforced Copernicanism by requiring billions of years for everything to evolve. Now the Biological Sciences had joined with the Physical Sciences in contradicting the Biblical Creation with its young Earth and Man as the special Creation of God, made in His Own Image and with an option for eternal life on a heavenly New Earth. All that was needed by the time of Sagan's University days was a way to get rid of the stubborn, lingering belief in God's Creation of Mankind in six literal ("evening and morning") days. This belief had to be put on a level with the almost totally defeated and forgotten belief in a very special unmovable Earth at the center of God's plans. Nobody argued for that anymore, but hundreds of millions of people were still clinging to a conviction that evolution theory was total nonsense and that Mankind is the special creation of an Almighty God with a great purpose and plan for His Creation. How could this resistance to evolution be ended once and for all??
That was the challenge that faced hallucinating "exobiologist" Sagan and Co. when he got in the driver's seat at NASA. In that position, taxpayer's billions of dollars could provide the ways and means to eliminate all challenges to the Big Bang model as the "scientific" explanation for the origin of the universe, Earth included. Then thru the development of cutting-edge computerized telescope and camera technology a way was opening up to settle the creation/evolution controversy forever in favor of evolution.
Of course, Sagan's total commitment to evolutionism (in tandem with Biologist J. Gould at Harvard) was spread far and wide thru his TV Cosmos series and his books at the time computer technology was developing. He taught that widespread extraterrestrial evolution was a certainty and would soon be proven. He was at the center of NASA's drive for perfecting computerized telescopes and cameras with Virtual Reality technology for a dozen years before he died. But he didn't live to see the job completed. Just a couple of years before his death, he admitted in his article "The Search for Extraterrestrial Life" in the Scientific American ('94) that of all of his NASA supported missions: "None of these [spacecraft] encounters has yielded compelling, or even strongly suggestive, indications of extraterrestrial life."
That's a pretty strong confession when you think about it. Indeed, "Exobiology" is a "science" with no data...the ultimate oxymoron.
In 1992, four years before Sagan's death, Daniel Saul Goldin became NASA's Administrator. His policies earned him many accolades, including the title of "brilliant visionary" and being named "one of the 100 most influential men and women in government". No one questions his ability to vigorously and innovatively fulfill NASA's stated goals. His vision has nowhere "been more evident than in his comprehensive strategy for space exploration". We want to take a very close look at the main components of that "comprehensive strategy" momentarily, but let the overriding goal of that strategy be understood and underscored yet again.
Mr. Goldin did not alter the goal of finding extraterrestrial life forms and establishing evolutionism as a "scientific fact" which will no longer can be contested by anyone. Indeed, his administration streamlined NASA's whole operation by putting thoserevolutionary new technologies mentioned earlier on afterburners, as it were. Mr. Goldin meant to see NASA's goal accomplished, and he meant to do it speedily.
His Web bio reveals that: "He initiated the ORIGINS PROGRAM to understand how the Universe has evolved, to learn how life began on Earth and to see if life exists elsewhere." (Goldin update:HERE)
Let's see how he proposed to achieve these goals. Go to: NASA's Hanky Panky Virtual Reality Technology.

To Read More:

Angels Seen By Soviet Astronauts

One of the rumors on the Internet regarding Angels, is Soviet Cosmonauts witnessed, “real” Angels in Space. As a result of many countries, removing the veil of secrecy, regarding UFO and other unexplained phenomenon, the following story has been making its rounds throughout the Internet. It is very difficult to validate any of these stories because we must have faith in the integrity of the media. We also must keep in mind, these are the same media executives who green-lighted a story on Britney Spears, because she stepped out of a limo with no “drawers” (for those of you who do not know, this is slang for panties) on!
So if we are to trust countries like Belgium, Brazil, and New Zealand, who have released all of their classified UFO documents to the public. Why not give the Soviets the benefit of the doubt? This story broke earlier this year, but I would be remiss if I did not add this to our Angel section! Basically the story has been told like this.
Salyut 7
The Cosmonauts were orbiting the Earth, in a Soviet Space Station, christened the “Salyut 7″. This space station was situated in low earth orbit and lasted from April 1982 to February 1991. The year of the “Angel” sightings was 1985. The crew for the particular mission was directed to carry out several medical experiments.

On the 155 day of their mission, a mysterious orange mist appeared around the Space Station, and the following statements were made by Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solevev and Leonid Kizim:
“What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels.”
They said the Angels followed them for about 10 minutes. They had peaceful expressions on their faces and even smiled at them! They were described as being gigantic (80 feet tall) and having the wing span of a 747. The Angels simply disappeared, but this was not the end of this encounter. Almost 2 weeks had (12 days) past when other Cosmonauts arrived for the next phase of medical experiments.
They were Svetlana Savitskaya, Igo Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibevok, and they too allegedly witnessed the Angel experience. This is what they allegedly reported on the experience. It sounds fascinating and mysterious to say the least.

“They were glowing and we were truly overwhelmed. There was a great orange light,and through it, we could see the figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared a glorious secret,but within a few minutes,they were gone, and we never saw them again.”
I must say this statement adds a flair for the dramatic, because I have no point of reference, for how someone looks while sharing a glorious secret. I have seen how a person looks in Poker, holding a Royal Flush, but never an Angel. This is the basis of the story traipsing around the Internet. There is an intriguing element to this story, if you look at the numbers of God. I do not want to turn this into a Louis Farrakhan math lesson, but take a look at this:
The number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is used throughout the Scriptures and in this senseis the Almighty’s Number.
“777″ also symbolizes God and Perfection and when God is telling us through His number, His plan is complete.
The first “7″ I encountered, while writing this article, was “Salyut 7″ has a “7″.
Next if you count the number of characters in “Salyut 7″ you get “7″
The total number of angels appearing to the crew was “7″
What is the probability, of a “story” about Angels, to also be marked with God’s number, “777″.
I do not know, but if you are math wizard please get back to me on this! This does make the story a bit more intriguing, no?
Now when you bring in Scripture from the Book of Revelation this story gets more attractive.
Revelation 8:2
 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
As you can see seven angels are replete throughout the Book of Revelation. And the Cosmonauts happened to see 7 Angels while working in Space. Was this to let the Truth out in the “Last Days”? What would be an excellent follow-up story is to find out how this affected the Spiritual lives of the Cosmonauts! I am sure my life would be forever changed if I encountered 80 foot tall Angels, but I digress!
Here is another quote from the Bible concerning 7 angels:
Revelation 8:6
The Trumpets
 6 Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.
To me this is the best one because it proves seven Angels roll around in a posse following the orders of The Most High:
Revelation 16:1
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
 1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”
So quite possibly this story is true or it has been fabricated to do what? For what, to add credence to the validity of the Bible?
I do not know if this is true or not, but the number 777, sure has me thinking, it just might be.

To read more:

Commercial Applications of Electromagnetic Climate Change Confirms Military Agenda-videos

The World is Waking Up to State Crimes of Climate Warming and Violent Weather by Combinations of Powerful Electromagnetic Energy Weapons and Aerosol Geoengineering
by Harold Saive
Aquiess, Inc. uses powerful electromagnetic (EM) transmissions (radio waves) to “benevolently” steer huge reservoirs of atmospheric waters to force gentle rain in arid regions.
But this same technology in the hands of a globalist military authority can be applied as a weapon for creating floods, droughts and more.
The current global network of stations with ionospheric heaters and EM weather modification capability, in addition to the dozens of NEXRAD stations, is now revealed as no less than a coordinated operation of climate modification as originally organized under NASA in 1966.
The 1966 government document – National Program In Weather Modification (PDF) recruits all agencies of the federal government as a necessary participant of the weather modification agenda.
Hacking the SkyOriginally envisioned as an open-sourced civilian program with “no secrets”, the advanced weather modification technologies were soon hijacked into secrecy by the military under the usual pretext of “national security”.
As a result, all administrative and department heads of federal agencies have been recruited to strict secrecy under the perversions of military authority. This is why NASA, NOAA, FAA …etc. are under lock-step order to deny the ongoing geoengineering/chemtrails and EM weather weaponization programs as lucidly described in proposed legislation HR-2977 (PDF) aka “The Space Preservation Act of 2001″, sponsored by rep. Dennis Kucinich, OH.
Geoengineering and The Climate Industrial Complex 2
Chemtrail, Global Warming
NASA Documents Reveal Mission of Military and Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate
National Program In Weather Modification (PDF) r
Chemtrails Defined As Exotic Weapon in Space Preservation Act of 2001 2
HR 2977 The Space & Preservation Act of 2001: Open admission of several theoretical weapon systems
March 7, 2011 (Source)
HR 2977 The Space & Preservation Act of 2001: Open admission of several theoretical weapon systems.
Complete HR-2977 (PDF)
By Antony Pudney
This Act from the US Government contains open admissions of the existence of several weapon systems that have, in the mainstream media, been a subject only to be contemplated talking about when discriminating and discrediting so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’.
The people who have the courage to bring to public light the existence of such technologies, who have turned out to be right.
This Act contains admissions of the existence or the theoretical existence of; electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; chemtrails; high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; laser weapons systems; strategic, theater, tactical, or extra terrestrial weapons; and chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
The terms ‘‘weapon’’ and ‘‘weapons system’’ mean a device capable of any of the following:
Damaging or destroying an object (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object; detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object; directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.
Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of any of the means described.
The term ‘‘exotic weapons systems’’ includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.
A stinging critique of the weather modification program transition from civilian to military authority is documented in draft form on the site of Federation of American Scientists : WEATHER MODIFICATION: THE EVOLUTION OF AN R&D PROGRAM INTO A MILITARY OPERATION (PDF)
We can no longer ignore that the climate change propaganda is integrated with, secret, global climate modification technologies.
We can no longer ignore the role of covert aerosol geoengineering as a man-made manipulator of climate data and weather outcomes whether the intent is mitigation or climate forcing.
Men in Black Neuralyzer Chemtrails SRM smThere’s a reason why the long history of geoengineering efforts to warm the climate and polar regions is robustly documented but rarely referenced in corporate media or included in the climate change debate.
The embarrassing truth of climate manipulation lies in the multiple proposals to warm the climate for decades until - suddenly – it was discovered that CO2 could warm the arctic for free. With no explanation, the scientific community did an about-face and lobotomy to claim that warming the climate by CO2 could be catastrophic – while, at virtually the same time, proposals by renowned meteorologist, Harry Wexler – to detonate H-bombs and spray chlorine in the stratosphere were being entertained as workable strategies for gaining access to ice-locked, northern latitudes.
The story of this inexplicable transition of climate agendas is revived from the memory hole in an article: “Geoengineering and The Climate Industrial Complex”

Chemtrails - The Climate Industrial Complex VIDEO


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Mapping new world: Rosetta reveals first results of host comet probe (PHOTOS) [Face in comet]

[Face on comet Sol-war]
The ESA has released an unprecedented close-up view of comet 67P and a description of its surface features. An intricate picture, delivered by the Rosetta space mission, raises new questions about the origins of the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet.
Initial results from seven of Rosetta’s 11 science instruments, which collected data during the approach to and upon arriving at Comet 67P last August, were published in a special edition of the journal Science, the European Space Agency (ESA) said in a Thursday press release.
READ MORE: 'Rotten eggs & horse pee': Rosetta probe sniffs comet 67P…and it stinks!

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Einsteins Theory on Magnetic Buoyancy…

Einsteins theory on magnetic buoyancy and its application to the space time continuum or gravity.
AKA Einsteins Theory of Gravity.
…by Wiley E. Coyote, Particle Physicist
Kindly assisted by Jeff Smith with Gordon Duff interfering as little as possible
Editor’s note: Wiley E. Coyote has, as seems to be increasingly the case, changed the world as we see it. More is coming. Our history has been stolen, not just politically but scientifically as well, that and the technology that was going to create a paradise on earth. We are and will continue to publish materials wrongly classified that could have done so much. This is one of them.
In recently discovered G-2 documents that had been buried away for over 70 years located at the Los Alamos National Nuclear Archive; titled:
“The personal correspondence between Albert Einstein, Dr. Robert Oppenheimer and Dr. Edward Teller concerning the magnetic effects of the nuclear plasma fire ball on the Space Time Continuum”.
1945 to 1954. G-2. Classified secret. Q clearance required. Library copy. Read only. Do not copy. Inter office use only.
The Atomic Energy Commission / DOE. It has been discovered that after an intense study by the A.E.C on the effects of the plasma fire ball in a nuclear explosion. (See, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. 1958, A.E.C – D.O.D.)
Personal correspondence monitored by G-2 between the above mentioned persons and several other prominent physicists working at the Los Alamos National Labs both during and after WW2 proves they had privately corresponded with Mr. Albert Einstein concerning the newly discovered effects of Magnetic Buoyancy in a nuclear explosion.
Dating from information acquired in the July 1945 Trinity Nuclear test at Alamogordo, New Mexico, descriptions of both “the measured and observed effects” were quietly passed on to Mr. Einstein from 1945 to 1954 by visiting physicists from Los Alamos National Labs that were attending scientific meetings at Princeton University. Their intent was in proving Einsteins Space Time Continuum Theory and his theories on Relativity.
G-2 reports that Mr Einstein did confirm that the data provided to him by his fellow colleagues paralleled his work and that the concept of magnetic buoyancy in a confined plasma would confirm his theory’s on the Space Time Continuum and Gravity. The concept being that all space is curved due to magnetic lines of force forming the fabric of space, ie., Space Time. Therefore, magnetic buoyancy could be the true cause of gravity.
By pushing out theses magnetic lines of force or manipulating them in other ways, a person could easily manipulate gravity by the use of highly charged plasmas in confinement forming a magnetic or gravitational shield around a space craft. Einsteins descriptions could then be interpreted as describing gravity wells, space time distortions and worm holes as simple manipulations of the solar systems magnetic field lines surrounding the earth or a space ship.
The concept of creating magnetic bubbles (similar to the earths magnetosphere) surrounding a space craft in flight would also lead to the possibilities of faster than light speeds.
Due to national security concerns at the time and the ongoing investigations against prominent Los Alamos physicists for leaking classified data on the atomic bomb program to non security cleared physicists, lead to a complete black out on this information from becoming public.
However both Teller and Oppenheimer did quietly confirm that Einstein was correct and said that in the future it should be called “Einsteins magnetic buoyancy theory of Gravity”.
By Wile E. Coyote particle Physicist.
Editing: Jim W. Dean
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Russian Pilot-Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov and UFOS & moon base & angels

Russian Pilot-Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov and UFOS


Once, Leonov helped Russian female cosmonaut Savitskaya sneak out of the confined quarters (before her scheduled flight), and take back streets to get to the stores to buy materials to sew together a blouse. Leonov and Savitskaya sewed lead pieces into the sleeves, so that she could wear (Savitskaya smuggled the blouse into the aircraft) it and surprise her colleagues during the flight’s weightlessness.

Did Leonov ever speak with her about the experience she and her colleagues had in 1984, when “angels” entered the Soviet spacecraft (we described the incident in detail, in Mysterious Sky: Soviet UFO Phenomenon)? He never speaks about it. How many other stories about UFOs and aliens Leonov (who has worked 35 years in the Cosmonauts Training Centre) has heard, but does not reveal?

Here is what Leonov revealed to the Japanese about Soviet exploration of the Moon:

The Soviet Union has a well-coordinated program for travel to the Moon and has compiled complete and detailed data concerning conditions on the Moon through its Moon station. It has photographs of the Moon’s dark side and complete data on the make-up and characteristics of its surface, the Moon’s gravity field, etc. “The US astronauts who landed on the Moon only confirmed what we already knew.” he said.

Then, Leonov addressed the Japanese audience on the subject of UFOs. The speaker said he does not believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects. Why, he asked, would the flying saucers, if they do exist, be seen only over the United States, France and Italy? He said there is no record of any of the Soviet observatories, which are manned by highly trained technicians, ever having seen a flying saucer.

The source of the information of the DIA for the report was a Japanese government agency official.

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Accuweather confirms the sun rises and sets around the earth-view their depiction

[This is how they & other weather corporations keep from getting sued in any legal action for long time lying about the true fixed earth]

To Read More:

The Fixed Earth-video


The earth is not rotating - spinning.-video


Earth is Motionless Copernicus Is Wrong parts 1 & 2 -video


Earth From Space Clearly the Earth does not move-with music-video


How do we know the Earth doesn't move?-video


Best-Geocentric Terrafirma Paradigm Shift-video


Does the Earth Really Rotate Around the Sun?

Geocentricity vs. Heliocentricity
Heliocentricity, besides being proven false by experience and multiple experiments, is full of the most fantastical improbabilities and theoretical leaps that most people are willing to make simply because the pseudo-scientific establishment told them so. Here are some questions and answers to help clear up the Geocentric vs. Heliocentric world-views:

Why does the Earth seem motionless?

GC: Because it is motionless.

HC: It only seems motionless because it’s spinning at a perfectly uniform speed with no acceleration or deceleration ever and the atmosphere is magically velcroed to it. Actually the Earth is spinning on it’s axis at 1,000 mph, rotating around the Sun at 67,000 mph, which is orbiting the Milky Way at 500,000 mph and shooting through the known Universe at 67,000,000 mph. We don’t feel even the slightest bit of this motion because all the centrifugal, gravitational, and inertial forces somehow perfectly cancel out.

“Most people who accept that the Earth is in motion believe it is a proven fact. They do not realize that not only has the motion of the Earth never been proven, but by the constructs of modern physics and cosmology cannot be proven. Again, even modern cosmology does not claim to be able to prove that the Earth is in motion. In fact the very best argument for Earth’s motion is based on pure ‘modesty’ not logic, observation and experience. If anyone could prove the Earth’s motion, that someone would become more famous than Einstein, Hawking and others. They may all be fools but even they would not make such an ignorant claim to proof of Earth’s motions, and those who do so don’t realize just how ignorant of physics they really are! Before folks go demonstrating how ignorant they are, they should consider: 1. The relationship between Mach’s principle and relativity. 2. The relationship between Gravity and Inertia, and Gravity and Acceleration (and the paradoxes that exist). 3. Relativity does not claim to prove Earth’s motions, in fact it ‘dictates’ the ridiculous idea that motion cannot be proven period. 4. Relativity proposes motion, it does not nor can it claim to disprove that the Earth is the center of the universe! 5. Only those who are ignorant of physics attempt to make arguments based on weather patterns, ballistic trajectories, geosynchronous satellites, and Foucault’s pendulums for evidence of Earth’s motions! For all those ‘geniuses’ out there, not even Einstein would claim such stupidity.” -Allen Daves

Why do the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size?

GC: Because they are the same size.

HC: They only appear to be the same size because of an incredibly perfect parallax perspective from Earth. Actually the Sun is 1.392×10^6 km in diameter and 1.496×10^8 km from Earth. The Moon is 3474 km in diameter and 384,403 km from the Earth. And these just happen to be the EXACT diameters and distances necessary for a viewer from Earth to falsely perceive them as being the same size.

Why do the Sun, Moon, and Stars all appear to revolve around a stationary Earth?

GC: Because they do.

HC: The Moon does revolve around the Earth, but the Earth actually revolves around the Sun, and all the stars only seem to revolve around the Earth because the Earth itself is spinning beneath your feet!

To read more:

The Earth rotating from space?


The Earth is Not Moving

Before Copernican heliocentric indoctrination any child will look up at the sky and notice that the sun, moon, and stars all revolve around a stationary Earth. All empirical evidence from our perspective clearly shows that we are fixed and everything rotates around us. We feel motionless and experience the sun, moon, stars and planets spinning around us. To suspend this common sense geocentric perspective and assume that it's actually the Earth revolving beneath us daily while rotating around the sun yearly is quite a theoretical leap.

"What strikes you as being some thoughts that people would have if - in the short space of a few weeks - the universally held conviction that the Earth rotates on an axis daily and orbits the sun annually were exposed as an unscientific deception? Keep in mind that a rotating, orbiting earth is not counted as a mere hypothesis or even a theory anywhere in the world today. Oh no. Rather, this concept is an unquestioned 'truth'; an established 'fact' in all books and other media everywhere, church media included. Copernicanism, in short, is a concept that is protected in a bunker under a 50 foot thick ceiling of solid 'scientific' concrete. It is meant to be impregnable. It is a concept that has become ensconced in men’s minds as the indestructible cornerstone of enlightened modern man’s knowledge. Virtually all people everywhere have been taught to believe - and do believe - that this concept is based on objective science and dispassionate secular reasoning." -Marshall Hall, "Exposing the Copernican Deception"

"Every experiment ever designed to detect the motion of the earth has failed to detect earth's motion and/or distinguish it from relative counter motion of the universe." -Mark Wyatt, "Is Geocentricism Possible?"

Right up through the 20th century many attempts have been made to try and prove that heliocentricity is true and geocentricity is false. All such attempts have failed and only reinforced geocentricity. The most-well known of these is the Michelson-Morley experiment which attempted to measure the change in speed of light due to the assumed motion of Earth through space. They measured in every different direction in various places on the Earth's surface and failed to detect any significant change whatsoever. The Michelson-Gale experiment also failed to prove heliocentricity but was able to measure the movement of the aether/firmament around the Earth accurate to within 2%. An experiment known as "Airey's Failure" involves filling a telescope with water to slow down the speed of light inside. Usually telescopes must be slightly tilted to get the starlight down the axis of the tube supposedly due to "Earth's speed around the sun." Airey discovered that actually the starlight was already coming in at the correct angle so no change was necessary. This demonstrated that the stars move relative to a stationary Earth and not the other way around; if it was the telescope moving he would have to change the angle.

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Researchers discover massive freshwater reserves beneath the oceans { God's Fountains of the Great Deep}

(Are today's scientists so ignorant, or are they trying to fool you into believing they have discovered our new life saving water reserve? Meanwhile it was God who put this extra water under the seas when He created the earth. Read at least the first two websites below regarding the: The Fountains of the Great Deep
and you should understand it all better. Sol-War)

The Fountains of the Great Deep


The Fountains of Noah's Flood and the Windows of Heaven

"And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."
(Genesis 6:13 KJV)

Notice that the Lord says the agency of destruction would be the Earth itself. The planet Earth has three spheres: the core, mantle, crust (lithosphere), the seas (hydrosphere), and the air in the heaven above (atmosphere). All three played a part in the destruction of the antediluvian world, so the complete answer is not necessarily confined to just geology.

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights."
(Gen 7:11-12 KJV)

What Triggered the Flood?

Because of the depth of man’s sin1 (Genesis 6:5–6), the earth was destroyed by a flood. We may never know with certainty what physical chain of events initiated the flood, but the Bible gives some intriguing clues.
The hydroplate theory, summarized on pages 111–146, shows how a global flood, corresponding in every detail to the Genesis flood, easily explains 25 otherwise mysterious features of the earth and solar system. Initially, this theory requires a horizontal layer of water under the earth’s crust. Naturally, the ceiling of this subterranean water chamber would sag and touch the chamber’s floor at thousands of places.2 Those contacts will be called pillars. The Bible speaks in several places of considerable subterranean water (see page 456), but how and when did the pillars form?


Verse 11, states, that "the great fountains of the deep broke up, and the windows of heaven were opened". It must be understood that the earth was very different before the Flood. There was a great water canopy in the sky above the earth. (See page 8, of this commentary) In Genesis 1:6-7, the Bible says God created a firmament (the expanse of sky) in the midst of the waters. God then "divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament".(Gen. 1:7) Thus, God placed a great canopy of water vapor around the earth. This explains why the Scriptures tell us it had not rained on earth until the Flood and that the earth was watered by a mist. (Gen. 2:5-6) A great water canopy over the earth would create a "green house" effect and cause vegetation to grow rapidly.

 The whole of the earth was a gigantic green house. Great expanses of water was stored above the earth. Below a vast system of subterranean conduits channeled water under the earth. When God caused the Flood to begin, He did it by causing the water canopy over the earth to deposit its water as rain on the earth. At the same time the great subterranean rivers were broken up and the underground water brought to the surface. One example of a vast underground cavern is Mammoth Cave in southern Kentucky. This cave has passages extending over 150 miles, with fantastic limestone formations, lakes and rivers. The corridors of the caves occur in five different levels and many large chambers are connected by narrow passages.(5)

A Universal Flood: 3000 BC

by Dr. David Livingston
Universal Flood
Considering the biblical narrative, which says that the Flood was universal, the words "all" and "every" are used 16 times in Genesis 6-9 to describe the totality of the Flood.

"Flood traditions" (the Gilgamesh Epic, the Atrahasis Epich, etc.), even though not as accurate as the Bible, all say the ark came to rest on a mountain. IMPOSSIBLE with a local flood. The world before the Flood was quite different from the world today. Since it did not rain before the Flood (Genesis 2:5), yet rivers flowed (v.10), there must have been great subterranean reservoirs of water. At the appointed time, the "fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11 ) spewed out their aquatic and volcanic contents while the "windows of heaven were opened" as some form of water was precipitated. Coupling these mechanisms with the fact that 70% of the earth is presently covered with water in sufficient quantity to cover the entire (flattened out) earth to a depth of about 7,500 feet, we can conclude that the biblical story is, indeed, quite reasonable. Present mountain ranges are mostly sedimentary rocks attributable to a flood, or volcanoes. They could have been formed during the Flood, or finished rising just after it.

Mysteries of Siberia's Valley of Death & WHAT LIES BEHIND THE TUNGUSKA EXPLOSION-The Asteroid Defense Installation- by Valery Uvarov

( I read with great interest the investigation by Valery Uvarov and his team of the Tunguska explosion as he said it was conducted as a police type investigation. He was correct in my opinion as a former Los Angeles Police investigator.It was in fact conducted as I would have done it. I had also read his book "The Pyramids" and took notes about his background from a taped internet video two hour interview.. He admits contact with aliens since he was a child. He states that this "Asteroid Defense Installation" that was responsible for the Tunguska explosion was built by some unknown race of aliens, according to aliens who spoke to him. They said they did not even known exactly who built the Installation as it was many thousands of years old. In my opinion Uvarov probably was speaking with fallen angels. However, if these fallen rebel angels were not lying then it may be possible that the holy good angels built the installation to protect the earth..It was not aliens from another planet but most likely these multi-dimensional beings, good or fallen angels. Uvarov stated that the Chinese had already discovered one installation and were inside researching it and we will probably soon see some new high technology acquired by the Chinese. Yet he stated the Russian government has no interest in it. Something is not right here. And if there is really an Asteroid Defense installation then why are governments pretending they do not know how to defend against asteroids, meteors and comets?

Uvarov and his team appear to be backed by a lot of money but private according to Uvarov. Valery Uvarov said he is not worried about freemasons, Illuminati or the New World Order. This sounds like some script he is following for some puppet masters.
In any case there are unanswered questions about all of this that governments are hiding. Edward Schooling-Sol-war)

The following extracts were transcribed from a filmed interview with Valery Uvarov, of Russia's National Security Academy, conducted by Graham W. Birdsall, Editor of the UK-based UFO Magazine.

The interview took place at the 12th International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival, held February 2-8, 2003, in Laughlin, Nevada, USA.
Graham Birdsall (GB): What is your official title?

Valery Uvarov (VU): I am head of the Department of UFO Research, Science and Technical, National Security Academy, based in St Petersburg, Russia.

GB: This, then, is an official Russian government agency?

VU: Absolutely. I am answerable to two people above me. They are answerable to the next person above them, who is our President [Putin].

GB: What exactly is your remit?

VU: Our research efforts are divided into two parts. Firstly, we are constantly analyzing data coming in from all over the world. We then extract what we consider to be the most interesting information through our database-which is yellow, which is red. This, then, is released to various departments throughout Russia. The other aspect of our research stemmed from asking the question: do UFOs exist or not? For sure, we know they exist, but what is behind their activity, their interest? This is the most important issue for us, and what we mostly focus our investigations on.

GB: There is active co-operation between NASA and Russian aerospace officials at a technical, scientific and maybe even military level. Do you liaise or have ties with organizations similar to your own overseas?

VU: I can tell you, truthfully, that just a couple of days before I flew to the United States I had a meeting with my ... let's say, my bosses. And they said they are very interested in co-operating with other organizations ... let's say, our friends in the West. So, I can tell you that this particular mission is at the starting point. I am charged with finding the right people. When this is done, and the next stage is activated, we can make some concrete steps.

GB: Earlier, off camera, you alluded to some important developments concerning the Tunguska explosion of 1908. For the record, can you tell us why you now believe you know the cause?

VU: It is not so much a case of belief; we know what caused it. It was a meteor, but a meteor that was destroyed by ... let's say, a missile. The missile was generated by a material installation. We don't know who constructed it, but it was built long, long ago and is situated in Siberia, several hundred kilometers north of Tunguska. I can tell you that our investigation has revealed more than one explosion at Tunguska. Let me share something with you. The last time that this installation shot down a meteor was on 24/25 September last year (2002). The Americans ... they have three bases ... they, too, noticed this explosion. [Editor's Ref: See New Scientist vol 178 issue 2399 - 14 June 2003]

The Generation and Release of the "Terminator Spheres"


Additional VERIFICATION the EARTH IS STATIONARY from Views From the International Space Station

At 12 minutes into this documentary you will see views of the earth through the Space Station cupola windows. Do you see the earth moving? NO!

If NASA chose to respond to my allegations I am sure they would use some techno-psychobabble to persuade viewers and readers here that there is a good reason why it only appears the earth is stationary. But in fact the earth IS stationary, and the mostly 32nd degree Freemason astronauts are sworn to secrecy even to the extent their families are threatened according Clark McClelland former NASA SCO who spoke with former many American astronauts who were his friends...They especially are never to reveal that NASA works with aliens (fallen angels in reality) and that NASA has bases on the moon and Mars.

Former scientist from Area 51 the late Ed Slade has also stated this in many talks, including on radio (recorded) with federal whistleblower Stew Webb.I can attest to hearing Ed Slade make these statements.

NASA=Fraudulent Science & Technology-There is Something They do NOT Want you to Know!

Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory

Published on Nov 19, 2012

In her final days as Commander of the International Space Station, Sunita Williams of NASA recorded an extensive tour of the orbital laboratory and downlinked the video on Nov. 18, just hours before she, cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and Flight Engineer Aki Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency departed in their Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft for a landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan. The tour includes scenes of each of the station's modules and research facilities with a running narrative by Williams of the work that has taken place and which is ongoing aboard the orbital outpost.

To read more:

Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory



Breaking news: Canadian satellite equipment retailer verifies the EARTH IS STATIONARY and The UNIVERSE is ROTATING!

HighSpeedSat (retailer) your guide through the world of

Satellite TV - Satellite Internet and Voip- Satellite Radio - Satellite Phone Systems and Services states:

Geostationary Satellites

Geostationary or communications satellites are PARKED in space 22.300 miles (35.900. km) above the equator of the STATIONARY earth. Geostationary satellites are used for weather forecasting, satellite TV, satellite radio and most other types of global communications.

At exactly 22.300 miles above the equator, the force of gravity is cancelled by the centrifugal force of the rotating universe. This is the ideal spot to park a stationary satellite.

..Just as it is stated in the Bible and in the Book of Enoch. The earth is stationary and the stars, sun, and universe are rotating. .The Book of Enoch, Astronomy - Book 3

The Book of Enoch, Astronomy - Book 3

Astronomy, Podcast/Download

Chapter 72

1 The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heaven, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world2 and unto eternity, till the new creation is accomplished which dureth till eternity.

And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heaven, 3 and its setting in the western portals of the heaven. And I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other 4 in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals. And first there goes forth the great luminary, named the Sun, and his circumference is like the 5 circumference of the heaven, and he is quite filled with illuminating and heating fire. The chariot on which he ascends, the wind drives, and the sun goes down from the heaven and returns through the north in order to reach the east, and is so guided that he comes to the appropriate portal and 6shines in the face of the heaven. In this way he rises in the first month in the great portal, which 7 is the fourth (those six portals in the cast).

And in that fourth portal from which the sun rises in the first month are twelve window-openings, from which proceed a flame when they are opened in 8 their season. When the sun rises in the heaven, he comes forth through that fourth portal thirty, 9 mornings in succession, and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heaven. And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth 10 morning. On that day the day is longer than the night by a ninth part, and the day amounts exactly to ten parts and the night to eight parts. And the sun rises from that fourth portal, and sets in the fourth and returns to the fifth portal of the east thirty mornings, and rises from it and sets in the fifth 12 portal. And then the day becomes longer by two parts and amounts to eleven parts, and the night 13 becomes shorter and amounts to seven parts. And it returns to the east and enters into the sixth 14 portal, and rises and sets in the sixth portal one-and-thirty mornings on account of its sign. On that day the day becomes longer than the night, and the day becomes double the night, and the day 15becomes twelve parts, and the night is shortened and becomes six parts. And the sun mounts up to make the day shorter and the night longer, and the sun returns to the east and enters into the 16 sixth portal, and rises from it and sets thirty mornings. And when thirty mornings are accomplished, 17 the day decreases by exactly one part, and becomes eleven parts, and the night seven.

And the sun goes forth from that sixth portal in the west, and goes to the east and rises in the fifth portal for 18 thirty mornings, and sets in the west again in the fifth western portal. On that day the day decreases by two parts, and amounts to ten parts and the night to eight parts.

19 And the sun goes forth from that fifth portal and sets in the fifth portal of the west, and rises in the fourth portal for one- 20 and-thirty mornings on account of its sign, and sets in the west. On that day the day is equalized with the night, (and becomes of equal length), and the night amounts to nine parts and the day to 21 nine parts. And the sun rises from that portal and sets in the west, and returns to the east and rises 22 thirty mornings in the third portal and sets in the west in the third portal. And on that day the night becomes longer than the day, and night becomes longer than night, and day shorter than day till the thirtieth morning, and the night amounts exactly to ten parts and the day to eight 23 parts. And the sun rises from that third portal and sets in the third portal in the west and returns to the east, and for thirty mornings rises 24 in the second portal in the east, and in like manner sets in the second portal in the west of the heaven. And on that day the night amounts to eleven 25 parts and the day to seven parts. And the sun rises on that day from that second portal and sets in the west in the second portal, and returns to the east into the first portal for one-and-thirty 26 mornings, and sets in the first portal in the west of the heaven. And on that day the night becomes longer and amounts to the double of the day: and the night amounts exactly to twelve parts and 27 the day to six. And the sun has (therewith) traversed the divisions of his orbit and turns again on those divisions of his orbit, and enters that portal thirty mornings and sets also in the west 28 opposite to it.

And on that night has the night decreased in length by a ninth part, and the night 29 has become eleven parts and the day seven parts. And the sun has returned and entered into the second portal in the east, and returns on those his divisions of his orbit for thirty mornings, rising 30 and setting.

And on that day the night decreases in length, and the night amounts to ten parts 31 and the day to eight. And on that day the sun rises from that portal, and sets in the west, and returns to the east, and rises in the third portal for one-and-thirty mornings, and sets in the west of the heaven.

32 On that day the night decreases and amounts to nine parts, and the day to nine parts, and the night 33 is equal to the day and the year is exactly as to its days three hundred and sixty-four. And the length of the day and of the night, and the shortness of the day and of the night arise-through the course 34 of the sun these distinctions are made. So it comes that its course becomes 35 daily longer, and its course nightly shorter. And this is the law and the course of the sun, and his return as often as he returns sixty times and rises, i.e. the great luminary which is named the sun, for ever and ever.

36 And that which (thus) rises is the great luminary, and is so named according to 37 its appearance, according as the Lord commanded. As he rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but as regards size they are both equal.

Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the
day when the LORD delivered up the
Amorites before the children of Israel,
and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun,
stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou,
Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
And the sun stood still, and the moon
stayed, until the people had avenged
themselves upon their enemies. Is not this
written in the book of Jasher? So the sun
stood still in the midst of heaven, and
hasted not to go down about a whole day.
And there was no day like that before it
or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto
the voice of a man: for the LORD fought
for Israel.

Ch 5 The Revolving Heaven

The Geocentric Bible


Ch 5 The Revolving Heaven


(No one that believes in geocentricity accepts #2, and 4-8 of the following proposal. This is my personal opinion.)


In the beginning the earth did not spin.

After making the first rotation, the earth continues standing still until midway through the tribulation period. The firmament, enclosing the sun, moon and stars, rotates daily around the earth. The firmament must rotate to exist.

God miraculously causes the firmament to instantly stop rotating and the earth to instantly begin rotating, to provide day and night. The world gets what it has always believed and which embarrasses God's word. The universe is unstable.

The earth does not rotate and the firmament does, which is normal and stable.

5. ROTATES - SATAN LOOSED - Hebrews 12:26,27
When Satan is loosed for a season, God shakes the heavens and the earth causing the firmament to stop its daily rotation and the earth to rotate.

For judgment day God again shakes the heavens and earth. The firmament is stationary and now the earth stops.- Job 38:12,13


Day and night rotates forever inside the great gulf.

Luke 16:26


John 3:12 says, “If I have told you of earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?” Based on this statement, a second look at certain verses dealing with physical things is in order.

Genesis 1:14 says, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night: and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” What ever does the dividing does the moving. The sun does the moving. The sun could not move only to determine the season and years, and the spinning earth to determine the day. God “created darkness,” Isaiah 45:7, as a background of heavenly darkness in order for the light of the moving sun to serve its function of indicating “days.” We are not talking about the earth until the next verse, so the sun moves to determine the seasons and days and years. Verse 15 says, “And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and it was so.” The sun divides the light from darkness and gives light to determine the day on the earth, not a spinning earth. The greater light, the rotating sun, determines the seasons, days, and years. Either the lights determine all of these, or none of them according to the verse. Again, these verses are foundational to the rest of scripture. God is telling us exactly how the universe is set up.
Psalm 19:2,4 says, “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. Their line is gone through out all the earth...” Webster's dictionary says “line” means: direction of something in motion and “unto” means: action, continuance, movement and direction. If “day unto day” is moving, certainly “day and night” would be moving. The “day” says that it is rotating and the night shows rotation.
“Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to ride upon it...” (Job 30:22). The wind is moving and the earth is not spinning. Psalm 68:4 says “...him (God) that rideth upon the heavens...” The previous verse says, “let them exceedingly rejoice.” We may rejoice in God's word, but we cannot rejoice `exceedingly' unless we believe that the heavens are moving around a stationary earth. We cannot `ride' on a church pew because it is not moving. We sit on a pew.
Amos 2:15 says “...he that rideth the horse...” Both the heavens and the horse move, whereas “It is he (God) that sitteth upon the circle of the earth (Isa. 40:22) and “The LORD sitteth upon the flood (Psa 29:10). Isaiah 66:2 says “...the earth is my footstool...” Whoever heard of a spinning footstool? The daily rotating firmament (heaven) enclosing the sun causes the division line between day and night to move. The heavens are not God's footstool, nor does God ride on the earth. “To him that rideth upon the heavens of heaven” (Psalm 68:33). The heaven (firmament) is revolving around the earth.
“They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course” (Psalms 82:5).” Psalms 74:17 says, “Thou hast set all the borders of the earth.” It isn't `borders of the `sun, moon and stars' (universe). `Borders' keep things inside. The earth cannot move through the borders, so the earth does not revolve around the sun. There are 67 verses that say the earth is moving. See: There are only 5 verses that say the earth is moving and all are in a negative context or a context of judgment.
Job 38:4,6 says, “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?…Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened?” Both the heavens (2 Samuel 22:8) and the world (2 Samuel 22:16) have foundations; but only the foundations of the earth are fastened so that the earth cannot turn or spin. Psalms 150:1 says, “praise him in the firmament of his power.” The supporting phrase (Isaiah 34:16) follows; “Praise him for his mighty acts” Power means tp exert force and momentum. Act means to exert power, to move. So the firmament, while caring the sun, moon and stars, is at the same time revolving around the stationary earth.
If the earth were spinning, it would make meaningless the following group of verses.

4 One generation passeth away...another...cometh
5 The sun also ariseth...goeth down
6 The wind goeth...returneth
7 All the rivers run...return again.

We are to take things in context. We know the generations, wind and rivers actually move, so the sun also literally, physically moves being carried daily around the earth by the rotating firmament.
“Circuit” means to go around. Ecclesiastes 1:6 “...and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.” We know the wind is blowing, the earth is not turning. The heaven is also moving, “...and he walketh in the circuit of heaven.” (Job 22:14).
The word mystery, or mysteries, is listed 28 times in a concordance. It refers to the mystery of Christ, the kingdom of God or spiritual things. “Mystery” does not refer to anything physical. God has told us more details concerning the physical universe than we think He has.
Genesis 1:2 says “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Why? For what reason? The Spirit is accomplishing two tasks in this verse. In addition to the Spirit's work with the atom (See “The First Second” article), the Spirit of God is also establishing a path for the firmament to follow (as explained below). Isaiah 43:16 says, “Thus saith the Lord, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters.” Likewise, the Spirit of God has made a way for the atom “a way for the lightning” (Job 28:26) and a path for the firmament.
2 Samuel 22:11, 12 says, “…and he was seen upon the wings of the wind. And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters…” `Wind' is the same as `spirit' so this says “the wings of the Spirit.” `Pavilions' means a tent; a temporary movable habitation. So, this means the `darkness and dark waters' are both moving with the Spirit of God around a non-moving stationary earth.
Does the earth spin or does the sun orbit the earth? The discussion of the earth ends in verse 3. This question is partially settled in Gen. 1:4,5 where it says “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.” God made a distinct division between light and darkness on the first day. Each part of the earth had the morning light during the first day. The light had to move around the earth to do this. The only movement recorded on Day One was the Spirit of God moving in relationship to a stationary earth and He was covered with light “Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment” (Psalms 104:2).
This light is different and separate from the sun, “thou hast prepared the light and the sun,” (Psalm 74:16). The morning and evening are a direct result of the movement of the prepared light around the earth on the first day. God is writing to us about basic, fundamental scientific law. The earth had no relationship with the uncreated sun, moon and stars. God's creation was exclusively geocentric. Up to now, since time was determined by the movement of light around the earth, hermeneutics demands that time still be determined by the movement of light, whatever the source, around the earth. So the Spirit of God started a path for the prepared light to follow even before the dry land of the earth appeared or the firmament was established! (The “prepared light” reappears again after judgment day).
“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so” Genesis 1:6,7. The word “let” in Webster's dictionary means, to give opportunity to, enter or pass. In other words, to move. The phrase “let it divide” therefore says, “to give opportunity to” the firmament to divide the waters from the waters. The firmament moves or spins and divides the upper waters from the lower waters.
Did the firmament or God divide the waters? (Ezekiel 30:23) “And I (the Lord God) will scatter the Egyptians among the nations...” God did not, himself, scatter the Egyptians, but used the Babylons to do it. In the same way God, did not by a miracle separate the waters, but used the firmament to divide the waters. The firmament does not divide the waters by standing still doing nothing, but by spinning. The firmament separates the waters just as a separator separates the cream from the milk. The firmament is simply following the path laid out by the Spirit of God. Exodus 14:16 says, “…and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it…” Moses moved his hand and divided the sea. Likewise, the firmament began revolving around the earth dividing the waters and has never stopped!
Psalm 119:147 - The morning comes because the sun moves around a stationary earth. The belief in heliocentrism stops the dawning regardless of what the word says.
Proverbs 28:9 - “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.” Why would the word “turneth” be used, when God could have said, “He that refuseth to listen to the law?” The word “turneth” is used because the whole problem is: what is turning, the earth spinning daily on its axis or the firmament revolving daily around a non moving earth? Next, what law is referred to? There are food laws, laws of sacrifice and solar system laws. The law did not begin in Genesis 12, but in Genesis 1. With a lump in my throat, it looks like: if we don't believe in geocentricity, our prayers are damaged. This is a terrible accusation. Is this a test of fellowship? No. It is simply information that we need to be aware of.
“Where is the way where light dewelleth?” (Job 38:19). It doesn't say “place” where light dwelleth because light is always moving. The source of light, either the prepared light or the sun, is always orbiting the earth. Beginning with the 2nd day, the firmament stays in step with the already orbiting, moving, prepared light, and starts revolving around the earth. The principal of geocentricity and the law of the solar system are established on the second day. The word “way” is also used in Isaiah 43:16, “Thus saith the LORD, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters;” because there are swift moving currents in the oceans.
Verse 15 and 17 both say “to give light upon the earth” which emphases the final result of all the activity and rotating lights in the heavens. Sunlight identifies the day. The earth stays in one place and does not turn to receive the light; supported by Deut. 11:21 “days of heaven upon the earth.” In verse 16, the greater light, the sun, takes the place of, or surrounds the prepared light. God's dividing the greater light from the lesser light only confirms what was already done (vs. 5).
“Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands”(Psa 102:25). The earth, on a foundation doesn't spin. God started the heavens revolving with his hands.
Where did the theory of heliocentrism come from? 2 Cor. 11:14 says, “for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Satan introduced heliocentrism, the opposite of God's word in scripture.]
The drawing attached, by R G Elmendorf, 314 Oak Road, Bairford, PA 15006, shows the sun (S) orbiting the earth (E), which is in the center of the universe. (He does not necessarily agree or disagree with this or other articles.)

The Sun "Spiral-Orbits" Around the MOTIONLESS Spherical Earth!!

The Sun, Stars and Moon are going around the Stationary, Spherical World
(Earth and unattached atmosphere) just as observed and just as the Bible says.
(Sun 24hrs... Moon 24hrs 50min 28sec... Stars 23hrs 56min 4sec... all east to west.)

Psalm 93 - The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength,
wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

"All physical experiments designed to demonstrate some alleged motion of the World have consistently produced a null result. Only theoretical ideas support a different interpretation of our surroundings than this." Neville T. Jones, Ph.D.

The purpose of this pamphlet is to encourage you to go to the website to view the evidence, and for proof that you have been lied to (again) by The Powers That Be, Government Agencies, Universities and Big Media.
Go to: created by Bernie: of the family: Brauer

True, non-hypothetical Science (observational data, our senses, physical experiments and logic) contradicts the assertions of Mainstream Science's existing deceitful, fraud-ridden, unverifiable, State-funded, mathematical (exists and works on paper only) model of the universe that is saturated with metaphysical nonsense and derived from the mystical Zohar/Kabbala (sorcery/dark-magic/witchcraft) of the Pharisee RELIGION. Moreover, the intelligible Christian Bible's voluntarily-funded Geocentric/Geostatic model of the "universe" proclaims:
The Sun's PATH creates and completes an orbit around the Motionless, SPHERICAL Earth daily.

* The Sun and Moon "circle daily" east to west West whilst set within and carried along a spiral North-South path; Sun: about 6 months southbound then about 6 months northbound; Moon: about 2 weeks southbound then about 2 weeks northbound. The Stars are set within the inner surface of a ROTATING Celestial Sphere (not a "universe" or "universes") and "circle nightly" from east to west.

The following are quotes from Marshall Hall:

  • "There is no proof that the Earth rotates on an "axis" daily and orbits the sun annually. None
  • All calculations for eclipses, the space program, navigation, satellite movements are based on a non-moving Earth. Boiled down, heliocentric math is the same as Geocentric math.
  • NO EXPERIMENT HAS SHOWN THE EARTH TO BE MOVING (much less at 32 times rifle bullet speed [66,600 mph = 100 mph x 666!!!] in solar orbit and at 250 times RBS around a galaxy.
  • Multiple experiments have shown the Earth to be stationary.
  • The logic against a moving Earth is overpowering.
  • Star speeds are not a problem when the thickness of the universe is seen to be what it really is, that is, LESS than half a light day thick (eight billion mile radius).
  • NASA's space program is labeled "Origins Research" and costs taxpayers mega-bucks. Computerized telescopes are programmed to send back "synthesized images". The "image warper" permits "geometric transformations". Talk about a con job!
  • The Bible says [67 "sun is moving" Bible quotes HERE] the Earth is NOT Moving and cannot be moved.
    What'll it be folks? False science as the source of absolute truth or God's Word?"

Proof the earth is fixed and does not rotate at all and not around the sun.The sun in fact rises and sets just as it is sad in the bible. The universe is much, much smaller that NASA states in it's lies.

That this Establishment itself is merely a bogus secular front for the religion of Kabbala-based Pharisaic Judaism is a long-held secret that is now out of the bag. This once hidden agenda is presently entering its final stages of conquering and perverting all of man’s "knowledge" (HERE). This conquest involves destroying Bible Credibility by destroying belief in its "Creation Account" of the origin of the universe, Earth, and mankind in six literal days...and replacing that record with Evolution’s "creation account" covering 15 billion years (an age assigned to the process by Kabbalist Nechunya ben HaKanna 2000 years ago: HERE, p. 6).

Aside from the blatantly fraudulent claims upheld solely by virtual-reality computer-created images of anything they want to "discover", the steady stream of "News" reports now describe as factual all extraterrestrial evolution claims based on that 15 billion year time frame. Thankfully, these reports invariably claim something that reveals the Mickey Mouse Math propping up the whole show.

5. One important lesson to learn is the power of prayer.

“And there was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.” (Josh.10:14)

Notice the boldness of Joshua to demand that sun and moon stand still and the sun stopped in the middle of the sky (Josh.10:12-13; Hab.3:11).

Moving-Earth DECEPTION!!


The answers you seek are right before you. All you have to do is “see” it. If you can’t “see” it and you can’t “hear” it, then no amount of study etc will help you.

You may seek but at the same time you have to be called. It is a paradox. In a sense it is a dichotomy. It is the mystery. Those who are called, shall hear His voice.

Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. But at the same time, there is the doctrine of predestination. The number of them that are called is a definite number. Only God knows this number. Katman

Geocentrists Fixed Earth

Statement: "I have a University Degree." (Meaning at State-funded universities they only teach the Rotating Earth Theory, and won't teach the Motionless Earth truth, therefore it cannot be true and must be wrong.)

Response: That simply means that you were Brainwashed to follow many of the Corporate Centralized State's (the Beast System's) propaganda lies. A "Degree" is a Masonic concept: to be "Knighted" - ceremonially inducted to serve a feudal superior ("The Powers That Be") - after completing service as page and squire. Besides the smartest and most well-educated people are those who are self-studied and those who were born with high Moral IQs and high Mind IQs (many of whom have university degrees and many that do not), not those "elect" who are merely experts in institutionalized schooling but not Champions of self-education. State education teaches a servile reverance for a "sacrosanct" State and cannot possibly be separated from political control.
Romans 1:18-22 - "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation
of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made [stationary Earth at exact center of small Cosmos, probably self-illuminating Moon, Stars that circle the small Cosmos each night] even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise [university degree], they became fools,"


NASA's Hanky-Panky: Virtual Reality Technology

In keeping with modern man's proclivity to solve all his problems and achieve all his goals by using evermore cutting-edge technology, NASA stands out as a recognized leader. The new technology with which the NASAesque dream of administering thecoup de grace to Bible credibility centers on the mind-fooling, hyper-deceptive technology of "Virtual Reality" (VR). (HERE)
This VR technology--virtually unknown before 1989--entered the 3rd millennium flexing its muscles and eager to carry out NASA's mission to remove God from the Origins business.
On the Net, Chris Chesher has posted an excellent summary of the birth and early growth of the VR phenomena (entitled: "Colonizing Virtual Reality"). NASA became an enthusiastic prime mover in developing the VR technology from the beginning. The reasons for NASA's embrace of VR are not hard to grasp in light of the stated goals of its "Origins Program". (See: NASA's Agenda....HERE)

VR Development and NASA's Early Role

Consider some of the language used by experts to describe the computer-programmed Virtual Reality Space Technology and its potential: "A work of art", "a dream", "an additional reality", "a new continent", " a new reality", "a new kind of experience", "inventing reality", "new form of space", "frontier colonization", "virtual worlds", "computer generated immersive technology", "consensual hallucination using graphical representation of data", "liberating potential of VR which can bring a new kind of Spiritual understanding", "computers", "VR...a gateway into another reality", "cultural alchemy", "computers are...reality generators", "Voomies" (VR representations)...better than film", "Realism is a cultural construction dependent on time, place, & technology", "intuitive molecule design...demonstrates usefulness of VR in theoretical science", "VR...a new space for liberation and universal understanding", "VR's appeal... computers can be reality generators", "The VR fraternity...[has put] VR at the apex of the historical process"....
These rhapsodic assurances from several qualified sources tell us what VR technology means to its devotees. They tell us what VR is doing and what it is capable of doing. Obviously, in the minds of its fans, this technology is not just a paradigm shift in the role of computers. Oh no! It's much more than that! These advocates are talking about making real what is not real! They are talking about adding a revolutionary dimension to computer use which involves the black art of mind control. The critical questions that must be raised here are: Who creates this new reality that is not real? Who is doing the inputting of information that is to be presented as real when it is not real? What philosophy or religion lies behind what is created and programmed into the computer operated technology?
Well, while the answers to those questions are not readily available, they can still be discovered on the Internet Information Highway. As Chesher reports:
"The first virtual environments were created at NASA in the mid 1980s. Michael McGreevy incorporated science fiction visions into the NASA research in the mid-80s on VIVID (Virtual Visual Environment Display). Interfaces... were relevant for NASA in remote manipulation...."
NASA's eager participation in VR's development from its earliest days helped give the technology more respect than its originators could give. Indeed. it is common knowledge that those originators of VR's broad scope of possibilities were largely counter-culture folks in California who were sick of the Viet Nam war and its legacy and were looking to create a new reality inside a computer. The name "Cyberpunks" was coined and hung on these folks who "...represented a merging of science fiction and bohemia. It was a culture interested in high tech developments, mind expansion, science fiction, computer hacking, alternative music, alternative health, drug culture, and sexuality. VR was very attractive to this audience." When NASA's big respectable names (Sagan, Famous Astronauts...) and big respectable government-funded budgets (billions of dollars) joined the Cyberpunk chorus of hallelujahs for VR, the image and the technology began to improve. Still, even after VR got to be taken seriously by some establishment businesses and the military, etc., Barlow could continue to write in 1990 that: "...cyberspace is...crawling with delighted acid heads".
Anyway, enough background. It's time to see how NASA is applying and plans to apply VR technology to its Origins Program goal of finding "real" extra-terrestrial life "out there" and bring an end to the Creation/evolution controversy. Let's go to:

The Hanky-Panky Part

"Hanky-Panky is a synonym of "Deception" (also: chicanery, fraud, trickery...). Any one of these connotations fits what NASA is doing and plans to do to cause its Origins Program to succeed.

New Telescope Technology

Old telescopes brought far away things up close. Old cameras faithfully took pictures of things just as they were (albeit inverted).
Not any more! Space Age computer-programmed simulation technology in the service of NASA has changed all that. Leaving camera development for later, here are some strange features of Space Age Telescopes in use in the late 20th century and presently.
Whether small or huge, mirrors are the heart of a telescope. The image one sees is determined by the mirrors that reflect it. Look at the caveat on the rear-view mirror on the passenger side of your car. It has this warning: "Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear". Think what can be done with this simple principle in making close stars appear far away! But that is child's play compared to distortions of reality that NASA is using in its space telescopes! The new NASA computerized telescopes embody "conical foil X-ray mirrors...affixed in a Broad Band X-Ray Telescope" and "spherical mirrors and a field flattening lens" and "pyramidal mirrors" and "parabolic mirror's effects" and "aluminized mylar thermal covers...over the mirror aperture" and "reflectivity tests on sample foils" and "tests on small mirror segments" and "back scattering from adjacent reflectors".... "Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)...allows us to simulate perfect mirrors".... "reflective and refractive materials are used for the mirrors and make a real world simulation"...." code...CONSTRUCTS 3D worlds"....
These kinds of contrivances (and an alphabet soup of other telescope features) aredesigned and computer programmed to produce simulations. They are employed on the Virtual Newton Telescope, the William Herschel Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, etc. (Hubble repairs in Dec. '99 included "the installation of a new 'brain'...swapping its old computer for a new one." Now we can oooh and aaah at the simulated images programmed into it to prepare us for the pre-planned super dazzling virtual reality "discoveries" of evolving life forms from "out there". Reports of Hubble discoveries "as distant as galaxies 10 billion light years away' (Give us a break, please!) are products of pre-programmed Saganesque hallucinations, i.e., lies.Viewing computer prepared objects produced by funny mirrors and spectroscopic ultra violet tricks may be cool, but it ain't real.
But Hubble et al is old stuff. Just wait till NASA gets its New Generation Space Telescope (NGST) on line! This baby is designed to be a Virtual Reality generator, par excellence! When it gets cranked up, it will transmit all sorts of visual "evidence" of life forms from Mars on out to deep space. It's going to be so exciting, so goose-bumpy, seeing evolution confirmed. Ooooh, my, my; I 'taint hardly 'tand it.... Knowing at last "for sure" that we are just animated microbes on a cosmic piece of dust in a sea of galaxies due to implode in a few billion years.... It warms your heart,I'll tell ya. What joy to be convicted by real fake pictures that God is dead at last, finally done in as atheist philosopher Nietzsche prophetically said in the 1880s: "We have killed Him with our science".
And Jesus! Boy oh boy, did we ever finally get rid of that imposter! Hah! And the Bible [and Koran] with all that talk about a Satan who is allowed to deceive the whole world.... Kaput finally.... Just look at those pictures on your nightly news....
Pictures? Ah yes, cameras. We must not forget the cameras fitted on the telescopes. They are doosies, as we shall see momentarily. But first a few more jewels of enlightenment about telescopes and the counterfeit reality they are designed to produce:
From NASA's "related links" on the "Infoseek" search engine, feast your eyes on this pseudo-scientific chicanery:

"Virtual Reality IS A COMPUTER-CREATED ENVIRONMENT that simulates a real-life situation."
"...a data base can REPRESENT almost anything..."
"...powerful computer with sophisticated graphics renders a `world', often in 3D, that creates precisely what the data prescribe."
"...cyberspace worlds that exist only in THE ELECTRIC ETHER..."
"NASA research psychologist Elizabeth Wenzel...expects to add 3D sound to VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS...."
"NASA Administrator Daniel Saul Goldin...planned the installation of the 'contact lens' on the Hubble Telescope...leading to startling discoveries."(Goldin update: HERE)
"NGST [New Generation Space Telescope] Mission Simulator (NMS)...pre computed reports that were CREATED..."
"...counterfeit world of electronic virtual reality..."

Other searches revealed these pertinent additions:

"...distributed optics opens a world of possibilities as to HOW TO CONFIGURE THE MULTIPLE SMALL MIRRORS IN THE [computer programmed] SYSTEM."
"The New Generation Space designed to produce 'a pretty ratty image that looks like an interference pattern'..." Then the question: "Why would one possibly want to form an interference pattern rather than a picture? [Answer] Because with the help of a computer A SERIES OF INTERFERENCE PATTERNS CAN BE COMBINED TO FORM A PERFECT IMAGE. And this 'SYNTHESIZED IMAGE' will get sharper and sharper. There is no fundamental limit to this TECHNIQUE...of ultimately...perhaps giving the human race a glimpse of the features of ANOTHER WORLD VERY MUCH LIKE OUR OWN!"
Another page is entitled: THE IMAGE WARPER. This tells how "...algorithm permits USER SPECIFICATION OF GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS by using two or more control segments at a time.... Users can CREATE more complicated transformations, etc... The NECESSARY INFORMATION IS JUST ENCODED INTO THE TELESCOPE...."
Another report spoke of "multilayer mirrors in each telescope" and what they can do. Then: " may be preferable to encode ALL THE NECESSARY INFORMATION INTO THE EXISTING TELESCOPE...." ETC.

Now for the Funny Cameras...

The work of very high tech cameras is implicit in the final product of all these quasi-telescopic dynamics, of course. A little sample of the camera's integrated functions (with the funny telescopes) will help round out an appreciation of the Brobdingnagian Hornswoggle that the leaders of NASA's now respectable Cyberpunks have prepared for the world.

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera [et al] is involved here: "We present optical identification...of previously unidentified extreme ultraviolet (EUV) sources discovered with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer.... ROSAT...identifies active, young, late-type stars...and catalogs 'unclassified stars'."
WFPC2 Planetary Camera Simulator...: " extract information about the faint end of the Luminosity Function, A MEANS OF CREATING SIMULATED IMAGES IS NEEDED. For this I have written a program TO MAKE A SIMULATED IMAGE.... This program takes into account a number of features of the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, SPECIFICALLY THE PLANETARY CAMERA PART. The general outline is: ....
Fill the image with stars [You thought those were real, didn't you?]
Divide the image with the flat field
Add poisson noise to the image
Add gaussian real-out noise to the image
Add bias to the image
Save the histograms [graphs of frequency vibrations] of the raw AND SIMULATED IMAGES

Details on the Simulations...

A constant background can be added to the [simulated] image. The background from the DAOPHOT file is ignored.
The dark scaled with the exposure time AND ADDED TO THE IMAGE
The intensity of the dark glow can be estimated
Hubble Starfield Descriptions - "The Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) image was taken [of a little nearby galaxy only one billion times a trillion miles away: Give me a break!] while another of the telescope's instruments, The Faint Object Spectrograph, took long exposures of the ...Tarantula Nebula. The Tarantula, LYING OUTSIDE THE FIELD OF VIEW [i.e., invisible; had to be created] of the WFPC2 photograph, is a tremendous cloud of gas, within which new stars are forming.... The Hubble Heritage Team later COMBINED the WFPC2 order to CREATE the color picture shown here."

(There is a ton of Nebula, etc. pictures denoted "NASA IMAGE" on the Net...) Webster defines "Image": 1) "...a physical likeness OR REPRESENTATION of a person, animal, OR THING, photographed, painted, or sculpted, OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED [as with VR]: 2) An optical counter part or appearance of an object such as PRODUCED by reflection from a mirror. [Remember that NASA's telescope mirrors are in all shapes and are computer configured and controlled to produce whatever was programmed in....]
Photo Release NO: STSc I-PRC94-53 - "Hubble observes a New Saturn Storm" "...the storm was imaged with Hubble's FP Camera 2... The picture is a COMPOSITE of create a 'true color' rendition of the planet. [Point: Even the photographs of close objects that can be seen are doctored. There is no limit to what pre-programmed photos can show beyond what can be seen....]
The images of the Hale-Bopp Comet "...obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)..." on the Hubble SpaceTelescope underlines the point above. Like Saturn, Hale-Bopp is a real cosmic entity visible at a distance compatible with a "small" universe. As such, neither it nor Saturn are invisible created entities at distances that must be imagined and computer created thru VR technology, but they are still doctored so that what we see is a simulation.
You get the picture, er, ah, the image, that is to say, the simulation.... Forget it. Let's move on to the motivation behind all this high tech flim-flammery. Go to: TheSpiritual Roots of NASA's Big Bang Premise....

Geostationary Satellites

The Jesuits forgot to change the dictionary!!

Obviously the Jesuits forgot to change the definition of the word EQUINOX in the English dictionary because it still gives the true scientific definition of the word with the sun MOVING across the equator 2 times each year:

"Either of the two times during a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of day and night are approximately equal; the vernal equinox or the autumnal equinox."(Webster's Third New International Dictionary).

PanAmSat's Description of sun outages!!

PanAmSat's commercial communications satellites are geostationary, and therefore have orbits that lie near the equatorial plane.During the spring and fall equinoxes, the sun also passes close to this plane. As seen from the ground, the sun seems to pass behind the satellites once per day. During the time when both the satellite and the sun are in the ground station's field of view, the RF noise energy from the sun can overpower the signal from the satellite. It is this loss or degradation of communications traffic from the satellite that is referred to as sun fade, sun transit or sun outage (see diagram).

Nicolaus Copernicus and the Fraudulent Copernican doctrine

The Copernican Revolution not only declared the Bible wrong (and also the Koran :HERE), and not only made the Earth and Mankind insignificant accidents in a universe full of star/suns with fantasized planets and evolving life forms, it also provided an open door for theoretical science to steadily expand the age and size of the universe to fit the present Big Bang Kabbala Model of the Pharisee Religion.
The prevailing theory in Europe during Copernicus' lifetime was the one that Ptolemy published in his Almagest circa 150 CE; the Earth was the stationary center of the universe. Stars were embedded in a large outer sphere which rotated rapidly, approximately daily, while each of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon were embedded in their own, smaller spheres. Ptolemy's system employed devices, including epicycles, deferents and equants, to account for observations that the paths of these bodies differed from simple, circular orbits centered on the Earth.


See also: Catholic Church and science

Only mild controversy (and no fierce sermons) was the immediate result of the publication of Copernicus' book. At the Council of Trent neither Copernicus' theory nor calendar reform (which would later use tables deduced from Copernicus' calculations) were discussed.
The first notable to move against Copernicanism was the Magister of the Holy Palace (i.e., the Catholic Church's chief censor), Dominican Bartolomeo Spina, who "expressed a desire to stamp out the Copernican doctrine." But with Spina's death in 1546, his cause fell to his friend, the well known theologian-astronomer, the Dominican Giovanni Maria Tolosani of the Convent of St. Mark in Florence. Tolosani had written a treatise on reforming the calendar (in which astronomy would play a large role), and had attended theFifth Lateran Council to discuss the matter. He had obtained a copy of De Revolutionibus in 1544. His denouncement of Copernicanism appeared in an appendix to his work entitled On the Truth of Sacred Scripture.
Emulating the rationalistic style of Thomas Aquinas, Tolosani sought to refute Copernicanism on philosophical arguments. While still invoking Christian Scripture and Tradition, Tolosani strove to show Copernicanism was absurd because it was unproven and unfounded on three main points. First Copernicus had assumed the motion of the Earth but offered no physical theory whereby one would deduce this motion. (No one realized that the investigation into Copernicanism would result in a rethinking of the entire field of physics.) Second Tolosani charged that Copernicus' thought processes was backwards. He held that Copernicus had come up with his idea and then sought phenomena that would support it, rather than observing phenomena and deducing from that the idea of what caused it. In this Tolosani was linking Copernicus' mathematical equations with the practices of the Pythagoreans (whomAristotle had made arguments against, which were later picked up by Thomas Aquinas). It was argued that mathematical numbers were a mere product of the intellect without any physical reality, and as such "numbers could not provide physical causes in the investigation of nature." (This was basically a denial of the possibility of mathematical physics.)
Some astronomical hypotheses at the time (such as epicycles and eccentrics) were seen as mere mathematical devices to adjust calculations of where the heavenly bodies would appear, rather than an explanation of the cause of those motions. (As Copernicus still maintained the idea of perfectly spherical orbits he relied on epicycles). This "saving the phenomena" was seen as proof that Astronomy and Math could not be taken as a serious means to determine physical causes. Holding this view, Tolosani invoked it in his final critique of Copernicus, saying his biggest error was that he started with "inferior" fields of science to make pronouncements about "superior" fields. Copernicus had used Mathematics and Astronomy to postulate about Physics and Cosmology, rather than beginning with the accepted principles of Physics and Cosmology to determine things about Astronomy and Math. In this way Copernicus seemed to be undermining the whole system of the philosophy of science at the time. Tolosani held that Copernicus had just fallen into philosophical error because he hadn't been versed in physics and logic - anyone without such knowledge would make a poor astronomer and be unable to distinguish truth from falsehood. Because it had not meet the criteria for scientific truth set out by Thomas Aquinas, Tolosani held that Copernicanism could only be viewed as a wild unproven theory.
Tolosani recognized that the Ad Lectorem preface to Copernicus' book wasn't actually by him. Its thesis that astronomy as a whole would never be able to make truth claims was rejected by Tolosani, (though he still held that Copernicus' attempt to describe physical reality had been faulty), he found it ridiculous that Ad Lectoremhad been included in the book (unaware that Copernicus hadn't authorized its inclusion). Tolosani wrote "By means of these words [of the Ad Lectorem], the foolishness of this book's author is rebuked. For by a foolish effort he [Copernicus] tried to revive the weak Pythagorean opinion [that the element of fire was at the center of the Universe], long ago deservedly destroyed, since it is expressly contrary to human reason and also opposes holy writ. From this situation, there could easily arise disagreements between Catholic expositors of holy scripture and those who might wish to adhere obstinately to this false opinion. We have written this little work for the purpose of avoiding this scandal." Tolosani declared "Nicolaus Copernicus neither read nor understood the arguments of Aristotle the philosopher and Ptolemy the astronomer." He wrote that Copernicus "is very deficient in the sciences of physics and logic. Moreover, it appears that he is unskilled with regard to [the interpretation of] holy scripture, since he contradicts several of its principles, not without danger of infidelity to himself and the readers of his book. ...his arguments have no force and can very easily be taken apart. For it is stupid to contradict an opinion accepted by everyone over a very long time for the strongest reasons, unless the impugner uses more powerful and insoluble demonstrations and completely dissolves the opposed reasons. But he does not do this in the least." He declared that he had written against Copernicus "for the purpose of preserving the truth to the common advantage of the Holy Church." Despite the efforts Tolosani put into his work it remained unpublished and it "was likely shelved in the library of the Dominican order at San Marco in Florence, awaiting its use by some new prosecutor" (it is believed that Dominican Tommaso Cacciniread it before delivering a sermon against Galileo in December 1613).
It has been much debated why it was not until six decades after the publication of De revolutionibus that the Catholic Church took any official action against it, even the efforts of Tolosani had gone unheeded. Proposed reasons have included the personality of Galileo Galilei and the availability of evidence such as telescope observations.
How entwined the pre-Copernican theory was in theological circles can be seen in a sample of the works of John Calvin. In hisCommentary on Genesis he said that "We indeed are not ignorant that the circuit of the heavens is finite, and that the earth, like a little globe, is placed in the centre." Commenting on Job 26:7 Calvin wrote "It is true that Job specifically says 'the north,' and yet he is speaking about the whole heaven. And that is because the sky turns around upon the pole that is there. For, just as in the wheels of a chariot there is an axle that runs through the middle of them, and the wheels turn around the axle by reason of the holes that are in the middle of them, even so is it in the skies. This is manifestly seen; that is to say, those who are well acquainted with the course of the firmament see that the sky so turns." Calvin's commentaries on the Psalms also show a reliance on the pre-Copernican theory; for Psalms 93:1 "The heavens revolve daily, and, immense as is their fabric and inconceivable the rapidity of their revolutions, we experience no concussion – no disturbance in the harmony of their motion. The sun, though varying its course every diurnal revolution, returns annually to the same point. The planets, in all their wanderings, maintain their respective positions. How could the earth hang suspended in the air were it not upheld by God's hand? By what means could it maintain itself unmoved, while the heavens above are in constant rapid motion, did not its Divine Maker fix and establish it." Commenting on Psalms 19:4 Calvin says "the firmament, by its own revolution draws with it all the fixed stars".[93] There is no evidence that Calvin was aware of Copernicus, and claims that after quoting Psalm 93:1 he went on to say "Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above the Holy Spirit", have been discredited and shown to originate with Frederic William Farrar's Bampton Lecture in 1885. Unlike Calvin many theologians did become aware of Copernicus' theory which became increasingly controversial.
The sharpest point of conflict between Copernicus' theory and the Bible concerned the story of the Battle of Gibeon in the Book of Joshua where the Hebrew forces were winning but whose opponents were likely to escape once night fell. This is averted by Joshua's prayers causing the sun and the moon to stand still. Martin Luther would question Copernicus' theory on these grounds. According to Anthony Lauterbach, while eating with Martin Luther the topic of Copernicus arouse during dinner on 4 June 1539 (as professor George Joachim Rheticus of the local University had been granted leave to visit him). Luther is said to have remarked "So it goes now. Whoever wants to be clever must agree with nothing others esteem. He must do something of his own. This is what that fellow does who wishes to turn the whole of astronomy upside down. Even in these thing that are thrown into disorder I believe the Holy Scriptures, for Joshua commanded the sun to stand still and not the earth." These remarks were made four years before the publication of On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres and a year before Rheticus' Narratio Prima. In John Aurifaber's account of the conversation Luther calls Copernicus "that fool" rather than "that fellow", this version is viewed by historians as less reliably sourced.
Luther's collaborator Philipp Melanchthon also took issue with Copernicanism. After receiving the first pages of Narratio Prima fromRheticus himself, Melanchthon wrote to Mithobius (physician and mathematician Burkard Mithob of Feldkirch) on October 16, 1541 condemning the theory and calling for it to be repressed by governmental force, writing "certain people believe it is a marvelous achievement to extol so crazy a thing, like that Polish astronomer who makes the earth move and the sun stand still. Really, wise governments ought to repress impudence of mind." It had appeared to Rheticus that Melanchton would understand the theory and would be open to it. This was because Melanchton had taught Ptolemaic astronomy and had even recommended his friend Rheticus to an appointment to the Deanship of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at the University of Wittenberg after he had returned from studying with Copernicus.
Rheticus' hopes were dashed when six years after the publication of De Revolutionibus Melanchthon published his Initia Doctrinae Physicae presenting three grounds to reject Copernicanism, these were "the evidence of the senses, the thousand-year consensus of men of science, and the authority of the Bible". Blasting the new theory Melanchthon wrote "Out of love for novelty or in order to make a show of their cleverness, some people have argued that the earth moves. They maintain that neither the eighth sphere nor the sun moves, whereas they attribute motion to the other celestial spheres, and also place the earth among the heavenly bodies. Nor were these jokes invented recently. There is still extant Archimedes' book on The sand-reckoner; in which he reports that Aristarchus of Samos propounded the paradox that the sun stands still and the earth revolves around the sun. Even though subtle experts institute many investigations for the sake of exercising their ingenuity, nevertheless public proclamation of absurd opinions is indecent and sets a harmful example."[94] Melanchthon went on to cite Bible passages and then declare "Encouraged by this divine evidence, let us cherish the truth and let us not permit ourselves to be alienated from it by the tricks of those who deem it an intellectual honor to introduce confusion into the arts." In the first edition of Initia Doctrinae Physicae, Melanchthon even questioned Copernicus' character claiming his motivation was "either from love of novelty or from desire to appear clever", these more personal attacks were largely removed by the second edition in 1550.
Another Protestant theologican who took issue with Copernicus was John Owen who declared that "the late hypothesis, fixing the sun as in the centre of the world' was 'built on fallible phenomena, and advanced by many arbitrary presumptions against evident testimonies of Scripture.'
In Roman Catholic circles, German Jesuit Nicolaus Serarius was one of the first to write against Copernicus' theory as heretical, citing the Joshua passage, in a work published in 1609–1610, and again in a book in 1612.
In his 12 April 1615 letter to a Catholic defender of Copernicus, Paolo Antonio Foscarini, Catholic Cardinal Robert Bellarminecondemned Copernican theory, writing "...not only the Holy Fathers, but also the modern commentaries on Genesis, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Joshua, you will find all agreeing in the literal interpretation that the sun is in heaven and turns around the earth with great speed, and that the earth is very far from heaven and sits motionless at the center of the world...Nor can one answer that this is not a matter of faith, since if it is not a matter of faith 'as regards the topic,' it is a matter of faith 'as regards the speaker': and so it would be heretical to say that Abraham did not have two children and Jacob twelve, as well as to say that Christ was not born of a virgin, because both are said by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of prophets and apostles."
Perhaps the strongest opponent to Copernican theory was Francesco Ingoli, a Catholic priest. Ingoli wrote a January 1616 essay condemning Copernicanism as "philosophically untenable and theologically heretical." Though "it is not certain, it is probable that he was commissioned by the Inquisition to write an expert opinion on the controversy", (after the Congregation of the Index's decree against Copernicanism on 5 March 1616 Ingoli was officially appointed its consultant). Two of Ingoli's theological issues with Copernicus' theory were "common Catholic beliefs not directly traceable to Scripture: the doctrine that hell is located at the center of Earth and is most distant from heaven; and the explicit assertion that Earth is motionless in a hymn sung on Tuesdays as part of theLiturgy of the Hours of the Divine Office prayers regularly recited by priests." Ingoli also cited Genesis 1:14 where YHWH places "lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night." Like previous commentators Ingoli pointed to the passages about the Battle of Gibeon and dismissed arguments that they should be taken metaphorically, saying "Replies which assert that Scripture speaks according to our mode of understanding are not satisfactory: both because in explaining the Sacred Writings the rule is always to preserve the literal sense, when it is possible, as it is in this case; and also because all the [Church] Fathers unanimously take this passage to mean that the sun which was truly moving stopped at Joshua's request. An interpretation which is contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers is condemned by the Council of Trent, Session IV, in the decree on the edition and use of the Sacred Books. Furthermore, although the Council speaks about matters of faith and morals, nevertheless it cannot be denied that the Holy Fathers would be displeased with an interpretation of Sacred Scriptures which is contrary to their common agreement."
In March 1616, in connection with the Galileo affair, the Roman Catholic Church's Congregation of the Index issued a decree suspending De revolutionibus until it could be "corrected," on the grounds that the supposedly Pythagorean doctrine that the Earthmoves and the Sun does not was "false and altogether opposed to Holy Scripture." The same decree also prohibited any work that defended the mobility of the Earth or the immobility of the Sun, or that attempted to reconcile these assertions with Scripture.
On the orders of Pope Paul V, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine gave Galileo prior notice that the decree was about to be issued, and warned him that he could not "hold or defend" the Copernican doctrine. The corrections to De revolutionibus, which omitted or altered nine sentences, were issued four years later, in 1620.
In 1633 Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for "following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture," and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.
At the instance of Roger Boscovich, the Catholic Church's 1758 Index of Prohibited Books omitted the general prohibition of works defending heliocentrism, but retained the specific prohibitions of the original uncensored versions of De revolutionibus and Galileo'sDialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Those prohibitions were finally dropped from the 1835 Index.

Johannes Kepler astronomer - son of alleged witch & nephew of witch who was burned at the stake

Witchcraft trial

While Kepler was working on his Harmony of the World, his mother was charged with witchcraft. He enlisted the help of the legal faculty at Tübingen. Katharina Kepler was eventually released, at least partly as a result of technical objections arising from the authorities' failure to follow the correct legal procedures in the use of torture. The surviving documents are chilling. However, Kepler continued to work. In the coach, on his journey to Württemberg to defend his mother, he read a work on music theory by Vincenzo Galilei (c.1520 - 1591, Galileo's father), to which there are numerous references in The Harmony of the World.

Mrs. Kepler wasn’t the first member of the family to run into trouble with the witch-hunting authorities. She had been raised by an aunt who had herself been burned at the stake, and she dabbled in herbal concoctions she believed to be magical.

NASA's AGENDA: Promoting Copernicanism & Evolutionism

NASA has a spiritual agenda. Yes, spiritual. It projects the image of cutting edge science opening exciting space frontiers for the good of mankind, but the facts say otherwise. Judge for yourself:

On the Space Administration's Web Page we read: "NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAMwill search for clues to help us find our cosmic roots."

"Cosmic roots...?? Origins Program...???

There are two major beliefs about the origin of mankind and all other life forms. One says God created man and everything else not very long ago. The Bible states this view over 100 times and allows for no other explanation. God created everything fully formed as part of an eternal plan, the Bible teaches. Period. The other belief says everything came to be as it is accidentally and randomly as the result of natural forces acting upon themselves and "evolving" over billions of years. Clearly, the evolutionary belief is anti-Bible, but--more to the point about NASA's goals beingspiritual--it is a belief that attributes miraculous powers of creation of all that exists to a "force" or a god known as "matter" (and "gases"). Matter did it all. All hail "matter"! No God who demands recognition and accountability is needed! With "matter" as creator we can do what we want ('cause nothing matters...).

As might be expected, a compromise belief has arisen out of these two opposites. It is called "theistic evolutionism". This view acknowledges that there has to be a God to explain the mind-blowing design that exists any which way we turn. But, says the Theistic Evolutionist, this God did not create everything fully formed but used an evolutionary process over billions of years to do the job. This evolution-dependent compromise allows a Creator God of sorts, but does not allow the Omniscient and Omnipotent Creator God Who authored the Bible. (Of note too is the fact that the Moslem Koran makes no compromise with evolution either....).

Therefore, NASA's stated goal of searching space for clues to man's origins reveals the premise behind their taxpayer supported Origins Program. That premise is that evolution is true and the Bible (along with the Koran) is false. This premise is not secular; it is spiritual. It claims to be scientific and therefore independent of religion. It is not scientific, as we shall see. It is religious, as we shall also see. The evolutionary premise violates all known science and logic. It does not have the first piece of verifiable evidence to support the squirrely evolution myth it calls "scientific". Evolutionism embodies a single spiritual agenda, viz., disqualify and replace the Bible as the source of Truth.

In support of its Origins Program, NASA says it will answer such questions as:

"Are there any planets outside our solar system that are capable of supporting life?"

"How did life originate on earth?"

"Is there life (however primitive or evolved) outside our solar system?"

Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis. Note this connection and the dependency upon the unproven Big Bang hypothesis that NASA is using to achieve its goal of establishing evolutionism as a "fact". From part of its Web Page we read: from th

"NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAM follows the 15-billion year long chain of eventsfrom birth of the Universe at the Big Bang, through the formation of the chemical elements, galaxies, stars, and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self-replicating organisms and the profusion of life."

Seen in this statement is the unmistakable dependency of NASA's evolutionary agenda upon the Big Bang Myth. That Myth grants them and others the billions of years that the Evolution Myth requires. "Time" is indeed the hero of this plot!

NASA goes on to say that "The long-term goals of ORIGINS address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe:

How did galaxies form in the early universe and what role do galaxies play in the appearance of planetary systems and life?

How do stars and planetary systems form and are there life-sustaining planets around other stars?

How did life originate on Earth and does it exist elsewhere in the universe?"

Under the heading "ORIGINS SCIENCE" we see that NASA makes it plain that its goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism is symbiotically connected to its dependency on another "scientific" hypothesis. Note this connection and the dependency upon the unproven Big Bang hypothesis that NASA is using to achieve its goal of establishing evolutionism as a "fact". From part of its Web Page we read: from th

"NASA's ORIGINS PROGRAM follows the 15-billion year long chain of eventsfrom birth of the Universe at the Big Bang, through the formation of the chemical elements, galaxies, stars, and planets, through the mixing of chemicals and energy that cradles life on Earth, to the earliest self-replicating organisms and the profusion of life."

Seen in this statement is the unmistakable dependency of NASA's evolutionary agenda upon the Big Bang Myth. That Myth grants them and others the billions of years that the Evolution Myth requires. "Time" is indeed the hero of this plot!

NASA goes on to say that "The long-term goals of ORIGINS address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe:

How did galaxies form in the early universe and what role do galaxies play in the appearance of planetary systems and life?

How do stars and planetary systems form and are there life-sustaining planets around other stars?

How did life originate on Earth and does it exist elsewhere in the universe?"

Now notice very carefully HOW all this is to be accomplished:

"ORIGINS will use revolutionary new technologies to investigate these questions..."

Underscore revolutionary new technologies! They are revolutionary all right! Under the next heading we will see the utter deception that NASA is building into these "revolutionary new technologies". Further along, we will see that these technologies are designed to achieve their Bible-bashing goal of establishing extraterrestrial evolutionism thru the use of highly sophisticated VIRTUAL REALITY SIMULATIONS.... (More on high tech fraud in space: HERE - HERE -HERE -HERE.)

For the moment though, let's just add a thing or two to further establish that: 1) NASA's goal in its Origins Program is to settle the argument over Origins in favor of evolutionism, & 2) That this goal is Spiritual rather than scientific....

We can read many places that the late Dr. Carl Sagan (d.Dec.'96) was closely associated with NASA's planetary exploration involving The Mariner, Viking, Voyager, and Galileo missions. What we don't read about in many places is that Sagan was a avid pot-head. His biographer, Kay Davidson, AP writer Scott Andrews, Harvard Psychiatry Prof. Grinspoon, his widow, Ann Druyan, etc., all confirm that his essays and scientific insights were products of marijuana assisted inspirations. That Sagan was totally sold on the evolutionary explanation for all that exists is reflected in all his writings (the evolution of the human brain, little telescoping critters on the moon, his famous Cosmos TV series, etc.). He carried that zeal for replacing Biblical creationism with evolutionism over into his highly praised work at NASA. Indeed one Web bio summed up those years by noting that: "He played a leading role in the American space program since its inception." In a posthumous award to Dr. Sagan, "the National Science Foundation declared that his research transformed planetary science...."

Sagan capsulated his belief about man's significance thusly: "Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people."

This evolution-grounded nihilistic mindset has been prevalent in and out of academia for several generations. It's not surprising that Sagan embraced it, nor that few if any dissenters toward that mindset would be found in NASAdom. By the time Sagan (and lots of us) went to the University, eight or ten generations of increasingly sophisticated indoctrination had seemingly closed and locked the door against any challenge to the Copernican Model which made the Earth go around the Sun instead of the Sun going around the Earth, as the Bible taught. The ever-increasing spread of Darwinism after the 1850's demanded millions and then billions of years for evolution to take place. Clearly, the Sun, Moon, and Stars had to be billions of years old too for they could not be younger than the Earth. Indeed, a universe billions of years old was the only way Evolutionism could lay hold on the billions of years it needs to lend even superficial credibility to its fantastic claims.

So, let it be set in factual concrete: Copernicanism and Darwinism (i.e., Heliocentricity and Evolutionism) are Siamese Twins. Appearing first, Copernicanism paved the way for Darwinism's success by using invented mathematical models in the physical science "disciplines" of Astronomy and Physics, and by contradicting the Bible's teaching about an immovable Earth at the center of Creation with the Sun going around daily. Darwinism then reinforced Copernicanism by requiring billions of years for everything to evolve. Now the Biological Sciences had joined with the Physical Sciences in contradicting the Biblical Creation with its young Earth and Man as the special Creation of God, made in His Own Image and with an option for eternal life on a heavenly New Earth. All that was needed by the time of Sagan's University days was a way to get rid of the stubborn, lingering belief in God's Creation of Mankind in six literal ("evening and morning") days. This belief had to be put on a level with the almost totally defeated and forgotten belief in a very special unmovable Earth at the center of God's plans. Nobody argued for that anymore, but hundreds of millions of people were still clinging to a conviction that evolution theory was total nonsense and that Mankind is the special creation of an Almighty God with a great purpose and plan for His Creation. How could this resistance to evolution be ended once and for all??

That was the challenge that faced hallucinating "exobiologist" Sagan and Co. when he got in the driver's seat at NASA. In that position, taxpayer's billions of dollars could provide the ways and means to eliminate all challenges to the Big Bang model as the "scientific" explanation for the origin of the universe, Earth included. Then thru the development of cutting-edge computerized telescope and camera technology a way was opening up to settle the creation/evolution controversy forever in favor of evolution.

Of course, Sagan's total commitment to evolutionism (in tandem with Biologist J. Gould at Harvard) was spread far and wide thru his TV Cosmos series and his books at the time computer technology was developing. He taught that widespread extraterrestrial evolution was a certainty and would soon be proven. He was at the center of NASA's drive for perfecting computerized telescopes and cameras with Virtual Reality technology for a dozen years before he died. But he didn't live to see the job completed. Just a couple of years before his death, he admitted in his article "The Search for Extraterrestrial Life" in the Scientific American ('94) that of all of his NASA supported missions: "None of these [spacecraft] encounters has yielded compelling, or even strongly suggestive, indications of extraterrestrial life."

That's a pretty strong confession when you think about it. Indeed, "Exobiology" is a "science" with no data...the ultimate oxymoron.

In 1992, four years before Sagan's death, Daniel Saul Goldin became NASA's Administrator. His policies earned him many accolades, including the title of "brilliant visionary" and being named "one of the 100 most influential men and women in government". No one questions his ability to vigorously and innovatively fulfill NASA's stated goals. His vision has nowhere "been more evident than in his comprehensive strategy for space exploration". We want to take a very close look at the main components of that "comprehensive strategy" momentarily, but let the overriding goal of that strategy be understood and underscored yet again.

Mr. Goldin did not alter the goal of finding extraterrestrial life forms and establishing evolutionism as a "scientific fact" which will no longer can be contested by anyone. Indeed, his administration streamlined NASA's whole operation by putting thoserevolutionary new technologies mentioned earlier on afterburners, as it were. Mr. Goldin meant to see NASA's goal accomplished, and he meant to do it speedily.

His Web bio reveals that: "He initiated the ORIGINS PROGRAM to understand how the Universe has evolved, to learn how life began on Earth and to see if life exists elsewhere." (Goldin update:HERE)

Let's see how he proposed to achieve these goals. Go to: NASA's Hanky Panky Virtual Reality Technology.

For 77 Audios on False Science, Doctrines, & Religion in 2009

Subject Area Menu

1 - Factless Copernican Model 5 - True Science Confirms Bible Geocentrism 9 - A Few Examples Of Ineffable Design

2 - NASA & The Evolution Circus 6 - Teaching Evolution Now Unlawful in USA 10 - Real Solutions For Troubled Islam

3 - Computer Generated Deception 7 - Spiritual Decoys Are Hidden Destroyers 11 - Roman Catholic Misc.

4 - Evolution's Secular Disguise 8 - No Excuses Left For Churches 12 - Doctrine Purification Series

Historic Papers on Geocentricity

Adobe Acrobat PDF format
The Official Geocentricity Web Site (Gerardus Bouw)

About Scientiic (and theological) aspects of geocentricity

Recanting Galileo - Solange Strong Hertz

The Scientific Illusion - Solange Strong Hertz

The Labour of the Sun - Walter van der Kamp

The Motionless Earth at the Centre of the Universe - Yves Nourissat

The Theological Status of Heliocentrism - J. S. Daly

What's Up - Solange Strong Hertz

Against the Doctrine of the Earths Movement - Rev. William W. Roberts

Athanasius Kircher - John W. DeTar

Evolution and Cosmogony - Walter van der Kamp

Evolutionism & a-centrism - Paul Ellwanger

Comments on some allegations that the Church's 1616 Decree against Heliocentrism is not Binding - Paul Ellwanger

Geocentricity and the Catholic

Galileo's Empiricism - and Beyond - Paula Haigh

Galileo's Heresy - Paula Haigh

What It / Is It Infallible - Paula Haigh


Special thanks to Stephen Jackson (Swjackson1961@WMCONNECT.COM)

Lambert Dolphin's Library


The EARTH is not a PLANET Wise Solomon wrote about the futility of life. Everything seems to go in circles: human history, the sun, the jet stream and the water cycle: "One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth forever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. The wind goeth toword the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again" (Ecclesiastes 1:4-7) The Psalmist compares the sun to a runner in a race around the earth: "...the sun...rejoiceth as a bridegroom to run his race. His going forth is from the end of heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof" (Psalm 19:4-6). Are these Scripture verses "mere poetry"? Are they the silly myths of ancient, "primitive" peoples? The Bible nowhere teaches the modern theory that the earth is in motion around the sun. Christian heliocentrists, like "christian" evolutionists, must bring their atheistic assumptions with them when they come to God's Word. A man stranded on an island with only a Bible could never dream up such things. What sort of "Idiots" think the Universe Rotates? Martin Luther: "{Heliocentrism} wishes to turn the whole of astronomy upside down. ...I believe the Holy Scriptures, for Joshua commanded the sun to stand still and not the earth." John Calvin: "I have no doubt ... from the established alterations of days and nights, that the course and revolutions of the sun, moon, and stars, are regulated by the marvelous wisdom of God." George Gillespie: "{Papists} condemn the very heathenish names of the days of the week imposed after the names of the planets, Sunday, Monday, etc." Wilhelmus a Brakel: The truth is that God states in many places in His word that the sun is in motion, her circuit resulting in both day and night, and that the world remains both motionless and stationary. Nowhere does God speak to the contrary... How do "Scientists" know that the Earth is Moving? You tell me. Infidels scoff at the Bible by saying that the stars could not move quickly enough to circle our world daily. Well, if the globe is spinning rapidly, why doesn't our atmosphere spiral off? Atheists tell us that the earth is spinning, circling the sun, rotating with the galaxy AND rushing away from the big bang. And neither you nor I can feel any motion! The Senses don't Think! Modern "science" is based on the false assumption that our five senses are the only path to truth. This is called "empiricism". But one does not think with his nose or eyes - not even with his brain. It is only the MIND that forms hypotheses, develops experiments and defends conclusions. The Latin word scientia simply means "knowledge".(5) It is a prideful lie of modern unbelief that knowledge comes only through the senses. "...Avoiding ... oppositions of science falsely so-called" (1 Timothy 6:20), let us remember that "We have also a more sure word of prophesy; whereunto ye would do well to take heed, as unto a light that shineth is a dark place..." (1 Peter 1:19). The Bible is the manual prepared by our Creator to explain His universe to us. We should not ignore it to follow the fables of foolish men. Wandering Stars are headed for Hell. All religions except Biblical Christianity are empty lies. There is no hope but in Jesus Christ. He is the "SUN" of the spiritual realm (Psalm 19). Nothing is hid from His light and heat. To the infidel, "our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29). To the believer, "upon you that fear my name, shall the sun of righteousness arise, and health shall be under his wings..." (Malachi 4:2) 2. THE SCI-FI EQUATION: EVOLUTION + HELIOCENTRISM = ALIENS COPERNICANISM Since men first considered the sky above them, their senses have told them that the sun, moon and stars are revolving around our stationary earth. We do not feel the earth spinning beneath our feet, or rushing around the sun. Simple observation led scholars like Ptolemy and Tycho Brahe to the logical conclusion of geocentrism. The earth is what she appears to be - the unique world at the center of the universe. This empirical model, unfortunately, was rejected by men like Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler. These irrational sun-worshippers convinced the world that our earth is just one of many moving planets. DARWIN, ASIMOV, SAGAN & RODDENBERRY Honest reflection tells us that human beings are as utterly unique among animals as is the earth among the heavens. We possess language, ethics and technology - we are simply not mere beasts. But Darwin claimed otherwise. What Copernicus did to the earth, Darwin did to the earthlings - reducing us to one of many evolving animals. No one has ever observed macro-evolution. It is as far beyond our senses as the motion of the earth. Yet millions do see evolution on a weekly basis! TV shows like "Star Trek" portray for us a universe rich with advanced "humanoid" beings. It is a basic dogma of humanism that Extra Terrestrials must exist. After all, if evolution happened here - and if we are one speck among trillions - it must have happened other places as well. Taxpayer dollars are wasted listening for our fellow beings from outer space. Why can't they be found? TERRA FIRMA, CAELUM ROTATUM The error in this equation is not the logic, but the premises. Neither heliocentrism nor evolutionism is true. Therefore, the conclusions carefully drawn from them are false. The earth is still, and we are alone in the universe. The sun, moon and stars are planets. You can see them move with your own eyes. God made these heavenly bodies to give us day and night, the lunar month, the north star for navigation, and other such useful information. Any fool can see that the extant universe is designed for earthlings. HOMO SAPIENS UNICUS Man is unique, whether he is comfortable with his uniqueness or not. No animal shares our consciousness, conscience, aesthetics or language ability. And there are no little green men out there seeking our company. Science Fiction must give way to reality. The cosmos is an orderly creation. Men who will not seek their Creator are alone indeed. Heliocentrism plus evolution equals jar jar binks. Geocentrism plus creationism equals Biblical Christianity. Both equations are correctly stated; only the second one has correct starting data. 3. COMPROMISED CREATIONISM Let us say right up front that the modern creationism movement has been a great blessing to the world. Since the publication of The Genesis Flood by Whitcomb & Morris, a large and productive world-wide network of truly Biblical scientists has arisen. However, the mainstream creationists have completely dropped the ball when it comes to the science of astronomy. By their acceptance of the heliocentric error, they undermine the very things that they have worked so hard to demonstrate. This expose gives us no pleasure, but it is the truth as we find it in God's Word. As has been shown above, the Bible clearly teaches geocentrism. How do modern creationists get around this? By using the same argument used by theistic evolutionists! Whatever you don't like in Scripture is mere poetry - or worse, the misunderstanding of "primitive" peoples. Perhaps no living creationist is more well known than Ken Ham of the ministry Answers In Genesis. I have heard his fine lectures on several occassions. One point that Mr. Ham emphasizes is the sufficiency of Scripture. He quotes, with disapproval, a soft evangelical theologian who admits that his theistic evolution requires "hermeneutical considerations suggested by science". As we have seen above, the greatest minds of all time - Luther, Calvin, Gillespie - each failed to find heliocentrism in the Bible. It took the external suggestions of evil men, and then the clearly geocentric passages were dismissed as "poetry". An article in AIG's excellent magazine Creation showed how John Calvin held the same exigetical positions as the modern creationism movement. However, the author neglected to mention that the precise and stern exegete was also a geocentrist. Johannes Kepler was a warlock and was excommunicated from the Lutheran Church. Yet the AIG website praises him as a Christian. The bio of Kepler admits that he practiced astrology - then justifies him by an appeal to medieval ignorance! "With such present-day knowledge, legitimate conclusions based on the science of astronomy can be distinguished from unfounded claims based on astrology. However, in Kepler's day there was considerable confusion both in the general community and in universities regarding the distinction between astronomy and astrology. With their limited knowledge of the movements of the heavenly bodies, scientists were unsure which events on earth were affected by events observed in the heavens, and which were not." This is not only hogwash; it is deconstructionism worthy of Tillich or Bultmann. God in His Word clearly and repeatedly condemns the mediums and astrologers. His laws would have been unfair if even the scholars couldn't seperate real science from astrology. The Bible is not a collection of fallable errors held by ignorant "primitives". It is the perfect word of God. So much for AIG. Oberserving God's World, the 6th grade science text from Pensacola Christian College (A Beka Book), is also painfully heliocentric. It declares that "The sun rules our solar system." (pg. 41). Really? Where did God go? The text goes on to state that "Until about three centuries ago ... men believed that the sun traveled around the earth. How could they know anything else?" (pp.41-2). Perhaps by reading their Bibles, which are clear enough! Next we learn that Egyptian and Chinese geocentrism were "typical of man's misconceptions" (pg. 41). The self-sufficient Bible is infallible in all matters; it is not a record of ancient myths and legends. Heliocentrist Christians are embarrassed about the Bible. 1. THE SUN IS A PLANET !

Mars: Over 100 NASA Scientists Quit Or Retire Early Over ‘Security Obsession’ With Mars Rover – What Are ‘They’ So ‘Obsessed’ About?

United Nations Treaties and Principlhes on Outer Space: Travaux Prparatoires
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (Moon Agreement) 1979

Questions you may want to ask yourself:

Question *** What celestial bodies? Has the US, and possibly other countries reached planets and or asteroids back in the 1970s and are mining them? Did the US return to the moon and has an installation there unknown to the public? What about Russia?

(Why)Unregistered Satellites-Adherence to the 1976 Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space

The table of shame (and confusion)

In Table 2 I list all the satellites launched since 1962 which have not been registered with the UN, together with the name of the UN member state which I believe should now register them. In most cases the failure to register was due to adminstrative oversight, or confusion as to which state should be the registrant, and it is to be hoped that the states in question will retrospectively register the satellites in Table 2. The states with the most unregistered satellites launched prior to 2010 Dec 31 are the USA, the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom. Bravo to the Federal Republic of Germany, which was also mentioned as a major offender in the early editions of this list but is now one of the states most in compliance. Satellites launched in 2011 are tabulated separately; since the diplomatic world has apparently not yet entered the age of instant communication and still grinds slowly, we can't consider the 2011 satellites to be delinquent yet.

I welcome comments and criticisms; please contact me at

Question from Sol-war. *** Why does the US have the most unregistered satellites? could it be that they are not all satellites? Russia has the 2nd most unregistered satellites. is it possible some nation has weapons in space such as lasers or mirrors that they do not want the public and other nations to know about?

Partial list:

Table 1: Registered and unregistered satellite launches.

CodeLaunching StateNumber of payloads
SUSoviet Union2732222754002732222754
USUnited States of America19441692113192219631912154
RURussian Federation574958312257531606
CNThe People's Republic of China1274216901812760187

[Note: Prior to 1981 all Intelsat launches were registered by the US. Since then no state has registered Intelsat launches. Of the 118 unregistered US satellites, 28 are Intelsat satellites, 5 are Space Shuttle missions, 2 are space station modules, 3 are civilian satellites, 67 are commercial satellites, 6 are unclassified military satellites, and 7 are classified military satellites.]

[Note: Independent analysts have accumulated evidence that the United States deployed an additional, unacknowledged, paylod on the STS-38 mission (1990-097), as well as the acknowledged payload USA 67. The secret payload is reported to have the designation PROWLER. I regard the evidentiary case as strong, but not completely proved. The alleged illegal payload is listed here and, provisionally, included in the totals above.]

STS-38 Secret Payload (Prowler)

STS-38 Secret Payload
« on: 01/24/2011 03:06 AM »

Interesting report from the SEESAT list...


I have recently completed research into the identity of one of our unknown GEO objects, 2000-653A / 90007 - discovered by Ed Cannon in 1998 - and concluded that it is a highly classified U.S. satellite called Prowler. The abstract and URL of the report on my findings follow.

Space Shuttle mission STS 38 is officially acknowledged to have deployed only a single payload, which is known to be a geosynchronous communications satellite, operated by the National Reconnaissance Office. It has since leaked out that STS 38 deployed a second payload: an optically stealthy, geosynchronous satellite inspector, named Prowler.

In 1998, hobbyists discovered a bright unknown GEO object, with optical and orbital characteristics of a satellite, which they call 2000-653A / 90007. By early 2010, independent GEO satellite observation networks had accounted for every single GEO satellite acknowledged to have been launched, yet 2000-653A remained unidentified. Analysis of its optical and orbital characteristics, and other relevant facts, reveals great consistency with the emerging Prowler story, resulting in a strong circumstantial case that 2000-653A is Prowler.

Unknown GEO Object 2000-653A / 90007
Identified as Prowler

ProwlerAmong the family of classified satellites, 7 Misty & 'Pan'


Among the family of classified satellites, three stand out as more mystifying than the rest: Misty 1 & 2, PAN, and Prowler.

USA-207,[2], international COSPAR code 2009-047A,[3] also known as PAN, officially meaning Palladium At Night,[4]

It is no coincidence that NASA, DOD, and other US government agencies choose names of ancient gods which are really fallen angels, nephilim, and other monster creations of the fallen angels who mixed animals and humans together.

In Greek religion and mythology, Pan (Ancient Greek: , Pn) is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.[1] His name originates within the Ancient Greek language, from the wordpaein (), meaning "to pasture."[2] He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr.

Identification with Satan

Pan's goatish image recalls conventional faun-like depictions of Satan. Although Christian use of Plutarch's story is of long standing, Ronald Hutton [40] has argued that this specific association is modern and derives from Pan's popularity in Victorian and Edwardianneopaganism. Medieval and early modern images of Satan tend, by contrast, to show generic semi-human monsters with horns, wings and clawed feet


In 1933, the Egyptologist Margaret Murray published the book, The God of the Witches, in which she theorised that Pan was merely one form of a horned god who was worshipped across Europe by a witch-cult.[41] This theory influenced the Neopagan notion of the Horned God, as an archetype of male virility and sexuality. In Wicca, the archetype of the Horned God is highly important, as represented by such deities as the Celtic Cernunnos, IndianPashupati and Greek Pan.

Snowden unveils NSA Satellite SAURON Program targeting Citizens (Sauron is Satan's Eye)

To read more:

NASA=Fraudulent Science & Technology-There is Something They do NOT Want you to Know!

There is Something about Space that 'THEY' don't want you to Know:

IGMASS: Towards International Collaboration in the Defense of Mankind

Space and Global Security of Humanity, held in Yevpatoria, Ukraine, from September 3-6, 2012, bringing together scientists from largely Russia and Ukraine, with attendees from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Germany, and Canada, as well. The only United States participation came from two representatives of the LaRouche Policy Institute, Benjamin Deniston and Jason Ross,

To monitor both these events themselves, and various forms of early signals which may precede some of these events (precursors), an array of different parameters are to be continuously observed and measured (ionospheric disturbances, space debris in low-Earth orbit, vibrations in the Earth’s crust, shifts of the Earth’s surface, precipitation, water levels, general atmospheric conditions, cloud cover, etc.).

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Unethical Scientists are Making Human-Animal Hybrids, Again

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"Polonium-210 or lead-210 present in cigarette smoke may be a significant causative factor in human lung cancer." - GreenMedInfo Summary

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About Us Toxic...and Don't Know?

Ever since humans discovered fire, our activities have been releasing a "dog's breakfast" of unnatural chemistry. The list has grown to well over 75,000 free elements, compounds and pharmaceuticals. Many of these are acidic, electron-hungry oxidants and free radical generators

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Flouride increases lead concentrations in whole blood and in calcified tissues from lead-exposed rats. - GreenMedInfo Summary

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View the Evidence: Problem Substances-- Arsenic

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Synthetic antibodies have been created using flexographic printing

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The 'nurses' role in the prevention of Solanum infection: dealing with a zombie epidemic." - GreenMedInfo Summary

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Solanum- Solanum is a common zombie virus

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Pharmaceutically Infused Food, GMO Insects, and Goat MilK

By Anne Gordon

On a popular online deal today, I saw vitamin infused 'chocolate candy'. These delicious nicely packaged candied morsels are infused with probiotics, calcium, and vitamin D3, then they are covered in creamy milk chocolate. Sounds good? Maybe a bit like yogurt with probiotics? Are these getting us psychologically ready for 'special’ future medical food, that is, without a 'need’ for vaccines?

The latest insanity continues. Chillingly, according to the Houston Chronicle, researchers at Texas A&M University have unveiled a new line of genetically modified (GM) goats that produce a malaria vaccine directly in goat milk. It is disturbing to think that this 'edible vaccine' will be in the milk of a living being. Yes, no more needles might make some people happy, while making new revenues for pharmaceutical companies.

The old news is that genetically modified mosquitoes (to prevent malaria) have already been 'created' and then released in the wild. These 'flying vaccines' were introduced into the Cayman Islands (2009) and Malaysia (2010). In 2012 they are looking to release the GM mosquitos in the Florida Keys, (the first place in US).

Wild mosquitoes are essential in the food chain, but, where are the long-term studies for GM mosquitoes ? These living experimentally modified creatures, 'manufactured’ by Oxitec, were put into the wild, the food chain, without the consent of citizens. Think of what happens when bats eat the GM mosquitoes? No one knows..... However, it is coincidental that bats now have a mysterious outbreak responsible for bat deaths.

And then, there is the experimental medicated food known as 'golden rice’ to help fight gastrointestinal disease in African children, released a few years ago.

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Peanuts genetically modified to express H. pylori antigens have been produced in an attempt to create edible vaccines.

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Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

MONDAY, Jan. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies.

HFCS has replaced sugar as the sweetener in many beverages and foods such as breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. On average, Americans consume about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS, but teens and other high consumers can take in 80 percent more HFCS than average.

"Mercury is toxic in all its forms. Given how much high-fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered.

In the first study, published in current issue of Environmental Health, researchers found detectable levels of mercury in nine of 20 samples of commercial HFCS.

And in the second study, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), a non-profit watchdog group, found that nearly one in three of 55 brand-name foods contained mercury. The chemical was found most commonly in HFCS-containing dairy products, dressings and condiments.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup Is Causing Addiction Similar To Cocaine

Results presented at the 2013 Canadian Neuroscience Meeting shows that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) can cause behavioural reactions similar to those produced by drugs of abuse such as cocaine

According to two recent U.S. studies, almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient.

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It is possible to synthesize an infectious agent by in vitro chemical-biochemical means solely by following instructions from a written sequence.

Full-length poliovirus complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized by assembling oligonucleotides of plus and minus strand polarity.

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Research confirms the use of olive leaf extract by traditional medicine to counter Pb neurotoxicity. - GreenMedInfo Summary

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Genetically modified mosquitos are being developed to create 'flying vaccinators.' - GreenMedInfo Summary

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Apollo Mission Hoax Provided Secret Funding of Satellite and Scalar Weapons to Create Today’s “Climate Change”-with 2 videos

by Harold Saive

Is it a coincidence that in 1958, Global Warming was suddenly promoted as a disaster while Congress was funding the military launch of orbiting space weapons intended to force “climate change”?

In 1958, then, Senator Lyndon B. Johnson made a prophetic opening statement at a Hearings before the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services:

From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that is the ultimate position. The position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space.

What Happened on the Moon


Apollo Progrm a Deception For Covert Launch of "Climate Change" Satellites


Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 1

By William Thomas Screenheads clicking into Hollywood’s upcoming distractions can anticipate some improbable sci-fi antics this summer. But make believe can’t come close to what’s happening right over their bowed heads. It’s called “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering” and it means exactly what you’d rather not ask.

“Aerosols” are microscopic particles naturally or intentionally suspended in an increasingly angry atmosphere. Borrowing from Victor Galaz at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, we can say that geoengineering is the intentional, large-scale technological intervention in Earth’s atmosphere to mitigate the impacts of human-induced warming before critical thresholds are crossed from which there is no return.

Few of the scientists and billionaires urging the panicky and profitable rush to massively pollute already wheezing skies with sunlight-reflecting – and now, snow-making chemicals – realise that the aerosol spray planes have been flying in earnest since 1997. That’s when I first reported atmospheric engineering taking place over Canada and the United States while on assignment for Environment News Service.

Unless the intention is to turn entire populations into zombies, spraying barium fluoride and aluminum oxide into the atmosphere is especially nuts. As Fluoride Alert relates, “A study in Brain Research demonstrated that chronic exposure to fluoride in drinking water” compromised the hippocampus memory centre and the blood brain barrier through – wait for it – “increased aluminum concentrations in brain tissues.” [My alarm.]

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Man/Dolphin Communication Final Report

What the government is not telling the public is that they have been communicating with dolphins with electronic devices since the 1960s. No doubt they do not want their perceived enemies to have this technology to turn dolphins into soldiers and assassins. However, there seems to be no doubt the Russians were also advanced in this realm as were possibly other countries. Scholarly evidence is on the internet to show the government and foundations are not telling the truth and never have told the truth about this communicating with dolphins.

PDF Link

1908 - The Ether (Aether) of Space and auxiliary files by Lord Rayleigh and Sir Oliver Lodge

(Modern day scientists have amnesia. They act like they never heard of ether of space and want to re-name it. I have studied books and articles from over 100 years ago on the ether of space and there is no doubt that all communications go through the ether of cosmic space but also the ether space in between our molecules in side our bodies.Sol-war)

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